Friday, January 06, 2012

Superpacs change the best efforts of candidates in debates, so why conduct debates?

If anyone cares to, when looking at the recent history of debates as a means of impacting the electorate, as opposed to the spending of Superpac money there is a definite phenomena that reveals itself.  At least it does to me.

ABC News (click title to entry - thank you) has learned that a SuperPAC which supports Rick Santorum, the Red, White and Blue Fund, is going up with TV ads in South Carolina. This will be the first time the SuperPAC is on the air in the “First-in-the-South” state. The total outlay is $190,000, according to people familiar with it and it will air in Greenville, Charleston and Columbia....

During the elections of 2004, after every debate Senator Kerry had an increase in voter interest following his debates.  Every one of the debates convinced more voters he was the best choice for President.  However, after the debates the Superpacs turned up the heat and people fled loyalty to what they learned and found at the debates for Bush.  The tactics were based in character assassination of a Vietnam Veteran and his spouse's wealth. His spouse received a lot of pressure during those elections and it showed.  Of course she was viewed as aloof and arrogant, yet Mrs. Kerry is one of the most generous charitable providers through her families good fortune.

Recently, in the current Republican field we witnessed the demise of Michele Bachmann by Rick Perry entering the race.  Governor Perry has a sizable superpac.  

Then during the debates with Republicans still seeking an Anti-Romney alternative it was Newt Gingrick that found a foothold of loyalty from the primary voters.  What followed the former speakers debates were Romney superpac ads viciously attacking him.  HIs approval fell post debate and he has yet to recover.

I believe if election results were examined across the spectrum, including the first televised debate with John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon, a very clear 'impact trend' line would emerge.  A trend line that directly relates monetary influence post debates that is palpable effecting the electorate in ways a candidate can not overcome when relying on debate performance.

Debates are democracy in action.  Superpac ads are the plutocracy in action.  This is not freedom of speech, it is propaganda and it should never be protected by the First Amendment.  Monies and corporations are not citizens.  Citizens of the USA are organic human beings that breath Oxygen.  They are not a legal entity, they live.  They are not inanimate objects, as currency is, they are living, thinking, organic and emotional beings.  

The inanimate object called money that never appears in any religious text as being created by God, is influencing the outcome of elections and adversely effecting the paradigm of the government of the USA.

I am disgusted with Santorum's sex fixation. (click title for video - thank you)

Santorum Discusses Gay Marriage In NH
POSTED: 6:40 pm EST January 5, 2012
UPDATED: 6:46 pm EST January 5, 2012

Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum engages in a discussion of gay marriage with an audience member in New Hampshire. 

I suggest Mr. Sanatorium is building an intolerance to immorality with his fixation on sex, due to the fact Romney is a Mormon.  

When I said Santorum was a religious bigot, I meant he is a religious bigot.  He may be a racial bigot as well, but, this guy likes to terrorize the electorate to believe he can prevent immorality at all levels of 'thought.

By aligning homosexuality with polygamy, he further drives home the point everyone has a lot to fear of the Gay Community in the USA.  It is a fear tactic and it is directly leveled at Romney.  Polygamy is illegal in the USA.  It is illegal in Utah, yet Santorum would have everyone believe we cannot be saved from these demons of polygamists.  

There is a method to his madness and it is to instill fear, if not into young minds, into their parents!  It is an election tactic.

Even if a person is bisexual or heterosexual and wants a harum, they can't.  It isn't legal.  There is no way Santorum can stop consentual sex in the USA.  His 'perfect world' is unattainable and unwanted in the USA and he needs to get his mind around that reality!

Inmost countries, (click here) bigamy is illegal. However, in some countries - including America and Canada - the practice of polygamy is tolerated largely because
  • it is done as a religious practice (and thus involves issues of religious freedom), and
  • the people involved do not actually marry before the law. Rather, a man will legally marry one woman, and 'marry' additional wives in what they consider to be a 'spiritual' sense
Members of the polygamous Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) - theologically, a cult of Mormonism (which itself is, theologically, a cult of Christianity) - use the latter approach to then obtain social security benefits, in a practice they refer to as "bleeding the beast."

[T]he American taxpayer pays for much of this lifestyle. Recent records show in one year residents here collected more than $8-million from social services — including food stamps, welfare, health care — but the entire town paid less than $100,000 in income taxes.
"They are told to go on welfare," Jessop said. "It's called, "bleeding the beast." They find it amusing that Satan is supporting God's work."
- Source: One Woman's Crusade, ABC News, Mar. 4, 2004 (Ah, yes, a Bush election year.)...

200,000 jobs in December. Good. I am grateful to President Obama for supporting hometown efforts.

That is the way the USA is going to recover its economy.  One SUSTAINABLE job at a time.  Americans have an opportunity to move their country forward and they are doing it.  "Keep on, keepin' on."
...In the past year, the economy has added 1.6 million jobs. (click title to entry - thank you)
“We think these trends augur well for 2012 and we look for job creation of around 200,000 per month through the year,” wrote John Ryding and Conrad DeQuadros ofRDQ Economics. “There is nothing in these data to support further easing actions by the Federal Reserve and we continue to expect that the Fed will not launch QE3.”...

OPA News Release: [01/06/2012]
Contact Name: Bennett Gamble
Phone Number: (202) 639-4667
Release Number: 12-0033-NAT

Statement by Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis on December employment numbers

WASHINGTON — Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis issued the following statement on the December 2011 Employment Situation report released today:
"Our nation's strengthening labor market posted broad-based growth in the month of December. Nonfarm payroll employment added 200,000 jobs, exceeding expectations, and the unemployment rate fell to 8.5 percent, its lowest level in nearly three years.
"Month by month, industry by industry, and state by state, America's labor market grew stronger in 2011. We're now seeing sustained job growth across almost every industry. We created nearly 2 million private sector jobs in 2011, and the unemployment rate fell in 45 states and the District of Columbia last year. Additionally, the number of mass layoffs continued to decline, with 14 of 19 industries reporting a decrease in layoffs over the year.
"In December, job creation in the transportation industry rose sharply, and we saw significant employment gains in retail trade, manufacturing, health care, and leisure and hospitality. Initial Unemployment Insurance claims have been well below 400,000 for the past month, the first time this has happened since June 2008.
"We've now created more than 3.2 million jobs over 22 consecutive months of private sector growth. But our hard-won progress cannot be compromised. Congress wisely extended Unemployment Insurance benefits and the payroll tax cut for two months, but if we're going to see our economy reach a self-sustaining path to durable and long-term economic growth, Congress will need to extend both programs for at least a full year.
"The American public has spoken loud and clear that it rejects the political gamesmanship that has created uncertainty for businesses around the country. Congress should do the right thing and extend middle class tax relief and Unemployment Insurance benefits through 2012 to keep our economy on the path to full recovery."