Monday, June 16, 2014

Not everyone had it wrong about US Rep. Eric Cantor.

TPM (click here)

Not if one was really looking.

This is his favorability poll. Not the primary poll.

I haven't read all the methodologies of the primary polling and it sounds like it would be a bad read anyway, but, my guess is that methods were skewed.

It might have been very difficult getting a representative sample of Republicans in Virginia. If that was the case the methodology would then fall to 'equity' rather than an actual population of voters. 

There should have been a good sampling of Republicans in Virginia simply because the state does vote for Republicans in the state representation. But, if there is so many people not approving of Representative Cantor's job in the US House it would be rather difficult to gather a representative population. 

It is my guess when pollsters start coming up with low numbers for Mr. Cantor in the primary they adjusted their initial method because it seemed so skewed to what the general perception was of 'his image.' Then as one poll came up with results the others read their methodology and believed they had to adjust their's as well.

See when Image is the measure of Populous opinion it will be skewed unless it is a rating for Miss Universe or something. Populous opinion does not reflect the way citizens necessarily think. Image can be bought and paid for, but, that does not mean that is actually how voters perceive their candidate. Image is transient if voters have a real basis of complaint to their representation by their elected official. Some politicians believe image is everything. Evidently, it isn't.

Ms. Jordan should know it still hurts when I think about Michael.

June 16, 2014
By James Rosen

“Perhaps,” wrote Michael Hastings, (click here) in the last sentence he ever published, “more information will soon be forthcoming.”...
From Al Jazeera:
September 9, 201e
The FBI released (click here) a heavily redacted document on Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hastings, Monday, which revealed the law-enforcement agency is continuing to investigate what it characterized as "controversial reporting" by the journalist, who died in a late-night car crash in Los Angeles in June....

I find it troubling the denial of the link between asthma and global warming/climate crisis.

Secretary McCarthy did not lie when she pointed to the increase in asthma troubles in the country, especially among the most vulnerable children.

Let me first make this point. Don't dismiss asthma as a minor problem that simply requires inhalers used properly and regularly. That is not the case, especially when children and their families are pressed to afford medicines.

Additionally, asthma is a dangerous disease. The bronchioles (click here) of the lungs spasm and constrict air flow. This is not a minor event in anyone's life. Bronchioles are very tiny air passages that everyone has. Once they start to spasm for a myriad of reasons, it is sheer panic to the person or child experiencing it. The disease can get so bad a person or child may have to be intubated and placed on a ventilator.

Environmental agents that increase the danger to people susceptible to this disease are a real problem. This is not imaginary stuff.

May 31, 2013
Wendy Koch
...Joseph Leija (click here) counts the pollen and mold spores that collect on slides inside an air-sucking machine atop the six-story building. "There's been an increase, no doubt about it," he says of the 5 a.m. weekday counts that he's been doing as a volunteer for 24 years.

"My allergies are much worse than they used to be," says Amanda Carwyle, a mom of three who lives 95 miles south in Pontiac, Ill. "I used to be able to take a Benadryl or Claritin and be fine." Now, despite three medications and allergy shots that make her feel a bit like a zombie, she says her eyes are watery and her head stuffy. "I'm so miserable."... 

Secretary McCarthy could have been far more dramatic in her expression of the seriousness of global warming to children, but, I think she left that up to institutions like Harvard School of Public Health. Secretary McCarthy never impressed me as one for drama or lies. She just isn't capable when it comes to the well being of a nation. I mean that sincerely. I have heard her speak and she always relies on state of the art data. I consider her to be a very ethical person. See, when one talks science and within science is usually some math, it is nearly impossible to lie, deceive an audience of peers. And she has many across the entire country. If she misspoke there would be many to raise a question or state a fact. In fact, after her presentation of the new carbon dioxide rules she was haled by her peers.

This is from the Harvard School of Public Health. 

No pediatrician (click here) will doubt the importance of adequate food, clean air and water, and freedom from disease to the health of a child. In fact, the greatest improvements to children's health over the last century can be linked to improvements in each of these areas.

Unfortunately, climate change puts all of these achievements at risk. Because of the increased risks for heat waves, droughts, and floods, as well as sea level rise more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere make food shortages more likely, lessen air quality, diminish freshwater supplies, and may create conditions favorable the spread of certain infectious diseases.
Here are a few areas in which recent research has deepened our understanding of how climate change has influenced and will continue to influence the health of children....

Somewhere on this blog is an entry, at least I think there is. Sometimes I don't know if information is sequestered to my notes and files or I actually posted the stuff.

Well, no matter. Some years ago Duke University conducted research in regard to carbon sequestration and the ability of trees to absorb carbon dioxide. It was rather interesting. Duke has it's own forest. 

They formed a perimeter around a section of forest and then there was another section of forest as a 'placebo group' so to speak. Duke then supersaturated the research group with carbon dioxide. They threw as much as they could at the forest in gas form. They found the forest did absorb more CO2 up to a point. Trees are limited depending on the amount of chlorophyll in their leaves and bark. But to the extent the forest could absorb the CO2 there was an increase in a supersaturated environment. 

Since then other studies have been performed and some simply studies of forests exposed to the increase in CO2 in the environment as it exists. Trees do produce more pollen in supersaturated environments. The high CO2 in the troposphere is not ignored by nature. Not at all. As a matter of fact it turns plants into hyper-drives to their very nature. 

The idea there is more pollen and more allergens in the air because of global warming is very real and very well documented. This is a very real danger to people with respiratory diseases. Absolutely.
June 12, 2014
...I suspect (click here) what makes revenge so satisfying in both literature and sport is that, while the real thing can turn rather ugly, revenge thusly mediated can be experienced not just vicariously but schematically.
After all, there is nothing satisfying about watching a well-armed real-world thug like Vladimir Putin chew up neighboring countries to avenge the Soviet collapse of 1991. Or the Crimean giveaway of 1954. Or was it Czar Nicholas’ misadventure of 1917-18?

 His statement today was, "There cannot be a US air campaign without boots on the ground in Baghdad."
This is a distance calculator for Baghdad as the crow flies.
Well, golly gee whiz, look at that. It is a no fly zone. I think US jets can fly further than Baghdad to Turkey and/or Kuwait and back.

The most remarkable (click here) feature of the engines is "supercruise" - flying faster than the speed of sound without using gas-guzzling afterburners. No other jet fighter can do that.

The Raptor can fly at Mach 1.7 - 1,122 miles per hour at 40,000 feet - without frequent refueling. Top speed with afterburners blazing: more than 1,300 miles per hour.

Charles you lied.

I do believe the F-22 Raptor can fly more than a half hour. I saw them fly in New Hampshire once. No it wasn't an air show, I first that it was an Eagle above the tree tops. It wasn't. I sincerely believe USA aircraft are designed to fly a distance regardless of the altitude.
It is about 1,215.4 miles as a crow flies from Kuwait to Turkey. Please stop lying to people. Charles you haven't got a clue about anything you talk about. I'll betcha real money that an F-22 Raptor can fly from Kuwait to Turkey and turn around to land back in Kuwait on far less than one tank of fuel. That is about 2400 miles and it covers 1200 miles in an hour with ease. I have a really tough time believing the USA has a jet that only stays in the air for an hour without refueling. That would be one very busy refueling squadron.

If Charles Krauthammer wants to lie about baseball, of which he would never conceive a word, he is welcome to do so, but, don't lie about the USA and the dangers of war.  I thought anyone that loves apple pie and baseball would have more respect for the country and human life than that.

This is one of Charles Krauthammer's editorials which is milder than most.

June 12, 2014
...I suspect (click here) what makes revenge so satisfying in both literature and sport is that, while the real thing can turn rather ugly, revenge thusly mediated can be experienced not just vicariously but schematically.
After all, there is nothing satisfying about watching a well-armed real-world thug like Vladimir Putin chew up neighboring countries to avenge the Soviet collapse of 1991. Or the Crimean giveaway of 1954. Or was it Czar Nicholas’ misadventure of 1917-18?
His statement today was, "There cannot be a US air campaign without boots on the ground in Baghdad."
This is a distance calculator for Baghdad as the crow flies.

Well, golly gee whiz, look at that. It is a no fly zone. I think US jets can fly further than Baghdad to Turkey and/or Kuwait and back. 

The most remarkable (click here) feature of the engines is "supercruise" - flying faster than the speed of sound without using gas-guzzling afterburners. No other jet fighter can do that.

The Raptor can fly at Mach 1.7 - 1,122 miles per hour at 40,000 feet - without frequent refueling. Top speed with afterburners blazing: more than 1,300 miles per hour.

Charles you lied.

I do believe the F-22 Raptor can fly more than a half hour. I saw them fly in New Hampshire once. No it wasn't an air show, I first that it was an Eagle above the tree tops. It wasn't. I sincerely believe USA aircraft are designed to fly a distance regardless of the altitude.

It is about 1,215.4 miles as a crow flies from Kuwait to Turkey. Please stop lying to people. Charles you haven't got a clue about anything you talk about. I'll betcha real money that an F-22 Raptor can fly from Kuwait to Turkey and turn around to land back in Kuwait on far less than one tank of fuel. That is about 2400 miles and it covers 1200 miles in an hour with ease. I have a really tough time believing the USA has a jet that only stays in the air for an hour without refueling. That would be one very busy refueling squadron.

Talking Head Statement (I didn't catch the jerks name, sorry. Some former defense secretary. No, it wasn't Defense Secretary Hagle.)

Summarizing, 'If the USA doesn't fill in the power vacuum, then other powers like China and Russia will."

US Military Industrial Complex was valued at $2,264,209,338,171 in 2006. (Source click here)

US Military Industrial Complex currently valued in first quarter of year at $131,672,420,837. 

When looking down the road to calendar year end of 2014 it comes to 526,689,683,348. Basically, a half a trillion US. That is a loss to the US Industrial Complex of about $1.7 trillion US.

Indeed, for items such as the F35 Joint Strike Fighter.

I have no idea if those numbers are at all correct as the internet site has no 'real world' information or organization to back it up. But, it gets the point across. Most of the talking generals and/or whoever that pretend to know more than than President Obama are 'hooked up' with the defense industry somewhere and they are paid handsomely to do exactly what talking heads do.

Don't expect me to take the inflammatory statements seriously. Yeah, yeah, I know. It is so very good of them to offer themselves to us. Right.

When the USA and Europe concentrate on Homeland Security rather than killing people in foreign wars, other things happen. Nice things that ultimately benefit the future of our children, including more money for education and building our brain trust.

VANCOUVER, British Columbia and TORONTO, June 16, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On June 26(th) in Toronto, NextGen Metals (CSE:N) (OTC Pink:NXTTF) (M5BN:FSE) will host its GreenRush Financial Conference, the premier gathering of the, Industrial Hemp, Medical Marijuana and Alternative Medicine Industries, The conference is focused on finance, investment and business to business transactions and will be held from 7:45am-7pm at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre North in the Constitution Hall....
Yeah, I know, we are all a bunch of Potheads in the USA now. Well, at least there won't be anymore name calling of Vietnam Veterans, right?
I want to point out the reporting about "Next Gen" is made from the Wall Street Journal. The news rag owned by Rupert Murdoch. It didn't take long for Rick Perry to decriminalize marijuana when he realized Colorado is raking in millions to it's state treasury. So, Murdoch is amoral. Understand what that means? It means he reflects the basis of Wall Street itself and not just a news rag named in it's honor. It means Murdoch sees no right or wrong, no good or bad. Murdoch only sees money and how to get more of it. His media reflects that thirst and seeks to improve all odds regardless of the global deaths it inspires and/or the global climate that spawns the opportunity for war.
Murdoch is worse than religion.

If anyone wants to know why the USA is losing it's moral base, all they have to do is realize the Supreme Court of the USA recognizes money as a citizen. Money has no conscience, yet it's use is considered freedom of speech. In the hands of those like the wealth merchants of Wall Street is there any wonder the USA, itself, has no conscience. Money and the power that obtains it.

Media is suppose to have a clear purpose and it isn't to lead the country into illegal wars and killing innocent people.

I can point to a lot of problems with violence in the USA with assessments of the FBI and CIA. One example is Timothy McVeigh.

Americans engage in violence against their homeland more often than I'd care to remember. But, this 'strain' of anti-Muslim hatred emulated by FOX and it's competitors is hardly appropriate. It is inflammatory with a clear direction and a final satiating outcome.

I am not a genius with a message, but, far from it. But. I am not alone.

...I can barely stand it. (click here) Death–stupid, senseless death–is right there in front of us. And mess–the unholy mess of war and especially of this miserable, unnecessary, pathetic war. The whole scene is an allegory: the room obviously is not equipped for the emergency that has developed; the mutilated body (politic) has been bombed and then abandoned, leaving only horror and waste and indignity....

This is prime example of the leadership of FOX. The cable networks are all competing for the same sad audience.

'Foreign Legion' in Iraq and Syria may bring jihad to West (click here)

There have been so called jihadists attempts in the USA since September 11, 2001. It doesn't take an American to carry out such hatred. 

On 1 May 2010, (click here) Faisal Shahzad, a Pakistani-born naturalised American citizen residing in Bridgeport, Connecticut, drove an SUV loaded with explosive devices to the corner of 45th Street and Seventh Avenue in Times Square, New York. He began the detonation process, walked away, and took a train back to his apartment. The bomb failed to ignite. Police found him easily through the car's serial number. He was arrested on 3 May on board an Emirates flight to Dubai that had pulled away from the gate but had not yet been cleared for take-off.

That is the reality of the USA and much of every other country in the world for more than one decade. These attempts have been in existence for multiple decades. Yet all of a sudden there are Americans being estranged from their homeland to return by passport to the USA to carry out additional attacks. As if they are something special or something new. They aren't. 

OR BETTER YET, A REASON FOR WAR and a return to Iraq.

I remind in the 2006 National Intelligence Estimate clearing state Bush/Cheney were fighting the war they created. The more the USA interfered in the affairs of the Middle East, the more fighters came to kill Americans. That same dynamic won't change just because the president is Barak Hussein Obama.

There is less reason to reengage war in the USA than ever before YET there is not a talking head general anywhere in the media stating it. 

Just one last point to make. If Cheney and Bush purposely moved outside the Geneva Conventions to kill innocent people for their oil war or otherwise. Why was it they became willing partners to FOX media to propagate more hate and escalate war? To measure that against today only goes to prove their misguided mission and self-identified purpose. The Executive Branch of the USA have no obligation to any media service to 'report in.' Yet they not only appeared to talk to the people of the USA, they did it frequently.

Scarey Cat Number Two

One has to remember these 'entities' at FOX are not isolated into the First Amendment of the USA Constitution. This is planned and well executed assault on the American people. It has a strategy linked to extreme wealth while the country's middle class is deteriorating and it's poor is becoming larger and larger. It assaults the American people through their economy.

Prior to their affiliation with FOX the generals had no foothold on fame and fortune. (click here) Now, they are not only elevated to expert, but, their wealth increases with every book they write and every appearance they make. Their book sales are all linked with an identity with USA military. Their so called expertise must be challenging since they are outside the chain of command. Oh, but, I am sure their contacts serve them well. 

Now, I don't have to tell anyone about the tarnished career of Mr. North, do I?

Ronald Reagan's efforts (click here) to eradicate Communism spanned the globe, but the insurgent Contras' cause in Nicaragua was particularly dear to him. Battling the Cuban-backed Sandinistas, the Contras were, according to Reagan, "the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers." Under the so-called Reagan Doctrine, the CIA trained and assisted this and other anti-Communist insurgencies worldwide....

While it is true folks are often caught between a rock and a hard place in the hierarchy of many aspects of the USA, there are whistle blower laws. But, it is safe to say, Mr. North was far more corruptible than any of his peers assessed him to be.

There is a scheme at FOX and it is to disaffect the American voter to secure the paradigm of oppression of the majority of Americans and the sequestration of the wealth to a few. I don't call a scheme a minor issue. The Democrats are always caught behind the eight ball in most instances, but, it could be because they aren't affiliated with a scheme to commit the USA to impoverishment and war with extreme honor to those that 'pay the final and highest price for USA democracy.'

The opposition to the Iraq War and the Neocon Scheme in the USA manifested in people such as Cindy Sheehan. She is a member of a Gold Star Family whom in time realized why her son was dead and it went further than simply his patriotism to his country. Her son's life was important to her, but, was made a fool when it was certain there was no reason for the Iraq invasion.

Schemes are schemes and does anyone today believe there was not a propaganda war to invade Iraq illegally before March 19, 2003?

Scarey Cat Number One - It might not be the RTLM, but, FOX is awfully close.

Keane attended Fordham University, where he participated in The National Society of Pershing Rifles, graduating with a bachelor's degree in accounting in 1966. He then attended Western Kentucky University, graduating with a master's degree in philosophy. He then attended the Command and General Staff College and the Army War College .

Then again considering it is Muscular Christianity most Neocon subscribe to, it is worse than RTLM.

Anyone notice besides me that FOX puts a lot of anti-Muslim and hate speech in the USA's media that is then emulated by those that compete with them. There is nothing like being RTLM and bullying every other media service in the same way. Powerful. Very.

Consider one more thing. Bush/Cheney actively stepped out of the Geneva Conventions. It doesn't take much. Now, who is the defacto power in the world?
June 16, 2014

FIFA Standings

No one in the USA will hear much about this either because it doesn't have the "Wealth Stamp" on it. There are no billionaires with teams on the field that are paid in the millions.


Americans rather be disenfranchised from watching a team in the stadium and 'tailgate' the game than fight for better ticket prices. So, if the USA were ever to get involved in FIFA it might be adverse to the world order.

Scaredy Cats? Have you noticed that about cats? It's true, they are basically comical because they are scared of their own world.

US Senator Rand Paul uses his first finger a lot when he speaks. He needs to work on it. It is a 'clue' to others in a presidential debate.

As long as the Neocons are in the media with their Muscular Christianity, no one will hear from him.

We are not going to fight a holy war for the scaredy cats in the Republican Party.

June 14, 2014
By David Cantanese

DES MOINES, Iowa -- Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., (click here) said Saturday that sending U.S. troops back into Iraq to help quell the recent outbreak of violence would be a mistake.
That puts Paul, who opposed the Iraq War, on the same page with President Barack Obama, who has ruled out putting troops on the ground as part of an intervention.
“I think putting our soldiers on the ground is a mistake,” he told reporters after addressing the Iowa GOP convention Saturday. “I frankly think the Iraqis need to step up.”...
"Morning Papers" - It's Origins  (click here)

The Rooster


4477 American soldiers dead in Iraq, let's do it again! It is unbelievable the gall the USA media has. And Veterans are pouting? They are saying it was all in vein? Well, guess what, "I told you so along with half the people of the United States of America in 2003."

The Iraq War is illegal, the VOLUNTEER military BOUGHT INTO IT, and while the people of the USA supported their troops there was a very large segment of the country, currently 60% and growing, that oppose the entire invasion. The only problem here is that Dick Cheney and "W" aren't facing the world courts for what they did. And why aren't they facing the world courts? Because they knew what they would be doing and withdrew from the Geneva Conventions. So for all those Veterans that are pouting about their sacrifice being in vein, you are lucky the commanders and Blackwater and all the killing crews aren't facing the world courts either!

"Good Night, Moon"

Waning Gibbous

87 % Full

18.1 days old

New research (click here) shows Earth and the Moon are older than we thought—to the tune of 60 million years. But is it really all that much?

Earth and the Moon are just a tiny bit older than we thought, according to a new study announced at the Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference in Sacramento, California last week. Just a smidge more ancient. Specifically, Earth is 60 million years older, give or take 20 million....