The status of six reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant (click title to entry for video - thank you)
Tokyo (CNN) -- Workers at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant have been scrambling to cool down fuel rods and prevent the release of additional radioactive material since a 9.0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami hit the area on March 11....
The recovery of the wayward nuclear reactors is underway. It would seem as though the added expertise of the IAEA enabled important decisions of which some were already on the way to move along more quickly.
The workers involved in 'keeping things cool' as possible during the time leading up to these new measures are incredibly brave people that had confidence in their ability to overcome complete failure of the reactors. They are incredible people. I don't know if their bravery and commitment to other citizens can actually be measured.
At any rate it is nearly over and 'control' of the runaway fuel is being realized. We can only hope the recovery of that uranium continues and better outcomes are to be realized.
It makes complete sense there was contamination to the area during these impossible times. That contamination is being taken seriously in Japan and thoughout the global community. It remains to be seen as to whether the contamination SOURCES can be relieved of their abilty to produce tainted food or not. Time will tell. Some milk sources may find it better to cull the contaminated animals if nothing else can be done.
Contaminated land and fisheries is another problem.
March 23, 2011 7:12 a.m. EDTMarch 23, 2011 -- Updated 1112 GMT (1912 HKT)
Tokyo (CNN) -- Workers at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant have been scrambling to cool down fuel rods and prevent the release of additional radioactive material since a 9.0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami hit the area on March 11....
The recovery of the wayward nuclear reactors is underway. It would seem as though the added expertise of the IAEA enabled important decisions of which some were already on the way to move along more quickly.
The workers involved in 'keeping things cool' as possible during the time leading up to these new measures are incredibly brave people that had confidence in their ability to overcome complete failure of the reactors. They are incredible people. I don't know if their bravery and commitment to other citizens can actually be measured.
At any rate it is nearly over and 'control' of the runaway fuel is being realized. We can only hope the recovery of that uranium continues and better outcomes are to be realized.

Contaminated land and fisheries is another problem.
I hope Japan will consider other sources of enegy for its nation. It has a high demand for electricity and a safe source needs to override the possibility of this happening again.
What Japan can explore, that is more harmonious with its national identity, is the electricity being produced in an Ocean Plant used offshore of Hawaii. It may prove to be a more beneficial form of enegy that will survive tsunamis, even those produced by underwater displacement caused by strong earthquakes. Tsunami waves are only a foot or two high in the deep ocean, so ships and ocean facilities simply roll over top of the large ripple.
What Japan can explore, that is more harmonious with its national identity, is the electricity being produced in an Ocean Plant used offshore of Hawaii. It may prove to be a more beneficial form of enegy that will survive tsunamis, even those produced by underwater displacement caused by strong earthquakes. Tsunami waves are only a foot or two high in the deep ocean, so ships and ocean facilities simply roll over top of the large ripple.
Hawaii exists because of a HOT SPOT in the Pacific. So, it has many characteristics it shares with Japan.
Good luck to all.