When does Michael Moore (click here) get an apology from a hostile Republican Party and half a nation of non-believers?
Unlike the American Media, Mike is a "Truth Teller." He is more than a provacateur! He is a patriotic and dedicated American citizen.

It's all about money when it comes to Republicans (click here). Book profits should be directed to the families of dead soldiers and soldiers suffering sustained combat wounds from Iraq !!!
Why didn't McClellan come clean while he was in the White House? I think he needs to be indicted on conspiracy against the American people along with Bush and Cheney ! This is worse than fraud. This is abuse of power. At least Nixon's impeachment was due to his own paranoia regarding his re-election. This is blantant abuse of power. Soldiers are dead. A nation in profound debt with a destroyed international reputation.
HELLO ? The media is guilty as hell here and they all know it !
Michael Moore could not be more correct or more patriotic. Who really loves the country? Those that seek its power to facilitate wealth at any cost or those that stand by the USA Constitution when its under attack?

Katie really nails the issue including the attacks on Americans that they were unpatriotic if they opposed the war. Charlie avoids the issue at all costs and the conversation ends with 'happy talk' about raising money for cancer research. Gee, what happened to News Anchors with angry voices that state, "So how does Bush and Cheney now justify nearly 5000 dead American soldiers, countless others including Iraqi citizens, the continued occupation of that country, an insurmountable federal debt, the backlash that has on states and cities and the outing of a CIA agent? Are they asking those questions yet ? I didn't think so.