Page last updated at 03:44 GMT, Tuesday, 10 November 2009
The FBI says that a US Army major suspected of killing 13 people was not part of a "broader terrorist plot".
Maj Nidal Hasan was noticed by the FBI in December as part of an unrelated inquiry by the Joint Terrorism Task Force, but did not raise concerns.
Investigators said his communications with another person were in line with his job as an army psychiatrist.
Maj Hasan remains in hospital but has regained consciousness after being shot by police during the attack last week....
My very first impression regarding Nidal Hasan was that he was a CO (Conscientious Objector). It was before anyone else even 'went there.' The article in the Washington Post takes the 'entire' circumstance reported out of context to raise irrational fears among the public.

Maj. Nidal M. Hasan gave a presentation at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in 2007.
"...(Muslim American Soldiers are) conflicted about fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, both Muslim countries, according to a copy of the presentation obtained by The Washington Post.
"It's getting harder and harder for Muslims in the service to morally justify being in a military that seems constantly engaged against fellow Muslims," he said in the presentation.
"It was really strange," said one staff member who attended the presentation and requested anonymity because of the investigation of Hasan. "The senior doctors looked really upset" at the end. These medical presentations occurred each Wednesday afternoon, and other students had lectured on new medications and treatment of specific mental illnesses...."
Nidal Hasan made an inappropriate presentation to his superiors and it was probably why he was under supervision and review. In order for any of his reportings to be 'accurate' about Muslim American Soldiers, it would have to have been researched and published in a report to the USA military of which they would have acted on it.
If Nidal Hasan's superiors were surprised by his presentation it was because they were never appraised of the context. To say they were upset would have been an understatement. They would have to require proof of his reporting in order to go forward with any reason to act on such a report. The USA military, be it mental health staff members or otherwise would not think twice to give their superiors information regarding the integrity of the ranks of the USA military. This entire 'mess' the media has itself in now is simply hideous and prompted by a Senator without a clue.
It is my estimation the presentation by Nidal Hasan was more of a projection of his own fears and reservations in hopes he would prompt his superiors to ever consider sending him into a war zone while maintaining his living and lifestyle as an officer in the Army. The lecture is narcisstic and self directed and was intended to effect his own outcome.
To say Nidal Hasan was conflicted is an understatement, he was more than conflicted he was down right scared to death.
"...Hasan spent six years at Walter Reed as an intern, resident and fellow beginning in 2003. He had been transferred to Fort Hood as a practicing psychiatrist in July and was set to leave soon for Afghanistan. According to a relative, he had asked not to be deployed. It is not known whether he ever sought conscientious-objector status...."
The report before his superiors was not about the ranks of the USA military it was about his own wishes to be removed with a CO status as ordered by some General somewhere of which he would not have to sacrifice any benefits due to actions by his superiors and could go to private practice in the community. He should have never had a gun in his hand and the reason he did and never declared CO status is because he felt trapped in 'the role' he assumed during his educaiton and residency and the promise of a lucrative future.
Give me a break. I guess all the people that ever attended this Mosque and buried a mother is as guilty as the September 11th hijackers.
I don't think so.
It is all sensationalism and nothing more.
Alleged gunman tied to mosque of 9/11 hijackers (click here)
7:56PM Tuesday November 10, 2009
WASHINGTON - The family of the alleged Fort Hood military base shooter held his mother's funeral at the same mosque that two September 11 hijackers attended in 2001, at a time when a radical imam preached there. Whether the Fort Hood suspect associated with the hijackers is something the Federal…
It is all about POLITICS ! You mean Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins didn't KNOW about this startling report and potential? Are they actually doing their job? The Commission sounds more like CYA to me. Sure we don't need a Commission to study the Commission?
November 9, 2009
Contact: Sara Lonardo
Committee to Examine Circumstances Surrounding Ft. Hood Attack (click here)
Continuation of Investigation into Terrorism on U.S. Soil
WASHINGTON—Senate Homeland Security Chairman Joe Lieberman, ID-Conn., and Ranking Member Susan Collins, R-Me., formally announced on Monday that their Committee will be conducting an investigation into last week's murders at Ft. Hood, beginning with a public hearing next week. The Senators released the following statements today on their inquiry and intention to hold hearings on the attack:...