Friday, November 01, 2024

Police are supposed to know better.

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She was a beautiful woman both inside and out. What Brett Hankison did was nothing short of a drive by shooting into a home. It could happen to anyone, especially if police are allowed to be this sloppy about police work.

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Breonna Taylor was doing everything right. She cared about herself, had a foot on the path to success, and was in love quite possibly into a lifetime relationship. She did nothing wrong and was living on the right side of the law when all hell broke loose. 


Kindly keep a personal journal if Trump finds his way back into the White House.

Personal journals can become legal documents when a population of people are experiencing the same adverse dynamics of authority.

He is a very sick man.

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Donald John Trump has no respect for life except his own. We know that when he hates people, especially women, there are minions within his influence that will seek to carry out deadly acts against those Trump hates. 

Former USA House Representative Elizabeth Cheney comes from a family that has influenced the politics of this magnificent country. They contributed enormously to the cultural tilt that brought the Republican Party its following for decades. Former Second Lady Lynne Cheney has circled her wagon many times to the enjoyment of Republican women all over the country. I believe she is an author as well. To realize how completely insane such words are during a presidential election campaign is stunning.

Of course Trump means every word. He relishes deaths he promotes. I am certain Former Speaker Pelosi never received a word of concern from the Trumps regarding her spouse’s attack and continuing recovery. Trump never came out to denounce such an act or saw to a deescalation by his minions’ hatred of “ the other.” Quite the contrary he is escalating fear and hate of “the other” no matter what firm it takes. He is always impressed with his own importance. 

The Former Representative Cheney and her family need protection now that Trump’s campaigning has TARGETED her as his enemy. 

He is one sick man that never deserved the office of the President of the United States of America. He is a student of Putin and this is another example.

When will he be charged with the deaths from COVID-19 of innocent people in this country? He caused deaths, especially among people believing his words that it was a hoax and attended COVID parties to prove it, only to die of the virus afterwards with death bed pleadings to others to think differently.

This country has never had such a horribly sick man in a campaign for the highest seat in our government. He is at the very least disgusting but more sincerely should be locked up with the criminally insane. He knows nothing of power and how to bring benevolence with it. He is drunk on his own evil.

Imagine the USA without “Citizens United?”

(Click here)

That is what will occur if there was ever a king of the USA. The would be no FEC or election law interference. It also means a huge shift in paradigms across all aspects of life.

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What an autocrat at the top of any government does is remove opinion. 

It not only removes thought about elections but also critical thinking. There is a reason why democracies in the Free World are the strongest. It is because citizens are always engaged in the future and its best outcomes. 

This election isn’t just about who wins or loses, but, about the entire dynamic that moves this country.

Finally, someone is taking on these bozos.

(Click here)

I have never bought anything from it. Never will. They have terrible things they say on their T-shirts and treat women as sex objects. 

Their ads are always popping up. I never open them because they are probably full of viruses compliments of the Chinese military.

If I want to shop online I go looking for what I want. All this spontaneous cheap garbage is very annoying. Knowing China the site is probably a testing ground for cyber warfare.