He has some serious biases that make me nervous about any role he has in national security or the US State Department. Now, those biases will also place him in favor with people like Vladimir Putin. Russia has long been a place where any LBGT or Muslim are considered subversive for reasons that are Russia, ie: the Caucasus Mountain (click here) region of Russia. The very place where the Boston Bombers called their homeland.
March 23, 2018
By Trudy Ring
...Pompeo, (click here) previously the Trump administration’s CIA director, was beginning his fourth term as a U.S. House member from Kansas when he assumed that position. In the House, cosponsored the State Marriage Defense Act, which attempted to slow the spread of marriage equality, and the Marriage and Religious Freedom Act, a precursor to the current First Amendment Defense Act, which is essentially “license to discriminate” legislation. He also voted against reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act when the domestic violence law’s language was expanded to explicitly include same-sex couples. In his three full terms in the House, he garnered two zeroes and a 30, out of a possible 100, on the Human Rights Campaign’s Congressional Scorecard.....
...After the 2013 bombing at the Boston Marathon, he said “deafening” silence from American Muslim leaders made them “potentially complicit” in terrorist acts, when in fact many of them had condemned the bombing. In his 2010 run for Congress, his campaign sent a tweet calling his opponent, an Indian-American, a “turban topper” who “could be a muslim, a hindu, a buddhist etc who knows.” Campaign staff later apologized....
This type of dialogue is not diplomatic. He will be judged by many in the international community as an extremist and racist. Mr. Tillerson did not have that problem, because, he was already a diplomat in his role at Exxonmobile. In places that might have been offended by Mr. Trump, wasn't by Mr. Tillerson and were willing to have open dialogues with him.
It seems as though Pompeo is a very good representative to the Trump World dogma and extremist right-wing bias, racism and bigotry. I think Pompeo walks on the same path as Trump. So, it is not surprising Trump would choose him. I am not sure a visit to meet with the president of North Korea is a sincere reflection of the qualities of a Secretary of State for the USA. I would have been more impressed if Dennis Rodman accompanied Mr. Pompeo. At least the racist tilt of this administration might be somewhat removed if Dennis visited as well.
...What a stark (click here) and alarming contrast to Pompeo’s views about Muslims. First off, Pompeo openly pals around with the nation’s top anti-Muslim activists: Brigitte Gabriel, the leader of “ACT for America,” and Frank Gaffney....
I think the most sensitive area that will be confronted by Pompeo as Secretary of State is the Iran Nuclear Agreement. There is no doubt, in my opinion, he will seek to end the continued agreement that the other signators uphold. Right now, Europe is extending welcome to Iranian business relationships to assist in building a stronger economy that Iran will value above any nuclear weapons.
The Tea Party runs a real risk to donors such as the Koch's near billion dollar donations, of which Paul Ryan will no longer oversee; if the views of these people are not upheld. In some ways, Trump's dialogue with China is an offense to the Kochs, but, somehow that is ignored for their own reasons for deregulation to exploit American lands.
Then there is Syria and Israel and the tensions existing since the bombing to end the use of chemical weapons. Pompeo will not encourage any peace negotiations within Syria. He will see Syria as a threat rather than a disarmed country and will want further involvement by the USA, regardless, of the Trump position of removing US troops from the area.
15 April 2018
By Nicky Woolf
...In response (click here) to an open-ended question on Friday about the relationship between the US and Russia, Pompeo, seemingly unprompted, dropped a bombshell admission. “In Syria, a handful of weeks ago, the Russians met their match,” the former Kansas Republican said, adding in a boastful tone that “a couple hundred Russians were killed.”
He was referring to a clash in February. The facts of the event were already known, but it had not been officially confirmed by US authorities, so Pompeo mentioning it in the Senate was a pretty big deal. Pro-Putin sites like Sputnik and Russia Today feasted upon the morsel of outrage, reflecting that the admission, especially the casual nature in which it was made, was likely a bigger deal in Russia than was clear at the time....
Additionally, the idea of seeking a peace agreement in Syria between all parties, except any remnant of Daesh, is trashed by Pompeo stating Russia is not a threat. THEREFORE, the US can feel confident that an invasion might be a preferred stance with a complete military confrontation with Iran.
That veiw of the world is grossly mistaken and completely incompetent. There is nothing that states the "Russia soldiers of fortune" is a good assessment of the Russian military prowess.
That hatred of any country or leader or religion does not belong in the State Department and/or the CIA as far as I am concerned, but, the CIA Director has minimal contact with international high level leaders to cause such deep divides that it CAN LEAD TO WAR. I really think Pompeo as Secretary of State is nothing more than the expression of animosity of the Tea Party, their racism and religious bigotry.
What is more distressing at the international level is the change in posture between allies of the USA and Russia. There are real movements of ships and jets that change the posture of the US Allies and Russia. It might be all show for the sake of Russian allies, including Syria, but regardless it is still occuring. Quite frankly, I don't mind France and the UK have taken back a safer stance considering the ongoing destabilized nature of Ukraine.
August 13, 2017
By Jonathan Shorman
People fly into the air as a vehicle drives into a group of protesters demonstrating against white nationalists in Charlottesville, Va. on Aug. 12, 2017. Kelly won a Pulitzer Prize for the image.
Mike Pompeo, (click here) the CIA director and former Kansas representative, said President Donald Trump was clear in condemning bigotry in the fatal aftermath of a white nationalist rally in Virginia on Saturday.
“I think the president, frankly, was pretty unambiguous about what his Justice Department is going to do, the way he views how utterly inappropriate it is for this hatred and bigotry – I think the president’s remarks were very clear,” Pompeo said on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday.
Trump was criticized for not condemning white nationalists by name in remarks he made following violence in Charlottesville, Virginia....
Mr. Pompeo is also a danger to the domestic landscape of the USA. He looks the other way when it comes to White Supremacists. There are members of his party that have gone to Europe to attend conventions of White Supremacists. He just is too extreme. I believe he is a good read to the values of the Trump White House and administration. I think the more power given to Pompeo, the worst the standing of the USA internationally.
There is simply no doubt who is at fault in the Charlottesville deaths. There is no doubt why they occurred. The leadership of the USA should have had no doubt as to addressing racist violence in the USA.
..."You see sunglasses and shoes and cellphones (click here) that aren't connected to people's hands or feet or heads. You see water spraying. There's just a lot of violent, violent details that are coming through in ways that you don't normally experience in everyday life," Kelly says.
The scene shown in Kelly's photo is the same incident in which 32-year-old Charlottesville resident Heather Heyer was killed, and in which 19 others were hospitalized.
"I'm honestly shocked that more people weren't affected by that," Kelly says. "It was such a violent collision. He was traveling so fast down the road when he collided with the crowd. It's amazing to me that more people didn't die, but I'm very thankful for that."...
Within the past few days, two young Hebrew men were attacked in a very nice neighborhood in Germany. The attacker used his pant's belt to attack a young Jewish man. Others nearby, including a friend, were able to break off the attack. There is a mobile phone video of the attack.
Germany is currently acting on legislation to make such attacks illegal in a way that if there is even any anti-semitic language spoken it is a violation of the law. An attack like this would bring severe consequences in this new approach of law enforcement. If Mike Pompeo with his extremist tilt goes to Germany there is no doubt to me he will be completely rejected as anyone with enough authority to actually address any German laws or leaders in a way that matters.
He is not the man for the job.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
How old was this jet? The first ones were produced in 1996 and there are nearly 7000 in service.
Maintenance or age, which is it?
It has been some time since I set foot on a jet. But, when I did fly it was frequently, like every two weeks. I found a route with jets ten years old or less. I really think there needs to be "an end date" to service for commercial jets. When they are taken out of service they sit in a graveyard for parts or an extended life as a "cheap fare" airline.
I flew a route, not an airfare.
Cheap fares are because of poor wages in the American labor market. End of discussion. Ever hear of a "Vacation Club" or a "Christmas Club?" They were popular with the USA Middle Class and banks or credit unions. They were effortless and didn't hurt the family budget.
It is called PLANNING!
Lorton, VA (Washington, DC) Sanford, FL (Orlando) (click here)
17 hours 29 minutes
Train Numbers
Frequency - daily
Ride the Auto Train with Your Car. The Auto Train transports you and your car (or your van, motorcycle, SUV, small boat, jet-ski or other recreational vehicle) nonstop from the Washington, DC area to sunny Florida, just outside of Orlando. This is the best way to drive I-95. And remember, you can pack your car as if it were your suitcase.
April 17, 2018
By Les Shu
...Southwest flight 1380, (click here) a Boeing 737-700, was flying from New York’s LaGuardia airport to Dallas Love Field when the incident occurred at approximately 11:15 a.m. ET. According to the airline, the plane was carrying 143 passengers and five crew members. Although an investigation is underway, passengers reported an explosion of the left (number one) engine, shattering glass and sucking a passenger through a broken window. Witnesses also reported that passengers and crew attempted to save the victim and cover the hole, according to CNN.
It has been some time since I set foot on a jet. But, when I did fly it was frequently, like every two weeks. I found a route with jets ten years old or less. I really think there needs to be "an end date" to service for commercial jets. When they are taken out of service they sit in a graveyard for parts or an extended life as a "cheap fare" airline.
I flew a route, not an airfare.
Cheap fares are because of poor wages in the American labor market. End of discussion. Ever hear of a "Vacation Club" or a "Christmas Club?" They were popular with the USA Middle Class and banks or credit unions. They were effortless and didn't hurt the family budget.
It is called PLANNING!
Lorton, VA (Washington, DC) Sanford, FL (Orlando) (click here)
17 hours 29 minutes
Train Numbers
Frequency - daily
Ride the Auto Train with Your Car. The Auto Train transports you and your car (or your van, motorcycle, SUV, small boat, jet-ski or other recreational vehicle) nonstop from the Washington, DC area to sunny Florida, just outside of Orlando. This is the best way to drive I-95. And remember, you can pack your car as if it were your suitcase.
Half the fun is getting there. Doesn't everyone look forward to a family vacation every summer and a wonderful holiday with bright decorative lights reflected in wrapping paper and bows?
Buy early and save money. The more money one saves, the more to spend on vacations and holidays. Being in the Middle Class is fun. "Goals to achieve, not greed."
Moral lives laced with achievement, love, family and gratification. Work is moral. When it benefits a family, binds them together and prevents in the best way possible additions and abuses of children and young people. The Middle Class is a moral socioeconomic group that builds better lives. It is a good thing. The Middle Class should be growing, not shrinking.
Stop working for dirt cheap wages, the teachers in Oklahoma did! Those teachers are going to now build a better economy and stronger families. They will have better teaching resources and will provide education to children and young people that their families will embrace. I WANT IT ALL BACK!
It is ridiculous, especially, with the Super Jumbos. They carry more weight, have larger "air exposure" for lift and flight and sustain greater stress. I think there needs to be a real acknowledgment that cheap airfares can be very dangerous for real reasons.
I have always held that opinion.
Moral lives laced with achievement, love, family and gratification. Work is moral. When it benefits a family, binds them together and prevents in the best way possible additions and abuses of children and young people. The Middle Class is a moral socioeconomic group that builds better lives. It is a good thing. The Middle Class should be growing, not shrinking.
Stop working for dirt cheap wages, the teachers in Oklahoma did! Those teachers are going to now build a better economy and stronger families. They will have better teaching resources and will provide education to children and young people that their families will embrace. I WANT IT ALL BACK!
It is ridiculous, especially, with the Super Jumbos. They carry more weight, have larger "air exposure" for lift and flight and sustain greater stress. I think there needs to be a real acknowledgment that cheap airfares can be very dangerous for real reasons.
I have always held that opinion.
52, 53Frequency: DailRide the Auto Train with Your Car. The Auto Train transports you and your car (or your van, motorcycle, SUV, small boat, jet-ski or other recreational vehicle) nonstop from the Washington, DC area to sunny Florida, just outside of Orlando. This is the best way to drive I-95. And remember, you can pack your car as if it were your suitcaseHalf the fun is getting there. Doesn't everyone look forward to a family vacation every summer and a wonderful holiday with bright decorative lights reflected in wrapping paper and bows?Buy early and save money. The more money one saves the more to spend on a vacation and holidays. Being in the Middle Class in the USA is fun. "Goals to achieve, not greed."
April 17, 2018
By Les Shu
...Southwest flight 1380, (click here) a Boeing 737-700, was flying from New York’s LaGuardia airport to Dallas Love Field when the incident occurred at approximately 11:15 a.m. ET. According to the airline, the plane was carrying 143 passengers and five crew members. Although an investigation is underway, passengers reported an explosion of the left (number one) engine, shattering glass and sucking a passenger through a broken window. Witnesses also reported that passengers and crew attempted to save the victim and cover the hole, according to CNN.
“We could feel the air from the outside coming in, and then we had smoke kind of coming in the window. Meanwhile, you have passengers that were in that aisle, trying to attend to the woman that was bleeding from the window explosion,” Marty Martinez, a passenger on the flight, told CNN. “That was just chaos all around.”...
If US Rep. Gowdy doesn't protect his reputation as a lawyer, his only option will be to be exploited by the Republicans and return as a cabinet officer with Trump.
I think Trey Gowdy is correct. He doesn't have much to show for his time in the US House. Which raises the question as to why he is asking for papers from the US Justice Department regarding the Mueller investigation when it is still an active investigation?
April 8, 2018
...Today, (click here) as he heads for the exit, Gowdy possesses a diminished stature among Trump loyalists as “a sellout, a RINO and a squish” for, in his view, defending the legitimacy of the investigation led by Robert Mueller into the role of Russians in the 2016 election and for not commercializing conservative principles “as some of my critics have.”...
I am sure the name calling doesn't effect him in the least, but, why does he believe the US Congress has the right to receive documents now within an active investigation. Certainly, he doesn't want to ruin his reputation as he leaves the US Congress.
...While a Change.org petition and a Facebook page call on Gowdy to primary the incumbent president in 2020, Gowdy, co-author with Sen. Tim Scott, a fellow South Carolina Republican, of a new book on divisiveness in American politics, is dismissive of any return to electoral politics: “You won’t see me running for political office again,” he said. “I’m done.”
And without a lot of regret. Pressed by Michael C. Moynihan of Vice News, Gowdy conceded he has not enjoyed his time in Washington. “I don’t have a lot to show for the last seven years.”
"The Party" is as much the problem as the wrongdoing of it's members. "The Party" consolidated power under Gowdy. Why? He was the only competent member of the US House to chair these committees or was it an attempt to some other weird idea, like high exposure to the public?
Trump looking for a new VP? Exit stage right. I actually think Trump pardoned Scooter Libby to pander to the Cheney end of the party for re-election in 2020. Certainly, Trump is more of a man for pardoning a member of the party no one else had 'the guts' for it. I am sure the party will be grateful.
January 13, 2018
By Chris White
...“When I (click here) became Chairperson of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform I knew I would not be able to keep all other committee assignments to include Judiciary, Intelligence and Ethics. Four committee assignments, including a Chairmanship, is a challenging workload,” he added. Gowdy is the first congressman to serve on four committees simultaneously.
“It is unprecedented for any member of Congress to simultaneously serve on four committees,” Amanda Gonzalez, spokeswoman for Gowdy told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “When Rep. Gowdy was named Chairman of the Oversight Committee, he asked House leadership to be taken off one of his Committees, and was finally granted that request last week.”...
I have never been a fan of Trey Gowdy, but, why should he step into the realm of questionable ethics when asking for documents of an ongoing investigation? It matters when put back into the private sector and the path Gowdy would take at any cost for a paycheck.
I don't like corruption. It is a cancer every person should be afraid of.
April 8, 2018
...Today, (click here) as he heads for the exit, Gowdy possesses a diminished stature among Trump loyalists as “a sellout, a RINO and a squish” for, in his view, defending the legitimacy of the investigation led by Robert Mueller into the role of Russians in the 2016 election and for not commercializing conservative principles “as some of my critics have.”...
I am sure the name calling doesn't effect him in the least, but, why does he believe the US Congress has the right to receive documents now within an active investigation. Certainly, he doesn't want to ruin his reputation as he leaves the US Congress.
...While a Change.org petition and a Facebook page call on Gowdy to primary the incumbent president in 2020, Gowdy, co-author with Sen. Tim Scott, a fellow South Carolina Republican, of a new book on divisiveness in American politics, is dismissive of any return to electoral politics: “You won’t see me running for political office again,” he said. “I’m done.”
And without a lot of regret. Pressed by Michael C. Moynihan of Vice News, Gowdy conceded he has not enjoyed his time in Washington. “I don’t have a lot to show for the last seven years.”
"The Party" is as much the problem as the wrongdoing of it's members. "The Party" consolidated power under Gowdy. Why? He was the only competent member of the US House to chair these committees or was it an attempt to some other weird idea, like high exposure to the public?
Trump looking for a new VP? Exit stage right. I actually think Trump pardoned Scooter Libby to pander to the Cheney end of the party for re-election in 2020. Certainly, Trump is more of a man for pardoning a member of the party no one else had 'the guts' for it. I am sure the party will be grateful.
January 13, 2018
By Chris White
...“When I (click here) became Chairperson of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform I knew I would not be able to keep all other committee assignments to include Judiciary, Intelligence and Ethics. Four committee assignments, including a Chairmanship, is a challenging workload,” he added. Gowdy is the first congressman to serve on four committees simultaneously.
“It is unprecedented for any member of Congress to simultaneously serve on four committees,” Amanda Gonzalez, spokeswoman for Gowdy told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “When Rep. Gowdy was named Chairman of the Oversight Committee, he asked House leadership to be taken off one of his Committees, and was finally granted that request last week.”...
I have never been a fan of Trey Gowdy, but, why should he step into the realm of questionable ethics when asking for documents of an ongoing investigation? It matters when put back into the private sector and the path Gowdy would take at any cost for a paycheck.
I don't like corruption. It is a cancer every person should be afraid of.
There was far too much emotional trauma for our athletes.
The word "sexual assault" and "rape." Everyone should practice saying it. Make no mistake, this is a significant episode in the life of the victim.
I think the country will be hearing from the high profile victims from time to time. Ms. Maroney was molested hundreds of times by that monster. How does that happen? There are only seven in a week. It must be horrible to live with that nightmare. Of course, what makes it worse is they were helpless to end the abuse.
It is only right the American people are reminded of these episodes, no different than when Penn State had Jerry Sandusky running loose among it's athletes. I think reminding the public of these horrible episodes of sexual abuse will only strengthen the resolve of the country and the international committees to eliminate all of it.
One other thing and the reason foster parenting gives me pause is "The Second Mile" which Sandusky built as a place for foster children to grow up to become responsible citizens. It became his gaming compound. I read something recently about another such horrible incident recently. I think there were nine young people involved. These assaultive incidents seem to occur in areas where parents are not around, such as training camps and examination rooms.
Why wasn't Nassar required to have a female assistant or nurse in the room when examinations were taking place? The questions are many with all these incidents and the answers are slow.
Rather than a training camp, perhaps when an athlete qualifies for the Olympic team, they are provided a stipend to cover their training and travel. They had coaches before they had Olympic coaches.
April 18, 2018
By Tom Schad
McKayla Maroney
In an interview (click here) with NBC that will be televised Sunday night, Olympic gold medalist McKayla Maroney said Larry Nassar molested her "hundreds" of times, including on her first visit to Karolyi Ranch, the USA Gymnatics team's training facility in Texas.
"He said that nobody would understand this and the sacrifice that it takes to get to the Olympics. So you can't tell people this," Maroney told NBC. "I actually was like, 'That makes sense. I don't want to tell anybody about this.' I didn't believe that they would understand."
NBC published excerpts of Maroney's interview Wednesday morning, less than 24 hours after she made her first public comments about Nassar at The New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children charity luncheon in New York....
...Nassar will spend the rest of his life in prison after receiving two sentences of at least 40 years each in separate Michigan courts earlier this year, in addition to a 60-year sentence on federal child pornography charges in December. Nassar would serve the state sentences concurrently after his federal term....
I think the country will be hearing from the high profile victims from time to time. Ms. Maroney was molested hundreds of times by that monster. How does that happen? There are only seven in a week. It must be horrible to live with that nightmare. Of course, what makes it worse is they were helpless to end the abuse.
It is only right the American people are reminded of these episodes, no different than when Penn State had Jerry Sandusky running loose among it's athletes. I think reminding the public of these horrible episodes of sexual abuse will only strengthen the resolve of the country and the international committees to eliminate all of it.
One other thing and the reason foster parenting gives me pause is "The Second Mile" which Sandusky built as a place for foster children to grow up to become responsible citizens. It became his gaming compound. I read something recently about another such horrible incident recently. I think there were nine young people involved. These assaultive incidents seem to occur in areas where parents are not around, such as training camps and examination rooms.
Why wasn't Nassar required to have a female assistant or nurse in the room when examinations were taking place? The questions are many with all these incidents and the answers are slow.
Rather than a training camp, perhaps when an athlete qualifies for the Olympic team, they are provided a stipend to cover their training and travel. They had coaches before they had Olympic coaches.

By Tom Schad
McKayla Maroney
In an interview (click here) with NBC that will be televised Sunday night, Olympic gold medalist McKayla Maroney said Larry Nassar molested her "hundreds" of times, including on her first visit to Karolyi Ranch, the USA Gymnatics team's training facility in Texas.
"He said that nobody would understand this and the sacrifice that it takes to get to the Olympics. So you can't tell people this," Maroney told NBC. "I actually was like, 'That makes sense. I don't want to tell anybody about this.' I didn't believe that they would understand."
NBC published excerpts of Maroney's interview Wednesday morning, less than 24 hours after she made her first public comments about Nassar at The New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children charity luncheon in New York....
...Nassar will spend the rest of his life in prison after receiving two sentences of at least 40 years each in separate Michigan courts earlier this year, in addition to a 60-year sentence on federal child pornography charges in December. Nassar would serve the state sentences concurrently after his federal term....
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