The ten American sailors did not fall under the Geneva Conventions. The USA and Iran are not at war.
Geneva Conventions, a series of international treaties concluded in Geneva between 1864 and 1949 for the purpose of ameliorating the effects of war on soldiers and civilians. Two additional protocols to the 1949 agreement were approved in 1977.
The development of the Geneva Conventions was closely associated with the Red Cross, whose founder, Henri Dunant, initiated international negotiations that produced the Convention for the Amelioration of the Wounded in Time of War in 1864. This convention provided for (1) the immunity from capture and destruction of all establishments for the treatment of wounded and sick soldiers and their personnel, (2) the impartial reception and treatment of all combatants, (3) the protection of civilians providing aid to the wounded, and (4) the recognition of the Red Cross symbol as a means of identifying persons and equipment covered by the agreement....
The USA does not have direct rights to inspections. The IAEA does well developed inspections.
However, Iran’s ability (click here) to break out or sneak out of its non-proliferation obligations is hampered by an inspection regime that keeps extremely close track of Iranian uranium enrichment facilities.
Herman Nackaerts, the deputy director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and head of its Department of Safeguards, told Al-Monitor during a visit to Washington that “we would know within a week” whether Iran was diverting uranium from declared sites and seeking to enrich it to weapons’ grade level.
There are two to six IAEA inspectors on the ground in Iran every day, Nackaerts said, covering 16 Iranian facilities. On average, he said, that means that an inspector visits Iran’s enrichment plants at Natanz and Fordow once a week. If there are suspicions about any improper activities, they can go more often, he added.
It is always possible that Iran is secretly enriching uranium somewhere not known to the IAEA. But most experts believe that if Iran were to decide to make weapons, it would use its declared facilities and known stockpile of partly enriched uranium.
I wonder how a well established news agency can survive by breeding lies, but, they instill their half-truths and lies as part of a breaking news alert. So, FOX News engages in some of the worst possible journalism as the event is realized. They have an automatic EXCUSE to misdirect the facts. They put the lies and half-truths right at the beginning of the news alert and claim the facts were not clear in the beginning. That is the biggest pile of nonsense I have ever heard in my life.
There it is. FOX must have their own union that widely believes any nonsense the networks spews. Absolutely amazing. There are lives hanging in the balance and FOX will say anything to promote their politics. FOX doesn't practice ethics. They have decided ethics gets in the way of political exploitation.
The Iranian Nuclear Agreement is an international document. The Americans coming home are a national occurrence. They are not at all related.
FOX wants everyone to believe the USA has control over every aspect of the world's condition. That is a very dangerous perspective. That is the ultimate lie. The USA does not have control of sovereign countries, including Iran. The Obama State Department has had an ambitious agenda to bring about open channels with countries that were not only slammed shut behind a door, but, that was locked under "W." The release of these Americans are all part of the US State Department's hard work.