Wednesday, May 26, 2010

First Subtropical low system off the south east coast of the USA and it isn't even June 1st. This 'drama' in the Gulf has to end. I'll show you how since the military seems to be unable to do so.

May 26, 2010

UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of USA
Noted on Southeast Coast the first of the tropical weather we can expect.  The disaster in the Gulf needs a conclusion and the people of the Gulf need the autonomy to run their own strategies if they don't have that authority already.  I find it really difficult to believe the Governors of these states are this completely helpless.  They do have National Guard.  Tell the President to recall them from Iraq if necessary.  Jindal acts like he is helpless.  I don't think so.

Lisa Jackson surrenders to the plutocracy.

Angry with BP's inability (click title to entry - thank you) to find a less toxic dispersant against the gulf oil spill, the federal government will order BP to dramatically scale back its use of surface dispersants, chastising the company for an "insufficient" response to the issue....

BP has stated it can't find large quantities of another chemical dispersant other than Corexit.  Perhaps that is because BP is the only one purchasing a dispersant in large quantities and have large quantities in stock.  So, if they don't place an other somewhere else there will never be a large supply of any other dispersant. 

At this point the chemical additive to the water column needs to stop.  The coastal environment is better off with oil than a mixture of chemicals that have unknown capacity to destroy whatever might remain of the fisheries.

The dispersant is creating a hostile underwater environment for any wildlife, aquatic plants and fish.  The coastal area of the Gulf needs to shut down any fishing as they have no guarantees to the quality of the fish.  I don't care of Florida 'appears' to have been saved from chemical invasion, it hasn't.  The tides that wash up on Florida beaches and the fish and wildlife that frequent its shores have wide ranging swimming patterns.  Just because the fish and wildlife are alive doesn't mean they are chemical or petroleum free.

If I had plans for 'water activities' anywhere along the Gulf, I would cancel them.  There are no guarantees to the safety of the water quality of exposure to low levels of chemicals from moment to moment.

The Plutocratic statement by Jackson that absolutely astounded me was, "We haven't seen any toxicity by these chemicals."

Like where has she been.  Besides the carcasses of fish and wildilfe washing up on shore the workers 'mopping' up the beaches are becoming ill.  I suppose that is all coincidence.  Sure.  George Walker
Bush lives.

It is possible to be ingested by simple exposure of the hands or skin.  Crude oil is a carbon based substance that isn't easily removed from human skin.  There is every possibility Gulf Coast Workers could have ingested the chemicals as a 'residue' ON THEIR HANDS. 

If they are exposed to crude oil, they are also exposed to Corexit.

Continued dumpning of a chemical that chronically dispurses crude oil through the water column will expose all sealife to danger rather than just those at the surface.  There is no prudent use of these dispursants at this point.  The prophilatic use of dispersants on a short term basis assuming the military would have a solution for this disaster was the only reason for its use.  Given the fact the plutocratic dynamics over ride any and all authority of the USA government and its military institutions, there is no reason to continue dumping the chemical to relieve PB of its stockpiles.

Oil cleanup workers report illness

Some fishermen hired by BP to mop up the gulf spill report nausea and breathing troubles after contact with oil and dispersant. A congressman calls for mobile health clinics to treat them....

...The fishermen report severe headaches (central nervous system), dizziness (central nervous system), nausea (gastrointestinal) and difficulty breathing (respiratory)....

Mr. Jackson was exposed to high vapor content that requires a Scott Air Pack and biohazard suit to prevent exposure.  Given the heat at the this time of year, working in a biohazard suit is difficult unless the Airpack also delivers cooled air throughout the suit.

...George Jackson, 53, has been fishing since he was 12 and took a BP cleanup job after the massive oil spill forced the closure of fisheries and left him unemployed. As he was laying containment booms Sunday, he said, a dark substance floating on the water made his eyes burn.

"I ain't never run on anything like this," Jackson said. Within seconds, he said, his head started hurting and he became nauseated....,0,4604887.story

All the symptoms above are on the list below.

Crude Oil Toxicity Symptoms

...can damage every system in the body:
Nervous system, including the brain
reproductive/urogenital system
endocrine system
circulatory system
gastrointestinal system
immune system
sensory system
musculoskeletal system
Damaging or altering these systems causes a wide range of diseases and conditions....

MSDS Data Sheet on Crude Oil


Amber to green to black liquid, depending on source. Crude oil is volatile and flammable, and may cause flash fires. If ingested,

aspiration may occur, causing lung damage or death.

Health Effects: The information below represents an overview of health effects caused by overexposure to one or more

components in Crude Oil. The individual effects are described in Section XI.

Primary route(s) of exposure: Inhalation Skin Ingestion

EYE CONTACT: Contact with eyes may cause mild to severe irritation including stinging, watering, redness, and swelling.

SKIN CONTACT: Mild skin irritation including redness and a burning sensation may follow acute contact. Prolongedcontact may cause dermatitis, folliculitis, or oil acne.

SKIN ABSORPTION: Liquid may be absorbed through the skin in toxic amounts if large amounts of skin are exposed

repeatedly. There have been rare occurrences of precancerous warts on the forearm, back of hands and

scrotum from chronic prolonged contact.

INGESTION: The major threat of ingestion occurs from the aspiration (breathing) of liquid drops into the lungs,

particularly from vomiting. Aspiration may result in chemical pneumonia (fluid in the lungs), severe

lung damage, respiratory failure, and death. Ingestion may cause gastrointestinal disturbances including

irritation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In severe cases, tremors, convulsions, loss of consciousness,

coma, respiratory arrest, and death may occur.

INHALATION: May cause respiratory and nasal irritation. Central nervous system effects may include headache,

dizziness, loss of balance and coordination, unconsciousness, coma, respiratory failure, and death.


Skin disorders, respiratory conditions, liver or kidney dysfunction, male reproductive and peripheral nerve disorders.

EYES: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of clean water for at least 15 minutes, while holding the eyelids open.

Occasionally lift the eyelids to ensure thorough rinsing. Contact a physician if irritation persists or develops


SKIN: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash with soap and water. Contact a physician if irritation persists or develops

later. Thermal burns may require immediate medical attention, depending on severity and area burned.

INGESTION: DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Do not give liquids. Obtain immediate medical attention. If vomiting occurs,

lean victim forward to reduce the risk of aspiration.

INHALATION: Remove to fresh air. If victim is not breathing, provide artificial

MSDS Data Sheet for Corexit - considerable data is not reported.  The chemical should be banned for its incomplete information in regard to human exposure.


May cause irritation with prolonged contact.


Not a likely route of exposure. Can cause chemical pneumonia if aspirated into lungs following ingestion.


Repeated or prolonged exposure may irritate the respiratory tract.


Acute :

A review of available data does not identify any symptoms from exposure not previously mentioned.

Chronic :

Frequent or prolonged contact with product may defat and dry the skin, leading to discomfort and dermatitis.


Skin contact may aggravate an existing dermatitis condition.

When on fire it emits SOXs.  Most of the interventions below are not chemical specific, so much as 'general recommendations' for any chemical exposure.


Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If symptoms develop, seek medical advice.


Immediately wash with plenty of soap and water. If symptoms develop, seek medical advice.


Do not induce vomiting: contains petroleum distillates and/or aromatic solvents. If conscious, washout mouth and

give water to drink. Get medical attention.


Remove to fresh air, treat symptomatically. Get medical attention.


Based on the individual reactions of the patient, the physician's judgement should be used to control symptoms and clinical condition.