To begin, the McCain plan allows 'too much' latitude with insurance regulations. He basically is deregulating the industry including diving right into the issue of States' Rights by allowing 'portability' across state lines and knocking current State regulations out of enforcement as they will then be nullified .
Everything McCain does is to create competition. What if the industry does a 'OPEC' and simply refuses to participate in very much competition. When one approaches the issue of insurance, its insurance okay? Insurance is supposed to insure and competition in any case simply doesn't work. The health insurance policies out there already are simply taking consumers for a ride. They hardly provide coverage as it is.
But, the 'idea' that McCain is going to deregulate the industry, basically, will allow too much latitude in what can happen afterward. McCain's estimates are based on figures as they are now. The reaction of the electorate is that it costs $12,000 annually for coverage.
THAT is $12,000 TODAY.
If McCain dereguates the health insurance industry to benefit competition, there is nothing to say the costs won't be MORE than $12,000 annually. But, the consumer, IF they can get health insurance will STILL ONLY receive $5000 annually for assistance with the cost. That $5000 won't amount to anything if deregulation takes over.
Then it simply becomes a slippery slope after that because if health insurance premiums become unaffordable after the $5000 credit, we are right back where we started from, but, only worse.
McCain's answer to the uninsured is completely hideous. He proposes the creation of a non-profit corporation for those UNINSURABLE. What constitutes 'uninsurable.' Does it mean that they are uninsurable by private insurance standards or simply uninsured? And when declaring people uninsurable, what standards are we using?
The idea behind a non-profit corporation is simply outrageous. Where is the money coming from for the non-profit corporation, our taxes? If we are contributing to a non-profit corporation through our taxes does that mean we have a deductible to our regular tax schedule as well?
And if McCain is hoping a non-profit corporation will receive DONATIONS to cover Americans that are uninsurable, where is the 'market share' of donors contributing huge amounts of money that will actually do it?
Obama on rare occassion is using current government institutions proven to be able to deliver care to Americans. His plan is measurable in the way of actually providing benefit to Americans. McCain's plans have no measurable way of proving it can provide care. Its another Republican scheme to allow competition and private Wall Street industry to benefit while Americans suffer.
Haven't we had enough to Republican schemes and dreams?
I have !