Thursday, March 21, 2019

Jarad Kushner is another A. Q. Kahn. Trump's White House is breaking the law.

On February 4, 2004, (click here) the Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer (A.Q.) Khan, then famous for his role in developing Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, confessed on live television to having illegally proliferated nuclear weapons technology to Iran, Libya, and North Korea over the course of decades. Today Khan is enjoying a resurrection at home, where he is again touted as the “Mohsin e-Pakistan,” or the savior of Pakistan. He appears as the guest of honor at official ceremonies, and last year Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology declared him a distinguished alumnus in recognition of his “meritorious services and valuable contributions towards scientific research and its practical application for the productive use for mankind.”...

Where do the irresponsible acts of this administration end? Why was there no oversight for two years?

Atomic Energy Act of 1954, As Amended (click here and on page 7)

THERE ARE LAWS!  Trump and his lackeys cannot simply do as they please! Trump's family need to be reviewed by Congress for appropriate security clearance. This is outrageous and two years of free wheeling power has transpired. What a nightmare.

February 19, 2019
By Eric Levitz

The Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (click here) prohibits the export of American nuclear technology without congressional approval. The rationale behind this law is simple: If an American firm sells a foreign regime a nuclear power plant, said regime could plausibly use that technology to advance a nuclear weapons program (if adequate safeguards aren’t in place).

Saudi Arabia is an Islamist autocracy, and an exceptional aggressively and paranoid geopolitical actor. The kingdom has spent much of the past three years organizing a blockade against a U.S. ally, using American-made technology to bomb Yemeni schoolchildren, and engineering a famine in the Middle East’s poorest country.

And yet, high-ranking Trump administration officials have been trying to transfer nuclear technology to the Saudi government — without congressional approval — since the day Donald Trump took office, according to a new report by House Oversight Committee chairman, Democrat Elijah Cummings....

The Saudis got exactly what they wanted. It will be up to the IAEA to be sure it doesn't turn into a weapons program. Trump just handed out technology like candy without any oversight or any legislation from Congress. And with Jared's phone and "WhatsApp" (click here) the entire world now knows all about it.

Trump's idea of saving money is to rid himself of the FBI and simply log on to the internet and find the perfect technology to carry out government secrets. Amazing.

The "WhatsApp" is probably the best tool around for carrying out affairs with Playboy models, but, is hardly the way to discuss nuclear secrets with Saudi Arabia.

January 25, 2019
By Elisabeth Dyck

...The Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review (INIR) (click here) mission took place in July 2018 at the invitation of the Government of Saudi Arabia. The mission team reviewed the status of the country’s nuclear power infrastructure development using the Phase 2 criteria based on the IAEA’s Milestones Approach, which provides detailed guidance across three phases (consider, prepare, construct) of programme development.
Mikhail Chudakov, IAEA Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Nuclear Energy, handed over the report to Dr Khalid Al Sultan, President of the King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy (K.A.CARE) on 22 January 2019 in Riyadh.
“As is recognized in the INIR Mission report, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has made significant progress in the development of its nuclear power infrastructure,” said Chudakov. “It has established a legislative framework and carried out comprehensive studies to support the next steps of the programme.” He pointed out that Saudi Arabia has also developed strategic partnerships with countries experienced in the use of nuclear power and is extensively using their technical support....

The lobbyists involved need to be interviewed by the US House to discover exactly what transpired. The lobbyists responsible are David B. Kultgen and Jeffery Merrifield.

...The report alleges Michael Flynn, (click here) while he was national security advisor to Trump’s presidential campaign and transition, and Thomas Barrack, chairman of the Trump Inaugural Committee and friend to the president, were proponents of the IP3 plan since at least the summer of 2015 and into the time Flynn was a White House advisor. Whistleblowers to the House committee were concerned that the plans, and administration officials’ links to them, would violate U.S. law.

Since early 2018, Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Energy, Industry and Natural Resources has employed two U.S. firms to “provide advice and assistance concerning a potential bilateral agreement with the U.S. concerning peaceful uses of nuclear energy,” according to FARA filings and initially reported by Bloomberg.

One firm was the law office of David B. Kultgen, who has a long employment history regarding energy and Saudi Arabia. Kultgen worked for the Arabian American Oil Company and its successor Saudi Arabian Oil Company from 1973 to 2016, retiring as the company’s general counsel and corporate secretary. He registered as a foreign agent for the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Feb. 20, 2018 for the “provision of legal and consulting services.”...

Donald Trump cannot recognize land assigning it to Israel.

This can be part of a peace accord and submitted to Congress, but, Trump cannot solely assign land to Israel.

March 21, 2019
By Jeremy Diamond

President Donald Trump (click here) on Thursday overturned longstanding US policy regarding the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, announcing "it is time" for the US to "fully recognize Israel's Sovereignty" over the region.

"After 52 years it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability," Trump tweeted.

The announcement hands Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a significant foreign policy victory, less than three weeks before Israelis head to the polls to decide whether he should remain in power. The move comes just days before Netanyahu is set to join Trump at the White House and follows weeks during which Netanyahu has renewed his push for the US to recognize the Golan Heights as part of Israel....

A political "dog whistle" is a well established form of hate speech in the USA.

The use of a political dog whistle in the USA is a reason for an ethics review. It invites danger into the political process that can inhibit free participation in elections, too.

The fact a political dog whistle is based in racism is enough for an ethics review.

... dog whistle is a political term (click here) about statements that appear innocent to the general public but they actually use subtle, coded language to communicate a secondary message to an intended group.

The messages are often racial or bigoted in nature, used to attract certain voters and energize them to vote.


Cross-Race Effect
subliminal message
Make America Great Again
tunnel vision

Freedom of Speech is a marvelous luxury of democracy. But, recognizing an enemy is vital to any country's sovereignty. The Alt Right, as a political entity, is being discussed wrongly in the USA and quite possibly Europe. The Alt Right is not friendly to democracy, it is a parasite the uses the freedoms of democracy to end life and terrorize populations. The Alt Right is another name for the enemy and the discussions in democracies need to reflect that and not embrace it.

Hate speech is protected, but, it is not supposed to be a method of governance.

Those that practice hate speech as a form of governance are incompetent to govern. Hate speech removes the rights of targeted Americans and places them in an envelope of danger.

The Special Council investigation has been coming for some time.

The people drafted by the Trump campaign were known to be people of interest to the FBI. There is every reason to believe Paul Manafort is safer in a USA prison than otherwise. Also, it is interesting to think that others might like to hold him for trial in other countries as well.

March 2018
By Franklin Foer

...He seemed unwilling, (click here) or perhaps unable, to access his offshore accounts; an FBI investigation scrutinizing his work in Ukraine had begun not long after Yanukovych’s fall. Meanwhile, a Russian oligarch named Oleg Deripaska had been after Manafort to explain what had happened to an $18.9 million investment in a Ukrainian company that Manafort had claimed to have made on his behalf....

The Trump administration has many members that are arrested, witnesses and prisoners. There is nothing here to indicate Donald Trump or his family of advisers are capable of leading a country, let alone a political campaign.

The Trump Campaign had KNOWN members of interest to the FBI. That was at Donald Trump's fingertips if he CHOSE to carry out a legal and unquestionable campaign to be the president. The Trump administration is not capable of leading the USA. They don't even try to rid themselves of questionable people within their sphere of influence. As a matter of fact, Donald Trump embraced the most controversial figure in the Alt Right, Steve Bannon.

The Special Council was instated shortly after the inauguration of Donald Trump. That was due to the knowledge of the FBI regarding his circle of influence and their involvement with an enemy of the USA. This is not a witch hunt. This is not a surprise. This is the most important investigation to protect USA sovereignty in decades, if not the history of the country.

James Comey was not going to be corrupted as Trump wanted when he asked for loyalty. James Comey already had a history of what was then compromising the Executive Branch. There is just no question that the firing of James Comey was to dilute the authority of the FBI.

Three paragraphs from the "Sydney Morning Herald" says it all.

When extremists are embraced by leadership, people in power or afforded celebrity there will be consequences. In the USA, the acts of hatred in Charlottesville, Virginia were predictable.

March 21, 2019
By Michael Bachelard

...Apparently (click here) driven by a confused and violent alt-right ideology, the attack took white-supremacist extremism to its logical conclusion in the most peaceful and unlikely place.

Almost a week later, as the bodies of the dead are still being washed and buried in Christchurch, this act, allegedly carried out by a 28-year-old Australian, has prompted dozens of different discussions, all of which seem urgent.

Among those discussions are gun control, the role of social media in radicalising the perpetrator, and broadcasting his act, the growth of right-wing extremism, its infiltration into mainstream politics, and even the merits and morals of egging a sitting senator....