Saturday, December 11, 2021

The tornado was an F5 with winds of 216 mph and 318 mph.

New York Times Drone Footage of the devastation (click here)

...It is estimated (click here) that four tornadoes likely ripped through the state, one traveling more than 200 miles in the western part of the state, according to reports....

Every one of the deaths from the tornado is a climate death.

This is the CURRENT temperature gradiant of the Southern Mississippi Valley after sunset.

Doesn't look that bad, right? But, looks what's coming.

The wind chill map is at the bottom. That is the degrees in Fahrenheit colder the temperatures are due to high wind.

Every coastal community of the USA is primarily receiving High Surf Warning from high winds due to heat.

National Weather Service Hazard Map (click here) 

Alaska, Hawaii the islands are being battered by high surf. Any boats still floating in Guam?


I want to hear McConnell explain this one as just bad luck for Kentucky. NO MORE COAL POWERED PLANTS, MITCH!

The wind field was enormous. There were 50 mph continuous winds all the way to Mid-Michigan yesterday until 8 pm. There are still high winds today. There is a heat transfer across the country. It is the largest one I ever saw. It flowed straight across this entire country. 

This is not my idea of fun. I have been out here nearly two decades warning of all the catastrophe the country will reap. Well, "The Grim Reeper," huh? McConnell is certainly that.

I am tired of the stupidity in the US Congess regarding climate. It is completely idiotic to continue down this path of self-distruction. This will happen again. The destruction will become so overwheiming there will be no recovering from it. That scenario is already playing out with sea level rise and hurricanes. 



Where did the tornado come from in the middle of Decembe 2021? From an enormouse temperature drop when the sun set. This is not a weather or temperature map. This is the temperature change within the past 24 hours. The map came from The Weather Channel (click here).

December 11, 2021
By Lucas Aulbach and Mary Ramsey

Kentucky (click here) was devastated overnight Saturday as four tornadoes, including a massive storm that flattened much of Mayfield and several other towns, ripped through the commonwealth.

The system, which reportedly spawned at least one tornado in other parts of the South and Midwest, was forecast to bring a threat of damage to the area through the early hours of the morning. And it brought damage to much of the western portion of the state, as well as causing power outages throughout Kentucky.