The waning crescent
28.2 day old moon
11.9 percent lit
28 August 2016
A team of six people (click here) have completed a Mars simulation in Hawaii, where they lived in near isolation for a year.
Since 29 August 2015, the group lived in close quarters in a dome, without fresh air, fresh food or privacy.
Experts estimate that a human mission to the Red Planet could take between one and three years.
The Nasa-funded study run by the University of Hawaii is the longest of its kind since a Russian mission that lasted 520 days.
The team consisted of a French astro-biologist, a German physicist and four Americans - a pilot, an architect, a journalist and a soil scientist.
28.2 day old moon
11.9 percent lit
28 August 2016
A team of six people (click here) have completed a Mars simulation in Hawaii, where they lived in near isolation for a year.
Since 29 August 2015, the group lived in close quarters in a dome, without fresh air, fresh food or privacy.
Experts estimate that a human mission to the Red Planet could take between one and three years.
The Nasa-funded study run by the University of Hawaii is the longest of its kind since a Russian mission that lasted 520 days.
"The researchers are looking forward to getting in the ocean and eating fresh produce and other foods that weren't available in the dome", said Kim Binsted, principal investigator for the Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation.
The experiment dealt with the human element of exploration....