Thursday, October 03, 2013

The USA media are such wimps. They state the Republicans are trying to find a way out of the government shutdown. NOT!

I can just hear them saying, "Please, please let it true the Repuglicans made a huge mistake and they simply don't know how to get out of it." Cowards. The media is playing cowards. Nothing is further from the truth. All of a sudden Americans are suppose to have SYMPATHY for the Repuglicans. I don't think so.

By Ezra Klein, Published: October 2 at 2:58 pm
Ezra Klein: So, do you think a shutdown is good for the issues and ideas you’re trying to push? (click here)

Grover Norquist: Not necessarily. I think the original plan for the Republicans was to move the continuing resolution past the debt ceiling and then to sit down with Obama and decide whether he would be willing to trade some relaxation of the sequester for significant reforms of entitlements. That was something Obama might well do. Democrats in the House and the Senate are very concerned about caps and limits in sequestration. Republicans could get significant long-term entitlement reform -- all on the spending side, I’m assured by leadership -- for some relaxation of sequester....

The Repuglican Agenda has not and WILL NEVER change. They rather over throw the government than give up on their ideologies. Are you kidding me? The Kochs are counting on the federal government never opening again, "Good-bye EPA!"

The Government Shutdown is about the Repuglican Agenda and PLATFORM, they have no intentions of ending it. No one sees this for what it is. There is no bargaining chip here, either the Repuglicans believe in democracy or they don't and quite frankly they never have.

A democracy is about people. Repuglicans are about MONEY and control. 

I thought Bernanke was suppose to leave in September, what happened there? Does anyone stop to realize what happened under Bernanke? 

October 3, 2013
...Prior to that date (Lehman's Collapse), (click here) the Federal Reserve held around $500 Billion in Treasury bonds, and today, it holds around $2 Trillion of them, an increase of $1.5 Trillion. The Fed wasn’t holding any mortgage-backed securities (MBS), and it now holds $1.2 Trillion of them. Since the crisis started, the Fed has thus acquired from the federal government (Treasury bonds) and the banks (MBSs) a total of $2.7 Trillion of assets (1.500 + 1.200)....

In 2008, there was TARP. It was suppose to cure all the ills of the banks, it was going to compensate for all the MBS. It was suppose to bail them out. That didn't happen and today the Fed now owns a huge chunk of them. What the heck did we bailout the banks for if the MBS weren't the issue? They could not have been the issue, otherwise, that would have been resolved before QE 1, 2 and 3.

What did the banks get the money for? 

The day before the government shut down, this took place!


Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, Conn., (click here) has been awarded a maximum $2,500,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract for various weapons systems spare parts. This contract is a sole-source acquisition. Location of performance is Connecticut with a Sept. 30, 2018 performance completion date. Using military services are Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2014 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Aviation, Richmond, Va., (SPE4AX-13-D-9424).
BAE Systems Aerospace & Defense Group, Phoenix, Ariz., has been awarded a maximum $65,972,500 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for procurement of lightweight, advanced combat helmets. This contract was a competitive acquisition and five offers were received. This is a two-year base contract with no option year periods. Locations of performance are Arizona and Pennsylvania with an Aug. 30, 2015 performance completion date. Using military services are Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2013 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pa., (SPM1C1-13-D-1071)....

I am pretty sure I know what this government is about and it ain't US. See, the Repuglicans are all set now. They don't have worry about anything. Their banks are in bed with the Fed, their regulators are on furlough and their military interests were bailed out the day before the GOP walked out on the nation.

$5 Billion in weapons sales were bailed out the day before the shutdown and Speaker Boner doesn't know why they are on shut down and wants to blame Obama? Really? And the American Public? Mislead, yet again? It would seem to be the case. See, the Repuglicans are sitting pretty and could not care less about anything except playing politics and bankrupting the nation on a Democratic President's watch and we are all suppose to feel sorry for them because they have themselves painted in a corner.

I don't think so.  

This is the best part, though. That press release has an interesting date and time, wouldn't you say?

5 p.m. ET
No. 695-13
September 30, 2013

The WHO needs to consider treating the hornet outbreak no different than a virus and/or bacteria. This time the VECTOR has wings. It is a vector of toxins. Has to be. It burrows similar to other tropical like bot flies. It has to have some kind of toxin.

The appendages are very powerful for the size of the insect. The foot pods have claws. I don't know what species this is, but, I'm on the way to the library. 

Killer hornets claim 41 lives in series of attacks in central China (click here)

October 2, 2013
The Associated Press
...All told, more than 1,600 people have been injured, and 37 of them are in critical or serious condition in hospitals, the provincial government said.
It said it has mobilized a special medic team and trained more medical personnel to treat victims, and an Ankang official told Xinhua that firefighters have been removing hornet nests.
The provincial government said hornets are most aggressive in behaviour when they mate and migrate in September and October. Local officials have also said drier and warmer weather this year has contributed to the ferocity of attacks....

Let me say this and it is based in fact. The interior of China is so overpopulated that the biotic content is very impoverished. What occurs then are very hardy species of any type. It is why China frequently has these outbreaks. There is reason why nations should not accept a plant of weeds. This is one of them.

The damage to the Pacific Ocean by this nuclear disaster is unknown. Considering this is nuclear contamination, it can't be measured by human beings.

TEPCO says it does not know how much water has leaked from the damaged Fukushima reactor. (Credit: AFP) 

No different than when the BP Oil spill occurred in the Gulf of Mexico the only way of determining the damage to the Pacific is through subsurface rovers. This is a very difficult task and wont' happen in a short period of time. The long term effects of this disaster has to be estimated to decide what happens to sea life and fisheries.

Another day, another leak: One more Fukushima cooling tank pollutes Pacific (click here) 

Published time: October 03, 2013 10:43 

Another cooling tank has sprung a leak at Japan’s troubled Fukushima nuclear power plant. As in previous instances, the highly radioactive water is thought to be seeping directly into the Pacific Ocean. This is the second such incident in two months. 

Although the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has promised more accountability following a series of blunders in recent months, it has become clear to Japan’s government that the plant operator simply cannot deal with the problem on its own, forcing them to step in last month and start contributing funds.

The newest leak amounts to about 430 liters of radioactive water spilling in a period of 12 hours. That water contained 200,000 becquerels per liter of Strontium 90 and other harmful beta-emitting isotopes. That is tens of thousands of times more than the legal 30-becquerel limit.

While the plant operator has been pumping hundreds of tons of water a day over the damaged reactors to cool them in the aftermath of the 2011 meltdowns, it also relied on makeshift water tanks above ground to store excessive radioactive water....

Governors need to formulate solutions for emergency circumstances.

October 3, 2013
UNISYS Water Vapor GOES East Satellite (click here)

Tropical Storm Jerry is moving into warm Gulf waters. There is a good chance there will be no federal response. There is a good chance Jerry will build in velocity and head toward Texas. The effects will probably be felt in northern Mexico and Louisiana.

It will be a challenge to Governors to draw resources from within their states to address regional emergencies. There are government organizations and non-government organizations and the ability to share emergency resources to bring about a better outcome for citizens that will be effected by emergencies.

Natural disasters are only one type of emergency, so I suggest Governors look into existing policy that asks surrounding states for assistance if the circumstances require it. They can find funds in their state budgets to funnel into emergency funding to facilitate existing policies. Where a state lacks a policy 'to build' it's own emergency response by turning to other unaffected states it needs to pass one.

There will be no partial funding of the federal government. This is a strategy and why the USA hasn't had a return to a robust economy.

Repeatedly, the Republicans have taken bills, and not it includes the federal budget, introduced by the President and hacked it into little pieces. Repeatedly, the President has presented bill after bill to Congress that included bipartisan interests and repeatedly the US House has hacked the bills apart only to pass the aspects they approve of while attempting to deprive Democrats of fair and bipartisan bills.

No more.

The National Guard is part of our military. They are not the ONLY entity that serves this nation. By promoting the National Guard over and above the USA military in it's entirety is treason. It puts States Rights before the federal authority of our military. This is not a generous act by Stutzman, this is a further attempt to destroy the federal authority of our government. 

If one looks back over the past Congresses under this President a trend can be realized and it is to dissolve federal authority and provide states with authority, this is still another treasonist focus of the Republicans Right Wing.

The US House needs to dissolve the Hastert Rule and allow the entire House to vote for bills presented to Congress by President Obama. The Hastert Rule is the ONLY problem and a political place holder. It is the Hastert Rule the anarchists, such as Stutzman, that allows treason to be a priority in the House.

Last updated: October 2, 2013 5:47 p.m

Rep. Marlin Stutzman, R-3rd, (click here) introduced legislation Wednesday that would protect the National Guard from the partial federal government shutdown that began a day earlier.

The National Guard has furloughed 1,000 members in Indiana, including 216 civilian technicians at the 122nd Fighter Wing in Fort Wayne. Those technicians account for two-thirds of the full-time personnel at the local Air National Guard base, which remains open during the shutdown.

Stutzman's proposal -- the Guard Appropriation Restoration During Shutdown Act, or GARDS Act -- would continue to fund National Guard operations and personnel by amending the Pay Our Military Act, which Congress passed and President Barack Obama signed to exempt active-duty military personnel from the shutdown....

The NIH is a soft target. There is no way any agency should be more important than the other. All agencies FUNCTION in conjunction with the others. End of discussion.

I find it an act of the morons in the House to WAIT FOR THE NATION'S REACTION and then play to the objections, especially, when it comes to the idea of 'strength' over compassion. Military First policies. 

This is a strategy and it based in politics and is very dangerous. The US House had absolutely no insight into where the problems would manifest and have no idea YET where undetected problems are bubbling under the surface.

The Republicans have no PLANS. This is governing by HAZARD. It is the government of morons and it screams out loud as same. It was Congressman Whitfield that had a hissy fit when the all the other Secretaries of the Cabinet and/or representatives of their departments didn't show up to give testimony to the House's Energy and Commerce's Subcommittee on Energy and Power. So, don't PRETEND now that all the branches of our government don't work together. That has been a growing trend for some time now and the House has no idea what it is doing by playing God as to what is important to the American people and what is not.

The NIH is a vital part of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. To separately fund the NIH is to begin to divide the law into pieces and seeks to quite the soft targets while the rest of the nation suffers.

There are plenty of people suffering from cancer throughout the country losing their homes and savings because they aren't the beneficiary of health care insurance sufficient to cover their costs in the struggle for their lives. The experimental drugs of the NIH is only a small part of the suffering of Americans today. There will be no dividing up the country into little SPECIAL INTERESTS simply because they have the 'soft target' attention of a Right Wing political extremist. 

It is highly immoral to pick and choose who lives and who dies under the laws of the USA. Those served by the programs of the NIH are a part of the whole and not special to the law of this nation. 

I have great empathy for those now victimized by the politics and aspirations of the Republicans in the US House, but, this is our country together and we all suffer the pains the nation experiences due to these immoral legislative acts. We suffered together for decades in order to achieve The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and we will continue to stand together. The US House is picking and choosing who lives and dies in the USA and it will stop NOW!

November 3, 2010
Contact: HHS Press Office
(202) 690-6343

Secretaries Geithner, Sebelius, NIH Director Collins Announce Recipients of Affordable Care Act Grants to Support Groundbreaking Biomedical Research

Under the Affordable Care Act, Therapeutic Discovery Credit Will Support Research with Significant Potential to Produce New Therapies, Create High-Quality Jobs
WASHINGTON – Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner and Secretary of Health and
Human Services Kathleen Sebelius joined with NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins today to announce the recipients of the $1 billion in new therapeutic discovery project credits and grants created by the Affordable Care Act.  This program will help nearly 3,000 small biotechnology companies in nearly every state in the country produce new and cost-saving therapies, support good jobs and increase U.S. competitiveness....