It's time to complete the thought for this week. Basically, what I hope to demonstrate over the next few weeks is that every war the USA has engaged was wrong and completely preventable.
What the monk in Vietnam went through was mediation due to spiritual distress. Spiritual distress occurs with profound brevity when human spiritual identity is in direct conflict with reality. The reality of opposing God, reliquishing ones destiny to a new reality based in government dogma intended to suppress any 'belief' except the 'perscribed' authority of the sovereign state places any human being in direct conflict with it's authority. Every human being regardless of the identity has a spirituality, even atheists.
With that reality consider when Osama bin Laden began his 'al Qaeda' and the contorted belief in creating a 'martyr race' of young islamic ideologues. The 'very' beginnings of 'the base' is a bit obscure to most Western leaders and scholars. They first became apparent as an organized assault force with the first World Trade Center bombings, February 26, 1993. A new president by the name of Clinton would first find the 'reality' of terrorist networks and would begin to piece together an aspect of CIA/FBI intelligence the USA never had any working knowledge. I find it interesting that a 'trauma bond' would develope between the Clintons and New York City. The Former President would find comfort in confronting the enemy head on by establishing an office in Harlem. The Former First Lady would go on to run for US Senate and place the people of New York high on her list of priorities seeking to protect them as well as serve them.
There would be more 'terrorist' attacks to educate President Clinton, in Mogadishu on October 3, 1993 which would prove to be the first exposure the USA military would have in direct attack on an organized force known as al Qaeda. Somalia would prove to be quite a training ground for the USA military when the realization was complete how unprepared our military was to intervene in what was characterized as a minor operation. The terrorist force exhibited overwhelming organized intent and handily killed most of the attack force of some of the USA's best. Al Qaeda was a complete surprise. Osama bin Laden began to become more than confident, he took his 'base' to Afghanistan where he would place 'The Taliban' at the forefront of his ambitions as a front of power to serve a 'greater ambition' by al Qaeda.
The growth of any terrorist network was never realized until the administration of the current president and vice president. This link will provide a 'history' as well as the obvious escalation to the beginnings and extent terrorist networks existed and their 'explosion' since the failed assault by Bush after September 11, 2001 which never defeated Osama bin Laden.
Significant Terrorist Incidents, 1961-2003: A Brief Chronology
Terror incidents began to be organized under the 'guise' of a NEW understanding of the teachings of Mohammad. That understanding would be spawned and nutured by an Islamic leader called Mullah Mohammad Omar, the spiritual advisor to Osama bin Laden.
The two would find strength and identity now being ostracized from mainstream Arab society when they served the purpose of the USA in opposing the Russian invasion of Afghanistan being members of the Mujahideen which was backed and financed by the USA under Secretary of State, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Osama bin Laden may have used his inheritance to organize al Qaeda in Somalia but grew to prominance with the financed operations in Afghanistan. Eventually, the Taliban would come to the USA as a representative government of the people there.
Mullah Omar and others espousing the 'Shism of Omar' were able to 'resolve' the conflict of spiritual distress to find empowerment over entities of Western Culture. No different than the Monk in Vietnam whom sought peace and unification, these men lead by their conflict with the culture of the West to a new empowerment of self-immolation. "The Terrorist" would become a form of self-immolation, no different than the Japanese Kamikaze, and a vehicle to penetrate societies of Western, Arab and Eastern culture to carry out attacks 'of infrastructure' against the one entity a sovereign country is plegded to protect, it's citizens. The Kamikaze as we have come to understand them never attacked civilians in the way terrorists have today.
The reasons over millenium of history for conflict between nations varies across the spectrum. But, never has the attack by 'the individual' been as profoundly impacting to any government as the terrorists spawned as a solution to resolving the cultural divide between Western dominance and the so called 'loss of religion' by the Muslims. Across the spectrum of Islamic culture a wide acceptance of 'the power' of the "Schism of Omar" would come to be appreciated. The most widely known of this 'spiritual schism' would be demonstrated in the conflict between the Palestinians and Israelis. Even today, the distress of the 'ideologues' of Islam's warped reality carries with it the understanding that sovereignty can be achieved if only enough individuals die 'for the cause' that MUST be blessed by Mohammad and Allah.
In realizing Islam is not the enemy, I seek to point to the cultures of the Shi'ites and the fact they have been able to survive with very little military clout including suicide bombers/martyred individuals in the shadow of a madman called Saddam Hussein. Is there any wonder now that the security of the fundamentalist Islamists, the peace seekers to date, the Shi'ites would seek absolute security in nuclear proliferation by Iran? The 'Jihadist' as carved out of a schism would now take on the magnitude of a nation.
Where Western culture has been successful at war, it has been within it's own culture, the main example being WWII. Where it chronically fails is when it attempts dominance of other cultures to advocate a foreign concept called democracy. The most elaborate, expensive and stunning failures are in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. The two places on Earth where 'spiritual distress' overrides any issue of the day.
Some would say Japan's surrender after WWII would be a clear illustration otherwise. No so. It took two extremely deadly nuclear weapons to destroy the Japanese will; only to have it not only surrender militarily but culturally as well.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Corruption is evident in most wars by the USA
Vietnam was no different.
In it's feeble attempts to 'dominate' the globe the USA practiced nation building.
Nation building is an artificial presence of American will where the void to real leadership existed. In other words the countries we have found conflict, in causing incredible loss of life, both ? enemy ? and American, was due to corruption valuing 'empty' value systems of Western Origin rather than value systems of their native culture.
If you know anything about Buddism then you know there is no possiblity there would ever be any advocation of war by the people that practiced same. The oppression of the Buddist in Vietnam was paramount to Western influence and a call to war OF the South Vietnamese. The South Vietnamese mlitary failed after years of grueling Western influence.
A similar parrallel exists throughout history where the USA has 'gone to war.'
Composition to follow:.....
In it's feeble attempts to 'dominate' the globe the USA practiced nation building.
Nation building is an artificial presence of American will where the void to real leadership existed. In other words the countries we have found conflict, in causing incredible loss of life, both ? enemy ? and American, was due to corruption valuing 'empty' value systems of Western Origin rather than value systems of their native culture.
If you know anything about Buddism then you know there is no possiblity there would ever be any advocation of war by the people that practiced same. The oppression of the Buddist in Vietnam was paramount to Western influence and a call to war OF the South Vietnamese. The South Vietnamese mlitary failed after years of grueling Western influence.
A similar parrallel exists throughout history where the USA has 'gone to war.'
Composition to follow:.....
The will of the South Vietnamese people was 'of peace' and 'unification.'

June 11, 1963
David Halberstam, a reporter for the New York Times covering the war in Vietnam, gave the following account: I was to see that sight again, but once was enough. Flames were coming from a human being; his body was slowly withering and shriveling up, his head blackening and charring. In the air was the smell of burning human flesh; human beings burn surprisingly quickly. Behind me I could hear the sobbing of the Vietnamese who were now gathering. I was too shocked to cry, too confused to take notes or ask questions, too bewildered to even think…. As he burned he never moved a muscle, never uttered a sound, his outward composure in sharp contrast to the wailing people around him.
Thich Quang Duc had prepared himself for his self-immolation through several weeks of meditation and had explained his motivation in letters to members of his Buddhist community as well as to the government of South Vietnam in the weeks prior to his self-immolation. In these letters he described his desire to bring attention to the repressive policies of the Catholic Diem regime that controlled the South Vietnamese government at the time. Prior to the self-immolation, the South Vietnamese Buddhists had made the following requests to the Diem regime, asking it to: Lift its ban on flying the traditional Buddhist flag; Grant Buddhism the same rights as Catholicism; Stop detaining Buddhists; Give Buddhist monks and nuns the right to practice and spread their religion; and Pay fair compensations to the victim's families and punish those responsible for their deaths.
When these requests were not addressed by the Deim regime, Thich Quang Duc carried out his self-immolation. Following his death, Thich Quang Duc was cremated and legend has it that his heart would not burn. As a result, his heart is considered Holy and is in the custody of the Reserve Bank of Vietnam.

JFK 'the Wise'
In 1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy faced the question of a larger presence in Vietnam. He was divided between the USA's alliance through SEATO and what was emerging as the will of the South Vietnamese people. They were primarily Buddists. The question of 'The Domino Theory' hung in the balance and the re-election bid of 1964 was in the aire.
Where John Kennedy exhibited greatness was to survey circumstances and find 'the truth' and the 'future.' Many of our presidents had that 'crystal ball' quality and he was definately one who did. There was a reassurance about The Kennedy Presidency and leadership. A reassurance that the USA was a great power, without fear and in the face of pressure to enter war, it was prudent to distance ourselves from it realizing 'strength' did not come from military dominance so much as 'international respect.'
John Kennedy's charismatic approach to leadership propelled all others to the extremes but never he.
At the time of JFK's assassination he was on the verge of reversing the role of the USA in Vietnam.
He found no 'impetus' for war.
Where John Kennedy exhibited greatness was to survey circumstances and find 'the truth' and the 'future.' Many of our presidents had that 'crystal ball' quality and he was definately one who did. There was a reassurance about The Kennedy Presidency and leadership. A reassurance that the USA was a great power, without fear and in the face of pressure to enter war, it was prudent to distance ourselves from it realizing 'strength' did not come from military dominance so much as 'international respect.'
John Kennedy's charismatic approach to leadership propelled all others to the extremes but never he.
At the time of JFK's assassination he was on the verge of reversing the role of the USA in Vietnam.
He found no 'impetus' for war.
"Impetus" by Clutch
Justification, the means are the end
Doctrine and dogma, I will not relent
This world a garden in need of such weeding
This world a minefield in need of such sweeping
This ministration without full consent
Fire and brimstone, I will not relent
Just as all good things must come to an end
I will administer as I see fit
I will not relent
I will not relent
I will not relent
I am driven
I am driven
Doctrine and dogma, I will not relent
This world a garden in need of such weeding
This world a minefield in need of such sweeping
This ministration without full consent
Fire and brimstone, I will not relent
Just as all good things must come to an end
I will administer as I see fit
I will not relent
I will not relent
I will not relent
I am driven
I am driven
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