Saturday, June 13, 2009

Let's just end this wth a question.

Will the belligerence by the Iranian government result in action by those that oppose their increased escalation to nuclear missiles?

The leaders of North Korea and Iran are too overtly aggressive to believe we could ever tolerate such overatures. It isn't realistic to allow such policies of hate, be they international or domestic.

Good night.

Iranian Nuclear Facility

What lies ahead for the USA? Tougher negotiations? You really think so? I don't.

In my opinion, the election results in Iran, while disappointing in many, many ways, provides a level playing field for the Obama State Department. There is no reason to believe the Iranian government will change their plans, hence, the options are consistent. Yesterday is the same as today as it will be tomorrow. There won't be any delay in engaging the Obama Agenda.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. envoy Dennis Ross, in a new book he co-authored, raises the possibility of the use of military force against Iran should negotiations fail to head off Tehran's nuclear ambitions.
Ross, who is leading the U.S. diplomatic effort to engage Iran on a series of issues, wrote "Myths, Illusions & Peace -- Finding a New Direction for America in the Middle East" with David Makovsky, a former journalist who is a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy....

The Mahmoud Hologram.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad making his victory overature. The picture was as if some kind of hologram. It was computerized imaging. I believe it was prepared before election day. The 'back drop' was changed to 'green' to be more appealing to those defeated and as an enticing imagineering to The West.

...Yesterday morning, election officials reported that president Ahmadinejad had received nearly 19 million votes, or about 63 percent of the total, while Mousavi got about 9 million votes, or 34 percent. Two other challengers, Mohsen Rezaie, a conservative former commander of the Revolutionary Guard, got just under 600,000 votes, while Mehdi Karroubi, a liberal former speaker of the Parliament, garnered about 260,000, or 2.5 and 0.88 percent respectively. Turnout was a record 85 percent, officials said....

...The powerful Revolutionary Guard cautioned Wednesday that it would crush any "revolution" against the Islamic regime by Mousavi's "green movement."...

They are still protesting. Sure the Revolutionary Guard didn't vote with the opposition?

The Campaign of Mirhossein Mousavi was brilliant. It was pervasive. It is amazing they got away with it all.

You will never convince me the Iranians didn't want to oust their President. I know they did. The 'drive' was too consistent, too intact and too daunting. There was even endorsement from within the Iranian power structure for the campaign by 'computer.'

...With the Internet playing a mounting role in political debate, authorities have curbed access to political, human rights and news websites, and blocked Facebook on Saturday.
Former parliament speaker Mehdi Karoubi said websites should be tolerated at "such a sensitive political period."...

Iran is appearing to be a democracy. The opposition is tolerated. It is a good show for Mahmoud. A nice mask.

The electorate is a bit of a puppet in my opinion. The 'sudden' rise in recognizable opposition was very odd. Whether it was due to a 'parallel' government that began with the successful defeat of the moderates in 2005 or simply an unexpected endorsement by the inner circle of authority; it was odd.

Suddenly, people were everywhere opposing the existing 'regime.' It appears to be more of an uprising than an election and I do believe the Iranian people were sincerely attempting to reclaim their country. They have many reasons to do so. The sanctions. The threat of aggression against their country due to the increased nuclear tensions. A promising speech by a new American President.

Regardless, with a movement the current Iranian authority could not contain completely and world pressure to allow people to express themselves within the country, the 'appearance' of a democratic process also served Mahmoud as if there was hope to the world for a 'new' Iran with a new priority in freedom, inclusion and peace. That is not the case. Today, Iran is more determined to have its way. It is stimulating nuclear threat to the region.

Supporters of reformist candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi, some wearing green as the color of the party, gather on the streets protesting the results of the Iranian presidential election.

Iran Has Started a Mideast Arms Race

The 'impetus' to a Middle East with a nuclear arms race belongs to Iran. Currently, nations are 'reacting' to Iran's continued nuclear capacity and if it doesn't end soon, there will be no stopping the escalation.

The Iranian Nuclear Capacity has escalated quickly. With the Iraq invasion, the people of Iran feared they were next. The nightmare that is Mahmoud, directly resulted with the illegal invasion into Iraq.

Ahmadinejad became the sixth president of Iran on 6 August 2005.

...But since his release from house arrest a month ago, Mr. Khan has entertained a string of official visitors from across the Middle East. All come with messages of sympathy; and some governments in that region are looking to him for the knowledge and advice they need to fast track their own illicit nuclear projects. .Make no mistake: The Middle East may be on the verge of a nuclear arms race triggered by the inability of the West to stop Iran's quest for a bomb. Since Tehran's nuclear ambitions hit the headlines five years ago, 25 countries -- 10 of them in the greater Middle East -- have announced plans to build nuclear power plants for the first time....

During the past eight years there was a lot of 'shifting.'

The Bush/Cheney 'mouths' were aggressive without the ability to back it up. They were 'contained' between the electorate of the USA and the two wars they were waging. The world literally 'tread water' in fear of 'tipping' any balance and beginning a nuclear aggression by the USA White House. During the entire time, Russia hosted the global concerns and sponsored networking to assist countries in the 'line of sight' of Bush's hideous ego. In other words, Russia was throwing a 'body block' to the Bush and Cheney Nuclear Threat.

...Nicaragua and Cuba belong to the 18-nation PetroCaribe alliance created by Chavez in 2005 that groups OPEC member Venezuela with oil-importing Caribbean and Central America states, allowing them to buy Venezuelan oil on easier terms.
While most PetroCaribe leaders present used the one-day meeting in St. Kitts to praise Venezuela's oil support for the economic and social development of their countries, Ortega made a point of attacking U.S. strategy in Latin America....

Mahmoud drop kicked 'the power play' to Kim. It was a clear signal they would not 'regress' into passive peace.

North Korea's communist government is waging war against men with long hair, calling them unhygienic anti-socialist fools, and even leader Kim Jong Il has trimmed his famous bouffant locks.
Under the new propaganda, this man was singled out on the Korean TV as an offender. His excuse to the TV was that he had recently returned from a foreign business trip. But the program found another businessman who said "Whenever I go on overseas trips, I tidy myself in accordance with the Socialist lifestyle."

The words were somewhat like this:

The world is changing.

It is shifting.

We invite everyone to join us.

He wasn't referring to a burgeoning democracy in Iran, either.

Mahmoud made his acceptance speech today. Did everyone pay attention?


There will be no peace with Iran or North Korea or any other extremist 'entity' in the world. Did you catch that? It screamed at me, beyond the 'restlessness' of the electorate. Beyond the facade of a 'rigorous' particapatory election. He declared war. I caught it. I have a feeling others did.

It's Saturday Night, the 13th.

"The World is a Vampire" by Smashing Pumpkins

the world is a vampire, sent to drain
secret destroyers, hold you up to the flames
and what do i get, for my pain
betrayed desires, and a piece of the game
even though i know-i suppose i'll show
all my cool and cold-like old job

despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage
despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage
then someone will say what is lost can never be saved
despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage

now i'm naked, nothing but an animal
but can you fake it, for just one more show
and what do you want, i want to change
and what have you got
when you feel the same
even though i know-i suppose i'll show
all my cool and cold-like old job

despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage
despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage
then someone will say what is lost can never be saved
despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage

tell me i'm the only one
tell me there's no other one
jesus was an only son
tell me i'm the chosen one
jesus was an only son...for you

despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage
despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage
then someone will say what is lost can never be saved
despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage
despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage
despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage
despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage

tell me i'm the only one
tell me there's no other one
jesus was an only son...for you
and i still believe that i cannot be saved
and i still believe that i cannot be saved
and i still believe that i cannot be saved
and i still believe that i cannot be saved

Morning Papers - "Its Origins"

The Rooster

The Cheneys have no moral authority to talk about National Security. Besides being out of office.

The Bush White House CHRONICALLY stated the USA Passport Service was tightened up to prevent fraud that would allow criminals that would commit mass murder as on September 11, 2001 to enter the country.

Within a month after President Obama took office, the FBI reported to the public they had an agent investigating the ability to fraudulently obtain a US Passport. He did it successfully eight time, one time even as a child.

I don't know how much the American taxpayer has been defrauded by the Bush/Cheney administration in regard to faux National Security, but, it probably would be in an amount that could have bailed out Goldman Sachs so it would not be necessary to save AIG.

The point is, the 'Soccer Mom Politicians' of Palin and Liz Cheney come forward to attempt to 'rebuild' the Culture of Fear by crying about the closing of Gitmo. Right. They state that allowing suspects from Gitmo into the country would be directly placing such criminals on USA soil. And. Of course, it is weakening the security of the nation.

We all know the cognitive arguments that by closing Gitmo it removes the 'PR' for recruitment of al Qaeda and other such organizations. It's true. But, to the 'weak minded' Republicans they ONLY understand the 'visceral.' So, to Lizzy and Sarah, it doesn't get more simple than this. It doesn't get more visceral than this.

The Republicans spent money like water and achieved NOTHING in the form of National Security and while you whine about bringing criminals from Gitmo to SECURE facilities in the USA as a breach of National Security. Answer this question. Only one question.

Under the Bush/Cheney Administration, how many criminals achieved fraudulent passports to organize and plot their next attack right here on USA soil? Simple question. Answer?

May 20, 2005
Maintaining the integrity of the U.S. passport is essential to the State Department's efforts to protect U.S. citizens from terrorists, criminals, and others. State issued about 8.8 million passports in fiscal year 2004. During the same year, State's Bureau of Diplomatic Security arrested about 500 individuals for passport fraud, and about 300 persons were convicted. Passport fraud is often intended to facilitate other crimes, including illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and alien smuggling. GAO examined (1) how passport fraud is committed, (2) what key fraud detection challenges State faces, and (3) what effect new passport examiner performance standards could have on fraud detection....