The floating mountains of Pandora.
I really should address the theme of the movie. It is a very complex story. It offends no one. It is highly moral in its content.
It entertains nearly every form of spirituality known to me on Earth. There is a clear understanding of a 'higher power.'
The technology was wildly wonderful. I never thought graphics could be so real.
But, the story line contains a lot of information to the viewer and it could easily be the kind of film that one watches with new eyes everytime they view it. Easily. I could watch that picture over and over and come away with new information every time I did.
There is a lot of innocence in this film. There is also a love story laced into it that never gets graphic, but, is a reasonable secondary story line. It is a necessary story line as well.
This film teaches. It builds character. It pits greed against the love of wholesomeness.
The film has many, many surprises from all angles, technologically, emotionally and morally.
When I thought I knew how the story would end, it changed direction. When I felt the most defeated, it provided hope. It spoke to bravery. It definitely has 'an us and them,' but, both sides are very smart. They are incredibly good adversaries of each other.
It paid a great deal of justice to nature. The creatures were fearless and strong. They were unique in their characteristics while sharing the same habitat. They respected each other within their own territorial needs. They were as much interested in the humanoids as any aspect of their habitat. They weren't confrontational so much as defensive. Their purpose was not to kill, but, to be peaceable within their own lives.
The opening introduction to the 'society' of 'natives' is based in conflict resolution, a quieting of the spirit and a respect for the environment. The way the 'human' is received as benevolent is due to the active 'higher power' sending a 'sign' to the Leader/Chief's daughter. That presence of a 'higher power' is a constant thread through the picture.
Peaceful and quality living is through connectedness, respect and mutual longing for an exciting and enjoyable life. Quality of living is 'static' for all living creatures as well as humanoids.
It is a great picture. There is a lot of magical thinking, but, there is an 'element' of fearsomeness by all of the creatures, humans and humanoids that bring violence to a level that young children don't have to come to understand.
I will buy the DVD as soon as it is on the market. I'll see the picture on the big screen at least one more time and I will watch this picture many times and will watch it with friends any chance I get. It is an exciting film which demands exciting dialogue to those that care to share their feelings about it.
I appreciate the artists that brought this film to me. I know it was not for me in particular, but, it was made for me. The fact the film was made and has such wide acceptance tells me there are 'a lot' of 'mes' in the world.
One other thing. There is a huge female voice throughout the entire film. It portrays women as competent, compassionate, intelligent, intolerant, mindful of justice, ferociously moral. There are very strong female roles in this film and it was wonderfully done. It never betrayed the 'female mystique.' Never once. A lot of egalitarianism. And there is a 'vulnerability' to the females personalities as well, which is very charming and endearing.

How smart can a 'nervy' tree be?
I loved this picture.
Too cool for words.