Sunday, October 11, 2009

It is about time someone spoke up. FOX controls their content to 'specific' tones and event and they lie. It isn't journalism.

FOX is well endowed enough fiscally to be able to 'buy' their eyewitness and experts. As a result they frequently have content others do not and others have to purchase FOX footage which in turn pays for the 'high end' exclusivity of their content.

However, the reason FOX does this is to 'entrap' viewers into believing their point of view is the most correct and the most informed. They do this to exploit air time with 'commentators' that exploit the issue by lacing it with lies as 'commentators' are not journalists and are not bound to any ethical standard.

In other words, FOX fits the facts to the crime rather than other way around. I don't watch them. I listen to local broadcasts whenever a radio is nearby to stay up on the exploitation of their 'airwaves' so I know 'what they are up to.' But, I don't listen for facts. If there are any events broadcast on FOX that is news, I always turn to a better source for 'the truth.'

Twenty-four years ago, Murdock gave up his Australian citizenship to build a better empire. As an Aussie he was limited to the extent he could play politics within the content of news. He wanted 'a hand' in the big game. Australia had and has small wars compared to the extent the USA can be involved. He wanted to 'wheel and deal' power and he didn't care who was who in politics. He felt he should and could back anyone he chose and push them into power and he was successful doing exactly that in Great Britain. Tony Blair was elected as a Labour Party candidate because Murdock threw in with him, either by Blair's consent or not.

This desire of Murdock's News Corp. to 'play politics' with the news is 'his style.' He doesn't care. He wants to be King of the World and that is exactly what he sets out to do. He is dangerous and he does not play by the rules. He has news media control on three 'fiscally significant' continents on the planet; Europe, North America and Asia.

He dines with heads of state on personal levels and relishes the moment. Like what? It is corruption and anyone that is within the realm of government found dining with Murdock should be on the front page of The National Enquirer. He is a dangerous person and quite frankly The Wall Street journal was obtained by him to control 'the markets.' The Wall Street Journal, in all honesty has become another Murdock rag. It is exploitive and now 'sponsors' Right Wing extremists such as Rove on a regular basis.

I am sure Murdock would say, "At least they can come to us when no one wants to hear what they have to say." Really? That is important? We need to hear from former government officials that have run illegal wars, destroyed the global financial infrastructure and 'play head games' with the electorate of a ? democracy ? I don't think so.

There is a huge difference between 'the tone' of a newspaper's reporting and its 'siding' with a particular party. Since Murdock existed in the media business in Australia he has done nothing but 'play politics' with the power of journalism and the media. He takes sides and espouses particular vernaculars of speech and structuring. His 'commentators' are disciplined in 'towing the line.' They are paid well for it.

FOX isn't a reliable news reporting station, it is a news entertainment station and so are their radio stations. They toy with fantasy more than facts and their listeners and viewers like it and 'go along for the ride' because there is usually a 'bottom line' in it for them.

One might say, people have a right to conduct themselves and their businesses as they see fit, but, when a 'news entertainment' media portrays themselves as 'real and factual' there are all kinds of problems in the greater world. Climate Change and the profound denial by 'corporate' entities and how that translates into power over the electorate is a 'clear danger' and no one bothered to stop it.

Facts are facts and when they are 'clouded' with innuendo and 'covert purpose' it effects the outcome to people that isn't at all in their best interest, nor, the national security of any country.

I don't like him.

I think he is a jerk.

And reminds me of a child out of control with a very powerful tool he has no intention of being responsible 'to' or 'for.'

In the hands of a 'quality corporation' News Corp could be a miracle worker rather than a war rag.

There is definately a pattern and the White House is exactly correct. The question is what are they going to do besides talk about it.

Take the flu shots. The Swine Flu deaths in the USA are escalating and this is only October.

16 Kids Die of Swine Flu in 1 Week (click here)

ATLANTA (Oct. 9) - Health officials said Friday that 76 children have died of swine flu in the U.S., including 16 new reports in the past week — more evidence the new virus is unusually dangerous in kids.
The regular flu kills between 46 and 88 children a year, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data.

Symptoms of Swine Flu (click title to entry)
-Sore throat
-Runny nose
-Body aches
-Many people with swine flu have had diarrhea and vomiting.
-Nearly everyone with flu has at least two of these symptoms.

With the symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea comes fluid depletion of healthy body fluid balance. Anytime there is diarrhea and/or vomiting there is loss of 'electrolytes.' The loss of fluid and electrolytes from the body cause higher chances of severe illness, hospitalization and death.

Fluid depletion in children make any illness far worse and more likely to cause hospitalization of the child.

From Web MD (click here):

Who is at highest risk from H1N1 swine flu?
Most U.S. cases of H1N1 swine flu have been in children and young adults. It's not clear why, and it's not clear whether this will change.
But certain groups are at particularly high risk of severe disease or bad outcomes if they get the flu:
Pregnant women are six times more likely to have severe flu disease than women who are not pregnant.
Young children, especially those under 2 years of age
People with cardiovascular conditions (except high blood pressure)
People with liver problems
People with kidney problems
People with blood disorders, including sickle cell disease
People with neurologic disorders
People with neuromuscular disorders
People with metabolic disorders, including diabetes
People with immune suppression, including HIV infection and medications that suppress the immune system, such as cancer chemotherapy or anti-rejection drugs for transplants
Residents of a nursing home or other chronic-care facility
Elderly people are at high risk of severe flu disease -- if they get it. Relatively few swine flu cases have been seen in people over age 65.
People in these groups should seek medical care as soon as they get flu symptoms.
A striking number of adults who developed severe swine flu complications have been morbidly obese. However, obesity itself does not seem to be the issue. The vast majority of extremely obese people suffer respiratory problems and/or diabetes, which seem to be the underlying reason for their severe flu complications....

Obesity is a 'co-morbidity' with this virus because 'genetically' it has two components of swine, one of human and one of avian. It is the avain part of the virus that is making it more virulent, in my opinion. Obesity doesn't mean it predisposes a person to the virus, but, once having been infected the illness will have a greater severity due to the 'double measure of swine' component to the virus.

Viruses are nasty things. They aren't autonomously able to reproduce, they use the host's cells RNA to replicate. So, obese people have a more 'homey' environment to this virus and find it easier to replicate and cause more stress on the host.

With escalating deaths this early in the season it will increase exponently and there is absolutely no reason to 'play' with thing. Take the regular vaccine for The Flu and take the Swine Flu vaccine when it is available.

I realize it is a new vaccine and the absolute outcome is unknown, but, what is known is that people are beginning to die from this virus in numbers that should be a red flag.

US, other nations stop counting pandemic flu cases (click here)
By MIKE STOBBE (AP) – 1 day ago
ATLANTA — U.S. health officials have lost track of how many illnesses and deaths have been caused by the first global flu epidemic in 40 years.
And they did it on purpose.
Government doctors stopped counting swine flu cases in July, when they estimated more than 1 million were infected in this country. The number of deaths has been sitting at more than 600 since early September. Health officials had previously counted lab-confirmed cases, though the tally was skewed because many people who got sick never were tested.
Other nations have stopped relying on lab-confirmed cases, too, and health officials say the current monitoring system is adequate. But not having specific, accurate counts of swine flu means the government doesn't have a clear picture of how hard the infection is hitting some groups of people, said Andrew Pekosz, a flu expert at Johns Hopkins University....