The process the country is going through at least for those that care to is quite an awakening and for those that like control it is a struggle to maintain the 'image' of the controlling party in a postive light. See, doing the 'right' thing doesn't really matter now because along the Gulf Coast 'the right thing' should have happened long before the storm came ashore.
There is mounting evidence to the abject poverty in the USA and I find it fascinating that not only were the Black Americans is the poorest states in the nation exposed for their reality but also the one aspect of reality that this administration finds bothersome about life, namely Global Warming was revealed along with it's poverty. It is an oxymoron that both the most neglected areas of American policy, domestic and abroad came to roost with one Global Warming storm. Very Ironic. Had this been Florida it would have been completely different and the outcomes entirely estranged from "The Party" but more enhancing it because the federal response to Jeb's Florida would have been 'immediate barring no expense' prior to the storm with services in place for the heroics afterward. The Gulf State hardest hit, Louisiana, has a Democratic governor.
It is really quite amazing to realize as the USA woke to New Orleans and it's SUPERDOME it also woke to the worst storm in the history of this country powered by an Arctic Vortex.
That aside. At least for now.
The Blues, jazz and soul all originated in the south of the USA. It's unique, it's retro, it's negative energy. The music of the south completely reflects the reality of the south. There wasn't any other form of free expression left except music to tell the story of societal neglect and the pain of living everyday in it. It only makes sense that over time new forms of 'entertainment' would come as enlightenment to the rest of the country and the music of the south became marketable and the society that created it would come to love it. It just would not come to love the etiology of it nor the desire to change it.
Fats Domino.
Louie Armstrong. "Satchmo"
Those are only a miniscule two that would come out of the music that was uniquely American to find a place in the hearts of this country. Rarely if ever did the reality of the south come to the forefront with them. It would take a Civil Rights movement fueled by people like Martin Luther King, Jr. to bring poverty to it's pinnacle of recognition but not to the point where the poverty was recognized so much as the racism, bigotry, bias and hatred. With names like Selma and Birmingham the country would come to know poverty with a different name.
Civil Rights grew but oddly the power brokers that still live today still had their covert extremes hidden deep in illiteracy and social isolation out of the camera lens of the media moguls who found it 'good sport' to favor a political party that benefitted them and not regulation. The media industry put into power a political party that would come to the current awareness of the 'under belly' of this nation. The backwards and impoverished and increasing population of the United States of America. The reality that was always there but never recognized for 'the shame' it would hold to the world as a reality. Is there any wonder that now the world in it's compassion for the impoverished of the USA, the neglected of the USA, the underserved of the USA would come to one of it's most powerful cities, New York in distain of the very leader who would offer incredible 'bargains of trade' in order to keep face. Would all that have been offered if there was not such a 'shame' in the USA and such a 'humiliating' response in compassion by the world? Not likely.
I hope President Putin's declaration against terrorism and nuclear proliferation comes to be the Nobel Peace Prize it should be and the end to all that plagues security of nations globally. It will be a feat to get the cooperation of the USA but with it most vulnerable and alone in it's aggression rather than peaceful initiatives there is the best chance with this administration at least for all that to happen. It is obvious by a growing majority in the USA, we want peace and not war. We abhore the very mistakes this administration continues to make on a daily basis manifesting in huge deficits due to their inability to serve the country so much as COVER UP this administration's gross inadequecies.
After Katrina the response by Bush's presidency was the same as 911, slow, insufficient and damaging beyond the initial assault. It shows a political party so mired in corruption with self serving initiatives that four years of budgetary mismanagement clearly has caused the collapse of fiscal sanity sending generations of Americans into their own form of abject poverty in just finding ways to pay back a debt that is supported by a draconian economy. Without an 'flat' economy of blood sucking tax income the USA is set for increased poverty with further loss to it's tax base, rather a overwhelming class of 'needy.'
If this country hasn't learned this time they have made gross errors in 2000 and 2004 sacrificing all in an experiment that would save them by the graces of an evangelical christian god rather than competent leadership than it will never learn. THAT should be a lesson the world needs to 'get their minds around' and come to terms with in the international theater whereby the USA is 'on the loose' against world order and peace at the cost of the quality of life of it's own citizens.
Bush, Cheney and their "Party" have a full characterization now. They feed a political machine that serves to keep 'the image' of it untarnished or so they would believe while it deprives the very neediest of it's citizens from success in education and economic opportunity which are the key elements in movement out of poverty to a tax paying status contributing to the greatness of any nation but especially one that touts democracy and capitalism as examples to personal freedoms. The basis of American freedom that was once coveted by the underclasses of the world IS ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY leading to better quality of life and with this Global Warming Storm the very basis of what Bush promotes that started due to his exposure of fraud over Iraq is now seen in living color coming right out of the heart of poverty in the south. If ever there was a god it is more evident today than ever before.
The World now knows the 'truth' far greater than anything Michael Moore could tell of the very people who would seek to bring in covert measures of war in the name of freedom and democracy don't even practice it at home. Irony only god could expose and GREED could create.
It has been a long held LAW that when countries practice war over peace the people within them suffer. The focus of treasuries goes to creating offensive military weaponary as well as defensive measures to counter balance those aggressions. That LAW of international aggression is completely evident here causing human rights abuses all over this country. It is a LAW well known to any leader who truly looks for a better way of life for the people of their country and one that did not need to be validated still again. More than 'the south' is in poverty now. The greed of this administration has cast the entire country into profound debt with little chance of economic recovery and political agendas that are 'fronting' for a political party without answers or insight.
The revealing of America took not world war but simply a Global Warming storm that no one saw coming on the very 'underbelly' that still had a revolution of silence to be revealed.
The most profound picture that Katrina revealed this past week came when rescue workers found a lone black man in his home alive among the rubble to be taken to a health facility for relocation. The man cared not about leaving his home amongst the devastation as his reality was as much a part of the devastation. He was in his home with a bottle of water that sustained him. He was use to being sustained and when the caucasian emergency workers brought him more water and food as well he was content with the helping hand and cared not for the food so much as just enough clean water to see him through a little longer until 'things got better.' The abject poverty of his life was catastrophic and the devastation around him after surviving the worst storm ever to hit the USA was simply 'the next thing' he had to live through. In his way of thinking everything would be okay and he didn't want to impose a need of his on a caucasian society that would rather see him dead than survive. He had survived a lifetime of negligence and this was just 'the next hilltop to climb.' THAT was the most profound story of all.
The World has come to terms with Global Warming long before now. It is finally time for the most profound issue besetting the globe to take it's proper place as the leading concern of this country. But in true corruption and denial of 'the truth' the Bush White House cannot find it's way out a brown paper sack in order to address THE ISSUE so much as throw fist fulls of money one after the other to the bellies of hungry and neglected Ameicans in hopes it's base of oil and gas tycoons goes undisturbed the the DENIAL they breed will keep them alive politically.
Bush’s Legacy: More Than Duct Tape Needed
William Fisher, Arab News
The speech President George W. Bush delivered in New Orleans Thursday evening had the phony ring of a second-term president driven by a single goal: To rebuild what is left of his tattered legacy.
The president still contends he is a “compassionate conservative”, yet conservatives in his own party will find little joy in his huge spending proposals for rebuilding the Gulf Coast. In that sense, his speech could just as well have been made by Franklin Delano Roosevelt or Lyndon Johnson. No legacy there.
Hurricanes are getting stronger, study says
The number of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes worldwide has nearly doubled over the past 35 years. Image courtesy Peter Webster/Georgia Tech
The number of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes worldwide has nearly doubled over the past 35 years, even though the total number of hurricanes has dropped since the 1990s, according to a study by researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). The shift occurred as global sea surface temperatures have increased over the same period. The research will appear in the September 16 issue of the journal Science, published by the AAAS, the science society, the world’s largest general scientific organization.
Peter Webster, professor at Georgia Tech’s School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, along with NCAR’s Greg Holland and Tech’s Judith Curry and Hai-Ru Chang, studied the number, duration and intensity of hurricanes (also known as typhoons or tropical cyclones) that have occurred worldwide from 1970 to 2004. The study was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
"What we found was rather astonishing," said Webster. "In the 1970’s, there was an average of about 10 Category 4 and 5 hurricanes per year globally. Since 1990, the number of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes has almost doubled, averaging 18 per year globally."
Category 4 hurricanes have sustained winds from 131 to 155 miles per hour; Category 5 systems, such as Hurricane Katrina at its peak over the Gulf of Mexico, feature winds of 156 mph or more. "
Category 4 and 5 storms are also making up a larger share of the total number of hurricanes," said Curry, chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech and co-author of the study. " Category 4 and 5 hurricanes made up about 20 percent of all hurricanes in the 1970’s, but over the last decade they account for about 35 percent of these storms."
Putin: U.N. has key role in terror fight
(AP)Updated: 2005-09-15 23:11
The United Nations must shift its focus from just settling disputes between states to coordinating the world's fight against terrorism, Russian President Vladimir Putin told the second day of a U.N. summit Thursday.
Hurricane data suggest link to global warming
By MIKE TONERCox News ServiceFriday, September 16, 2005
ATLANTA — The number of major hurricanes like Katrina has nearly doubled worldwide since 1990 — a finding that scientists say coincides with rising sea surface temperatures and seems certain to stoke the debate on global warming as well.
"What we found was rather astonishing," says Peter Webster of Georgia Tech's School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. "In the 1970s, there was an average of about 10 Category 4 and 5 hurricanes worldwide per year. Since 1990, the number has averaged 18 per year."
Although Webster and his fellow researchers stop short of attributing the increase directly to global warming, they say the worldwide increase in intense storms — like Hurricane Katrina — closely matches the predictions of computer climate models for a warmer world.
"It's impossible to say that a particular hurricane like Katrina, or any other storm, is due to climate change. But storms like Katrina have increased tremendously in all ocean basins of the world, so the trend doesn't appear to be a result of natural variability," says Webster.
Powerful invest $1 billion in Clinton's 'Initiative'
By DAVID HOCox News Service
NEW YORK - Bill Clinton 's summit of world leaders, tycoons and nonprofit groups collected more than $1.25 billion in pledges of money and programs intended to combat global problems, the former president said Saturday.
Katrina shows effect of climate change, says Gore
Hurricane Katrina offered "a taste" of the disasters, and the response to them, that the US could expect as a consequence of climate change, former vice president Al Gore said on Saturday.
He cited recent research that found warmer sea surface temperatures - a result of global warming - had strengthened hurricanes and major storms around the world. Speaking at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York, where climate change was one of the key issues under discussion, he also criticised those politicians he said wanted to trim government too far, as weak government was incapable of responding adequately to emergencies.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Summertime sung by Billie Holiday
George and ira gershwin / dubose heyward
Summertime and the livin’ is easy
Fish are jumpin’ and the cotton is fine
Oh your daddy’s rich and your ma is good lookin’
So hush little baby, don’t you cry
One of these mornings
You’re goin’ to rise up singing
Then you’ll spread your wings
And you’ll take the sky
But till that morning
There’s a nothin’ can harm you
With daddy and mammy standin’ by
Summertime and the livin’ is easy
Fish are jumpin’ and the cotton is fine
Oh your daddy’s rich and your ma is good lookin’
So hush little baby, don’t you cry
One of these mornings
You’re goin’ to rise up singing
Then you’ll spread your wings
And you’ll take the sky
But till that morning
There’s a nothin’ can harm you
With daddy and mammy standin’ by
"It's like reaching for the moon" sung by Billy Holiday
It's like reaching for the moon
It's like reaching for the sun
It's like reaching for the stars
Reaching for you
You're so far above me
How can I expect than an angel to
It's so refined as you are
It's like flying without wings
Playing fiddle without strings
And a million other things
No one can do
No, my hopes are slender
In my secret heart
I pray you'll surrender soon
No, it's like reaching for the moon
It's like reaching for the sun
It's like reaching for the stars
Reaching for you
You're so far above me
How can I expect than an angel to
It's so refined as you are
It's like flying without wings
Playing fiddle without strings
And a million other things
No one can do
No, my hopes are slender
In my secret heart
I pray you'll surrender soon
No, it's like reaching for the moon
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