I have a theory. Remember propofol intoxication of Michael Jackson? And there was that medication for children in the fifties that worked to put them to sleep. What heck was it?
Paregoric. Parents would give their children paregoric for stomach aches and set them off to sleep. Paregoric was camphorated tincture of opium. People in Afghanistan probably use it as a benevolent agent for sleep and don't understand why The West is so opposed to it.
At rate, chhoroform (CHCl3) is used as an anesthetic, no different than propofol. Where the heck did Anthony come by chloroform? If she used it on Caylee, she used it as a sleeping agent while she partied with her friends. I doubt she expected Caylee to die.
The prosecutor and the defense need to put this into perspective. If there is any chloroform within Caylee's body and Anthony was using it for sedative purposes then the investigation isn't over. I don't think it is first degree murder. I believe the bizarre social behavior of Anthony when Caylee died is very explainable considering that was her goal and she simply didn't know what to do about her circumstances otherwise. A Borderline Personality Disordered female would consider partying as a 'normal' behavior even though her daughter never work from her coma.
It really don't believe this was premeditated. I think it was dysfunctional and stupid and Anthony was never meant to be a mother, but, I don't believe she is a killer necessarily. Somebody needs to get this right.
Sad, but, true. When a society makes the citizen an authority above all else people begin they can control their world and the world around them. Anthony thought she was being smarter than the average young mother. It even could have happened with a nanny involved.
Casey Anthony Trial: Was Caylee drugged with Chloroform so Casey could party? (click title to entry - thank you)
9:24 AM, Jun 8, 2011
...It's no secret the young mother loved to party.
Pictures are posted all over the internet of Casey wearing short, tight, form-fitting skirts and dresses.
She is seen in nightclubs dancing provocatively with other women and posing in photos for "hot body" contests at an Orlando club called Fusion...
Guaranteed, it wasn't premediated and the 'story telling' has 'evolved' as she tries to save her own life with the HELP of her family. There is a larger investigation that needs to begin and should have been on going if Caylee died of chloroform overdose. Where did Anthony get it and why? Did the nanny play a roll in this and did the family at any venue know about it? Certainly they weren't ignorant to her party schedule. I really believe this case is bigger than anyone wants to admit and the family has bargained in order to exonerate themselves from the knowledge of her activities. Something is not correct here. There are others involved. That is my estimation. No one optains chloroform without help. No different than propofol.
If the jurors are worth their salt this is going to end up in a hung jury for the inabiltity of the prosecution to bring to scope the entire case. Caylee is not getting justice here. I sincerely the prosecution is playing with stereotypes rather than presenting the evidence in its correct context.