This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Bush wasn't even at the meeting with Congressional Leaders. What's the disconnect?

Bush wants the Federal Government to absorb the bad debt. No. In order to do that, the USA will become the largest Realtor on the planet. A realtor without any sales agents. The USA will become the biggest slum lord this side of Oshkosh. That real estate has to remain in the hands of private investment portfolios otherwise they will become worthless and the USA won't own anything except houses for demolition within a short period of time.
It can be argued that there is simply too many houses and commercial real estate on a continually failing economy to ever believe homes will be worth anything in the future. The basis of any average American's financial security is in the long term investment of a home. In my opinion that has been shattered and people are still not talking about this entire set of circumstances in a real way because no one wants to 'own the problem.' No one wants to admit, their monthly mortgages are being paid on real estate without intrinsic value. The ONLY aspect of real estate that continues to give it value at all, is its location. Location of valued areas of the country to live will provide value, but, in reality if someone wants a home at no cost these days it is available.
It is more realistic and more prudent to allow financial institutions to apply for regular loans at virtually no interest except for the administration costs and allow them to continue to manage their losses while continuing their incentives to develop markets and uphold value of held Real Estate. If a company has holdings that can be managed in a different way, say as rental property, then they need to look at those possiblities and move in that direction while recuperating their losses and minimizing their need for continued loans from the people of the USA.
The entire concept of 'bailing out' the FAILED POLICIES of a FAILED political party on a regular basis is hideous. Why should the people in the USA that simply 'know better' than to trust any policy a Republican comes up with, have to pay for the mistakes of those that elected them? If anything that is an incentive to continue to elect these baffoons. The 'idea' that Walker Bush can simply state, "Boy, you know we really goofed AGAIN and need more concessions from Congress to set the country back on the right path," while the morons continue to stay in office is an outrage !
Bush, Paulson and Bernanke need to be removed from office and so does Cheney. The fact of the matter is WHO CAN TRUST THESE IDIOTS? Look what they have done to this country? No one wants to admit the Democrats should be heading the government. They are the ones who now have the burden to deal with, so why not place Pelosi at the top of the Executive Branch and at least give the country the ability to 'clean house' and put expertise back in government before we simply hand over a wad of cash to businesses that went along with this moronity?'
The financial sector 'bought into' this Republican Crack Pot Economy so that Bush could be re-elected after he failed to secure the National Security from al Qaeda while entering Iraq, FOR NO GOOD REASON. Why should we have to 'handle' their failure? The government should never have bailed out Freddie, Fanny, AIG or any other financial institution. They should have opened the possiblity of allowing them to secure their further stability while they cleaned up their own mess.
You know what is going to happen here? All those bad debts the USA is buying for the "Bush Silverado Government in the Executive Branch" will end up becoming a blight, worthless and demolished and this so called 'Recuperable Bailout' will be nothing but a huge loss to the USA and add indeterminately to the USA debt. It will disaffect social programs and hinder any ability to recover this nation to the point where it was when Clinton left office.
We have a moral obligation to our children. To allow this travesty of a government plan to go forward is the worst possible outcome for everyone. Setting the financial institutions back on their feet only to allow them to do it all over again, is the most hideous effort that can occur.
We need quality in DC before we can move forward on any economic strategy that will work and we need to leave the 'bad debt' where it is while being patient in providing time in the way of very low cost loans as financial institutions work their way out of their own mess. Tack on the interest and payments on the end of any fiscal structure and as the institution begins to recover. Structure it so its managable for them. Bailouts are wrong and won't have good results; it will only prolong the economic depression.
Bush was right when he stated, '...they were all drunk.' Only it wasn't Wall Street that was, it was the electorate that can't seem to discern good government from expectedly bad government that provides personal boom-times 'if you know which way the mess is headed.'
Enough is enough !
It is high time the Republicans find out what it truly means to live a moral life as an American rather than just a morally religious life. This is the most outrageous mess this country has ever faced. Illegal and immoral war, illegal and immoral economic circumstances, unlimited domestic arms, police that have been turned into gun brigades, a backdoor draft, huge insoluable national debt, abandoned soldiers with mental illness, states without effective educational systems, loss of conservation values, energy policies that are immoral, a profound loss of national pride and international integrity, devastated outsourcing and bin Laden has been allowed to walk free for seven years while Ground Zero is still devastated.
What is wrong with America these days?
Get rid of the Republicans !
They have no policies that work and never did !
It's simply true, Palin has no experience to be President of the USA. She just doesn't. Compared to Hillary Clinton? Sarah Who?

Hagel also expressed concern about Palin's lack of international experience. "She doesn't have any foreign policy credentials," Hagel said "You get a passport for the first time in your life last year? I mean, I don't know what you can say. You can't say anything."...
..."I think they ought to be just honest about it and stop the nonsense about, 'I look out my window and I see Russia and so therefore I know something about Russia,'" Hagel said. "That kind of thing is insulting to the American people."...
From Arbusto to sinking the USA Economy. Those that knew warned everyone !
No Taxes to provide economic development.
Since when ?
Without taxes this 'go round' who will bail out the Bush mess this time.
Silverado wasn't even close to being this much of a mess. At least the Bushes had the FDIC to wipe out before it hit the tax structure. I mean who is kidding who here? Republicans are elected to as Carpetbaggers to the Federal Treasury.

“George W. Bush founded an oil company, a drilling company, out in west Texas called Arbusto, which was very good at drilling dry holes.”
CBS really has Palin nailed. Interesting. Palin definately has a credibility problem. She's not trustrworthy.

Gov. Sarah Palin cited unauthorized travel by a state official as an example of his "insubordination" as a reason for his termination. A new document reveals, however, that his trip to Washington, D.C. was authorized by her office. (AP Photo/Al Grillo)