"What's Trending Now" (click here)
That isn't all Facebook is doing to reposition it as a 'safe site.'
If "Facebook" wants to be a reliable and safe site, it just might need to ask whom it's friends are. Because the report from below is from Sputnik, a Russian media and is hardly what I call friendly.

Facebook is an invention of a very talented American. Why would any communist country see Facebook other than a tool rather than a social website? Facebook, along with other American media, should take this opportunity seriously to decide what information on their websites serve the purpose of foreign intelligence that harm the USA. In some ways I am glad Facebook is taking itself seriously and looking to ways to handle Fake News effectively; but, should those efforts prove useless, a higher conscience needs to be applied.
The Democratic Party should compete with "Facebook" and provide their own "My Space" that is void of news at all. Just a place where Americans can go to find friends rather than Fake News. Guarantee "No propaganda" where American hearts and minds are safe. Someone needs to offer that service. Facebook is trying to carry out that mission, but, it's "What's Trending Now" is in place because of competition in the industry. Facebook doesn't believe it can hold it's place in Wall Street without this webpage that carries trending.
Facebook and other social websites should be asking how important the USA is to them. I have been eliminating foreign persons on my webpage that have been there forever. I don't know them. They don't know me and it is silly to worry about a number of friends accumulated. I don't want to be harmed by anyone, nor do I want my country harmed either.
One other thing, with ZTE (click here) and Huawei (click here) facing congressional sanctions soon because they violated Iran Sanctions and North Korean sanctions, that means Facebook and other American social networks are safer and closer to their own security from the adaptation of American technology by other hostile networks.
I think there is something to appreciate in that the USA has to be very secure in order to be safe from hostile Artificial Intelligence. It's getting a little scary and Americans have a right to know exactly how scary it is going to get or will they be safe from hate. AI is becoming into American homes. It is time to get real about this entire issue.
June 6, 2018
Facebook (click here) is looking to hire people to help remove the fake news that its users post to its website.
As of Thursday, Facebook had two positions for "news credibility specialists" on its job site, as reported by Gizmodo.
The two job listings have since been removed from the social media giant's career page although whether there is a corollary between the deletion and consistent accusations against Facebook of passing along false information clothed in authentic-seeming reports is unclear.
"We're working to effectively identify and differentiate news and news sources across our platform," company spokesman Adam Isserlis asserted to Business Insider.
In April, Facebook announced that it would allow users to appeal decisions to remove questionable content from the social media platform....