Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Donald Trump cannot declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel. He is acting like the US House and naming post offices. I am surprised he didn't name Jerusalem after his first born; Donald Trump, Jr. City on the Hill.

I am curious as to whether or not Roy Moore will be able to display his stone tablets of the Ten Commandments, now that Trump has put a BRAND in Jerusalem.

Saakashvili reveals age-long friendship with Trump (click here). The last head count was 1000 dead when he invaded South Ossetia.

Saakhashvili led the 2003 colour revolution in his homeland, which deposed the then-president Eduard Shevardnadze. But, following his victory in the 2004 Georgian election, he soon aped many of the negative traits of his predecessor, brutally clamping down on protestors and misusing state funds. Four years later, Saakashvili led his country into a disastrous invasion of South Ossetia, which drew Tbilisi into a brief conflict with Moscow.

That was the beginning of the end for "Mischa" in Tblisi, and today he’s wanted on criminal charges in Georgia, accused of “exceeding state powers” during a 2007 crackdown on the opposition and embezzling budget revenues.

Make it a stocking stuffer:

Competitive Authoritarianism: (click here) Hybrid Regimes after the Cold War (Problems of International Politics)

Competitive authoritarian regimes - in which autocrats submit to meaningful multiparty elections but engage in serious democratic abuse - proliferated in the post-Cold War era. Based on a detailed study of 35 cases in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and post-communist Eurasia, this book explores the fate of competitive authoritarian regimes between 1990 and 2008. It finds that where social, economic, and technocratic ties to the West were extensive, as in Eastern Europe and the Americas, the external cost of abuse led incumbents to cede power rather than crack down, which led to democratization. Where ties to the West were limited, external democratizing pressure was weaker and countries rarely democratized. In these cases, regime outcomes hinged on the character of state and ruling party organizations. Where incumbents possessed developed and cohesive coercive party structures, they could thwart opposition challenges, and competitive authoritarian regimes survived; where incumbents lacked such organizational tools, regimes were unstable but rarely democratized.

These so called leaders of democracy, never intend to instill democracy so much as pretend it still exists.

No one is going to like this analogy, but, it needs to be made. Within the USA are coercive powers. Those coercive powers, as they exist today, are the petroleum industry and financial institutions TOO BIG TO FAIL.

In the case of the petroleum industry and all these huge so called family organizations such as the Koch Brothers; they seek profit over every FACT facing the entire world when it comes to the Climate Crisis. The Republicans find these power structures helpful in achieving election and staying in Congress as a career. In return these power structures such as Koch and the Texas Baptist Regimists are a quasi-authority in the corruption of the USA government and instilling their profit motive in place of governance that is benevolent to the people.

In the case of the financial institutes that couped the American people in 2007-2008, there motive is obvious, they want to own the world and control it. Just consider the egos involved. Trust them? Really?

The idea any private institution is TOO BIG TO FAIL, only proves there is a quasi-government within the borders of the USA that pull the strings of elected officials in DC. The way fines of financial institutions replace prison time for CEOs leading the way to destroy Middle Class and housing infrastructure to benefit their own greed, including stockholders, is nothing but pure corruption. The excuse is because THEY ARE TOO BIG TO FAIL. "W"rong! They are not too big to fail and JP Morgan is the prime example of a financial institution that would have been alive and breathing after all the others went bankrupt. Morgan would have been the Last Man Standing, which is the icon for capitalism.

When one puts real ideas of power into places where coercion exists, it gets interesting to think about. Who actually governs and today the USA is facing a tax structure that will no doubt cast many people into poverty and illness. I mean ending the Children's Health Insurance Program. 


...This week, (click here) Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) helped push a tax bill through the Senate that will cost about $1 trillion. At the same time, he lamented the difficulties of finding the money to fund the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which pays for healthcare for nine million children and costs about $14 billion a year — a program Hatch helped create....

Hatch is ludicrous beyond imagination. There is no morality within the new tax code, only greed. The Republican icon of removing social programs that care for the American people is enforced by ideology that feeds 1 percent of the USA population.

Give me a break, that is an external force controlling the USA government. There is no decision making based on governance. NONE. Add to that the only reason Hillary Clinton is not President is because of Russian interference and harassment of an FBI director by Republican Congressmen when Anthony Weiner's laptop showed HIS WIFE'S correspondence with Hillary Clinton. Does anyone really think Hillary Clinton was interested in Anthony Weiner's sex life?

Weiner was a former Congressman ridiculed for his sexual exploits, not divulging military movements in the Middle East. And that became a political issue? It is ridiculous to realize Comey decided to be 'the man' that would bring 'the truth' to the people. Please, don't get me started.

The country was fine and Hillary Clinton was not a threat to national security.

The Saakhashvili thing is on this blog the day it occurred. Russia had deployed PEACE KEEPERS along the borders between Poland, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The people of those two countries were peaceful and DISARMED people. They served no particular threat to Poland. And, yes, The West didn't like the Russian Peacekeepers because, as usual, they feared a Russian invasion into Poland.

The day the attack occurred the people of South Ossetia and Abkhazia were living their lives and Polish tanks rolled by orders of it's then president Saakhashvili. The tanks shelled the border towns and at last count there were at least 1000 people dead. There was no reason for the attack and Russia then rolled it's tanks into Poland pushing the attack back to the capital. It was afterward Russia declared the two counties as Russian territories to protect the lives of the people. There were no Polish people injured or dead. I am not sure of the Polish military.

Russia wasn't wrong. They were stationed on the border within a UN resolution to protect the people and they did their job. I don't know what Saakhashvili was trying to do, perhaps, bring a final conflict between NATO and Russia. I guess it gets a little nerve racking when one shares a border with Russia. But, the attack was wrong and Russia acted due to Polish provocation. Poland was left intact without any intention by Russia to bring a war with Poland. That is the truth as it happened and I'm sticking to it.

It seems as through Saakashvili is still another NEW president that wanted an economy and Trump decided to lend his "Trump University" insight and name to any possible profit potential. That is typical Donald Trump. It is money, money, money no matter where the desire takes him or the extreme it took. I am sure Paul Manafort was very helpful.

24 Hours of Reality 2017: Be the Voice of Reality (click here)

The Climate Crisis is real. The next 24 hours will be filled with our climate reality and How people in every walk of life is accepting the challenge.

Life styles are changing. People are embarrassing the challenge. It is magnificent how church leadership is embarrassing the future generations in acting today. If you are looking for morality, look here.
