This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Sunday, February 23, 2025
A true patriot sounds like this.
False narratives
Musk stating federal employees that cooperate with demands should be promoted is a false narrative regardless of the fact it could occur. Promoting employees because of loyalty to a political party promise is not the best outcome for the USA.
Promotions should always be based in expertise in employment including longevity in the capacity in which they worked.
Trump stating the USA gets nothing out of alliances is a magnificent statement of wrongful intentions. Alliances are about national security. To base any relationship in an alliance as a profit statement is undermining the alliance. The USA is not in the business of business. It is a sovereign country supported by a tax structure as stated in the 16th Amendment to the USA Constitution.
Alliances are about national security and good relations including the right to transact business as in the agreement between Mexico, Canada, and the USA. To suddenly make enemies of allies is a hostile act to the USA Constitution. The benefits to alliances far exceed any profit margin in a plutocratic dreamscape.
The USA allows use of its assets through permits, and auctions primarily. There are permitting for gracing animals, refreshment vendors in national parks, and oil and gas drilling, but, there is no hiring or revenues into the USA by retail sales.
We saw a lot of auctions and permitting by the Obama administration especially when discarded 5G could be used by private industry.
Basically, the USA offers opportunity to citizens and sovereign businesses to make money recognizing the efficiency of private, small businesses and the benevolence to citizens.
The auctions aren’t about profit, it is about fairness as to em who receives the permits. Is there a profit with an auction? Not really. There are administrative costs that goes along with all that.