In the USA today, the consumer is impoverished through poor wages, increased health care costs, an energy and transporation system that is antiquated, and a supply of products they just don't want. Imports of far poorer quality than anything normally manufacturered in the USA; when, at one time, those products increased employment opportunity.
Today, Americans don't have savings, they don't have homes and many face medical costs they don't have insurance for or are under insured. The American Dream has been squandered by The Bush Curse, which chronically and inappropriately gives money 'away' to business while keeping their fingers crossed that their cronies will 'come up with something' that will turn the corner on a poor economic outlook.
Until the Energy and Transportation needs of Americans are addressed and manufacturing of high quality goods is returned to the USA using energy efficient methods, that also stop and reverse, Human Induced Global Warming, there isn't a darn thing any legislation is going to do to turn this mess around. This is THE RESULT of incompetency in government which encouraged corrupt business practices that drove American wages into poverty economics. Businesses under the Bush Curse literally robbed the people of their ability to sustain their lives and put corrupted practices to work in knowing they were morally "W"rong in the treatment of American Labor.

The Republicans just don't 'get it.' When JFK instituted tax cuts and got a huge return on every reduced tax dollar it was to give American Business a 'breather' to increase production, grow, hire Americans and sell more product.
The Economy since Bush '41 has suffered by low wages, two or more incomes to a household, diminished quality of life, and huge influx of imports. When an economy is a service economy and the choices in the 'market place' are all imported it does not translate into American Jobs.
Outsourcing to India and China has removed American jobs to countries that we import from, but, has also caused businesses to invest in infrastructure abroad and now that the instructure abroad is in place, it's demanding higher prices for their outsourced economy. Therefore, the products imported to the USA are no longer inexpensive, but, are increasing in cost, especially when considering the poor quality. Americans have not only lost jobs to outsourcing they have lost 'quality' in their 'market place' with increasing prices from the 'outsourced suppy side.'
It doesn't matter how many 'tax breaks' crony companies like Ford or Halliburton get, they put out products Americans don't want and therefore, seek products from foreign sources that supply products they do want.
The Energy and Transportation of the USA is grossly outdated in it's consumer demands, hence, any tax breaks are going to the "W"rong place. The USA is better off without an economic stimulus bill out of the House and Senate unless it adequately addresses the 'real' concerns of the American people.
Get of Iraq. Address the militants in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Make America safe. Secure the borders with People and not Walls. Change the Energy and Transportation infrastructure. Return the USA's dignity and address Climate Change in a real way. Stop using Fossil Fuels and throwing billions after billions to exploitation of Alaska and other resources of the USA because the oil doesn't come to Americans anyway. Put in place Universal Healthcare. Retool America for the products it's citizens want such as electric cars and high speed magnetic rail !!!
Impeach George Walker Bush and Richard Cheney.

The Economy since Bush '41 has suffered by low wages, two or more incomes to a household, diminished quality of life, and huge influx of imports. When an economy is a service economy and the choices in the 'market place' are all imported it does not translate into American Jobs.
Outsourcing to India and China has removed American jobs to countries that we import from, but, has also caused businesses to invest in infrastructure abroad and now that the instructure abroad is in place, it's demanding higher prices for their outsourced economy. Therefore, the products imported to the USA are no longer inexpensive, but, are increasing in cost, especially when considering the poor quality. Americans have not only lost jobs to outsourcing they have lost 'quality' in their 'market place' with increasing prices from the 'outsourced suppy side.'
It doesn't matter how many 'tax breaks' crony companies like Ford or Halliburton get, they put out products Americans don't want and therefore, seek products from foreign sources that supply products they do want.
The Energy and Transportation of the USA is grossly outdated in it's consumer demands, hence, any tax breaks are going to the "W"rong place. The USA is better off without an economic stimulus bill out of the House and Senate unless it adequately addresses the 'real' concerns of the American people.
Get of Iraq. Address the militants in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Make America safe. Secure the borders with People and not Walls. Change the Energy and Transportation infrastructure. Return the USA's dignity and address Climate Change in a real way. Stop using Fossil Fuels and throwing billions after billions to exploitation of Alaska and other resources of the USA because the oil doesn't come to Americans anyway. Put in place Universal Healthcare. Retool America for the products it's citizens want such as electric cars and high speed magnetic rail !!!
Impeach George Walker Bush and Richard Cheney.