August 22, 2012 11:55 AM
AUSTIN, Texas (click title to entry - thank you) — A federal appeals court ruled late Tuesday that Texas can cut off funding for Planned Parenthood clinics that provide health services to low-income women before a trial over a new law that bans state money from going to organizations tied to abortion providers.
The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans lifted a federal judge's temporary injunction that called for the funding to continue pending an October trial on Planned Parenthood's challenge to the law.
State officials sought to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood clinics that provide family planning and health services to poor women as part of the Texas Women'sHealth Program after the state's Republican-led Legislature passed a law banning funds to organizations linked to abortion providers. No state money goes to pay for abortions....
In the days following the Komen controversy, women did what women do best, they supported each other and sent monies to Planned Parenthood to insure women who cannot afford care, can get it anyway.
The initiative will add to basic screenings at Planned Parenthood clinics by funding ultrasounds, biopsies and other follow-up services. One-third of the money is to help pay for more diagnostic tests....
You know what I always wondered? No? I always wondered what happened to the monies from the Breast Care Stamp.
It has been renewed as recently as November 2011 and the millions it raises goes to federal programs. I just wonder what private organizations benefit from the sale of the stamp. It never really disclosed as to whether the monies are purely federal or not.
But, if the Political Right Wing is to stop Planned Parenthood it has to outlaw it, because, Komen was unsuccessful to underfund it into extinction.
Applause to all those donating to Planned Parenthood. It needs a Foundation and Research now.
AUSTIN, Texas (click title to entry - thank you) — A federal appeals court ruled late Tuesday that Texas can cut off funding for Planned Parenthood clinics that provide health services to low-income women before a trial over a new law that bans state money from going to organizations tied to abortion providers.
The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans lifted a federal judge's temporary injunction that called for the funding to continue pending an October trial on Planned Parenthood's challenge to the law.
State officials sought to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood clinics that provide family planning and health services to poor women as part of the Texas Women's
In the days following the Komen controversy, women did what women do best, they supported each other and sent monies to Planned Parenthood to insure women who cannot afford care, can get it anyway.
In the wake of a short-lived decision (click here) by breast cancer charity Susan G. Komen for the Cure to cut off grant money to Planned Parenthood, the women’s health network is using donation money that pouring in in response to launch an initiative to fight breast cancer with expanded screenings and education.
August 21, 2012
...Planned Parenthood, a target of U.S. conservatives opposed to its abortion and birth control services, said on Monday it will use $3 million in donations to launch an initiative to fight breast cancer with expanded screenings and education.
The donations poured into Planned Parenthood earlier this year in response to a short-lived decision by breast cancer charity Susan G. Komen for the Cure to cut off grant money to the women's health network.

You know what I always wondered? No? I always wondered what happened to the monies from the Breast Care Stamp.
It has been renewed as recently as November 2011 and the millions it raises goes to federal programs. I just wonder what private organizations benefit from the sale of the stamp. It never really disclosed as to whether the monies are purely federal or not.
But, if the Political Right Wing is to stop Planned Parenthood it has to outlaw it, because, Komen was unsuccessful to underfund it into extinction.
Applause to all those donating to Planned Parenthood. It needs a Foundation and Research now.