Monday, July 09, 2018

I want to know if Judge Kavanau will recuse himself when lack of impartiality occurs due to his religious affiliation as a Catholic? Women should not fall victim to any Supreme Court judge that cannot separate church and state.
Any judge that Trump chooses will overturn Roe v. Wade by his own admission. Where this gets dangerous is:

- women will seek out illegal abortion clinics

    A. Out of the county
          1. Expense
               a. Cost of actual travel
               b. Passport
          2. May or may not be covered by insurance which may balance out travel costs
          3. Health risks depending on quality of clinic

     B. Less likely in the USA where the provider would face ethical and legal consequences
          1. Health risks depending on quality of clinic
          2. Travel expense is likely
          3. Mr. Trump has already stated there would have to be some sort of punishment for women
              that receive an abortion
               a. Fines
               b. Jail or prison
               c. Death sentence
               d. Any combination of above three
               e. Punishment may or may not be the same for the clinic doctor performing the abortion 
        C.   No consequence for abortion 
               a. Upholds separation of church and state 
               b. Maintains professional standard

We will see who the choice is. Of those spoken of by the media, all are hostile toward women. Barrett also has taken an odd tilt in conducting research on how Congress interprets the Constitution. I find that strange and almost a strategy against Congress. Why is it necessary to understand the Legislative Branch that intently except to undermine the Legislative Branch’s authority. The Legislative Branch is the will of the people. It is the more powerful of the three branches. 

She has more experience in education than the bench. She is known as a mentor when she was a professor and was popular with students in that role. She also was unable to balance her roles as a professor and alienated colleagues because she was not available to them so much as her students. She won’ t have that exposure to students as a Justice except for clerks. She definitely took her own path as a professional. It allowed her the independence to be different than other peers and used that difference to carve out a reputation pleasing to hard core right wing politicians.

In realizing she doesn’t balance her responsibilities well there is every expectation that she won’t discern the differences of church and state. I think she is a right wing extremist intent on leveraging her religious belief over her responsibilities to the US Constitution. The US Constitution allows freedom of religion, not the demand to move the democracy into a theocracy. Her religious leanings and analysis of Congress reveals her personal ambitions and not the constitutional freedoms afforded all Americans.

She has no right to place a fetus in higher priority than the life of a woman. I think she will endanger women ‘s lives due to her inability to separate judicial power from her religious beliefs.  Alito tends to have the same problem. The First Amendment allows INDIVIDUAL freedoms. That freedom cannot be carried into the court to enforce religious standards over law.

Judge Barrett cannot singularly elevate a fetus to citizen and an abortion punishable by death of the woman and physician. Those punishments are leveled on the soul and not the physical human being. Those decisions are made by the woman, her spiritual advisor and the physician. This is not kindergarten where a woman needs a note from her doctor and rabbi, priest or Imam. The court has no right to leverage religion over law including the freedoms of the first amendment.