Is Dover open to Americans yet?Or do politics of denial still override the deceny of seeing our dead soldiers home?
... by men who sought fortunes in an Arabian desert while the killer of thousands of civilians of Americans roams free to do it again. Who do you trust?There is a Senate investigation that has found 'the truth' in the reality we all knew existed, yet so many denied. There was never any reason for war with Iraq. A disarmed country. We were lied to. We invaded a peoples protected by UN Sanctions. There are tens of thousands Iraqis dead. The elderly. Children. Women. Men. A society turned upside down and now in chaos due to growing unrest over the possiblity that Bush wants actions taken against Iran, a Shi'ite nation.At home, there are families whom have lost their sons and daughters while seeking to protect the people that died on September 11, 2001. Their valiant efforts to secure the USA from harm, to never have it happen again. All was in vein. There is absolutely no connection between September 11, 2001 and Iraq. There was never a reason to leave Afghanistan. Who are these men in DC, in the Executive Branch that would lead a band of carpetbagging legislators? They aren't patriots. They aren't interested in the safety of this nation or the allies it commits to in time of need and time of war. What the Executive offices of George Walker Bush has done is beyond the reaches of comprehension when one begins to realize the trust that have been put asunder domestically and internationally. We have lost our foothold on truth and justice. We are fighting an illegal war with little room for justification. Who is guilty? Who is to pay for this crime? This week we learned from a General:In fact, said Brig. Gen. Mark Scheid, Rumsfeld said "he would fire the next person" who talked about the need for a post-war plan.Rumsfeld did replace Gen. Eric Shinseki, the Army chief of staff in 2003, after Shinseki told Congress that hundreds of thousands of troops would be needed to secure post-war Iraq.Were they all to be fired? Were they all to walk away? There was a justified war in Afghanistan, the people of this nation were at risk if all it's generals were to turn their backs and leave their posts in outrage of the war crimes committed by this administration. The ramifications of these findings are not to be allowed to be swept under the rug by obstructions such as Senator Pat Robertson. The people of this country are left last on the list of priorities of this administration.When will this travesty end?
It's Saturday Night
Halls of Justice Painted GreenMoney TalkingPower Wolves Beset Your DoorHear Them StalkingSoon You'll Please Their AppetiteThey DevourHammer of Justice Crushes YouOverpowerThe Ultimate in VanityExploiting Their SupremacyI Can't Believe the Things You SayI Can't BelieveI Can't Believe the Price You PayNothing Can Save YouJustice Is LostJustice Is RapedJustice Is GonePulling Your StringsJustice Is DoneSeeking No TruthWinning Is AllFind it So GrimSo TrueSo RealApathy Their Stepping StoneSo UnfeelingHidden Deep AnimositySo DeceivingThrough Your Eyes Their Light BurnsHoping to FindInquisition Sinking YouWith Prying MindsThe Ultimate in VanityExploiting Their SupremacyI Can't Believe the Things You SayI Can't BelieveICan't Believe the Price You PayNothing Can Save YouJustice Is LostJustice Is RapedJustice Is GonePulling Your StringsJustice Is DoneSeeking No TruthWinning Is AllFind it So GrimSo TrueSo RealLady Justice Has Been RapedTruth AssassinRolls of Red Tape Seal Your LipsNow You're Done inTheir Money Tips Her Scales AgainMake Your DealJust What Is Truth? I Cannot TellCannot FeelThe Ultimate in VanityExploiting Their SupremacyI Can't Believe the Things You SayI Can't BelieveI Can't Believe the Price We PayNothing Can Save YouJustice Is LostJustice Is RapedJustice Is GonePulling Your StringsJustice Is DoneSeeking No TruthWinning Is AllFind it So GrimSo TrueSo RealSeeking No TruthWinning Is AllFind it So GrimSo TrueSo Real