Sunday, September 25, 2016

I am going to call it a night and watch the debate online tomorrow.

It will take a Freedom of Information Act request in order to see police videos.

I think this oppression is very dangerous.

September 25, 2016
By Alison Young 

Amid a growing outcry (click here) over police shootings of black men, many states are taking actions to restrict public access to police video shot by dashboard and body cameras.

In North Carolina — where Keith Lamont Scott was fatally shot last week by Charlotte police — a new law takes effect Saturday that some experts say will make it more difficult for the public to see video shot by police.

It's one of about two dozen states and the District of Columbia that have introduced or passed legislation in the past two years that impact public records laws, an attorney for the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press said Sunday....

The League of Women Voters has been under attack for at least the past 2 decades.

The First Presidential Debate is on tonight and I am watching it online with C-Span. (click here)

The Wifi can be acting up because there are estimates as high as 100 million people watching tonight.

The League of Women Voters has had their drives to register voters attacked and in some states to the point that they can not conducted anymore.

...Today (click here) we are experiencing an unprecedented attack on voting rights. This assault on voters is sweeping across the country, state by state, and is one of the greatest self-inflicted threats to our democracy – our way of governing – in our lifetimes. These new laws threaten to silence the voices of those least heard and rarely listened to in this country – the poor, the elderly, racial and ethnic minorities, the young and the differently abled. These new laws require photo ID and or proof of citizenship in order to vote, they restrict third party voter registration drives, decrease early voting and eliminate Election Day registration....

...In 2011 alone we have seen an exponential increase in the number of new voter suppression laws being implemented at the state level:
  • Eight states (AL, KS, MS, RI, SC, TN, TX and WI) have passed new restrictive photo ID laws.
  • Three states (AL, KS and TX) passed laws requiring proof of citizenship as a prerequisite to voting.
  • Two states (FL, TX) have made it more difficult for groups like the League of Women Voters to register voters.
  • Five states (FL, GA, OH, TN and WV) have passed legislation that would eliminate or shorten the period of early voting.
  • In addition, we could see new suppression laws passed in Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, Virginia and Pennsylvania before the 2012 elections....

I've been having some trouble with my Wifi this evening. 

Who knows what can happen next?

Either everyone abides by the same laws or there is racism.

September 24, 2016
By Richard Fausset, Alan Blinder and Yamiche Alcindor

...He did not appear (click here) to be acting in a threatening or erratic manner, although officers could be heard shouting, “Drop the gun!”
The police said that they had recovered a loaded gun with Mr. Scott’s DNA on it, and that he was wearing an ankle holster. They did not reveal where they had found the gun.

It appeared from the two angles that he had nothing in his right hand. It was unclear what, if anything, Mr. Scott, who was right-handed, had in his left hand. After Mr. Scott was shot multiple times and fell to the ground, his moans could be heard as officers handcuffed him..

He did not pose a danger to others. There remains no legitimate reason to kill Mr. Scott.

NC guns laws allow anyone to open carry a gun. If the gun was concealed it was illegal to carry it, but, that is a misdemeanor under NC law. The police have stated Mr. Scott was rolling a marijuana cigarette and flashing a gun when they were to serve a warrant on another person in the apartment complex.

There is no way to tell whether Mr. Scott was rolling a cigarette with tobacco or marijuana. The gun was suppose to be in an ankle holster so it would take more than a simple reach to show his gun in plain sight. BESIDES, if Mr. Scott was showing the police a gun it was an 'open carry' issue and not a concealed issue.

There was no way of knowing Mr. Scott had brain trauma simply by looking at him in the driver's seat of his truck. The NC law states, people adjudicated as mentally ill are not allowed to carry a gun.

Mr. Scott's gun was in plain sight ACCORDING TO POLICE, there cigarette Mr. Scott was rolling could have been tobacco or marijuana. And his mental condition also allows patients to purchase marijuana across state lines from a state that allows out of state sales. (click here) Additionally, there is a medical marijuana law proposed for the NC January 2017 session. 

The facts are plain. The knowledge about Mr. Scott's ankle holster and his possession of marijuana was known after his death, not before. Mr. Scott from every angle according to the police report of his display of a gun and rolling a cigarette of any kind was still no reason for them to kill him.

Family members are legitimate ways of lowering any tensions between a subject and police. The family member that responded to Mr. Scott's circumstances could have helped in this case. 

In the video "Times - Police Shooting of Charlotte Shooting" at 0.20 through 0.22 seconds the second officer in line was carrying a taser which was a viable means of ending the confrontation.

Mr. Scott should not be dead.