Thursday, December 30, 2021

Cruise at your own risk.

December 30, 2021
By Morgan Hines

As clusters of COVID-19 cases (click here) continue to emerge on cruise ships since the omicron variant emerged, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned travelers against taking cruises.

"Today, CDC increased the Cruise Travel Health Notice (THN) to a Level 4, recommending people avoid cruise travel regardless of vaccination status," the CDC said in a statement provided by spokesperson Dave Daigle.

The agency noted the decision was made as COVID-19 cases are increasing on ships, in the U.S. and around the globe.

Between Nov. 30 and Dec. 14, cruise ships operating in U.S. waters reported 162 cases of COVID-19 to the CDC. Between Dec. 15 and Dec. 29, cruise ships sailing in U.S. waters reported 5,013 COVID-19 cases to the CDC.

That's nearly 31 times the number of cases reported in the first two weeks of December, the CDC said....

Same ole Somalia.

That country has more militant fighters than citizens. The tensions are incredible once again between the president and prime minister. They each have their own dedicated militias and a civil war is only a breath away if one or the other leader decides he has had enough.

December 29, 2021

Amid political turmoil in Somalia, (click here for additional information) France 24 is joined by Matthew Bryden, Head of Sahan Research Think Tank. Mr. Bryden takes us to the origins of the current crisis, which began back in April, when President Mohamed tried to extend his term by two years. Violent clashes ensued, but a political agreement was eventually reached, explains Mr. Bryden. Prime Minister Roble took charge of "organizing the parliamentary elections," but he says the PM was undercut by the president and his loyalists. Mr. Bryden describes "widespread, and very credible, allegations of rigging," and now the PM is demanding the "isolated" president "step aside, ideally leave the country, and give the PM a free hand to finish the elections properly.

The instability always feeds the terrorists in Somalia and this time it is no different. So, to say there are only two power structures in Somalia is a false understanding. The terrorists absolutely are a power within the country ready to take advantage of any destablizing issues.

December 30, 2021

Mogadishu -Fighters from Somalia's al-Shabab militant group (click here) attacked a town north of the capital, Mogadishu, on Thursday, killing at least seven people as they battled government security forces, a resident and police said."We were in a mosque praying when a heavy exchange of gunfire took place at the bridge. Al-Shabab thus captured the town, overrunning the soldiers at the bridge," Hassan Nur, a shopkeeper in Balad, an agricultural town that links Somalia's Middle Shabelle region to Lower Shabelle, told Reuters by telephone."There were few police forces in the town. (The police) were missing. When the firing started people ran into their houses. I counted five dead soldiers and two civilian women," he said....

The attack happened amid a political dispute between Somalia’s president and prime minister which its international partners worry has distracted the government from the fight against the insurgents.

Police and residents in Balad, 30 km (18 miles) north of Mogadishu, said fighters from the al-Qaida-linked group attacked and overran government forces guarding a bridge at a town entrance early in the morning....

A few weeks ago a band of rebels attacked the northwest (Tigray area) area of Somali. They looted towns and broke into banks. They left and the areas' military forces called it a victory. I don't believe the military did anything except secure the area after the fact.

I think the conflict which Somalia's government reported on was near Tigray and was part of the ever continuing conflict in Ethiopia (click here). If that is the case then Somalia is receiving problems due to that conflict there.

That cache of supplies and money was destined to reinfuse who I believe are the Somalia pirates. The region effected speaks to the fact the UN currently has boats in the waters surrounding Somalia for at least the next three months. It is uncertain whether the UN plans a presence in the waters there beyond those three months. The pirates when they can't raid ships need food and munitions from somewhere. It could easily be that the raids on the Somalie towns were the pirates currently out of work.

These are vicious attacks. What the raiders did not steal they destroyed so no one else could be strengthened by those items they could not carry.

From the sounds of things and the latest aggressions in the region I think the UN knows it is in for more instability which will reopen wounds and begin the civil war all over again. 

This is the stuff that is published in recent months and it has not added to the favorable outcome for the people. 

By Ahmed Yusuf

Updated on December 29, 2021 (click here) to include author’s name as it was omitted by mistake

An article that is said to have been written by General Tsadkan was published yesterday on the Elephant, a Nairobi based online platform critical of Ethiopia’s war against the TPLF terrorists.

The article titled “Pertinent Issues on the War in Tigray” was written mainly to the Western world in order to gain the much needed help TPLF requires after its embarrassing defeat in Amhara and Afar.

The General, in an attempt to desperately appease his Western allies, has not shied away from painting the article with many lies that if not exposed will surely mislead many who are unaware....

This type of reporting leads to all kinds of power playing among the people. Depending what side of the conflict one is on means the reporting aids the effort or adds greater aggression in opposition. These news reports do sway public opinion in the region. There are educated folks that believe the African Union Forces are a waste of time and money and would rather see monies be spent on the people and not a chronic war. They also believe nonsense, suchas, the violence is encouraged by the Taliban when in fact it is al Shabab (click here).

To say the circumstances in this region is turbulent is an understatement. Everything from wars to fishing is a propaganda item and it keeps citizens upset and confused to where the truth is and why the conflicts never end.

Somehow it seems cell phone towers are the greatest contribution to the wars.

The Overton Window - elections need to "beat the window of manipulations."

The Republicans relying on a scheme to win elections by justifying extremist views per the Overton Window, sets up the USA democracy for destruction.

Some weathered Republicans return to their office repeatedly because they practice such methods to win an election, but, never translate their extremist views into policy. To those Republicans the extremism is a vehicle and not the final result, hence, the practice of that method is benigh to the integrity of governance.

The problem for the Overton Window being applied during elections is that extremists such as Trump abide by their campaign promises and their own personal agendas and set about destroying the Rule of Law and opposing the USA Constitution.

In my opinion, the Overton Window is an attack vehicle on democracy, the rule of law and the USA Constitution. It is no longer a benign method in elections.

Voters need to be sure of their issues in elections and vote for candidates with anwers and not populism that feels good. Having a job that pays a living wage while supplying health care benefits, including paid vacation time, should be at the top of their agenda. Secondly, with higher incomes come the responsiblity of higher taxes. Those taxes help fund schools and well paid teachers. 

The average household income in Georgia's 14th District is under $100k and half of those households earn less than $50k per year. That is enforced poverty and lower middle class stagnation and it completely unacceptable. 

One question voters of Georgia's 14th District need to ask themselves before they vote is, "What has Majorie Taylor Greene" done to improve my life, the lives of my children and grandchildren?" The Build Back Better program might actually be a campaign promise when the voters understand it. When Americans earn more they can provide for better outcomes for themselves and their children.

It is districts like this in the USA that are heartbreaking to most other Americans not engaged in permanent impoverishment. The voters here have to abandon the popularity test for elections and employ demands for better quality of life.

Stand at a rally with a favorite WWF performer, be it male or female.

The Republican Party's excuse for a violent country, "The Overton WIndow."

The Overton window (click here) of political possibility is the range of ideas the public is willing to consider and accept.

In the United States, the idea of different races mixing in public or women’s suffrage were once considered fringe, extreme policies. That they’re now deemed common sense, reflects progress in shifting the Overton window.

A politician seeking to maximise their chances of reelection should determine where the Overton window for key policy issues is, via public opinion polls and other means, so they can successfully campaign on those ideas....

The US Treasury needs to take the fines accumulated by the right wing out of their paycheck!

The Republicn Party has become extremists because they only seek to appeal to a voter's worst instincts rather than elevating and educating their position. This has resulted in an electorate that is chronically conflicted and pushed into divisions where their moral compass takes them. I guess if all one wants is to pad their war chest, it works but leaves voters with demands that are uncivilized and dangerous.

It is an excuse rather than a method because it doesn't seek to do anything except be popular enough to be elected. There is no morality to PANDERING to voters.

Elected officials are supposed to know the problems voters are facing and address the problems in proposed policy. When a candidate talks down to people that lacks integrity and quite frankly knowledge that is debasing the electorate and reducing a campaign to cartoons rather than politics.

It works for them. The can call on all sorts of negative values such as racism and make arguments to win voters. This excuse is long lived in the Republican Party and is granting permission to insurgency. Marjorie Taylor Greene came out of nowhere carrying military style weapons and riding swamp buggy. The images play to preferences in the electorate and if feels good regardless of her inability to lead and make policy that matters. (click here). When the Republicans reflect on their Senate loss in Georgia they need to take responsibility for the poorest and extremist elections stands on the planet.

Greene is a racist and loves being one. Anyone knows what electorate she is vying for and she is willing to do their bidding.

December 27, 2021
By David Goldiner

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (click here) denounced Kwanzaa as a “fake religion” just as millions of Black people start to celebrate the weeklong holiday.

The far-right Georgia lawmaker berated the national College Republicans for “pandering and BS” after the GOP group tweeted a seemingly innocuous happy holiday message....

Greene (click here) supports the White Supremacist/Nationalist movement in her politics and is attractive to the Evangelical Christians in her district. Like, what? There is nothing within her politics that should bring those two voting groups together, unless, Evangelical Christians are also White Supremacists in their majority. It appears that is the case in this district.

Georgia's 14th district is primarily poor to lower middle class caucasians with few percents of minorities. 11.7 percent are below the poverty line and the Build Back Better bill along with the child tax credit should be passed into law with the approval of this district.

The majority population demographics by age is disconcerting. It breaks down into nearly a dynamic that shows aging is seldom important to the people. From newborn to age 59 there are evenly divided groups between 13 to 15 percent. That demographic speaks to WELLNESS and the potential of death across all age groups. I guarantee if viewed under a microscope the quality of life is riddled with poor choices due to settled poverty.

The Build Back Better bill will revitalize the workers with new jobs and infrastructure that contributes to an optomistic and hopeful outcome to their lives. These folks live in the moment. That is what poverty does, so when FOX News flashes ads for the latest sleep pillow, the item is cheap enough to buy and fill some financial empowerment.

According to Ballotpedia (click here) the Democrats are well funded and so long as the primary is not a circular assassination of each other, they should win this district.