The the only way to reverse the trauma of children separated from their parents are lawsuits, including the countries that hold citizenship of these children.
The USA has stolen children of another citizenship from their natural parents, easily proven by DNA analysis. The parents and child(ren) crossed the USA border seeking asylum from vicious cartel wars. However, when each case makes its way through the court system there are no guarantees asylum is granted. The parents and child(ren) are citizens of their original countries until they are granted asylum.
At this point the original countries MUST fight to return the entire family intact, otherwise, it is a genocide in breaking up families and taking the children. These children did not come to the US border alone. That is very different. I hope everyone understands that when the children were separated from their families it was a violation of international law. It was a harvest of undocumented children. It is unnatural and changes the child’s citizenship. One country no matter the method cannot simply harvest children from another country.
These children, as their parents, are precious and important and are the future of countries far smaller than the USA.
USA Homeland Security needs to be working as hard as it can to find and return children to their natural families which can be proven by a simple DNA test.
There was a time when US House and US Senate would travel to countries south of our border to understand first hand why these people are traveling such great distances to protect there children while being part of the USA agricultural harvest. This is that time of year. Migrant labor is important to the USA.
This is not over until every child is returned home to their natural parents. These parents never agreed to the separation. The children were taken by force and incarceration. That is illegal and a hostile act. Such strategies should never have been entered into as a legal paradigm to HHS especially or Homeland Security. Are there no reviews of these very bad ideas?
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Now comes the task of reuniting the families.
It has been a busy morning. To summarize events:
- This afternoon, Donald Trump (click here) reversed course and pledged to sign an executive order that would stop family separation. The latest news story on that is here. Trump and his adminstration have repeatedly said their hands are tied in putting an end to this practice.
- Though the practice of family separation is set to end, there is lingering concern about what will happen to families who have already been separated. There are children in US custody whose parents were deported months ago, according to advocates. A former immigration agency head warned “permanent separations” are possible.
- Last night, Trump declined to end family separations on his own. At a closed-door meeting with House Republicans on Tuesday evening, Trump told members he was “1,000%” behind their immigration reform effort. But he did not offer a clear plan of action.
- The reversal came after the Trump administration has faced withering criticism over photographs, video and recordings of young children crying for their parents as they wait in metal cages at Customs and Border Protection (CBP) processing centers.
The House speaker, Paul Ryan, said Wednesday morning that the lower chamber of Congress would vote on Thursday on a pair of immigration bills. “We don’t think families should be separated, period,” Ryan said at a press conference....
The adults need to come out of the detainee facilities and taken to the areas where the children are held. The staff of the facilities are going to have to do their best to unit families and while waiting for any necessary DNA testing, the process of "Capture and Release" can begin.
The policy of separating families has ended, but, this still isn't over. The adult detainees that cannot find their children at any internment camps that house the children will need the assistance of the USA agencies that placed the children to find them.
I have no doubt this will take awhile and NONE of the children that came here with their parents should have been adopted out. There are also parents that have been returned to their countries that do not have their children returned yet. There is also the case of the man that committed suicide and where his child is and where there are relatives to now care for the child.
This is an enormous task, but, the children have been traumatized and it is the fault of the USA government. They have to be followed or provided for in some way that will mitigate the damage to them. Basically, the parents need lawyers to help with the future of their children.
I think there may be a chance Sessions will argue (to save money and save face) before a judge somewhere that the children already separated from their families will remain so. There is a vigilance that has to follow the end of the cruelest immigration policy ever in the USA.
- This afternoon, Donald Trump (click here) reversed course and pledged to sign an executive order that would stop family separation. The latest news story on that is here. Trump and his adminstration have repeatedly said their hands are tied in putting an end to this practice.
- Though the practice of family separation is set to end, there is lingering concern about what will happen to families who have already been separated. There are children in US custody whose parents were deported months ago, according to advocates. A former immigration agency head warned “permanent separations” are possible.
- Last night, Trump declined to end family separations on his own. At a closed-door meeting with House Republicans on Tuesday evening, Trump told members he was “1,000%” behind their immigration reform effort. But he did not offer a clear plan of action.
- The reversal came after the Trump administration has faced withering criticism over photographs, video and recordings of young children crying for their parents as they wait in metal cages at Customs and Border Protection (CBP) processing centers.
The House speaker, Paul Ryan, said Wednesday morning that the lower chamber of Congress would vote on Thursday on a pair of immigration bills. “We don’t think families should be separated, period,” Ryan said at a press conference....
The adults need to come out of the detainee facilities and taken to the areas where the children are held. The staff of the facilities are going to have to do their best to unit families and while waiting for any necessary DNA testing, the process of "Capture and Release" can begin.
The policy of separating families has ended, but, this still isn't over. The adult detainees that cannot find their children at any internment camps that house the children will need the assistance of the USA agencies that placed the children to find them.
I have no doubt this will take awhile and NONE of the children that came here with their parents should have been adopted out. There are also parents that have been returned to their countries that do not have their children returned yet. There is also the case of the man that committed suicide and where his child is and where there are relatives to now care for the child.
This is an enormous task, but, the children have been traumatized and it is the fault of the USA government. They have to be followed or provided for in some way that will mitigate the damage to them. Basically, the parents need lawyers to help with the future of their children.
I think there may be a chance Sessions will argue (to save money and save face) before a judge somewhere that the children already separated from their families will remain so. There is a vigilance that has to follow the end of the cruelest immigration policy ever in the USA.
20 June 2018
The price tag of the teenage bride's wedding dress, made by Lebanese designer Zuhair Murad, has been estimated at $315,000 and the food alone is thought have cost more than $667,000.
A Russian heiress, (click here) who once described flying on commercial planes as a "horror" and getting a diamond Rolex aged ten as "normal", has tied the knot in a lavish $2.2 million ceremony near Moscow.
Irina Chigirinskaya, 18, who once mistook actor Robert de Niro for a waiter and asked him to bring her water, married Moris Mirelli, 23, in front of 1,500 guests at a golf club owned by a friend of U.S. President Donald Trump.
Chigirinskaya is the daughter of billionaire construction tycoon Alexander Chigirinsky, 55, a friend of Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramovich, according to the Daily Mail....
This is the 18 year old bride who stated she does not like flying in coach.
The price tag of the teenage bride's wedding dress, made by Lebanese designer Zuhair Murad, has been estimated at $315,000 and the food alone is thought have cost more than $667,000.
A Russian heiress, (click here) who once described flying on commercial planes as a "horror" and getting a diamond Rolex aged ten as "normal", has tied the knot in a lavish $2.2 million ceremony near Moscow.
Irina Chigirinskaya, 18, who once mistook actor Robert de Niro for a waiter and asked him to bring her water, married Moris Mirelli, 23, in front of 1,500 guests at a golf club owned by a friend of U.S. President Donald Trump.
Chigirinskaya is the daughter of billionaire construction tycoon Alexander Chigirinsky, 55, a friend of Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramovich, according to the Daily Mail....
Admitting embarrassment is not enough.
Donald Trump has no basis for his use of force along the US southern border. Force is being used to separate children from their parents and then incarcerating parents and placing the children in internment camps.

20 June 2018
By Bethonie Butler
Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane has lashed out at Fox News amid outcry over the network's sympathetic coverage of the Trump administration's policy of separating immigrant families.
Seth MacFarlane (click here) said he is "embarrassed" to work for Fox News' parent company, and it turns out a lot of his Hollywood peers are too.

20 June 2018
By Bethonie Butler
Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane has lashed out at Fox News amid outcry over the network's sympathetic coverage of the Trump administration's policy of separating immigrant families.
Seth MacFarlane (click here) said he is "embarrassed" to work for Fox News' parent company, and it turns out a lot of his Hollywood peers are too.
MacFarlane — the creator and star of Fox's The Orville and its long-running animated comedy Family Guy — is part of a growing number of Fox-affiliated entertainers condemning Fox News amid outcry over the network's sympathetic coverage of the Trump administration's highly-criticised policy of separating immigrant families....
...That list includes directors Paul Feig and Judd Apatow, in addition to Modern Family co-creator Steve Levitan, who signalled in a series of tweets on Tuesday that he might want to leave his overall deal with 20th Century Fox, which produces the show (though it airs on ABC)....
I would encourage Mr. Steve Levitan to act on his instinct and leave the FOX network. There are plenty of interested partners elsewhere. I would encourage his peers to do the same. Now is the time to leave such entities as FOX because it is an awakening to the facts. To capitulate to wealth or ego is not reasonable when saving lives.
This is happening now. It is happening and cannot be denied. Living with denial to these facts will only bring more of the same and not end it and those in denial would be as guilty as the administration itself.
Withdrawal by the USA from the UN Human Rights Council is not necessarily connected to the child harvest at the USA southern border.
It has the effect on both, the Palestinian issue and the child harvest at the USA southern border, but, there is more.
20 June 2018
By Audrey Young
Former Prime Minister Helen Clark (click here) has thought "the unthinkable" and wondered aloud whether the United States could withdraw from the United Nations.
20 June 2018
By Audrey Young
Former Prime Minister Helen Clark (click here) has thought "the unthinkable" and wondered aloud whether the United States could withdraw from the United Nations.
A former contender for the role of Secretary-General, Clark said the withdrawal of the US from the Human Rights Council was "a very, very significant step".
It had given up a mechanism for having its voice heard, she told Newstalk ZB tonight.
On issues such as the occupied Palestinian territories, she said "the US should be expressing its view on the issue from within the council, not throwing rocks from the outside".'...
Any resolution by the UN Security Council or General Assembly that supports a Palestinian state and/or refuses an invasion by the USA with Israel into the Middle East will be vetoed by the permanent members. Trump and Kushner are looking for a way to invade the middle east region without international approval or disapproval.
...The Trump administration (click here) may end U.S. participation in the United Nations Human Rights Council (“UNHRC”), according to two sources in regular contact with former and current officials. While no immediate withdrawal is expected, this news is likely to deepen the concerns of global activists that the United States may decrease its role advancing global human rights under President Trump. Furthermore, U.S. withdrawal from UNHCR would be a severe blow to the institution as American funding accounts for nearly half its overall budget.
There could be several underlying reasons behind the potential withdrawal, such as concerns that the council unfairly targets Israel, questions about member states, and doubts about its overall usefulness. However, it can also be understood as a part of the Trump administration’s broader scheme of foreign policy initiatives. Potentially withdrawal from the UNHRC may only be the first of many exits from international institutions to come. Trump and his key advisers promote “America First” foreign policy, which sees international organizations as at best sometimes-convenient instruments to serve U.S. foreign policy interests; at worst, as unnecessary shackles.
The Trump administration’s anti-globalist stance, is reflected in the draft order “Auditing and Reducing U.S. Funding of International Organizations,” which sets to cut voluntary support United States for international bodies by at least 40%. The White House is not alone in this anti-globalist outlook. A bill, entitled the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017, introduced by Alabama Representative Mike Rogers earlier this year, calls on the United States to “terminate” its membership in the United Nations (“UN”). Arizona Representative Andy Biggs, who cosponsored the bill, stated that he believes that “our sovereignty as a country is harmed by our membership in this body.”
So far very few Republican lawmakers support a full United States withdrawal from the UN. Nikki Haley, Trump’s pick to replace Samantha Power as the American ambassador to the UN, while acknowledging that international organizations are often at odds with American national interests, stated that she doesn’t believe that there should be “a slash and burn” of the U.S. funding for the organization. But with both the White House and the Congress recently gravitating towards reexamining the United States’ disproportionate financial contribution to international organizations, America departing from the UN is no longer such a far-fetched notion....
...The declaration enumerated three conditions under which a nation could withdraw: (1) when the UN was revealed to be unable to fulfill its role of maintaining peace, (2) when a member was unable to accept a charter amendment that had come into force, (3) or when a member feels constrained to withdraw because of exceptional circumstances. Proving that the UN has failed to fulfill its role or that there is an unacceptable amendment coming into force would be extremely difficult. Even the more general and open-ended “exceptional circumstances” clause cannot be interpreted as allowing withdrawal for any reason....
Any resolution by the UN Security Council or General Assembly that supports a Palestinian state and/or refuses an invasion by the USA with Israel into the Middle East will be vetoed by the permanent members. Trump and Kushner are looking for a way to invade the middle east region without international approval or disapproval.
...The Trump administration (click here) may end U.S. participation in the United Nations Human Rights Council (“UNHRC”), according to two sources in regular contact with former and current officials. While no immediate withdrawal is expected, this news is likely to deepen the concerns of global activists that the United States may decrease its role advancing global human rights under President Trump. Furthermore, U.S. withdrawal from UNHCR would be a severe blow to the institution as American funding accounts for nearly half its overall budget.
There could be several underlying reasons behind the potential withdrawal, such as concerns that the council unfairly targets Israel, questions about member states, and doubts about its overall usefulness. However, it can also be understood as a part of the Trump administration’s broader scheme of foreign policy initiatives. Potentially withdrawal from the UNHRC may only be the first of many exits from international institutions to come. Trump and his key advisers promote “America First” foreign policy, which sees international organizations as at best sometimes-convenient instruments to serve U.S. foreign policy interests; at worst, as unnecessary shackles.
The Trump administration’s anti-globalist stance, is reflected in the draft order “Auditing and Reducing U.S. Funding of International Organizations,” which sets to cut voluntary support United States for international bodies by at least 40%. The White House is not alone in this anti-globalist outlook. A bill, entitled the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017, introduced by Alabama Representative Mike Rogers earlier this year, calls on the United States to “terminate” its membership in the United Nations (“UN”). Arizona Representative Andy Biggs, who cosponsored the bill, stated that he believes that “our sovereignty as a country is harmed by our membership in this body.”
So far very few Republican lawmakers support a full United States withdrawal from the UN. Nikki Haley, Trump’s pick to replace Samantha Power as the American ambassador to the UN, while acknowledging that international organizations are often at odds with American national interests, stated that she doesn’t believe that there should be “a slash and burn” of the U.S. funding for the organization. But with both the White House and the Congress recently gravitating towards reexamining the United States’ disproportionate financial contribution to international organizations, America departing from the UN is no longer such a far-fetched notion....
...The declaration enumerated three conditions under which a nation could withdraw: (1) when the UN was revealed to be unable to fulfill its role of maintaining peace, (2) when a member was unable to accept a charter amendment that had come into force, (3) or when a member feels constrained to withdraw because of exceptional circumstances. Proving that the UN has failed to fulfill its role or that there is an unacceptable amendment coming into force would be extremely difficult. Even the more general and open-ended “exceptional circumstances” clause cannot be interpreted as allowing withdrawal for any reason....
"Capture and Release" would not be necessary if the drug cartels were dismantled and jailed. Where is the USA in ending the cartel networks?
20 June 2018
By Darlena Cunha and Avi Selk
Nine-month-old Jesus Alberto Lopez with his mother, Perla Murillo, as they wait with other families in Tijuana, Mexico to request political asylum in the United States.
Nine-month-old Jesus Alberto Lopez with his mother, Perla Murillo, as they wait with other families in Tijuana, Mexico to request political asylum in the United States.
It began with the smallest possible quantity of optimism, (click here) which turns out to be $US1500 ($2030).
Charlotte and Dave Willner had seen the pictures of migrant children crying at the border. One in particular reminded them of their own two-year-old daughter.
The San Francisco couple had heard — as much of the United States and beyond had by now — that President Donald Trump's administration has begun jailing migrant parents caught crossing the border and sending their children to shelters. The President's chief of staff has called the new "zero-tolerance" policy a deterrent against illegal immigration.
But the Willners had also learned that a lump of cash might thwart the government's plans.
Just like arrested Americans, detained migrant parents can often post bond and simply walk out of jail....
...Four days later, the Willners have raised more than $US8 million ($10.8 million) and climbing, overflowing all previous optimism....
The Trump Administration is becoming a very dark entity of the USA government. This is not about border security, it is about a child harvest. If people at the southern border have a legitimate reason for asylum IT HAS TO BE RESPECTED!
The Trump Administration is becoming a very dark entity of the USA government. This is not about border security, it is about a child harvest. If people at the southern border have a legitimate reason for asylum IT HAS TO BE RESPECTED!
...It's also a profound change of fortune for a non-profit that just weeks earlier was at a bleak point in its three-decade history.
RAICES provides free or low-cost lawyers to immigrants and refugees in Texas, where nearly 1500 detained children are being held in a converted Walmart while their parents are imprisoned elsewhere.
Three weeks ago, as news of the child detentions was beginning to reach public consciousness, RAICES announced that "the Trump administration is ending funding for representing thousands of released unaccompanied children."
While the US Office of Refugee Resettlement did not immediately reply to a request for comment from The Washington Post, employees at non-profits besides RAICES confirmed that the agency ended a grant program last month that paid for some detained migrant children to have lawyers while in government custody....
Rachel Maddow is the heart of the USA regarding these children.
Rachel Maddow is the heart of the USA regarding these children.
FIFA 2018 is tolerating drug cartel money launderers as players. Really?
20 June 2018
By Tariq Panja
Mexico's Rafael Marquez clashes with Germany's Marco Reus during the World Cup match between Germany and Mexico in Moscow.
Moscow: Rafael Marquez, (click here) one of the best-known stars in Mexico's World Cup soccer team, is a standout of the tournament in Russia. But it has nothing to do with his prowess on the field.
Marquez, 39, is on a US Treasury Department blacklist of people it says have helped launder money for drug cartels. His inclusion on the list prohibits American individuals, businesses and banks from having anything to do with him....
The FBI will have a field day once the World Cup comes to the USA. Every person that wanted to make the team, but, could not, raise their hands. There it is, plenty of legal players were denied.
20 June 2018
...Rafa Márquez, (click here) who came on the the last 17 minutes, made a bit of history himself. He joins Lothar Matthäus, Gianluigi Buffon and Antonio 'La Tota' Carbajal as one of four players who have appeared in five different World Cup finals.
That however, is where the sentimental part of the story ends. The 39-year-old has been deemed a persona non grata by the United States after being linked with Mexican drug kingpin Raúl Flores Hernández. The US Treasury Department accused former Barcelona and Monaco player Márquez of acting as a high profile face for the organization - accusations which the player has denied from the start. To this day, he and his legal team are battling to clear his name....
...It is highly unlikely that Márquez will be named ‘Man of the match’ - even if he puts in the performance of his life in Russia. The award is sponsored by American brewers Budweiser and it would be a criminal offence for the player to pose next to any publicity relating to the company - even though he has not be found guilty of any connections to Flores Hernández's drugs syndicate. For the same reasons he is forbidden from giving post-match interviews to pitchside cameras as the Flash Zone area is packed with advertising from US brands such as Visa, Coca-Cola, Budweiserand McDonald's. FIFA insist that Márquez can only give interviews for broadcast in areas where no sponsorship branding is visible. And if the veteran is elected to give a press conference at any point during the tournament, FIFA must find a translator who is not an American national....
By Tariq Panja
Mexico's Rafael Marquez clashes with Germany's Marco Reus during the World Cup match between Germany and Mexico in Moscow.
Moscow: Rafael Marquez, (click here) one of the best-known stars in Mexico's World Cup soccer team, is a standout of the tournament in Russia. But it has nothing to do with his prowess on the field.
Marquez, 39, is on a US Treasury Department blacklist of people it says have helped launder money for drug cartels. His inclusion on the list prohibits American individuals, businesses and banks from having anything to do with him....
The FBI will have a field day once the World Cup comes to the USA. Every person that wanted to make the team, but, could not, raise their hands. There it is, plenty of legal players were denied.
20 June 2018
...Rafa Márquez, (click here) who came on the the last 17 minutes, made a bit of history himself. He joins Lothar Matthäus, Gianluigi Buffon and Antonio 'La Tota' Carbajal as one of four players who have appeared in five different World Cup finals.
That however, is where the sentimental part of the story ends. The 39-year-old has been deemed a persona non grata by the United States after being linked with Mexican drug kingpin Raúl Flores Hernández. The US Treasury Department accused former Barcelona and Monaco player Márquez of acting as a high profile face for the organization - accusations which the player has denied from the start. To this day, he and his legal team are battling to clear his name....
...It is highly unlikely that Márquez will be named ‘Man of the match’ - even if he puts in the performance of his life in Russia. The award is sponsored by American brewers Budweiser and it would be a criminal offence for the player to pose next to any publicity relating to the company - even though he has not be found guilty of any connections to Flores Hernández's drugs syndicate. For the same reasons he is forbidden from giving post-match interviews to pitchside cameras as the Flash Zone area is packed with advertising from US brands such as Visa, Coca-Cola, Budweiserand McDonald's. FIFA insist that Márquez can only give interviews for broadcast in areas where no sponsorship branding is visible. And if the veteran is elected to give a press conference at any point during the tournament, FIFA must find a translator who is not an American national....
The two headed president. Do I dare point out their girth is about the same, too. Hence the longer tie to cover the sin.
I think there is a real problem in realizing the Evangelical base of Republican party is not about to give up the idea of genocide.
I mean every word of it.
The Vice President flanks the other side of the Trump administration as an insider.
I also believe the Evangelicals are hiding behind Islamophobia.
October 7, 2018
By Adam Lee
Recently, (click here) Charisma magazine, a major media outlet for evangelical and Pentecostal Christians, published an open call to genocide. The article in question, titled "Why I Am Absolutely Islamaphobic" [sic] and written by Gary Cass, begins with the premise that "every true follower of Mohammed" wants to "subjugate and murder" non-Muslims, and therefore it's impossible for Christians to live together peacefully with them....
I think Franklin Graham is giving the extremist political right wing coverage by speaking out against the atrocity at the USA southern border.
...Cass proposes three solutions to this problem. One is for Muslims to undergo mass conversion to Christianity; the other is mass deportation combined with eugenics - either "force them all to get sterilized" or kick them out of America "like Spain was forced to do when they deported the Muslim Moors." But he says both of these plans are unlikely to work, so "really there's only one" solution, which is:
Notice Cass' statement that war has been "shown to work" by "1,400 years of history." The only thing he could be referring to is the Crusades (presumbly beginning with the Spanish Reconquista, around 700 AD), which often entailed the massacre of civilians in captured areas. Most of us know the Crusades as a bloody and barbaric era in our history and think that a repeat is something to be avoided at all costs, but Cass is openly cheering the idea....
The Republican Party is housing some of the worst social structure in the world. It wasn't until "W" embraced them as a real part of his base, did the Evangelical Christian come to the forefront of American politics. In the past it was "Evangelical who?"
Evangelicals by doctrine are required to change the face of the faith of Earth. Just that simple. The more countries they can change the better and the sooner the better so they can all move into the afterlife. I doubt sincerely God looks down on Earth as a priority and approve of the voracious Evangelical movement for changing religious affiliations globally. Evangelicals are among the most influential politically in Russia.
We know for a fact that Mike Pence at an early point in the Trump White House isolated Trump for the most part from power and now Pence is in lock step with Trump in every way. Pence's only solace in this matter is that Mike Huckabee may be one of Trump's closest mentor. Is there any doubt? Pence can't meet with a woman for lunch and it would seem Sarah Sanders can't meet for an interview without her father.
June 6, 2017
By Matt Wilstein
Whoopi Goldberg (click here) had to ask The View’s audience to applaud for the show’s first two guests on Wednesday morning, an inauspicious start for White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her father, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.
Yet the interview began with perhaps the softest ball imaginable as Goldberg asked how Sanders is juggling her dual roles as spokesperson for Donald Trump and mother to three young children....
I believe the Evangelical leadership is completely comfortable with the idea the Kochs are exploiting the country for mining and drilling while supporting them in their political movement to remove freedom from the USA.
The USA military is something to covet as well. Right now, Prime Minister Netanyahu has crafted a "Peace Policy" with Jared Kushner that will ultimately require the forceful removal of the Palestinians in order to resettle them elsewhere. And while they are at it, let's just take Golan Heights and beyond. Why stop halfway?
There is a trend in the Supreme Court is exceptionally worrisome, especially with the idea there has to be other than a bakery to protect the soul of the baker. The GUARD of the US Constitution has been compromised.
March 2, 2006
By David D. Kirkpatrick
Washington, March 1 - In his first weeks on the Supreme Court, (click here) Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. sent a note to Dr. James C. Dobson, the influential Christian conservative, thanking him for his support and vowing that "as long as I serve on the Supreme Court, I will keep in mind the trust that has been placed in me," Dr. Dobson said Wednesday in a radio broadcast.
Kathy Arberg, a spokeswoman for the court, said Justice Alito had written the note in response to a letter of congratulations from Dr. Dobson. "The justice has responded to scores of congratulatory letters from people of all walks of life, and he has included as a standard sentiment in the letters the hope that he will live up to the trust and confidence that has been placed in him," Ms. Arberg said.
She declined to identify who else had received such letters from Justice Alito....
These aren't conservatives as they state, but, Evangelicals forever and not in any particular order are these folks conservatives; ie: Evangelical first, conservative second. I don't buy it. I do understand the trends at the Supreme Court, the ideology of the Evangelicals and they do not accept democracy, the Evangelicals demand dictatorships.
A theology is the Evangelical standard. Politicians not usually funded well, make their way into office because of the enormous funding provided by "Citizen's United."
There is really something rotten in the nation's capital.
Then to realize the USA southern border is operating as a place where the very first steps of genocide occur is more than alarming. It is NOT OKAY for officers to carry out inhumane treatment of children and simply state, "I was doing my job." There is nothing protecting the men and women at the USA southern border who believe their paycheck is their shield against any charges of the violation of human rights. The paycheck is proof it is occurring willingly. Making THE RIGHT decision to end such atrocities as genocide is sometimes a difficult decision, but, it is a decision and everyone along the way has made a decision to proceed in some respect or another.
I might add that same understanding of witless willingness cannot beset the US Congress to NOT ACT to end the Trump's demand for vengeance on the people who have fallen victim to the USA drug habit and their cartels.
The media has the same disposition under laws that protect us all when it comes to humane treatment. FOX News is running propaganda to promote these ideologies that support the current trend in genocide by the Trump Administration.
What is occurring at the USA border, quite possibly beginning last summer, is genocide. What is occurring at the USA border is not summer camp. No child was invited to attend. What is occurring at the USA southern border is the dehumanizing and criminalizing the parents while the children are whisked away to child internment camps.
The USA government has taken custody of these children and there is evidence even the youngest or should I state, especially the youngest are distributed throughout the USA for Foster Care and adoption. As stated before there are two types of Foster Parents now, Foster Parents and Foster Parents for Adoption.
The countries where the parents are being deported to without their children need to invoke their ambassadors or cooperating ambassadors to the USA to intervene to retrieve the children wrongly within USA custody. The USA government must relinquish these children to their families or face serious charges of cruelty to children. THERE ARE USA LAWS that can be invoked against Trump. This is child endangerment, child abuse with intent to market which is also human trafficking.
Once USA charges are filed the international theater reopens regardless of the USA as a signatory to the UN Human Rights Council.
REMEMBER the Elian Gonzalez case? These are absolutely the same circumstances and nothing short of it. It does not matter that Elian wants to visit the USA now. (click here)
International cooperation and pressure is a very real component to any diplomatic relationships. The Trump Administration needs to be working as hard as they can to find the children and return them to their Ambassadors for arrangements to reunite the families.
Realizing reunification is the goal by any country's leadership the cruel and inhumane treatment of these families need to end at the USA southern border and "Capture and Release" returned to the process.
Parents can identify their children. There is NO reason to refuse reunification.
DNA tests can check for lineage.
I mean every word of it.
The Vice President flanks the other side of the Trump administration as an insider.
I also believe the Evangelicals are hiding behind Islamophobia.
October 7, 2018
By Adam Lee
Recently, (click here) Charisma magazine, a major media outlet for evangelical and Pentecostal Christians, published an open call to genocide. The article in question, titled "Why I Am Absolutely Islamaphobic" [sic] and written by Gary Cass, begins with the premise that "every true follower of Mohammed" wants to "subjugate and murder" non-Muslims, and therefore it's impossible for Christians to live together peacefully with them....
I think Franklin Graham is giving the extremist political right wing coverage by speaking out against the atrocity at the USA southern border.
...Cass proposes three solutions to this problem. One is for Muslims to undergo mass conversion to Christianity; the other is mass deportation combined with eugenics - either "force them all to get sterilized" or kick them out of America "like Spain was forced to do when they deported the Muslim Moors." But he says both of these plans are unlikely to work, so "really there's only one" solution, which is:
Notice Cass' statement that war has been "shown to work" by "1,400 years of history." The only thing he could be referring to is the Crusades (presumbly beginning with the Spanish Reconquista, around 700 AD), which often entailed the massacre of civilians in captured areas. Most of us know the Crusades as a bloody and barbaric era in our history and think that a repeat is something to be avoided at all costs, but Cass is openly cheering the idea....
The Republican Party is housing some of the worst social structure in the world. It wasn't until "W" embraced them as a real part of his base, did the Evangelical Christian come to the forefront of American politics. In the past it was "Evangelical who?"
Evangelicals by doctrine are required to change the face of the faith of Earth. Just that simple. The more countries they can change the better and the sooner the better so they can all move into the afterlife. I doubt sincerely God looks down on Earth as a priority and approve of the voracious Evangelical movement for changing religious affiliations globally. Evangelicals are among the most influential politically in Russia.
We know for a fact that Mike Pence at an early point in the Trump White House isolated Trump for the most part from power and now Pence is in lock step with Trump in every way. Pence's only solace in this matter is that Mike Huckabee may be one of Trump's closest mentor. Is there any doubt? Pence can't meet with a woman for lunch and it would seem Sarah Sanders can't meet for an interview without her father.
June 6, 2017
By Matt Wilstein
Whoopi Goldberg (click here) had to ask The View’s audience to applaud for the show’s first two guests on Wednesday morning, an inauspicious start for White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her father, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.
Yet the interview began with perhaps the softest ball imaginable as Goldberg asked how Sanders is juggling her dual roles as spokesperson for Donald Trump and mother to three young children....
I believe the Evangelical leadership is completely comfortable with the idea the Kochs are exploiting the country for mining and drilling while supporting them in their political movement to remove freedom from the USA.
The USA military is something to covet as well. Right now, Prime Minister Netanyahu has crafted a "Peace Policy" with Jared Kushner that will ultimately require the forceful removal of the Palestinians in order to resettle them elsewhere. And while they are at it, let's just take Golan Heights and beyond. Why stop halfway?
There is a trend in the Supreme Court is exceptionally worrisome, especially with the idea there has to be other than a bakery to protect the soul of the baker. The GUARD of the US Constitution has been compromised.
March 2, 2006
By David D. Kirkpatrick
Washington, March 1 - In his first weeks on the Supreme Court, (click here) Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. sent a note to Dr. James C. Dobson, the influential Christian conservative, thanking him for his support and vowing that "as long as I serve on the Supreme Court, I will keep in mind the trust that has been placed in me," Dr. Dobson said Wednesday in a radio broadcast.
Kathy Arberg, a spokeswoman for the court, said Justice Alito had written the note in response to a letter of congratulations from Dr. Dobson. "The justice has responded to scores of congratulatory letters from people of all walks of life, and he has included as a standard sentiment in the letters the hope that he will live up to the trust and confidence that has been placed in him," Ms. Arberg said.
She declined to identify who else had received such letters from Justice Alito....
These aren't conservatives as they state, but, Evangelicals forever and not in any particular order are these folks conservatives; ie: Evangelical first, conservative second. I don't buy it. I do understand the trends at the Supreme Court, the ideology of the Evangelicals and they do not accept democracy, the Evangelicals demand dictatorships.
A theology is the Evangelical standard. Politicians not usually funded well, make their way into office because of the enormous funding provided by "Citizen's United."
There is really something rotten in the nation's capital.
Then to realize the USA southern border is operating as a place where the very first steps of genocide occur is more than alarming. It is NOT OKAY for officers to carry out inhumane treatment of children and simply state, "I was doing my job." There is nothing protecting the men and women at the USA southern border who believe their paycheck is their shield against any charges of the violation of human rights. The paycheck is proof it is occurring willingly. Making THE RIGHT decision to end such atrocities as genocide is sometimes a difficult decision, but, it is a decision and everyone along the way has made a decision to proceed in some respect or another.
I might add that same understanding of witless willingness cannot beset the US Congress to NOT ACT to end the Trump's demand for vengeance on the people who have fallen victim to the USA drug habit and their cartels.
The media has the same disposition under laws that protect us all when it comes to humane treatment. FOX News is running propaganda to promote these ideologies that support the current trend in genocide by the Trump Administration.
What is occurring at the USA border, quite possibly beginning last summer, is genocide. What is occurring at the USA border is not summer camp. No child was invited to attend. What is occurring at the USA southern border is the dehumanizing and criminalizing the parents while the children are whisked away to child internment camps.
The USA government has taken custody of these children and there is evidence even the youngest or should I state, especially the youngest are distributed throughout the USA for Foster Care and adoption. As stated before there are two types of Foster Parents now, Foster Parents and Foster Parents for Adoption.
The countries where the parents are being deported to without their children need to invoke their ambassadors or cooperating ambassadors to the USA to intervene to retrieve the children wrongly within USA custody. The USA government must relinquish these children to their families or face serious charges of cruelty to children. THERE ARE USA LAWS that can be invoked against Trump. This is child endangerment, child abuse with intent to market which is also human trafficking.
Once USA charges are filed the international theater reopens regardless of the USA as a signatory to the UN Human Rights Council.
REMEMBER the Elian Gonzalez case? These are absolutely the same circumstances and nothing short of it. It does not matter that Elian wants to visit the USA now. (click here)
International cooperation and pressure is a very real component to any diplomatic relationships. The Trump Administration needs to be working as hard as they can to find the children and return them to their Ambassadors for arrangements to reunite the families.
Realizing reunification is the goal by any country's leadership the cruel and inhumane treatment of these families need to end at the USA southern border and "Capture and Release" returned to the process.
Parents can identify their children. There is NO reason to refuse reunification.
DNA tests can check for lineage.
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