Long range missiles and nuclear capacity do not equate. There can be a relationship, but, there is no absolute relationship whereby a nation willing to reverse their position on nuclear capacity is to be considered corrupt and untrustworthy.
That is a neocon. War is the only answer after a nation is branded untrustworthy and therefore hates the USA. Everyone else is stupid and naive. That is a neocon. He is true to form.
He stated: "Rhetoric can be taken seriously."
North Korea Breaks I.A.E.A. Seals on 8,000 Spent Nuclear Fuel Rods (BREAKING)
Dong-a Ilbo News (Seoul, Korea)
23 December 2002
Dong-a Ilbo News (S.Korea)
Posted on 12/23/2002 11:05:48 AM
by American InTokyo
North Korea Breaks Seals on 8,000 Spent Nuclear Fuel Rods (click here)
DECEMBER 23, 2002 22:32 (Dong-a Ilbo News, Seoul, S.Korea)
North Korea has removed the seals and surveillance cameras installed to monitor the storage facilities containing 8,000 spent nuclear fuel rods that had been closely watched by the IAEA. A couple of days ago, the North also eliminated all IAEA`s inspection devices set up at the nuclear reactor in Yongbyon.
What makes the latest move of North more serious is the fact that the fuel rods have nothing do to with generation of electricity and can produce plutonium, which in turn can produce nuclear weapons. Therefore, the situation is spinning more and more out of control....
Evidently, North Korea DID take the Bush rhetoric very seriously. Wasn't that the expected reaction? Mr. Wolfowitz, wasn't Bush's inflammatory statements intended to set in process an unreversable chain reaction? Wasn't it. Basically, Bush's State of the Union speech was an understood declaration of war and set off a chain reaction in North Korea and Iran, especially after Iraq was invaded with absolutely NO CAUSE. Wasn't it? It was a declaration of war. Isn't it time to admit that before North Korea and Iran were a worry to nuclear weapons there was the 'loose rhetoric' of the then President of the USA?
That is a neocon. War is the only answer after a nation is branded untrustworthy and therefore hates the USA. Everyone else is stupid and naive. That is a neocon. He is true to form.
He stated: "Rhetoric can be taken seriously."
North Korea Breaks I.A.E.A. Seals on 8,000 Spent Nuclear Fuel Rods (BREAKING)
Dong-a Ilbo News (Seoul, Korea)
23 December 2002
Dong-a Ilbo News (S.Korea)
Posted on 12/23/2002 11:05:48 AM
by American InTokyo
DECEMBER 23, 2002 22:32 (Dong-a Ilbo News, Seoul, S.Korea)
North Korea has removed the seals and surveillance cameras installed to monitor the storage facilities containing 8,000 spent nuclear fuel rods that had been closely watched by the IAEA. A couple of days ago, the North also eliminated all IAEA`s inspection devices set up at the nuclear reactor in Yongbyon.
What makes the latest move of North more serious is the fact that the fuel rods have nothing do to with generation of electricity and can produce plutonium, which in turn can produce nuclear weapons. Therefore, the situation is spinning more and more out of control....
Evidently, North Korea DID take the Bush rhetoric very seriously. Wasn't that the expected reaction? Mr. Wolfowitz, wasn't Bush's inflammatory statements intended to set in process an unreversable chain reaction? Wasn't it. Basically, Bush's State of the Union speech was an understood declaration of war and set off a chain reaction in North Korea and Iran, especially after Iraq was invaded with absolutely NO CAUSE. Wasn't it? It was a declaration of war. Isn't it time to admit that before North Korea and Iran were a worry to nuclear weapons there was the 'loose rhetoric' of the then President of the USA?
Bush State of the Union address (click here)
January 29, 2002 Posted: 11:10 PM EST (0410 GMT)
Wait, wait let me guess.
The ONLY rhetoric that is a threat came from any other nation besides that of the USA.
You self righteous no goods are either stupid, moronic or completely intended on destroying every aspect of the world besides the nuclear shelter you'll be shuttered in ! No matter your choice, Bush, Cheney and YOU should never have seen the power of the Executive Branch of the USA!