Hillary Clinton has never looked better. She is amazing. She is correct, whenever the Republicans want to pump up their base they simply speak her name. She may be too gracious about this mess. She lost the presidency of 2016 because of the wrongful influence of Russia.
Let me propose this. If She had won a presidential race and it was realized there hacking of the opponent and the chances that the opponent would have won short of the foreign influence; I believe: she would have pursued that infraction into an election without mercy. I believe, even if it was proven in that investigation that she won because of the foreign influence in that campaign she would seek justice for the other candidate.
There would be no hiding anything and the pursuit of justice by the Hillary Clinton administration would be merciless to remove any such occurrence from happening again. Why? Because it was about the country and the security of our allies.
I just have no doubt Hillary Clinton is patriot and loves this country. I have no doubt in her and her abilities to protect the USA without reservation. There would be no nuclear capacity jets sitting on a tarmac in Venezuela either. All that conflict would have been settled a long time ago and before it became this hot.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Wednesday, May 01, 2019
William Barr stumped by Kamala Harris' question (click here for the DOJ posting of the Special Council Report - thank you)
I was impressed by the questions of the members of the panel, however, the questions of Senator Booker and Senator Harris are notable. The questions by Senator Harris are extremely telling from a legal point of view, which of course, is the focus of the Special Council.
I have to agree with her in that as AG Barr went through the report of 488 pages he didn't ever once look at the supporting documents that accompanied the report. While the report is voluminous, it also has considerable findings that have resulted in trials, convictions and guilty pleas. Those findings are a result of evidence found by the Special Council.
To my way of thinking and I can't speak for Senator Harris, how can anyone proclaim the findings by the Special Council as non-chargable if there was no examination of the evidence that lead to the finding of clearly ten times obstruction of justice by President Trump? I would not expect Congress to make any allegations about law breaking by the president without first examining the evidence that lead the Special Council to their conclusions. I would not expect any judge to simply accept the Special Council report as primary evidence. What do you tell a jury? Does a prosecutor tell a jury that they trust the Special Council Report and therefore the defendant is guilty. No one would tell a jury that. Yet, Bill Barr proclaimed himself judge and jury and made decisions without examining the evidence of the conclusions stating ten counts of obstruction of justice.
I believe Senator Harris' focus is correct. These are my words and not hers, but, Barr's decision making is very sloppy and not supported by evidence.
I have to agree with her in that as AG Barr went through the report of 488 pages he didn't ever once look at the supporting documents that accompanied the report. While the report is voluminous, it also has considerable findings that have resulted in trials, convictions and guilty pleas. Those findings are a result of evidence found by the Special Council.
To my way of thinking and I can't speak for Senator Harris, how can anyone proclaim the findings by the Special Council as non-chargable if there was no examination of the evidence that lead to the finding of clearly ten times obstruction of justice by President Trump? I would not expect Congress to make any allegations about law breaking by the president without first examining the evidence that lead the Special Council to their conclusions. I would not expect any judge to simply accept the Special Council report as primary evidence. What do you tell a jury? Does a prosecutor tell a jury that they trust the Special Council Report and therefore the defendant is guilty. No one would tell a jury that. Yet, Bill Barr proclaimed himself judge and jury and made decisions without examining the evidence of the conclusions stating ten counts of obstruction of justice.
I believe Senator Harris' focus is correct. These are my words and not hers, but, Barr's decision making is very sloppy and not supported by evidence.
Bill Barr's career decisions have always erred on the side of corruption.
Bill Barr was responsible for these pardons. He asked President George H. W. Bush to pardon them. These things still bother people because it goes against the grain of the Rule of Law. No one in this country is supposed to be above the law. Regardless of our economic station in life, the law is supposed to be blind and equitable. People don't like this level of corruption.
Doppelt, Jack. "NO LONGER NEWS: The Trial of the Century That Wasn't."
ABA Journal 79, no. 1 (1993): 56-59. http://www.jstor.org/stable/27832773.
The citation above is from a law journal that describes Barr's actions regarding these pardons and why Iran-Contra never made it to trial.
I think Barr seeks to be slick. He chronically complains there is no reason to believe any charges that would be brought are "beyond a reasonable doubt." He has a very poor way of finding ANY success in prosecution and in the case of the Iran-Contra Affair, he simply moved to have the defendants pardoned.
I think his career credibility is very poor.
December 24, 2018
By Andrew Glass
With his term soon to expire, (click here) on this day in 1992, President George H.W. Bush pardoned Caspar Weinberger, the former secretary of Defense, and five others, absolving them from any further punishment for their illegal dealings in the Reagan-era Iran-Contra scandal.
During President Ronald Reagan’s second term, senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, which was under an arms embargo. The administration sought to use the proceeds of the arms sale to fund the Contras in Nicaragua, an insurgent group engaged in a guerrilla war against the anti-American regime. Congress had precluded any further funding of the Contras by the administration....
Doppelt, Jack. "NO LONGER NEWS: The Trial of the Century That Wasn't."
ABA Journal 79, no. 1 (1993): 56-59. http://www.jstor.org/stable/27832773.
The citation above is from a law journal that describes Barr's actions regarding these pardons and why Iran-Contra never made it to trial.
I think Barr seeks to be slick. He chronically complains there is no reason to believe any charges that would be brought are "beyond a reasonable doubt." He has a very poor way of finding ANY success in prosecution and in the case of the Iran-Contra Affair, he simply moved to have the defendants pardoned.
I think his career credibility is very poor.
December 24, 2018
By Andrew Glass
With his term soon to expire, (click here) on this day in 1992, President George H.W. Bush pardoned Caspar Weinberger, the former secretary of Defense, and five others, absolving them from any further punishment for their illegal dealings in the Reagan-era Iran-Contra scandal.
During President Ronald Reagan’s second term, senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, which was under an arms embargo. The administration sought to use the proceeds of the arms sale to fund the Contras in Nicaragua, an insurgent group engaged in a guerrilla war against the anti-American regime. Congress had precluded any further funding of the Contras by the administration....
Give James Comey a platform in the US House. He wants to be heard.
Speaker Pelosi should have a conversation with James Comey as two Americans to determine the best formate for his grievance. He is not going to stop. I would also be very vigilant of his safety. He needs his own bodyguards.
There is a New York Times Op-Ed.
There is something very wrong, otherwise, he wouldn't be so determined to bring forth his understanding of events regarding Trump. He is worried for the country and we know he was wrongfully fired from his position as Director.
May 1, 2019
By James Comey
There is something very wrong, otherwise, he wouldn't be so determined to bring forth his understanding of events regarding Trump. He is worried for the country and we know he was wrongfully fired from his position as Director.
May 1, 2019
By James Comey
People have been asking me hard questions. (click here) What happened to the leaders in the Trump administration, especially the attorney general, Bill Barr, who I have said was due the benefit of the doubt?
How could Mr. Barr, a bright and accomplished lawyer, start channeling the president in using words like “no collusion” and F.B.I. “spying”? And downplaying acts of obstruction of justice as products of the president’s being “frustrated and angry,” something he would never say to justify the thousands of crimes prosecuted every day that are the product of frustration and anger?
How could he write and say things about the report by Robert Mueller, the special counsel, that were apparently so misleading that they prompted written protest from the special counsel himself?
How could Mr. Barr go before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday and downplay President Trump’s attempt to fire Mr. Mueller before he completed his work?...
I have witnessed the abuse that is Donald Trump. At one time Vice President Pence who is President of the US Senate, was leading Republicans. He identified Donald Trump as unqualified to lead and he is right. But, after Trump realized Pence was leading on his own there was a change in Pence's demeanor, speech and behavior. No one knows what was said between them, except perhaps some staff within hearing distance, but, it was obvious Pence changed. I don't know why Pence lost his backbone. He was elected and Trump can't fire him. He might not choose him as a running mate for 2020, but, is that worth selling your soul?
There are issues with people working with Trump. There seems to be a capitulation of self-will. It is very troubling. That is abuse, plain and simple. As a matter of fact, verbal abuse is among the worst forms of abuse.
I have witnessed the abuse that is Donald Trump. At one time Vice President Pence who is President of the US Senate, was leading Republicans. He identified Donald Trump as unqualified to lead and he is right. But, after Trump realized Pence was leading on his own there was a change in Pence's demeanor, speech and behavior. No one knows what was said between them, except perhaps some staff within hearing distance, but, it was obvious Pence changed. I don't know why Pence lost his backbone. He was elected and Trump can't fire him. He might not choose him as a running mate for 2020, but, is that worth selling your soul?
There are issues with people working with Trump. There seems to be a capitulation of self-will. It is very troubling. That is abuse, plain and simple. As a matter of fact, verbal abuse is among the worst forms of abuse.
The lawsuit filed by The Trumps to Deutsche Bank and Capital One is a bargaining chip. They are hoping the can cause enough obstruction to bring someone or some entity to it's knees. They know they can't stop the information in the long game, but, they are hoping there will be immunity granted for any wrong doing they have engaged in.
There is plenty of wrong doing. But, the bargaining with the Trumps has to stop. It is obvious from the Special Council report there has been bargaining with the Trumps/Kushners to bring truth telling. That has to stop.
We know the Trumps break the law. They have to be held accountable for it, otherwise, their idea of justice will result in more problems not less.
They strategize their law breaking.
No more.
There is plenty of wrong doing. But, the bargaining with the Trumps has to stop. It is obvious from the Special Council report there has been bargaining with the Trumps/Kushners to bring truth telling. That has to stop.
We know the Trumps break the law. They have to be held accountable for it, otherwise, their idea of justice will result in more problems not less.
They strategize their law breaking.
No more.
There was no reason for the Special Council to include the Steele Dossier in their findings.
Is that understood and why?
Robert Mueller is exceptionally good at his job. He can carry out all the investigation no differently than Christopher Steele could. There would be no reason for anyone on the Special Council to take for granted the findings of the Steele Dossier.
The fact there are cross references in footnotes that MIRROR the findings of Christopher Steele should not be a surprise. The repeated information about the PEE TAPE in the Steele Dossier and from text messages of Michael Cohen VALIDATES the existence of the tape and gives credible standing to the Steele Dossier.
The tape exists. Steele was an excellent investigator and one that was turning up the same information as Mueller, but, from different sources.
Is that understood and why?
Robert Mueller is exceptionally good at his job. He can carry out all the investigation no differently than Christopher Steele could. There would be no reason for anyone on the Special Council to take for granted the findings of the Steele Dossier.
The fact there are cross references in footnotes that MIRROR the findings of Christopher Steele should not be a surprise. The repeated information about the PEE TAPE in the Steele Dossier and from text messages of Michael Cohen VALIDATES the existence of the tape and gives credible standing to the Steele Dossier.
The tape exists. Steele was an excellent investigator and one that was turning up the same information as Mueller, but, from different sources.
The Steele Dossier is validated. I don't know where Coryn gets his information.
That brings the Steele dossier (click here)— yes, this is the document alleging the existence of a “pee tape” that the Russians may have used to blackmail Trump — to a strange point. Its origins of liberal hopes of exposing a massive conspiracy that would bring Trump down have led to its current status as the center of a conservative conspiracy theory that’s supposed to bring Robert Mueller down.
The Steele Dossier is validated by a conversation Michael Cohen had with a Russian.
Republicans can't read.
The PEE TAPE was first brought to the public in the Steele Dossier and then again in the Special Council's report. The references are completely different. The Special Council did not quote the Steele Dossier in the footnote. The Special Council quoted a text message exchange between Michael Cohen and a Russian.
The fact there are Russians in the report doesn't invalidate the concrete evidence. Of course, there are going to be Russians in any report whereby intelligence is engaged in findings of such activity. A counterintelligence investigation about Russia is going to have references to Russians.
Republicans can't only read, they are flat out stupid.
There ya go. I came to a conclusion about Republicans by the evidence and it's use of Russians.
It is ridiculous to believe Russia does not compile any and all information it can to compromise the leaders of any Western Country.
The Russians have a file on Trump. That file and the promise of wealth results in compromised behavior by the president and compromise of the USA's national security. What is the question? Is there a file to seek to compromise Hillary Clinton? You betcha there is. However, that has never effected her abilities to carry out any of her responsibilities in any office or capacity she has held.
(Click here)
The Special Council's report is about the investigation into the activities about Russia, it's intelligence agencies and any other Russian capacity leveraged to put Donald Trump into office. There is nothing that leveraged Hillary Clinton in her campaign of 2016. She wasn't pursuing lucrative deals with banks that use "pass through" monies from Russia nor was she seeking influence in the Russian real estate market. Of course, there aren't references to Hillary Clinton being compromised by Russia BECAUSE SHE WASN'T!
The Steele Dossier is validated by a conversation Michael Cohen had with a Russian.
Republicans can't read.
The PEE TAPE was first brought to the public in the Steele Dossier and then again in the Special Council's report. The references are completely different. The Special Council did not quote the Steele Dossier in the footnote. The Special Council quoted a text message exchange between Michael Cohen and a Russian.
The fact there are Russians in the report doesn't invalidate the concrete evidence. Of course, there are going to be Russians in any report whereby intelligence is engaged in findings of such activity. A counterintelligence investigation about Russia is going to have references to Russians.
Republicans can't only read, they are flat out stupid.
There ya go. I came to a conclusion about Republicans by the evidence and it's use of Russians.
It is ridiculous to believe Russia does not compile any and all information it can to compromise the leaders of any Western Country.
The Russians have a file on Trump. That file and the promise of wealth results in compromised behavior by the president and compromise of the USA's national security. What is the question? Is there a file to seek to compromise Hillary Clinton? You betcha there is. However, that has never effected her abilities to carry out any of her responsibilities in any office or capacity she has held.
(Click here)

Barr lied to Congress. There is nothing else to know. Republicans can't conflate that to anything in the Special Council report.
The Mueller report documents at least 77 specific instances where President Donald Trump's campaign staff, administration officials and family members (committed lies and falsehoods).
Now there is another one and he can join the rest of them in prison. It seems the Guardian has the hearing today live.
The Mueller report documents at least 77 specific instances where President Donald Trump's campaign staff, administration officials and family members (committed lies and falsehoods).
Now there is another one and he can join the rest of them in prison. It seems the Guardian has the hearing today live.
And the killing continues thanks to Republicans abuse of the Second Amendment as a campaign issue.
To save his own job, the Campus Police Chief was bragging about the system they use to secure the campus with the push of one button that locks everything down and saved lives. He claims it saved lives and allowed the police to concentrate on the location of the violence. He also said the gunman was not in the library.
UNC-Charlotte Students run from library amid active shooter on campus (click here)
It seems as though there is a threat against job security if such incidents happen in schools. I am glad the button worked for the campus police, but, honestly, there is no real reason to expect to be fired from a job because a hate filled person brought a gun to the campus and used it. Being able to read the mind of an attacker on a sizeable campus is not in the job description. Good police work is in the job description and everyone expects that took place and the human beings that are campus police did their level best.
April 30, 2019
By Richard Gonzales
Updated at 11:58 p.m. ET
Two people died and another four were wounded, three critically, in a shooting at the University of North Carolina's Charlotte campus on Tuesday.
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department announced in a tweet that a suspect, Trystan Andrew Terrell, 22, was in custody with charges pending.
Earlier, the department had signaled the end of the crisis with the announcement: "Scene secure. One in custody. No reason to believe anyone else involved. CMPD and UNCC going room by room on campus to identify any students, faculty or others who may be sheltering in place."
Campus Police Chief Jeff Baker said police were on the scene quickly enough to find and disarm the suspect in the same room where the shootings happened.
He said two people were found dead at the scene, and three others were hospitalized in critical condition, while the fourth person suffered less serious injuries....
UNC-Charlotte Students run from library amid active shooter on campus (click here)
It seems as though there is a threat against job security if such incidents happen in schools. I am glad the button worked for the campus police, but, honestly, there is no real reason to expect to be fired from a job because a hate filled person brought a gun to the campus and used it. Being able to read the mind of an attacker on a sizeable campus is not in the job description. Good police work is in the job description and everyone expects that took place and the human beings that are campus police did their level best.
April 30, 2019
By Richard Gonzales
Updated at 11:58 p.m. ET
Two people died and another four were wounded, three critically, in a shooting at the University of North Carolina's Charlotte campus on Tuesday.
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department announced in a tweet that a suspect, Trystan Andrew Terrell, 22, was in custody with charges pending.
Earlier, the department had signaled the end of the crisis with the announcement: "Scene secure. One in custody. No reason to believe anyone else involved. CMPD and UNCC going room by room on campus to identify any students, faculty or others who may be sheltering in place."
Campus Police Chief Jeff Baker said police were on the scene quickly enough to find and disarm the suspect in the same room where the shootings happened.
He said two people were found dead at the scene, and three others were hospitalized in critical condition, while the fourth person suffered less serious injuries....
This is an enemy country that effected elections. The country and it's rule of law doesn't matter? If not today, it will.
"Trying to have it both ways?"
"Trying to have it both ways?"
Robert Mueller?
Barr committed fraud in his four page letter. Fraud about a Special Council report demands a letter from Robert Mueller.
Republican spin is unbelievable they conflate the fraud and the redacted report as if it is the same thing and finds a way to dismiss an attack by Barr against the country.
What does the media do? Oh, that is great spin, "Thanks, Congressman." Amazing.
Bill Barr committed fraud with his 4 page letter and he lied to Congress. How many people affiliated with Trump, his campaign and administration have been prosecuted for lying to Congress. Barr is not above the law!
The Special Council clearly spelled out issues with the president and others in his report. The Special Council will have to testify before Congress and set the record straight. Obviously, the media is only interested in ratings and exploitation of Republican rhetoric.
The big lie losers like Trump believes as fact is that Russia has a lot of laundered money and once businesspersons like Trump bring prosperity to Russia, they will see the benefits of democracy and freedom. Trump believes businessmen in North Korea are going to turn the key for the USA and allies. Businessmen and women will never be the deciding factor in choosing between communism and democracy and China is an example of that.
Believe it or not when Nixon open diplomatic relations with China it wasn't to have cheap labor and a Chinese consumer base that is the USA, it was to allow China to begin to grow it's own consumer base and bring freedom to the Chinese people which would increase quality of life. That was over 40 years ago and Wall Street turned it's back on democracy and instead enslaved the Chinese people AND the American people. Same thing with Mexico. All these initiatives that the USA tried, in good faith, have been nothing but a disaster to the American people and let's not forget 2008.
I think Robert Mueller needs to appear in an interview on FOX News and set the right wing on it's buttocks for the lousy talk that comes out of it.
"Trying to have it both ways?"
Robert Mueller?
Barr committed fraud in his four page letter. Fraud about a Special Council report demands a letter from Robert Mueller.
Republican spin is unbelievable they conflate the fraud and the redacted report as if it is the same thing and finds a way to dismiss an attack by Barr against the country.
What does the media do? Oh, that is great spin, "Thanks, Congressman." Amazing.
Bill Barr committed fraud with his 4 page letter and he lied to Congress. How many people affiliated with Trump, his campaign and administration have been prosecuted for lying to Congress. Barr is not above the law!
The Special Council clearly spelled out issues with the president and others in his report. The Special Council will have to testify before Congress and set the record straight. Obviously, the media is only interested in ratings and exploitation of Republican rhetoric.
The big lie losers like Trump believes as fact is that Russia has a lot of laundered money and once businesspersons like Trump bring prosperity to Russia, they will see the benefits of democracy and freedom. Trump believes businessmen in North Korea are going to turn the key for the USA and allies. Businessmen and women will never be the deciding factor in choosing between communism and democracy and China is an example of that.
Believe it or not when Nixon open diplomatic relations with China it wasn't to have cheap labor and a Chinese consumer base that is the USA, it was to allow China to begin to grow it's own consumer base and bring freedom to the Chinese people which would increase quality of life. That was over 40 years ago and Wall Street turned it's back on democracy and instead enslaved the Chinese people AND the American people. Same thing with Mexico. All these initiatives that the USA tried, in good faith, have been nothing but a disaster to the American people and let's not forget 2008.
I think Robert Mueller needs to appear in an interview on FOX News and set the right wing on it's buttocks for the lousy talk that comes out of it.
Maduro sold his country to Russia.
Can't claim victory over a coup if there was no coup. Maduro reminds me of the reincarnation of Castro. He has no power and yet he remains in power.
There is about 15 people at the table where Maduro is sitting. That is about the only people still loyal to him in the entire country. Maduro needs to leave Venezuela. When a leader sells his soul to Russia there is no going back. The demons from Russia will reside there forever.
Today, May 1st, is Workers Day in communist Russia. They better work hard.
There is about 15 people at the table where Maduro is sitting. That is about the only people still loyal to him in the entire country. Maduro needs to leave Venezuela. When a leader sells his soul to Russia there is no going back. The demons from Russia will reside there forever.
Today, May 1st, is Workers Day in communist Russia. They better work hard.
Barr will show up, continue to lie and obstruct. It wins more time for a man who realizes his best chances will be in an impeachment hearing rather than arrest for ultimately ignoring a subpoena. The Trump administration is not about governing, it is about obstruction while they use the power of the USA for their own purposes. Those purposes are not benign to the sovereignty of the USA. The Former Special Council Robert Mueller knows that, too. That is why he wrote Barr immediately after the fraudulent 4 page letter. I can't believe that letter had to be leaked a month later in order to save the US Constitution from potential demise.
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