Patriot Nancy Genovese wins default $70 Million Judgment Against Southampton Town Council Nancy Genovese Nancy Genovese Nancy Genovese
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Monday, May 14, 2012
Nancy Genovese wins default $70 Million Judgment Against Southampton Tow...
Patriot Nancy Genovese wins default $70 Million Judgment Against Southampton Town Council Nancy Genovese Nancy Genovese Nancy Genovese
For the love of our troops, a possible jail sentence as a terrorist.
This case is a frightening example (click here) of what can happen when a photographer encounters ignorant bullies with badges. According to the complaint filed in Federal Court, Nancy Genovese, a mother of three, was driving home on County Road 31 past Gabreski Airport in Suffolk County. Gabreski Airport displays a decorative helicopter shell by the roadway to the public, which is visible to all who pass by.
Nancy Genovese stopped her car on the side of the road across the street from the airport in an area that is open and accessible to the public, and crossed over the road to the airport entryway that is also open and accessible to the public to take a picture of the helicopter display. While still in her car, she took a picture of the decorative helicopter shell with the intention of posting it on her personal “Support Our Troops” web page.
As Nancy Genovese was preparing to drive away, she was stopped and approached by Robert Iberger, a lieutenant with the Southampton Town Police. Lieutenant Iberger demanded to know why she was taking photographs. Nancy showed the lieutenant her camera, but Lieutenant Iberger grabbed her camera and handled it “without care”. In an attempt to prevent the lieutenant from damaging the camera, Nancy removed her memory card, which Lieutenant Iberger confiscated. To date, Nancy’s memory card still has not been returned to her.
Lieutenant Iberger demanded that Nancy remain where she is, and he refused to allow her to leave. At this time, Lieutenant Iberger notified the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office and the authorities at Gabreski Airport of Nancy’s presence outside the airport, and falsely and wrongfully informed them that she posed a terrorist threat....
When Ted Kennedy or Mario Cuomo spoke about religion it was in love of the USA.
There was a segment tonight on "The Last Word" whereby segments of speeches by distinguished Democrats spoke about their religion and the USA. The segment is on the blog (click here).
The difference between the speech Romney gave at Liberty University and the speeches of Kennedy and Cuomo is the expression of love for their country and the 'allowance' for the free practice of religion. There is a very great difference between preference of a religion and the First Amendment.
It is one thing to love one's country for the FREEDOM granted to it's citizens for religious practice and it is quite another to promote the dictates of a single practice of faith, such as noted by Romney at Liberty, like Christianity.
The First Amendment of the USA Constitution GRANTS "Freedom of Religion." It does not guarantee imposition of preference by a dominant religion in the USA.
Every American should be grateful to the Founders of this great nation for their insight and wisdom to 'set apart' practices of individual beliefs from those of the entire nation. For any American to believe they can impose their religion, THEIR PREFERENCE, on an entire nation is not freedom, it is oppression. What Mitt Romney stated at Liberty University encourages oppression from a political platform which practices oppression of anything except Christian dictates.
The Late Senator Ted Kennedy and the Former New York Governor knew what it was to be close to the generation of immigrants that actually settled in this country. Their experience with other family members that were not allowed such freedom was very real to them. They were also great statesmen. They knew this country was special because of the rights provided for every citizen. They never took for granted the rights afforded to them by the USA Constitution, but, held dear the fact the country granted them rights that 'made their lives right.'
Oppression is a horrible thing. The minorities of the USA understand it and know it with experiences only a generation away. To realize a citizen of the USA can live 'their lives right' as handed down to them by generations of family before is a relief and a validation. It is a validation that every citizen is free and this country demands their life to be lived accordingly.
The difference between the speech Romney gave at Liberty University and the speeches of Kennedy and Cuomo is the expression of love for their country and the 'allowance' for the free practice of religion. There is a very great difference between preference of a religion and the First Amendment.
It is one thing to love one's country for the FREEDOM granted to it's citizens for religious practice and it is quite another to promote the dictates of a single practice of faith, such as noted by Romney at Liberty, like Christianity.
The First Amendment of the USA Constitution GRANTS "Freedom of Religion." It does not guarantee imposition of preference by a dominant religion in the USA.
Every American should be grateful to the Founders of this great nation for their insight and wisdom to 'set apart' practices of individual beliefs from those of the entire nation. For any American to believe they can impose their religion, THEIR PREFERENCE, on an entire nation is not freedom, it is oppression. What Mitt Romney stated at Liberty University encourages oppression from a political platform which practices oppression of anything except Christian dictates.
The Late Senator Ted Kennedy and the Former New York Governor knew what it was to be close to the generation of immigrants that actually settled in this country. Their experience with other family members that were not allowed such freedom was very real to them. They were also great statesmen. They knew this country was special because of the rights provided for every citizen. They never took for granted the rights afforded to them by the USA Constitution, but, held dear the fact the country granted them rights that 'made their lives right.'
Oppression is a horrible thing. The minorities of the USA understand it and know it with experiences only a generation away. To realize a citizen of the USA can live 'their lives right' as handed down to them by generations of family before is a relief and a validation. It is a validation that every citizen is free and this country demands their life to be lived accordingly.
Romney shut down American Steel? He didn't care about the auto industry then and he doesn't care about it now.
One of the aspects of the destruction of good paying jobs in the USA was the loss of Steel made in the USA. The other imported steel was a poor quality.
Basically, if a consumer could purchase a Japanese automobile make with Japanese steel then why pay more for a car made in the USA if they were getting the same product.
American made steel was the best in the world. There was talk at the time about our military and being able to build what we needed, when we needed it. As a matter of fact, when the USA entered WWII it was American Steel and the auto industry that tooled up the country to win the war. With the loss of American made steel the USA was risk. It should never happen again. I had no idea Romney was behind that. He didn't care about the auto industry in the USA or our military. Just that simple.
If Romney would risk the security of the USA then, he'd do it again, without a second thought.
Oh, good, "The Year of the Outrageous Cover Photo."
We honestly don't know when the First Gay President will arrive, but, if he or she is half the President as Barack Hussein Obama the country will do well.
...The accompanying story (click here) is by Andrew Sullivan, a conservative writer who is gay, who recounts how he was moved to tears when Obama endorsed gay marriage in an interview last week with ABC News....
Mr. Sullivan believes President Obama's heritage of a mixed racial marriage has provided insight to the plight of second class citizens in the USA.
..."I have always sensed that he intuitively understands gays and our predicament—because it so mirrors his own. And he knows how the love and sacrifice of marriage can heal, integrate, and rebuild a soul. The point of the gay-rights movement, after all, is not about helping people be gay. It is about creating the space for people to be themselves. This has been Obama's life's work. And he just enlarged the space in this world for so many others, trapped in different cages of identity, yearning to be released and returned to the families they love and the dignity they deserve."...
Mr. Sullivan is incorrect, President Obama is a well integrated person BECAUSE he was provided a secure home and a loving family that surrounds him. Mr. Sullivan needs to realize there are many people that do not come from mixed racial background that can understand his plight. He does not have to rationalize bigotry and hatred and the lack of it.
The President simply stated on a personal level he, no different than I, have come to know people of different sexual identity and admire them as we would any other person with accomplished lives. He, as I, recognize they are no different in their emotional content then anyone else. There is no covert agenda within the LGBT community to seduce young minds into a counter culture that the Political Religious Right Wing believes will happen.
I find it more than amusing to realize others are having a difficult time understanding, yet alone agreeing, with President Obama. People actually don't understand others? They don't stop to drop the macho dictates of the church in their lives to COMMUNE with reality? Amazing.
Bigotry of other citizens is not written into the USA Constitution. Maybe. Just maybe. That might be a good place for them to start!
...The accompanying story (click here) is by Andrew Sullivan, a conservative writer who is gay, who recounts how he was moved to tears when Obama endorsed gay marriage in an interview last week with ABC News....
Mr. Sullivan believes President Obama's heritage of a mixed racial marriage has provided insight to the plight of second class citizens in the USA.
..."I have always sensed that he intuitively understands gays and our predicament—because it so mirrors his own. And he knows how the love and sacrifice of marriage can heal, integrate, and rebuild a soul. The point of the gay-rights movement, after all, is not about helping people be gay. It is about creating the space for people to be themselves. This has been Obama's life's work. And he just enlarged the space in this world for so many others, trapped in different cages of identity, yearning to be released and returned to the families they love and the dignity they deserve."...
Mr. Sullivan is incorrect, President Obama is a well integrated person BECAUSE he was provided a secure home and a loving family that surrounds him. Mr. Sullivan needs to realize there are many people that do not come from mixed racial background that can understand his plight. He does not have to rationalize bigotry and hatred and the lack of it.
The President simply stated on a personal level he, no different than I, have come to know people of different sexual identity and admire them as we would any other person with accomplished lives. He, as I, recognize they are no different in their emotional content then anyone else. There is no covert agenda within the LGBT community to seduce young minds into a counter culture that the Political Religious Right Wing believes will happen.
I find it more than amusing to realize others are having a difficult time understanding, yet alone agreeing, with President Obama. People actually don't understand others? They don't stop to drop the macho dictates of the church in their lives to COMMUNE with reality? Amazing.
Bigotry of other citizens is not written into the USA Constitution. Maybe. Just maybe. That might be a good place for them to start!
Greece will not have a smooth government transfer.
..Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras (click here) will not attend Monday's meeting, party officials said.
"They are looking for an accomplice to continue their catastrophic work — we will not help them," Panos Skourletis, a spokesman for the party, told Mega television.
The political turmoil has taken a toll on markets across Europe, with shares on the Athens Stock Exchange 3.5 percent lower at 590.38 in midday trading....
The electorate has demanded its new leadership never cooperate with the outgoing government. I don't believe there will be cooperation for a coalition government. The current government is in a Lame Duck phase. They need to move forward with either their plans without the new leadership or expedite the transition.
I don't see a new Greek government leadership overthrowing the established constitution or any agreements with the EU, but, there will be different focus to the austerity dynamics. If the electorate is not satisfied the transition is wholesome and void of the current leadership there will be unrest among them.
"They are looking for an accomplice to continue their catastrophic work — we will not help them," Panos Skourletis, a spokesman for the party, told Mega television.
The political turmoil has taken a toll on markets across Europe, with shares on the Athens Stock Exchange 3.5 percent lower at 590.38 in midday trading....
The electorate has demanded its new leadership never cooperate with the outgoing government. I don't believe there will be cooperation for a coalition government. The current government is in a Lame Duck phase. They need to move forward with either their plans without the new leadership or expedite the transition.
I don't see a new Greek government leadership overthrowing the established constitution or any agreements with the EU, but, there will be different focus to the austerity dynamics. If the electorate is not satisfied the transition is wholesome and void of the current leadership there will be unrest among them.
...Greece's political landscape (click here) has been in disarray for a week since an inconclusive election left parliament divided between supporters and opponents of the 130 billion euro ($168.3 billion) EU/IMF bailout, with neither side able to form a government.
Government officials have warned that Greece could run out of cash as early as the end of June if it does not have a government in place to negotiate the next aid tranche with its lenders....
The European Union is making and has been making a serious mistake; they believed they could make drastic cuts to the Greek government's budget without considering the political ramifications of the final outcome of the cuts. They haven't listened to the people so much as focused on the controlling party. At this point, the EU needs to make it clear to Greece what its outcome will be if they seek to leave and return to its old currency. This cannot be political. The FACTS and outcomes based on those facts have to be made clear to the people and not simply the leadership.
This is the dynamic the EU is going to have when managing their outcomes after the 2008 Global Depression. It is a relatively new government structure; about a decade or more; and the idea it is not benevolent to the people is an awakening theme. There needs to be clear understandings with the people going to the polls what exactly they are voting for when they cast their ballots.
The Greek people are not destitute, but, they are believing they are. Greece probably feels the depression more than most because they sponsored the 2004 Olympic Games which added a nice perk to their economy. The GDP increased and there was a largely benevolent belief among the people they were sound and okay. The depression is not only a surprise to the people, but, one of disbelief even four years after the worst of it hit. It is not surprising they are looking to move into a place where they have been more secure socially to their financial outcomes.
Changing currency won't improve the Greek outcomes. The Greek currency, will not be supported by the other countries of the EU. I believe the return to the drachma will cause greater hardship and more uncertain outcomes than remaining within the EU with other nations stabilizing the Euro. That said, what then to do? Economy. The Greeks are a culture vibrantly rich in history. I have yet to see real promotion of the Greek tourism industry anywhere. If my understanding is clear, tourism is about 15% of the Greek GDP. I hope it is clear where this is headed.
For the Greek economy to stabilize and move forward again, there needs to be promotion of their strengths to grow their economy. With others coming into the Greek economy with currency in tourism they are bringing more stable dollars than drachmas. The Mediterranean Sea is a very strong allure for people especially in the summer seasons, I would suggest stronger promotion of tourism and increased income TO Greece to contribute to the stability of the Euro.
Wall Street is crazy right now. No one can listen to those jerks and make rational decisions about outcomes. Wall Street is experiencing spasms, called "Knee Jerk Reactions" and are highly volatile when it comes to currency, etc. All a government has to say is "Boo" and Wall Street is running in the opposite direction as if they have someplace to run. They are running in circles actually. They have exposed themselves to huge risk after they tanked in 2008 and they are experiencing PTSD.
The European Union is making and has been making a serious mistake; they believed they could make drastic cuts to the Greek government's budget without considering the political ramifications of the final outcome of the cuts. They haven't listened to the people so much as focused on the controlling party. At this point, the EU needs to make it clear to Greece what its outcome will be if they seek to leave and return to its old currency. This cannot be political. The FACTS and outcomes based on those facts have to be made clear to the people and not simply the leadership.
This is the dynamic the EU is going to have when managing their outcomes after the 2008 Global Depression. It is a relatively new government structure; about a decade or more; and the idea it is not benevolent to the people is an awakening theme. There needs to be clear understandings with the people going to the polls what exactly they are voting for when they cast their ballots.
The Greek people are not destitute, but, they are believing they are. Greece probably feels the depression more than most because they sponsored the 2004 Olympic Games which added a nice perk to their economy. The GDP increased and there was a largely benevolent belief among the people they were sound and okay. The depression is not only a surprise to the people, but, one of disbelief even four years after the worst of it hit. It is not surprising they are looking to move into a place where they have been more secure socially to their financial outcomes.
Changing currency won't improve the Greek outcomes. The Greek currency, will not be supported by the other countries of the EU. I believe the return to the drachma will cause greater hardship and more uncertain outcomes than remaining within the EU with other nations stabilizing the Euro. That said, what then to do? Economy. The Greeks are a culture vibrantly rich in history. I have yet to see real promotion of the Greek tourism industry anywhere. If my understanding is clear, tourism is about 15% of the Greek GDP. I hope it is clear where this is headed.
For the Greek economy to stabilize and move forward again, there needs to be promotion of their strengths to grow their economy. With others coming into the Greek economy with currency in tourism they are bringing more stable dollars than drachmas. The Mediterranean Sea is a very strong allure for people especially in the summer seasons, I would suggest stronger promotion of tourism and increased income TO Greece to contribute to the stability of the Euro.
Wall Street is crazy right now. No one can listen to those jerks and make rational decisions about outcomes. Wall Street is experiencing spasms, called "Knee Jerk Reactions" and are highly volatile when it comes to currency, etc. All a government has to say is "Boo" and Wall Street is running in the opposite direction as if they have someplace to run. They are running in circles actually. They have exposed themselves to huge risk after they tanked in 2008 and they are experiencing PTSD.
LONDON (Dow Jones)--Nervous currency traders (click here) pulled out of risky bets such as the euro and the Australian dollar Monday as the specter of a Greek euro-zone exit continued to haunt markets and Chinese policy easing over the weekend failed to quell investors' fears of a hard landing.
The euro sank below $1.29 against the dollar while the common currency also came under pressure against the likes of the yen and the pound. The Australian dollar traded back below parity with the greenback for the first time since Dec. 20.
Meanwhile, the safe-haven dollar has notched up gains across the board and the Japanese yen remains strong against the pound and the Australian dollar.
"We are still a long way away from a (Greek exit of the euro) but the uncertainty is enough to increase the risk-off trades," said Ulrich Leuchtmann, senior currency strategist at Commerzbank in Frankfurt, referring to safe-haven trades....
We all live on one planet and there is no exit anywhere. Money and Global Warming has that shared dynamic.
The Greeks have to EXPAND their economy and move to a thriving GDP again. The new leadership in Greece has to focus on growth, not austerity, their children and their working class. They need to ask the people to thrive and revive their wealth rather than seek escapes. Hacking away at entitlements is not the answer. Entitlements in ANY country are rock solid in the base of the economy. It is monies that are always at play and to that end entitlements have to be secure away from manipulation. For Greece to continue to degrade its own infrastructure is a mistake.
Currently, they are on a slippery slope and no one is looking at a larger picture. Their credit rating has been degraded and their economy is shrinking, that is a lose/lose situation. There is no way Greece is going to change the way credit ratings are dolled out, but, they can stop the shrinking of their economy. They can focus on growth and hold on to the stability of the Euro. They can achieve a greater economy with local business growth and I would start with tourism. Greece is a beautiful country, full of history and culture and I cannot understand why the world would not enjoy it as much as it should be appreciated. The Greek people can do this. They need to try. Focus, focus, focus and bring their economy back rather than wallow in pain, austerity and failure. It is not the fault of the people. Citizens are the strength to any country and it time for them to realize they have control of their future and that of their children.
We all live on one planet and there is no exit anywhere. Money and Global Warming has that shared dynamic.
The Greeks have to EXPAND their economy and move to a thriving GDP again. The new leadership in Greece has to focus on growth, not austerity, their children and their working class. They need to ask the people to thrive and revive their wealth rather than seek escapes. Hacking away at entitlements is not the answer. Entitlements in ANY country are rock solid in the base of the economy. It is monies that are always at play and to that end entitlements have to be secure away from manipulation. For Greece to continue to degrade its own infrastructure is a mistake.
Currently, they are on a slippery slope and no one is looking at a larger picture. Their credit rating has been degraded and their economy is shrinking, that is a lose/lose situation. There is no way Greece is going to change the way credit ratings are dolled out, but, they can stop the shrinking of their economy. They can focus on growth and hold on to the stability of the Euro. They can achieve a greater economy with local business growth and I would start with tourism. Greece is a beautiful country, full of history and culture and I cannot understand why the world would not enjoy it as much as it should be appreciated. The Greek people can do this. They need to try. Focus, focus, focus and bring their economy back rather than wallow in pain, austerity and failure. It is not the fault of the people. Citizens are the strength to any country and it time for them to realize they have control of their future and that of their children.
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