The Public Option would have pushed back against the very concerns he has, but, the reality of the State Exchanges became the focus after Lieberman did a number on the country. I don't know why the States can't set up their own insurance company as well, if they choose to do so creating their own Public Option. All the states have their own insurance companies for automobiles. But, the focus of the exchanges currently is to allow normal market pressures to come to bear and bring about a larger pool of Americans to form those costs. All this while The Affordable Care Act has sent very important inclusions in those plans.
The nation hasn't begun to realize the outcome of the State Exchanges. Additionally, the states can act to improve the performance of the exchanges if they care to, Massachusetts is doing fine. Look at the expertise and responders in Boston. I don't want to exploit this state's wonderful health care system, but, it is a reality. The fear of this entirely new bill is due to Right Wing Rhetoric, not the facts.
While retreating into his own inability to vision the future about health care, Senator Baucus is worried about a watershed in Montana.
Sawtooth Ridge looms above pivot sprinklers on the Broken O Ranch along the Rocky Mountain Front near Augusta. / Photo courtesy of
April 23, 2013
by Karl Puckett, Tribune Staff Writer
Passing legislation (click here) that would protect federal land in the North Fork of the Flathead and along the Rocky Mountain Front will be priorities for U.S. Sen. Max Baucus in his remaining months in office, the Montana senator said Tuesday, when he announced his retirement.
The North Fork Watershed Protection Act would protect federal land on the American side of the North Fork drainage from new oil and gas development and mining. A second Baucus bill would preserve 275,000 acres of land along the eastern Front as either conservation management areas or wilderness.
“I will double down on legislation to permanently protect the American side of the North Fork watershed and keep the Rocky Mountain Front the way it is for future generations,” Baucus, a Democrat, said in a statement....
Senator Baucus won't want to connect the vote to pass this protection to any gun legislation, but, I sure won't be above it.
by Tristen Scott Two days after announcing his retirement (click here) and, in doing so, promising a full-court press to protect some of Montana’s most pristine places, U.S. Sen. Max Baucus testified before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee to promote the North Fork Watershed Protection Act, a bill that would permanently protect the American side of the North Fork watershed from new energy development....
Watersheds are important and the North Folk Watershed dates back to FDR.
S. 255: North Fork Watershed Protection Act of 2013 (click here)
There is no reason to refuse to support this bill in the Senate or House. This is watershed. It is important and cannot be replaced. This bill should be voted into law as soon as possible, maybe even as an amendment to the background check bill.
The nation hasn't begun to realize the outcome of the State Exchanges. Additionally, the states can act to improve the performance of the exchanges if they care to, Massachusetts is doing fine. Look at the expertise and responders in Boston. I don't want to exploit this state's wonderful health care system, but, it is a reality. The fear of this entirely new bill is due to Right Wing Rhetoric, not the facts.

Sawtooth Ridge looms above pivot sprinklers on the Broken O Ranch along the Rocky Mountain Front near Augusta. / Photo courtesy of
April 23, 2013
by Karl Puckett, Tribune Staff Writer
Passing legislation (click here) that would protect federal land in the North Fork of the Flathead and along the Rocky Mountain Front will be priorities for U.S. Sen. Max Baucus in his remaining months in office, the Montana senator said Tuesday, when he announced his retirement.
The North Fork Watershed Protection Act would protect federal land on the American side of the North Fork drainage from new oil and gas development and mining. A second Baucus bill would preserve 275,000 acres of land along the eastern Front as either conservation management areas or wilderness.
“I will double down on legislation to permanently protect the American side of the North Fork watershed and keep the Rocky Mountain Front the way it is for future generations,” Baucus, a Democrat, said in a statement....
Senator Baucus won't want to connect the vote to pass this protection to any gun legislation, but, I sure won't be above it.
by Tristen Scott Two days after announcing his retirement (click here) and, in doing so, promising a full-court press to protect some of Montana’s most pristine places, U.S. Sen. Max Baucus testified before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee to promote the North Fork Watershed Protection Act, a bill that would permanently protect the American side of the North Fork watershed from new energy development....
Watersheds are important and the North Folk Watershed dates back to FDR.
S. 255: North Fork Watershed Protection Act of 2013 (click here)
There is no reason to refuse to support this bill in the Senate or House. This is watershed. It is important and cannot be replaced. This bill should be voted into law as soon as possible, maybe even as an amendment to the background check bill.