Sunday, November 14, 2021

This agreement occurred at COP26. The leaders of China and Russia were not in attendance.

China uses coal without any regrets. (click here for gas shortage)

Russia's greatest economic income is oil and gas. Both incredibly dangerous greenhouse gases.

The deadline for every person on Earth is 2030, not 2050. 2050 is too late.

November 10, 2021
'US State Department
  1. The United States and China (click here) recall their Joint Statement Addressing the Climate Crisis of April 17th, 2021. They are committed to its effective implementation and appreciate the intensive work that has taken place to date and the value of continued discussion. 
  1. The United States and China, alarmed by reports including the Working Group I Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report released on August 9th, 2021, further recognize the seriousness and urgency of the climate crisis. They are committed to tackling it through their respective accelerated actions in the critical decade of the 2020s, as well as through cooperation in multilateral processes, including the UNFCCC process, to avoid catastrophic impacts. 
  1. The United States and China recall their firm commitment to work together and with other Parties to strengthen implementation of the Paris Agreement. The two sides also recall the Agreement’s aim in accordance with Article 2 to hold the global average temperature increase to well below 2 degrees C and to pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5 degrees C. In that regard, they are committed to pursuing such efforts, including by taking enhanced climate actions that raise ambition in the 2020s in the context of the Paris Agreement, with the aim of keeping the above temperature limit within reach and cooperating to identify and address related challenges and opportunities. 
  1. Moving forward, the United States and China welcome the significant efforts being made around the world to address the climate crisis. They nevertheless recognize that there remains a significant gap between such efforts, including their aggregate effect, and those that need to be taken to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. The two sides stress the vital importance of closing that gap as soon as possible, particularly through stepped-up efforts.  They declare their intention to work individually, jointly, and with other countries during this decisive decade, in accordance with different national circumstances, to strengthen and accelerate climate action and cooperation aimed at closing the gap, including accelerating the green and low-carbon transition and climate technology innovation. 
  1. The two sides are intent on seizing this critical moment to engage in expanded individual and combined efforts to accelerate the transition to a global net zero economy....

Mauna Loa Laboratories on this date had four observation stations. I regularly monitored human activity in relation to emissions.

My personal notes.

April 25, 2003 at 2250 EST (10:50 pm)

Russia launched a space vehicle. The type doesn't matter, except, it used fuel to reach orbit. This was after Bush invaded Iraq by about a month ago so the burning that went on was releasing greenhouse gases in the way of at least CO2 and methane.

Mauna Loa Laboratories

Barrow, Alaska (the furthest northern station) - the Russian launch passed directly over this station). The elevations CO2 at this station after the Russian launch inceased in PPM (parts per million) of CO2 by 0.385. This is the increase only that occurred at 2359 (11:59 pm)

Mauna Lao, Hawaii

CO2 before this event was 3.2 ppm.
At 1800 (6:00 pm) abrupt increase to 3.4 ppm at 1900 (7:00 pm), the level sustained at 3.4 ppm until 2355 (11:55 pm) when it decreased to 3.2 ppm.

Samoa Station

Same dynamic as Mauna Loa, Hawaii station. 
3.2 ppm at 1900 (7:00 pm) abruptly changes to 3.4 ppm
That level of 3.4 ppm sustained with fluctuations upto 3.8 ppm until 0045 on April 26, 2003.when it began to decrease but didn't reach 3.0 ppm until 1900 on April 26, 2003.

South Pole Station

Station is offline from 1500 (3:00 pm) until 2339 (11:39 pm) on April 25, 2021
At 0130 on April 26, 2003 there was a reading of 0.5 ppm and that was continuous the rest of the day.


Every time a human burns carbon based fuels there is a global increase in CO2.

The reaction of the President of the Proceedings speaks for itself.

November 14, 2021
By Paul Rincon

A deal aimed at staving off dangerous climate change (click here) has been struck at the COP26 summit in Glasgow.

The Glasgow Climate Pact is the first ever climate deal to explicitly plan to reduce coal, the worst fossil fuel for greenhouse gases.

The deal also presses for more urgent emission cuts and promises more money for developing countries - to help them adapt to climate impacts.

But the pledges don't go far enough to limit temperature rise to 1.5C.

A commitment to phase out coal that was included in earlier negotiation drafts led to a dramatic finish after India and China led opposition to it.

India's climate minister Bhupender Yadav asked how developing countries could promise to phase out coal and fossil fuel subsidies when they "have still to deal with their development agendas and poverty eradication".

In the end, countries agreed to "phase down" rather than "phase out" coal, amid expressions of disappointment by some. COP26 President Alok Sharma said he was "deeply sorry" for how events had unfolded....


This questionable agreement is not STRONG ENOUGH.

November 13, 2021

After two weeks of talks in Glasgow, (click here) diplomats from almost 200 countries have agreed to ramp up their carbon-cutting commitments, phase out some fossil fuels and increase aid to poor countries on the front lines of climate change.

The agreement will not put the world on track to avoid catastrophic warming beyond 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit). But officials said it represents a significant step on a path to a safer future....

OPEN SCIENTIFIC REBELLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 November 2021
By Tosin Thompson

Members of Scientist Rebellion, including Kyle Topfer (second from the left) and Charlie Gardner (far right), chained together on Glasgow's King George V Bridge.

It is about 1 p.m. on 11 November (click here) when I arrive at the rendezvous point: South Portland Street Suspension Bridge — a footbridge above the River Clyde in Glasgow, UK. On a dinghy floating across the river, a distant figure in a lab coat holds up a banner that reads “Tell the truth or we will lose everything”. It is Tim Hewlett, an astrophysicist and co-founder of activist group Scientist Rebellion. I am told that he will continue to float across the river until he docks by the Scottish Event Campus where the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) is taking place, or until he’s arrested — whichever comes first.

For the past week, I have been speaking to scientists at COP26, where nations are trying to agree on how to fulfil their pledges to tackle climate change. Some researchers are advisers at the meeting or part of the delegations trying to negotiate a final deal. But others are among the hundreds of activists staging protests on the streets of Glasgow throughout the summit to demand stronger action....

The stratosphere is shrinking because the tropospher is hot and expanding trapping the stratosphere by pressure.

The Stratosphere is shrinking (click here) and now the trophosphere is expanding. This is NOT good news. How can anyone ignore this? This is serious and the warming needs to stop by reducing greenhouse gases n the troposhere in large amounts. NOW. This is not going to wait until 2050.


Stop denying the truth telling by scientists.

November 14, 2021
By Ben Turner

Earth's atmosphere is rising because of climate change, a new study shows. (click here)

Weather balloon measurements, taken in the Northern Hemisphere over the past 40 years, reveal that the lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere — called the troposphere — has been expanding upward at a rate of roughly 164 feet (50 meters) per decade, and climate change is the cause, according to findings published Nov.r 5 in the journal Science Advances.

"This is an unambiguous sign of changing atmospheric structure," study co-author Bill Randel, a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, said in a statement. "These results provide independent confirmation, in addition to all the other evidence of climate change, that greenhouse gases are altering our atmosphere."

The troposphere is the layer of the atmosphere we live and breathe in. It extends from sea level to a height ranging from 4.3 miles (7 kilometers) above the poles to 12.4 miles (20 km) over the tropics. As the layer of atmosphere that contains the most heat and moisture, it's also where a lot of atmospheric weather occurs.

Air in the atmosphere expands when it's hot and contracts when it's cold, so the troposphere's upper boundary, called the tropopause, naturally shrinks and expands with the changing of the seasons.

But by analyzing atmospheric data such as pressure, temperature and humidity — taken between 20 and 80 degrees north latitude — and pairing it with GPS data, researchers showed that as increasing quantities of greenhouse gases trap more heat in the atmosphere, the tropopause is rising higher than ever before....

This is not good and affectionately named "hockey stick" is completely accurate.


The news articles about the Former Governor of New Jersey never say the name of the book.

In a new book, (click here) Chris Christie says that former President Donald Trump called him when he was sick with Covid-19 and asked if Christie was going to say Trump infected him, according to the New York Times.

I think Chris Christie is great. He has his priorities straight. I don't agree with all his policies, but, he has a rather incredible personal record of loving this country and serving it well. I would be surprised if he would not run for President again. Buy the way, people are saying that talking about Trump won't get them elected either. Governor of Virginia now knows that was a weak strategy. I think protecting the country is important, but, giving voice to the name of Trump is the wrong method of reaching the people and providing a real reason a candidate is not worthy of the office they are seeking.

Virginia Election Integrity Efforts to Be Repeated for Midterms

 (click here for article) I don't subscribe to "The Epoch Times." It is a rage of a newsprint. But, case in point. The new Virginia Governor was put there for far more than governing.

The Governor-elect was a CEO at Carlyle. There was a lot of money behind him and why? Because Wall Street doesn't like the governance of Demcrats. Wall Street does not want to pay taxes and will back any politician that will deny the science behind the Climate Crisis.

This guy should have been easy to beat, but, the Democrats didn't run a race on the issues of the day. They ran on opposition of an invisible former president. Wrong way. It is crazy to use high ideals of protecting the democray when Americans did that in the presidential election of 2020. The people voted to protect the democracy. Why would that change? 

It isn't as though the Climate Crisis is the only worry of the USA. There are plenty of social problems to discuss.

Chicago, not unlike other major cities, is going through a lot of growing pains and there is strong resistence to change.

November 14, 2021
By Annie Sweeney, Alice Yin and Jeremy Gorner

The controversial head (click here) of Chicago’s largest police union faces firing this week, four years after officials launched an investigation into allegations he posted inflammatory statements on social media, including some advocating violence, while serving as a Chicago police officer.

Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 7 President John Catanzara, whom rank- and-file officers elected as their union head while he was under investigation, faces dozens of Police Department rule violations connected to 18 allegations at the hearing slated to begin Monday morning at the Chicago Police Board....

I said well over a year ago, the police unions are too powerful and provide too much legal protection of police. The police should never be above the law.

Not only did the Police Union Boss stay in his job with impunity for a long time, now the Advisor to the Chicago Mayor is resigning. The resignation is not because he found Mayor Lightfoot difficult to work for, but, because the change and LAW that was supposed to be implimented is IMPOSSIBLE to do so, regardless of the legal document to bring it about.

There is something very wrong here and it isn't the mayor. The current US Attorney General Garland will have to review the consent order and perhaps bring those resistent to change and the Rule of Law before the courts.

November 12, 2021
By Gregory Pratt

A top adviser to Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (click here) resigned in August while raising concerns about the city’s ability to “keep moving the ball forward” on its violence prevention efforts and Police Department consent decree implementation, records obtained by the Tribune show.

Lightfoot’s one-time deputy mayor for public safety, Susan Lee, left that post in fall 2020 but remained involved at City Hall as an unpaid consultant on public safety issues, according to a contract between Lee and the city....

There was a time in the USA when nature was loved and embraced.

Remember "Marty Stouffer's Wild America" (click here)

Wild America can be purchased or rented for viewing (click here)

Marty is absolutely correct, conservationists like himself were everyday names to the American people.

Jacques Cousteau (click here) was a person most everyone admired. His legacy lives on in the "Cousteau Society." That level of love of nature needs to return to the American people. It can't die. It is a mainstay of modern society.

Below is one of Jacques Cousteau quotes.

“For most of history, man has had to fight nature to survive; in this century he is beginning to realize that, in order to survive, he must protect it.”

This is Queen Elizabeth II speaking to a joint session of Congress. Greta Thunberg needs to be invited to speak to a joint session of the USA Congress.

Just to be clear, the Queen of England stands with Greta in the urgency of the Climate Crisis.

2030. NOT 2050.

It is far too late to be debating the efficacy of the Climate Crisis. There must be drastic measures put into place to end the escalating greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In the 20th Century human had accumulated enough KNOWLEDGE to stop depletion of the ozone layer. When the knowledge was put to work the entire planet came up with "The Montreal Protocol." (click here)

Scientific work is never fivilous. EVER. NEVER FRIVILOUS. 

I want people to stop and realize the Montreal Protocol occurred because of scientific dedication, expertise and wisdom. Their findings were taking seriously and CFCs, which are greenhouse gases, were tamed and the profit margins on refrigerators never fell.

I want to stop and have people realize that what they are doing to the atmospheres of Earth is really, really stupid. Without any reverence for the ONLY planet known to support life in the entire universe, Earth is treated as if it is disposable and human beings can always out smart stubborn planet. 

This is physics. Physics is scientific law. Earth's physics are irrefutable.

Let me say something that most folks will understand, "Do you pee in your own bathwater?" Don't pollute the air you breath because it is a miracle. That air supports life. That is not a small gift to human beings.

Throughout the 20th century, (click here) discoveries and observations trickled in that would allow scientists to understand how human-made chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons create a hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica each spring.

As early as 1912, Antarctic explorers recorded observations of unusual veil-type clouds in the polar stratosphere, although they could not have known at the time how significant those clouds would become. In 1956, the British Antarctic Survey set up the Halley Bay Observatory on Antarctica in preparation for the International Geophysical Year (IGY) of 1957. In that year, ozone measurements using a Dobson Spectrophotometer began....

This is Greta Thunberg. Did you know that differently spelled Greta spells Great.

August 9, 2021
By Jamie Ross

Greta Thunberg (click here) has delivered her verdict on the terrifying new climate report released Monday morning by United Nations experts. The major new report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned humanity that time is rapidly running out to avert a complete climate catastrophe, and that some irreversible damage has already been done. It echoes what Thunberg has been trying to tell world leaders for years, and she wrote on Twitter that the report “contains no real surprises” for her. She added: “It confirms what we already know from thousands previous studies and reports—that we are in an emergency.... It is up to us to be brave and take decisions based on the scientific evidence provided in these reports. We can still avoid the worst consequences, but not if we continue like today, and not without treating the crisis like a crisis.”

She has a lot of what it takes to speak for Earth and I am proud of her. But, as anyone can tell by graying activists, I am educated. I am a Biologist. I completed the university and Greta needs to go on to be the best Earth expert she can be. One of the best Climate Programs is at Stanford (click here). When she enters that program she will meet one of the pre-eminent scientists on Climate, Chris Field (click here).

We need Greta and all her followers to end this hideous act of arrogance by profiteers and politicians that give into winning before governance and what is really important, life itself. Greta Thunberg is mostly correct about the COP26 being too little and it is getting very late. So, she needs to come forward and write a new climate agreement that is inarguably the best and the one with the resolve her generation needs.

Earth needs humanity.


I have never really addressed readers as myself. This is me. Sorry the pixels are making a bad impression, but, this is me. White hair because I am 66 years old and I do not want to hide my aging characteristics. No makeup. I don't really believe in it.

No, I am not saying good-bye, quite the contrary, this is a conversation that has to go on for some time yet. When I started this blog in 2004, it was just before the Christmas Tsunami hit and I had no idea the attraction and power of a simple blog, but, I learned right away.

I recieved pictures from Indonesia that people wanted to make plain to Americans the suffering their were going through. They wanted Americans to know the complete devastation that occured and the broken lives now existing they had no way to reclaim. I learned from that experience, only about a couple of weeks into blogging that Americans are sought for their intelligence and understanding. See, the people that sent those pictures knew I would understand all that occurred and the depth of loss they were all feeling. We are a great country, but, that is because we are a great people. I want everyone to know Americans are admired, or, at least they were. I was. I was a voice for others and learned quickly that voice had to be heard in ways that was clever and American.

I wanted to say "hello" to anyone that has frequented this blog and let them know it is time for American to be the voice and the power that will reverse the warming trend of Earth and protect life in the manner we understand it and continue to long for it. I think the digital age and all the contraptions within it can depersonalize and remove humanity very quickly. Earth needs our humanity and I do mean to say, Earth needs our humanity very quickly.
