This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Sunday, September 27, 2015
There was movement in the high pressure system off California as early as August 2, 2015. But, there still was no water vapor over California at that point.
August 2, 2015
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of North and West Hemisphere
The California fires were still blazing at this point. I can't dispute Pope Francis being here.
September 22, 2015
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of the North and West Hemisphere
There was some water vapor moving over California on September 22, 2015, the day before Pope Francis arrived. He was in Cuba at that time.
The Catholic faith marks miracles as evidence of sainthood. The church needs to document drastic changes in Earth's troposphere that seems to have followed him. This is no joke. Something happened that was significant. I wish them the best.

UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of North and West Hemisphere
The California fires were still blazing at this point. I can't dispute Pope Francis being here.

UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of the North and West Hemisphere
There was some water vapor moving over California on September 22, 2015, the day before Pope Francis arrived. He was in Cuba at that time.
The Catholic faith marks miracles as evidence of sainthood. The church needs to document drastic changes in Earth's troposphere that seems to have followed him. This is no joke. Something happened that was significant. I wish them the best.
I need to add something here to respect people that think differently. Spirituality or psychic energy is known to be a fact.
You can all it what you want, but, Pope Francis was a phenomena this week. He just was. There is nothing else to say. It is measurable.
Pope Benedict XVI was here in 2008. This never occurred then. There is definitely a spirituality surrounding Pope Francis. You can't make stuff up.
"A Course in Miracles" (click here)
To continue Helen's first-person account:
Pope Benedict XVI was here in 2008. This never occurred then. There is definitely a spirituality surrounding Pope Francis. You can't make stuff up.
"A Course in Miracles" (click here)
To continue Helen's first-person account:
Three startling months preceded the actual writing, during which time Bill suggested that I write down the highly symbolic dreams and descriptions of the strange images that were coming to me. Although I had grown more accustomed to the unexpected by that time, I was still very surprised when I wrote, "This is a course in miracles." That was my introduction to the Voice. It made no sound, but seemed to be giving me a kind of rapid, inner dictation which I took down in a shorthand notebook. The writing was never automatic. It could be interrupted at any time and later picked up again. It made me very uncomfortable, but it never seriously occurred to me to stop. It seemed to be a special assignment I had somehow, somewhere agreed to complete. It represented a truly collaborative venture between Bill and myself, and much of its significance, I am sure, lies in that. I would take down what the Voice "said" and read it to him the next day, and he typed it from my dictation. I expect he had his special assignment, too. Without his encouragement and support I would never have been able to fulfill mine. The whole process took about seven years. The Text came first, then the Workbook for Students, and finally the Manual for Teachers. Only a few minor changes have been made. Chapter titles and subheadings have been inserted in the Text, and some of the more personal references that occurred at the beginning have been omitted. Otherwise the material is substantially unchanged.The names of the collaborators in the recording of the Course do not appear on the cover because the Course can and should stand on its own. It is not intended to become the basis for another cult. Its only purpose is to provide a way in which some people will be able to find their own Internal Teacher.
The reason the California fires came under control and extinguished is because the water vapor heat transfer system moved over California. The reason the fire fighters were finding it very difficult to bring the fires under control was because of the droughted and dry air over California. With the water vapor heat transfer system (noted below) over California the air became full of water vapor making the fire fighting effective.
Okay folks, this is a water vapor satellite that shows the high pressure system that has been chronically offshore of California, moved south. It is no longer offshore of California. I have no right to withhold observations 'of wonder.'
September 27, 2015
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of the North and West Hemisphere (click here for 12 hour loop - thank you)
I have only brought the facts as I know them regarding the climate crisis. I have no right to effect deceptions that could lead to spirituality among people. I do not deny faith can exist in mysterious ways.
There is a circulation center developing for approximately 2 hours now offshore of California. I've never seen that before.
Cuba is still getting rain. (click here)
September 27, 2015
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of the North and West Hemisphere (click here for 12 hour loop - thank you)
I have only brought the facts as I know them regarding the climate crisis. I have no right to effect deceptions that could lead to spirituality among people. I do not deny faith can exist in mysterious ways.
There is a circulation center developing for approximately 2 hours now offshore of California. I've never seen that before.
Cuba is still getting rain. (click here)
The harassment of Hillary Clinton has to stop. There is no basis for it. NONE!
I would be skeptical if the explanation of the server were not logical, but, it makes all too much sense.
I think the campaign needs to consider lawsuits to stop the lies.
The server was accessed by the FBI and emails to former General Petraeus. The problem was that an email address didn't end in .gov (dot gov). When the server was searched the people hired to do it simply typed in a search criteria of dot gov. Where there were no dot gov addresses it wasn't picked up and considered personal. On the other side of this are emails picked up from the server and provided to the State Department that were actually personal emails.
Until I hear from the US Department of Justice there was criminal intent it is all innocent and the accusations unwarranted.
Hillary Clinton needs to get on with her campaign and put this episode of confused priorities by the press and the people behind her.
I have yet to detect any paranoia by Candidate Clinton over anything. She is a highly qualified woman. It would be terrible if for some strange reason she were to be found unworthy of a candidacy. The Democrats should be proud of her. I still think another candidate that should be appreciated by the Democrats other than Senator Sanders is Jim Webb. The Democrats have an incredible slate of candidates this election. Democratic debates start October 13th.
September 27, 2015
By Kyle Cheney
...“During the ’90s, (click here) I was subjected to the same kind of barrage,” the former first lady said on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” noting that New York voters elected her a senator despite the attacks....
I think the campaign needs to consider lawsuits to stop the lies.
The server was accessed by the FBI and emails to former General Petraeus. The problem was that an email address didn't end in .gov (dot gov). When the server was searched the people hired to do it simply typed in a search criteria of dot gov. Where there were no dot gov addresses it wasn't picked up and considered personal. On the other side of this are emails picked up from the server and provided to the State Department that were actually personal emails.
Until I hear from the US Department of Justice there was criminal intent it is all innocent and the accusations unwarranted.
Hillary Clinton needs to get on with her campaign and put this episode of confused priorities by the press and the people behind her.
I have yet to detect any paranoia by Candidate Clinton over anything. She is a highly qualified woman. It would be terrible if for some strange reason she were to be found unworthy of a candidacy. The Democrats should be proud of her. I still think another candidate that should be appreciated by the Democrats other than Senator Sanders is Jim Webb. The Democrats have an incredible slate of candidates this election. Democratic debates start October 13th.
September 27, 2015
By Kyle Cheney
...“During the ’90s, (click here) I was subjected to the same kind of barrage,” the former first lady said on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” noting that New York voters elected her a senator despite the attacks....
Ready for some good news? Yes?
This is the latest map of large incident fires in the USA. (click here)
Everyone did notice Pope Francis visited this week, right?
I am just sayin'.
He hasn't gotten around to curing the drought yet, but, it is better. Wow.
Go figure. Rain comes to Cuba and the fires are extinguished in the Western USA.
One coincidence I can understand. But, two? It's interesting. I think it is very safe to say, Pope Francis has a direct connection in his spiritualism.
September 22, 2015
By Veronica Rocha
Sacramento, Calif. (click here) — As firefighters continued to advance on the deadly wildfires in Northern California, President Barack Obama declared a major disaster for the Valley fire.
The move frees up federal assistance for home repairs, replacements and other aid. California Gov. Jerry Brown requested the declaration this week.
Meanwhile, authorities continued their efforts to locate two men who went missing in the Valley fire.
Sheriff's officials said they are now using cadaver dogs to assist in the search for Robert Litchman, 61, of Middletown, and Robert Fletcher, 66, of Cobb.
Authorities remain "hopeful that these people are relocated and returned and reunited with their loved ones," Lake County Sheriff Brian Martin said.
The Valley fire — which destroyed an estimated 1,238 single-family homes, 23 multi-family homes and hundreds of other structures — is now the third most-destructive wildfire in California history, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, or Cal Fire. As of Tuesday morning, it had burned 76,067 acres and was 75 percent contained....
Everyone did notice Pope Francis visited this week, right?
I am just sayin'.
He hasn't gotten around to curing the drought yet, but, it is better. Wow.
Go figure. Rain comes to Cuba and the fires are extinguished in the Western USA.
One coincidence I can understand. But, two? It's interesting. I think it is very safe to say, Pope Francis has a direct connection in his spiritualism.

By Veronica Rocha
Sacramento, Calif. (click here) — As firefighters continued to advance on the deadly wildfires in Northern California, President Barack Obama declared a major disaster for the Valley fire.
The move frees up federal assistance for home repairs, replacements and other aid. California Gov. Jerry Brown requested the declaration this week.
Meanwhile, authorities continued their efforts to locate two men who went missing in the Valley fire.
Sheriff's officials said they are now using cadaver dogs to assist in the search for Robert Litchman, 61, of Middletown, and Robert Fletcher, 66, of Cobb.
Authorities remain "hopeful that these people are relocated and returned and reunited with their loved ones," Lake County Sheriff Brian Martin said.
The Valley fire — which destroyed an estimated 1,238 single-family homes, 23 multi-family homes and hundreds of other structures — is now the third most-destructive wildfire in California history, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, or Cal Fire. As of Tuesday morning, it had burned 76,067 acres and was 75 percent contained....
We have 'been there' with politicising of women's health care. Stop vicimizing women, Ms. Fioria Fiorina.
Besides the victimization of women intended by the videos, Ms. Fiorina is embracing their illegitimate content as if fact. The videos are completely compromised by heavy editing.
Minority Leader Pelosi has stated she has called for an investigation of the videos and the activity to collect, produce and edit them. So, until the American people have THE TRUTH about said videos there is nothing can accurately be understood from them.
It is completely obvious to me, Ms. Fiorina is creating her own reality to serve the attraction of Republican voters. It is all political. Today she lied on Meet the Press. She made a reference to the legal standing of a baby when it comes a citizen; She stated "...when it leaves the hospital." That is nonsense and a lie. Anyone she points a finger at never says that. She is a drama queen. What else is new with Republicans.
January 8, 2014
By Michael Hiltzik
The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation (click here) committed one of the great PR faux pas of the decade in January 2012, when it summarily cut off funding to Planned Parenthood in what appeared to be a bow to anti-abortion crusaders.
Now, with its release of its latest financial statements, the cost of that decision can be measured: It's more than $77 million, or fully 22% of the foundation's income. That's how much less the Dallas-based foundation collected in contributions, sponsorships and entry fees for its sponsored races in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013, compared with the previous year. The raw figures are these: In the most recent fiscal year Komen booked $270 million; the year before that, Komen booked $348 million.
Last year's decline was a continuation of a slightly longer trend. In fiscal 2011 the organization collected $367 million. Komen officials are candid in attributing much of last year's sharp decline to the Planned Parenthood controversy, though they also point to the general economic slump. Participation in the group's signature Race for the Cure events is also down....
...The foundation's decision to cease funding Planned Parenthood was a huge blunder. Komen officials said at the time that they had merely tightened grant eligibility rules to exclude groups under investigation by government authorities -- Planned Parenthood was the target of a ginned-up "investigation" by anti-abortion Republicans in the House.
Minority Leader Pelosi has stated she has called for an investigation of the videos and the activity to collect, produce and edit them. So, until the American people have THE TRUTH about said videos there is nothing can accurately be understood from them.
It is completely obvious to me, Ms. Fiorina is creating her own reality to serve the attraction of Republican voters. It is all political. Today she lied on Meet the Press. She made a reference to the legal standing of a baby when it comes a citizen; She stated "...when it leaves the hospital." That is nonsense and a lie. Anyone she points a finger at never says that. She is a drama queen. What else is new with Republicans.
January 8, 2014
By Michael Hiltzik
The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation (click here) committed one of the great PR faux pas of the decade in January 2012, when it summarily cut off funding to Planned Parenthood in what appeared to be a bow to anti-abortion crusaders.
Now, with its release of its latest financial statements, the cost of that decision can be measured: It's more than $77 million, or fully 22% of the foundation's income. That's how much less the Dallas-based foundation collected in contributions, sponsorships and entry fees for its sponsored races in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013, compared with the previous year. The raw figures are these: In the most recent fiscal year Komen booked $270 million; the year before that, Komen booked $348 million.
Last year's decline was a continuation of a slightly longer trend. In fiscal 2011 the organization collected $367 million. Komen officials are candid in attributing much of last year's sharp decline to the Planned Parenthood controversy, though they also point to the general economic slump. Participation in the group's signature Race for the Cure events is also down....
...The foundation's decision to cease funding Planned Parenthood was a huge blunder. Komen officials said at the time that they had merely tightened grant eligibility rules to exclude groups under investigation by government authorities -- Planned Parenthood was the target of a ginned-up "investigation" by anti-abortion Republicans in the House.
Pope Francis started his remarks with the reference to children. He talked about the pain of children and how society
allows it to exist.
He stated there needs to be a better outcome for these men. He stated the church is available to help to return the prisoners to a life worth living.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. The age of the prisoners is 18 to 21 years old. That youth of the prisoners lends itself to the realization Pope Francis states in that children that live with pain are destined for such outcomes.
The pain Pope Francis is referring to is inclusive, it is not simply physical pain that can be fixed with a pill.
There is some talk to improve the ability of former inmates to return to society with the focus on "The Box." "The Box" is the place where the former convict has to answer the question, "Were you ever incarcerated?" They have served their time and they need to get on with lives of value to society.
The USA currently has 25 percent of Earth's jailed population. GOT THAT? There was no doubt Pope Francis was going to address mass incarceration.
It is my understanding Pope Francis challenges the USA to address it's problems than put them in prison.
He stated there needs to be a better outcome for these men. He stated the church is available to help to return the prisoners to a life worth living.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. The age of the prisoners is 18 to 21 years old. That youth of the prisoners lends itself to the realization Pope Francis states in that children that live with pain are destined for such outcomes.
The pain Pope Francis is referring to is inclusive, it is not simply physical pain that can be fixed with a pill.
There is some talk to improve the ability of former inmates to return to society with the focus on "The Box." "The Box" is the place where the former convict has to answer the question, "Were you ever incarcerated?" They have served their time and they need to get on with lives of value to society.
The USA currently has 25 percent of Earth's jailed population. GOT THAT? There was no doubt Pope Francis was going to address mass incarceration.
It is my understanding Pope Francis challenges the USA to address it's problems than put them in prison.
This is pure idiocy to sanction Facebook to refugee camps.
September 27, 2015
By Ian Sherr
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg (click here) spoke at the UN on Saturday about Internet connectivity. The UN's webcast
By Ian Sherr
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg (click here) spoke at the UN on Saturday about Internet connectivity. The UN's webcast
Facebook is working with the United Nations to enable refugees
from the Syrian civil war to access the Internet so they can more easily
communicate while seeking resettlement....
Be sure the refugees can form their own government and jihad. That would be great. I always thought the overriding concern of refugees is WiFi.
Mr. Zuckerberg needs to take his billions IN US DOLLARS and donate it to the mission of countries such as Jordan. Providing WiFi is self serving and dangerous.
Does Zuckerberg have a social life that might dictate a personal journey to the leaders of countries to best direct DONATION?
In case Mark doesn't understand the CONCEPT it is called diplomacy through networking with real human beings. I am quite sure the US State Department would be more than happy to network your generous donation of billions US.
Be sure the refugees can form their own government and jihad. That would be great. I always thought the overriding concern of refugees is WiFi.
Mr. Zuckerberg needs to take his billions IN US DOLLARS and donate it to the mission of countries such as Jordan. Providing WiFi is self serving and dangerous.
Does Zuckerberg have a social life that might dictate a personal journey to the leaders of countries to best direct DONATION?
In case Mark doesn't understand the CONCEPT it is called diplomacy through networking with real human beings. I am quite sure the US State Department would be more than happy to network your generous donation of billions US.
Pope Francis in addressing the Bishops took in the testimony presented to him at the Festival of the Family and has directed the clergy of the church on a path that will support families. He stated (and I summarize) the USA has created a culture of aloneness rather than family.
He offered as example the priority of young people to wait until 30 to be married. The financial preparation of their idea of the perfect marriage postpones the marriage. The couple accept the reality of aloneness the country has sculptured for them. He also offered as an example the mother complaining her son is living with them at the age of 30. Pope Francis states as a cure, "Stop ironing his shirts."
In the examples he stated he has directed the Bishops to pray to God and then preach of God to the people. He states the message has to be disseminated through out the Catholic structure including the Deacons that will deliver comfort and direction to the parishioners. No make his message clear to the clergy he stated, "Waste time with the parish."
There were some other departures from his central message that can be considered housekeeping in briefly mentioning the sex abuse of priests and an assignment to the Bishops to decide who among the people in the USA will receive a gift from Cuba in the spirit it was presented to him. He included a chalice he blessed to accompany the gift.
He also mentioned his address to Congress in recognizing a two tier system of citizen, namely the poor and the wealthy (summarized).
He offered as example the priority of young people to wait until 30 to be married. The financial preparation of their idea of the perfect marriage postpones the marriage. The couple accept the reality of aloneness the country has sculptured for them. He also offered as an example the mother complaining her son is living with them at the age of 30. Pope Francis states as a cure, "Stop ironing his shirts."
In the examples he stated he has directed the Bishops to pray to God and then preach of God to the people. He states the message has to be disseminated through out the Catholic structure including the Deacons that will deliver comfort and direction to the parishioners. No make his message clear to the clergy he stated, "Waste time with the parish."
There were some other departures from his central message that can be considered housekeeping in briefly mentioning the sex abuse of priests and an assignment to the Bishops to decide who among the people in the USA will receive a gift from Cuba in the spirit it was presented to him. He included a chalice he blessed to accompany the gift.
He also mentioned his address to Congress in recognizing a two tier system of citizen, namely the poor and the wealthy (summarized).
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