KI (potassium iodide) is a salt of stable (not radioactive) iodine that can help block radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid gland, thus protecting this gland from radiation injury. The thyroid gland is the part of the body that is most sensitive to radioactive iodine.
potassium iodide
potassium iodide
potassium iodide
NOT Iodine. (click here)
When will everyone say what they think, in that, the failed technology that caused the nuclear accident last week is the information Trump gave to Russia as a victory lap?
Wait. Am I the only one thinking that?
Really? I am the only one that made that potential connection? Okay, then.
This is kind of an odd map. The pink is Russia's northern border. There is Greenland, the North Pole (which is an ice mass on a good day), and Alaska among a lot of other areas that may have been compromised by the nuclear accident last week. It sorta appears to me the explosion is near the Russian nuclear missile naval base of Murmansk.
In April 2017, I(click here) the Russian Government announced that it had completed its new military bases in the Arctic and had completed most of the work on restoring several military bases in the region which had been abandoned. Russia is demonstrating its military potential in the Arctic Region and has repaired and replaced former port and military installations along its Arctic coast and developed new air bases on islands in the Arctic Seas. Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu highlighted the creation of a new Russian military base on Franz Joseph Land which will allow 150 troops to live continuously on its grounds for at least a year....
This is obvious the Arctic Ocean/Arctic Circle. This is not the first time there has been a tragedy in this area of Russia, however, it is the first time an accident occurred when the Arctic Ocean exists under Climate Crisis dynamics which of course changes the outcomes of any such accidents. We are in a time and place that human history has never been before with this most recent Russian nuclear accident.
If the accident is near a Russian naval base, Russia's leadership would feel compromised and that may result in confusion. Compromised national security would result in confusing activity with the people in the area. I really think Russia needs reassurance that no other country is going to take advantage of any compromised Russian national security because of radiation contamination if that improves the likelihood evacuation can take place to protect lives, especially if a country values children.
No one is coming without an invitation, Vladimir. A call needs to go out about the danger and a demand to remove any military presence not authorized by the Russian government.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
The Statue of Liberty is an American Icon and the Trump administration treats it like junk.
The Trump Administration goes out of their way to be ludicrous. They like to do that. Right? They do. They go out of their way to be as ludicrous as possible. They think they are showing their wisdom. They find being ludicrous a form of humor. They are the only ones laughing, but, that is all part of being ludicrous.
Can you imagine working in an office like that? It must be like entering a house of horror at the carnival. I suppose some do consider being ludicrous as fun. It helps them get through the day. That is why Mr. Conway always struggles to maintain his wife's sanity.
I think Mr. Conway is a hero. He goes with the flow and Kellyanne and he are still married. That is heroic.
Can you imagine working in an office like that? It must be like entering a house of horror at the carnival. I suppose some do consider being ludicrous as fun. It helps them get through the day. That is why Mr. Conway always struggles to maintain his wife's sanity.
I think Mr. Conway is a hero. He goes with the flow and Kellyanne and he are still married. That is heroic.
Purging democracy in the USA - "Voters often do not realize they have been purged until they try to cast a ballot on Election Day—after it's already too late."
Just a reminder that democracy is an idea upheld by the truth, moral leadership and the Rule of Law.
August 2, 2019
August 2, 2019
By Julia Conley
Millions of Americans (click here) are still suffering the consequences of the 2013 Supreme Court decision that loosened restrictions of the Voting Rights Act, giving states with long histories of voter discrimination free reign to purge voters from their rolls without federal oversight.
The Brennan Center for Justice released a study Thursday showing that 17 million Americans were dropped from voter rolls between 2016 and 2018—almost four million more than the number purged between 2006 and 2008.
The problem was most pronounced in counties and election precincts with a history of racial oppression and voter suppression. In such areas voters were kicked off rolls at a rate 40 percent higher than places which have protected voting rights more consistently.
Following the Supreme Court decision Shelby County v. Holder in 2013, counties with histories of discrimination no longer have to obtain "pre-clearance," or approval from the Department of Justice (DOJ), before they make changes to voting procedures—allowing them to slash their voter rolls liberally, often resulting in voter suppression of eligible voters.
According to the Brennan Center, Shelby County single-handedly pushed two million people off voter rolls across the country over four years after the case was decided. "The effect of the Supreme Court's 2013 decision has not abated," researcher Kevin Morris wrote Friday....
Purging democracy with upcoming Israeli elections on September 17, 2019.
Purging democracies seems to be a trend with the "friends of Trump."
August 13, 2019
By Chemi Shalev
Israel’s state comptroller, (click here) who doubles as the country’s official ombudsman, has always ranked high among so-called Supreme Auditing Institutions around the world. His independence, quasi-legal powers, scope of authority, public standing and defense of government ethics were the envy of fellow auditors in both democratic and non-democratic countries.
Well, it was nice while it lasted. Matanyahu Englman, the new state comptroller elected in July by Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud-dominated Knesset, seems hell-bent on stripping his august position of its previous stature. He is voluntarily relinquishing the powers accumulated by successive state comptrollers since the post was established in 1949. He is stripping his office of its authority to recommend criminal proceedings and degrading its oversight of government ethics.
Englman’s most aggressive moves, however, have been reserved for the Government Oversight Committee, specifically its repeated and adamant refusal to allow multi-millionaire Netanyahu to accept external funding for his legal defense in the myriad criminal cases he’s been implicated in. Englman's first step was to berate the committee for its refusal. He then accepted the protest resignation of its members and, come September, is replacing the entire Committee with a new crew packed with personalities known to be associated with Netanyahu and Likud.
Legal authorities claim that the new committee will be hard-pressed to overturn the outgoing Committee’s ostensibly binding decisions to refuse Netanyahu’s request for a $2 million loan from his cousin Nathan Milikowsky - who also happens to be a person of interest in Netanyahu’s criminal investigations - or their directive that Netanyahu return a $300,000 “loan” he took without waiting for approval, while his request to the committee was pending. Said legal authorities, however, may be living in a rapidly-disappearing past, one in which the law takes precedence over the prime minister’s needs and wishes and the state comptroller is an experienced judge, as his predecessors were, and not an unapologetic political hack.
The politicization, degradation and ultimate castration of the once-sacrosanct State Comptroller’s Office, however, is not an isolated occurrence. It is part of a widespread catch-as-catch-can purge of the Israeli civil service in general and the neutralization of its legal institutions in particular. The upheaval is cloaked in an ideology of good governance and of correcting a non-existent “leftist tilt” but Netanyahu’s clear aim is to punish and deter police and legal authorities connected to his criminal investigation and supposedly imminent indictments.
Thus, Netanyahu bypassed senior Likud politicians to appoint a relative newcomer, Amir Ohana, as Justice Minister. Ohana’s main qualifications for the job seems to be obsequious groveling, depiction of the Netanyahu probe as a leftist witch-hunt and statements challenging the supremacy of Israel’s High Court of Justice. Ohana’s first step in his new post was to replace his ministry’s veteran director general with a personal confidante and to sack all of his bureau’s employees with party supporters and family acquaintances, including his cousin.
In the meantime, Netanyahu is blocking the appointment of a new Commissioner of Police, leaving the force headless and rudderless for over eight months. He enjoys the fruits of former Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked’s relentless campaign to pack Israeli courts with conservative-leaning judges. And even though Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit has bent over backwards in order to accommodate the prime minister, garnering vociferous protests from legal experts, he has been subjected to endless taunts depicting him as “weak” and “beholden to the media” after each and every decision that didn’t completely meet Netanyahu’s demands....
...The recent political purges highlight the confluence of Netanyahu’s desperate bid to avoid prosecution with the ultra-right’s ideological aversion to whatever remains of Israel’s liberal democracy. Netanyahu’s willingness to torch the rule of law for his own personal ends opens the way for the ultra-right, in Likud and its satellites, to fulfill long held dreams of obliterating constitutional impediments and legal restrictions on religious coercion, settlements in the West Bank, discrimination against minorities and the like. Netanyahu’s colleagues realize that his desperation gives them a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to demolish Israel’s liberal underpinnings and replace them with their nationalist-theocratic ideology.
Netanyahu’s new wave of purges, however, also draws inspiration from his friend in the White House, Donald Trump.... ...Netanyahu has embraced Trump’s brazenness and willingness to defy any and all criticism from any quarter other than his base. The hallmark of Netanyahu’s recent moves has been their sheer chutzpah, especially as they emanate from a government in transition before elections, which have traditionally been barred from making significant policy decisions or personnel appointments....
...The bonfires that Netanyahu and his agents are currently lighting in various corners of Israel’s system of checks and balances will turn into a blazing inferno that will ultimately consume Israeli democracy itself....
August 13, 2019
By Chemi Shalev
Israel’s state comptroller, (click here) who doubles as the country’s official ombudsman, has always ranked high among so-called Supreme Auditing Institutions around the world. His independence, quasi-legal powers, scope of authority, public standing and defense of government ethics were the envy of fellow auditors in both democratic and non-democratic countries.
Well, it was nice while it lasted. Matanyahu Englman, the new state comptroller elected in July by Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud-dominated Knesset, seems hell-bent on stripping his august position of its previous stature. He is voluntarily relinquishing the powers accumulated by successive state comptrollers since the post was established in 1949. He is stripping his office of its authority to recommend criminal proceedings and degrading its oversight of government ethics.
Englman’s most aggressive moves, however, have been reserved for the Government Oversight Committee, specifically its repeated and adamant refusal to allow multi-millionaire Netanyahu to accept external funding for his legal defense in the myriad criminal cases he’s been implicated in. Englman's first step was to berate the committee for its refusal. He then accepted the protest resignation of its members and, come September, is replacing the entire Committee with a new crew packed with personalities known to be associated with Netanyahu and Likud.
Legal authorities claim that the new committee will be hard-pressed to overturn the outgoing Committee’s ostensibly binding decisions to refuse Netanyahu’s request for a $2 million loan from his cousin Nathan Milikowsky - who also happens to be a person of interest in Netanyahu’s criminal investigations - or their directive that Netanyahu return a $300,000 “loan” he took without waiting for approval, while his request to the committee was pending. Said legal authorities, however, may be living in a rapidly-disappearing past, one in which the law takes precedence over the prime minister’s needs and wishes and the state comptroller is an experienced judge, as his predecessors were, and not an unapologetic political hack.
The politicization, degradation and ultimate castration of the once-sacrosanct State Comptroller’s Office, however, is not an isolated occurrence. It is part of a widespread catch-as-catch-can purge of the Israeli civil service in general and the neutralization of its legal institutions in particular. The upheaval is cloaked in an ideology of good governance and of correcting a non-existent “leftist tilt” but Netanyahu’s clear aim is to punish and deter police and legal authorities connected to his criminal investigation and supposedly imminent indictments.
Thus, Netanyahu bypassed senior Likud politicians to appoint a relative newcomer, Amir Ohana, as Justice Minister. Ohana’s main qualifications for the job seems to be obsequious groveling, depiction of the Netanyahu probe as a leftist witch-hunt and statements challenging the supremacy of Israel’s High Court of Justice. Ohana’s first step in his new post was to replace his ministry’s veteran director general with a personal confidante and to sack all of his bureau’s employees with party supporters and family acquaintances, including his cousin.
In the meantime, Netanyahu is blocking the appointment of a new Commissioner of Police, leaving the force headless and rudderless for over eight months. He enjoys the fruits of former Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked’s relentless campaign to pack Israeli courts with conservative-leaning judges. And even though Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit has bent over backwards in order to accommodate the prime minister, garnering vociferous protests from legal experts, he has been subjected to endless taunts depicting him as “weak” and “beholden to the media” after each and every decision that didn’t completely meet Netanyahu’s demands....
...The recent political purges highlight the confluence of Netanyahu’s desperate bid to avoid prosecution with the ultra-right’s ideological aversion to whatever remains of Israel’s liberal democracy. Netanyahu’s willingness to torch the rule of law for his own personal ends opens the way for the ultra-right, in Likud and its satellites, to fulfill long held dreams of obliterating constitutional impediments and legal restrictions on religious coercion, settlements in the West Bank, discrimination against minorities and the like. Netanyahu’s colleagues realize that his desperation gives them a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to demolish Israel’s liberal underpinnings and replace them with their nationalist-theocratic ideology.
Netanyahu’s new wave of purges, however, also draws inspiration from his friend in the White House, Donald Trump.... ...Netanyahu has embraced Trump’s brazenness and willingness to defy any and all criticism from any quarter other than his base. The hallmark of Netanyahu’s recent moves has been their sheer chutzpah, especially as they emanate from a government in transition before elections, which have traditionally been barred from making significant policy decisions or personnel appointments....
...The bonfires that Netanyahu and his agents are currently lighting in various corners of Israel’s system of checks and balances will turn into a blazing inferno that will ultimately consume Israeli democracy itself....
Purging democracy. I suppose he could be called Trump's first cousin, Boris Trump.
The former Prime Minister of the UK, Theresa May, was never able to achieve a clear dissolution of the UK and the EU because she could not get the votes from the Parliament. Johnson is simply eliminating the possibility of having the same happen to him.
Some call it politics, but, in reality, it is whether or not the government that is left after the purge is corrupt or honestly competent.
25 July 2019
By Hilary Clark
Dubbed the “night of the blond knives” (click here) after the new prime minister’s famously unruly hair, 18 of the 29 ministers who sat round the table of the now-departed leader Theresa May won’t be sitting in Johnson’s pro-Brexit war cabinet.
Some, like the former finance minister Philip Hammond resigned, others were pushed.
While many of the senior cabinet appointments were expected, no one had predicted quite so many sackings including that of pro-Brexit Liam Fox from his job as international trade secretary.
“The problem is the more you sack, the more enemies you’ve got behind you – that’s the danger of getting such a big clear out,” Liberal Democrat peer Richard Newby told Sky News.
“He has made a lot of promises, hasn’t he? Probably more than there are jobs so he’s got to get rid of anybody to whom he has not made a promise and that’s probably the biggest feature.”
Johnson, one of the architects of Brexit, will have just 98 days to reach a new departure agreement with the European Union over Brexit, or, as he has threatened, crash out without a deal....
Some call it politics, but, in reality, it is whether or not the government that is left after the purge is corrupt or honestly competent.
25 July 2019
By Hilary Clark
Dubbed the “night of the blond knives” (click here) after the new prime minister’s famously unruly hair, 18 of the 29 ministers who sat round the table of the now-departed leader Theresa May won’t be sitting in Johnson’s pro-Brexit war cabinet.
Some, like the former finance minister Philip Hammond resigned, others were pushed.
While many of the senior cabinet appointments were expected, no one had predicted quite so many sackings including that of pro-Brexit Liam Fox from his job as international trade secretary.
“The problem is the more you sack, the more enemies you’ve got behind you – that’s the danger of getting such a big clear out,” Liberal Democrat peer Richard Newby told Sky News.
“He has made a lot of promises, hasn’t he? Probably more than there are jobs so he’s got to get rid of anybody to whom he has not made a promise and that’s probably the biggest feature.”
Johnson, one of the architects of Brexit, will have just 98 days to reach a new departure agreement with the European Union over Brexit, or, as he has threatened, crash out without a deal....
Trump's depraved immigration policy regarding HUNGER is not legal.
This article is from 2014 and there is probably more updated information, however, this clearly illustrates the impact of draconian Republican policy. In this article, a study is cited as "one in seven people in the USA" rely on local aid programs.
August 17, 2014
By Andrea Stone
Dusti Ridge (click here) leans on her cane and waits patiently for her number to be called at Bread for the City, a food bank in southeast Washington, D.C. When she hears "56," she steps into the nonprofit group's pantry to find out what she'll be eating for the next week....
One in seven people equates to a little more than 14 percent. That is a significant population of Americans. That brings up a couple of realities. To begin any reduction in federal food supplemental programs equates directly to an additional burden on local social programs. In the case of HUNGER, that means there will be more people at soup kitchens and food pantries. That is a direct burden on Americans in their home towns. It is palpable. When there is this level of need that is not met, crime escalates.
Additionally, immigrants are in the numbers in the HUNGRY. They are NOT a major part of those numbers. When a judge receives Cuccinelli's administrative order it will immediately be viewed as unfair discrimination. I have no doubt the first question will be, "Why did you let these folks into the USA if they are going to starve to death?"
These folks are not causing a huge burden to the USA Treasury. They also come providing a willingness to work and earn their way as an American. That is the proud definition of the healthy Middle Class in the USA. It has status. A person goes to work, receives money and they can support themselves and in time move up in their level of quality of life. That dynamic is available to all the people, not a class of Americans. That means immigrants in the USA provide a service to the country. It is a valuable service and will be seen as a benevolent part of our country.
The USA commonly has a population of poor people, even the working poor. An immigrant has a greater chance of falling into lower income levels than Americans born in the USA and educated here. There is also a problem with a strange phenomenon that has hung on for years called "The Working Poor." Our government recognizes that hardship and provides supplements to VITAL aspects of life, especially HUNGER. It is always debatable that the federal government provides enough supplement to institutional hunger, but, when the Republicans are in majorities they are forever cutting the budget of these vital services. The amount of the supplement is not the issue, the important fact is that Americans recognize the poor and are sympathetic toward their plight. The fact is the poor, the working poor are probably members of every family in the USA, especially the young adults or the elderly.
The point is singling out a class of people to target for hunger is not only illegal but highly unethical CONSIDERING the government has not been able to end the phenomena called "The Working Poor." That means so long as so many Americans are experiencing hunger, there is no special class of people that are immune to it. Until the USA changes the circumstances of the Working Poor, the condition of hunger will exist among the entire of that economic group which includes immigrants.
Now, if immigrants were the only class of people experiencing hunger, it is still the obligation of the USA government to address it. That means the immigrants are provided supplements to curtail their hunger while the government studies their circumstances to bring about a far more humane quality of life. It may be that immigrants are unable to move out of that state of hunger because of facts beyond their control, ie: Discrimination in the workplace. That means the USA government needs to understand the discrimination and provide a method to end it. It might mean passing laws to end it by demanding the participation of the private sector engaged in the employment of Americans. It could also be a training program that SATISFIES American employers requirements has to be put in place to bring the immigrants up to speed to expose their opportunity to share in the American Dream.
When people exhibit downturns of quality of life in the USA there is a reason. That reason has to be addressed by the government and when it is not addressed the people need to get out from under the oppression of propaganda and be sure to put people in their government that cares about them and changes the law. In the circumstances of Mr. Cuccinelli, this is his problem. He has the power to change the circumstances of the poor and working poor from his office of influence in the federal government. In response, ultimately he will change the circumstances of the immigration population.
To Americans, all immigrants should know it is the custom of the USA to have people complain, demonstrate and write to their federal elected officials about ridiculous issues such as this. I wish them well, they will find many Americans willing to write and call to move this issue out of their quality of life. It is called friends.
August 17, 2014
By Andrea Stone
Dusti Ridge (click here) leans on her cane and waits patiently for her number to be called at Bread for the City, a food bank in southeast Washington, D.C. When she hears "56," she steps into the nonprofit group's pantry to find out what she'll be eating for the next week....
One in seven people equates to a little more than 14 percent. That is a significant population of Americans. That brings up a couple of realities. To begin any reduction in federal food supplemental programs equates directly to an additional burden on local social programs. In the case of HUNGER, that means there will be more people at soup kitchens and food pantries. That is a direct burden on Americans in their home towns. It is palpable. When there is this level of need that is not met, crime escalates.
Additionally, immigrants are in the numbers in the HUNGRY. They are NOT a major part of those numbers. When a judge receives Cuccinelli's administrative order it will immediately be viewed as unfair discrimination. I have no doubt the first question will be, "Why did you let these folks into the USA if they are going to starve to death?"
These folks are not causing a huge burden to the USA Treasury. They also come providing a willingness to work and earn their way as an American. That is the proud definition of the healthy Middle Class in the USA. It has status. A person goes to work, receives money and they can support themselves and in time move up in their level of quality of life. That dynamic is available to all the people, not a class of Americans. That means immigrants in the USA provide a service to the country. It is a valuable service and will be seen as a benevolent part of our country.
The USA commonly has a population of poor people, even the working poor. An immigrant has a greater chance of falling into lower income levels than Americans born in the USA and educated here. There is also a problem with a strange phenomenon that has hung on for years called "The Working Poor." Our government recognizes that hardship and provides supplements to VITAL aspects of life, especially HUNGER. It is always debatable that the federal government provides enough supplement to institutional hunger, but, when the Republicans are in majorities they are forever cutting the budget of these vital services. The amount of the supplement is not the issue, the important fact is that Americans recognize the poor and are sympathetic toward their plight. The fact is the poor, the working poor are probably members of every family in the USA, especially the young adults or the elderly.
The point is singling out a class of people to target for hunger is not only illegal but highly unethical CONSIDERING the government has not been able to end the phenomena called "The Working Poor." That means so long as so many Americans are experiencing hunger, there is no special class of people that are immune to it. Until the USA changes the circumstances of the Working Poor, the condition of hunger will exist among the entire of that economic group which includes immigrants.
Now, if immigrants were the only class of people experiencing hunger, it is still the obligation of the USA government to address it. That means the immigrants are provided supplements to curtail their hunger while the government studies their circumstances to bring about a far more humane quality of life. It may be that immigrants are unable to move out of that state of hunger because of facts beyond their control, ie: Discrimination in the workplace. That means the USA government needs to understand the discrimination and provide a method to end it. It might mean passing laws to end it by demanding the participation of the private sector engaged in the employment of Americans. It could also be a training program that SATISFIES American employers requirements has to be put in place to bring the immigrants up to speed to expose their opportunity to share in the American Dream.
When people exhibit downturns of quality of life in the USA there is a reason. That reason has to be addressed by the government and when it is not addressed the people need to get out from under the oppression of propaganda and be sure to put people in their government that cares about them and changes the law. In the circumstances of Mr. Cuccinelli, this is his problem. He has the power to change the circumstances of the poor and working poor from his office of influence in the federal government. In response, ultimately he will change the circumstances of the immigration population.
To Americans, all immigrants should know it is the custom of the USA to have people complain, demonstrate and write to their federal elected officials about ridiculous issues such as this. I wish them well, they will find many Americans willing to write and call to move this issue out of their quality of life. It is called friends.
When will Trump write an executive order to stop the Pope from praying?
This executive order has no standing. How many times has Trump actually deceived the media and his followers with empty executive orders? Time and again, his executive orders are political tools. The president alone cannot destroy long-standing legislation and that goes for any legislation. The USA Constitution governs because of the Rule of Law. Trump doesn't get it.
The courts are burdened once again to uphold the legislative process that has built this country. Does anyone realize the damage to the USA economy if such a law was passed and forget about clean air and water? This administration lives in the "World of Oz, all he needs is ruby slippers.
August 13, 2019
By Katie Lannan
Boston – As the Trump administration (click here) on Monday rolled out plans to change the implementation of the Endangered Species Act, Attorney General Maura Healey announced plans to sue over the move she said would dismantle important protections for at-risk wildlife and their habitats.
“By gutting key components of the Endangered Species Act, one of our country’s most successful environmental laws, the Trump Administration is putting our most imperiled species and our vibrant local tourism and recreation industries at risk,” Healey said in a statement. “We will be taking the Administration to court to defend federal law and protect our rare animals, plants, and the environment.”
Healey and California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said that the new rules would allow federal agencies to ignore “serious threats to endangered animals and plants,” limit the circumstances when a species can be listed as threatened, and eliminate a requirement that agencies consider a species’ ability to recover before removing it from the endangered or threatened list.
Healey’s office said she believes the rules “would pave the way for approval of oil and gas and other development projects despite any species impacts.” U.S. Sen. Ed Markey took a similar stance, saying the changes came “at the behest of the oil, gas, and mining industries” and “will put countless species in the crosshairs of extinction.”...
The courts are burdened once again to uphold the legislative process that has built this country. Does anyone realize the damage to the USA economy if such a law was passed and forget about clean air and water? This administration lives in the "World of Oz, all he needs is ruby slippers.
August 13, 2019
By Katie Lannan
Boston – As the Trump administration (click here) on Monday rolled out plans to change the implementation of the Endangered Species Act, Attorney General Maura Healey announced plans to sue over the move she said would dismantle important protections for at-risk wildlife and their habitats.
“By gutting key components of the Endangered Species Act, one of our country’s most successful environmental laws, the Trump Administration is putting our most imperiled species and our vibrant local tourism and recreation industries at risk,” Healey said in a statement. “We will be taking the Administration to court to defend federal law and protect our rare animals, plants, and the environment.”
Healey and California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said that the new rules would allow federal agencies to ignore “serious threats to endangered animals and plants,” limit the circumstances when a species can be listed as threatened, and eliminate a requirement that agencies consider a species’ ability to recover before removing it from the endangered or threatened list.
Healey’s office said she believes the rules “would pave the way for approval of oil and gas and other development projects despite any species impacts.” U.S. Sen. Ed Markey took a similar stance, saying the changes came “at the behest of the oil, gas, and mining industries” and “will put countless species in the crosshairs of extinction.”...
Listen to doctors. Get vaccinated. This was an unnecessary death of an adult.
August 13, 2019
An Israeli flight attendant (click here) who was hospitalized in April after catching measles on a plane has died, becoming the third fatality in an outbreak of the highly contagious disease, Hebrew-language media reported Tuesday.
The El Al flight attendant, 43, had contracted measles on a flight from New York in late March.
Her condition deteriorated later that month and she was moved to an isolated intensive care unit, after slipping into a coma and suffering brain damage.
She was diagnosed with meningoencephalitis — a complication of the measles virus that is similar to having both meningitis and encephalitis, respectively infections or inflammations of the lining of the brain and the brain itself....
An Israeli flight attendant (click here) who was hospitalized in April after catching measles on a plane has died, becoming the third fatality in an outbreak of the highly contagious disease, Hebrew-language media reported Tuesday.
The El Al flight attendant, 43, had contracted measles on a flight from New York in late March.
Her condition deteriorated later that month and she was moved to an isolated intensive care unit, after slipping into a coma and suffering brain damage.
She was diagnosed with meningoencephalitis — a complication of the measles virus that is similar to having both meningitis and encephalitis, respectively infections or inflammations of the lining of the brain and the brain itself....
Little Saint James, U. S. Virgin Islands
The paparazzi probably feared for their lives. I have only one thing to say, the DNA alone in the evidence file now should prove interesting. It is amazing how absolute silence existed around this hell hole for women and girls.
August 13, 2019
By Amada Arnold and Marie Lodi
More than two decades ago, (click here) Little St. James Island, a small part of the U.S. Virgin Islands, began to change in ways that the locals on neighboring islands regarded with suspicion. Plants were cleared. Poles bearing American flags went up. Security guards lined the beaches.
These transformations, according to the Associated Press, happened when the island was bought by accused child-sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, who was found dead by apparent suicide in his prison cell on August 10. The island has, over the years, gained a handful of sinister nicknames: “Orgy Island,” “Pedophile Island,” and “Island of Sin.” (Epstein, Bloomberg reports, preferred the nickname “Little St. Jeff’s.”)
Though much of what transpired on the island has remained the subject of rumor, it’s likely that more concrete details will soon emerge: On Monday, at least a dozen FBI agents raided Epstein’s Little St. James residence, a bureau spokesman told NBC News....
August 13, 2019
By Amada Arnold and Marie Lodi
More than two decades ago, (click here) Little St. James Island, a small part of the U.S. Virgin Islands, began to change in ways that the locals on neighboring islands regarded with suspicion. Plants were cleared. Poles bearing American flags went up. Security guards lined the beaches.
These transformations, according to the Associated Press, happened when the island was bought by accused child-sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, who was found dead by apparent suicide in his prison cell on August 10. The island has, over the years, gained a handful of sinister nicknames: “Orgy Island,” “Pedophile Island,” and “Island of Sin.” (Epstein, Bloomberg reports, preferred the nickname “Little St. Jeff’s.”)
Though much of what transpired on the island has remained the subject of rumor, it’s likely that more concrete details will soon emerge: On Monday, at least a dozen FBI agents raided Epstein’s Little St. James residence, a bureau spokesman told NBC News....
The current Hong Kong government needs to find a new country to be a citizen.
The protests haven't stop from the initial law was passed favoring China. I would think by now those in government would have understood they no longer have the people behind their governance. The continued fear of the act of placing China ahead of the citizens of Hong Kong is indelibly etched into the social fabric. The demonstrations won't stop until the current Hong Kong government is completely gone from the city. They will ultimately be banished. I would think that is obvious. When will the current government learn they need to leave and never return?
August 13, 2019
By Ben Westcott, James Griffiths and Helen Regan
Protesters (click here) have used luggage carts to effectively block the entrances to the airport's departure gate at Terminal 1 ahead of security check.
Behind the blockade, hundreds of protesters have sat down. “We’re here just here to express our voice to the government,” one 22-year-old woman, who is about to become a teacher, said.
“Today the action is not organized by one group. Everyone just wanted to come out and speak out ... we don't only have one purpose.”
They’re not sure how long they’re staying. As with many of the recent protests in Hong Kong, there’s not a concrete plan....
August 13, 2019
By Ben Westcott, James Griffiths and Helen Regan
Protesters (click here) have used luggage carts to effectively block the entrances to the airport's departure gate at Terminal 1 ahead of security check.
Behind the blockade, hundreds of protesters have sat down. “We’re here just here to express our voice to the government,” one 22-year-old woman, who is about to become a teacher, said.
“Today the action is not organized by one group. Everyone just wanted to come out and speak out ... we don't only have one purpose.”
They’re not sure how long they’re staying. As with many of the recent protests in Hong Kong, there’s not a concrete plan....
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