Scott Brown is as slick as they come. Setting aside the obvious alliance with Wall Street that now views him as a 'darling' Senator, a favorite son even; the recent rantings of Scott Brown are more hostile to bipartisanship than ever before.
"...I spoke personally with (click title to entry - thank you) Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, urging him to take out parts of the jobs bill that both parties could agree upon, and get those passed immediately. I also wrote a letter on October 6th to leaders Reid and McConnell on the then-upcoming jobs bill vote, outlining my concerns and suggestions...."
Scott Brown wants to dissect The American Jobs Act and vote on the 'pieces' of the bill that would allow for bipartisan MAJORITIES. That was majorities, not 60 votes. Brown is assuming he can prevent a filibuster if he can pass the Republican 'pieces' to The American Jobs Act seeking the support of enough Democrats. That isn't bipartisanship, that is blackmail, intimidation and seeks to cause more problems with the National Debt than resolution of PAYING for the bill through a tax on the most wealthiest Americans.
Scott Brown states, "If we can begin to agree on one aspect of legislation, there is every reason based on past history of the Senate, we can agree on more than one." Something like that. The new Republican Party was never in the Senate before or the House for that matter. The country has never faced the current economic tragedy ever before, except, for the Great Depression. Ideology divides the Senate and House. The most grotesque ideology is by the Repubican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell stating his ideological goal is to make Obama a one term President. A rhetorical ideology spawned and inspired by Shawn Hannity. That speaks to the 'best mentor' McConnell can find.
There is no reason for any of the provisions Brown is advocating to pass as PARTIAL measures of The American Job Act. He proposes extending the tax cuts without paying for them and seeks to remove a Contractors' Withholding Tax (click here) as is advocated by US Chamber of Commerce. The 3 percent withholding was enacted in 2005 to take effect in 2009 until President Obama put a hold on it in the original American Recovery and Reconstruction Act of 2009. President Obama has recommended in The American Jobs Act to place a hold on it again.
The reason the 2005 Congress passed it in the first place is because so many contractors don't pay their taxes, including Medicare. The 3% tax applies to the entire payment of the check issued to a contractor and not simply the anticipated profit intended by the contractor. In return the amount withheld would be applied to all owed taxes to the government, be it federal, state and local. The bill is expected to bring in $12 billion in revenues, while costing a potential $20 billion in infrastructure to monitor and account for the withheld funds while returns for credit are applied to the contractors overall tax burden for the year. It is my estimation the 3% is less than what will or should be the taxes paid.
What this bill primarily does is state the USA at any level of government cannot efficiently 'administer' these fund to benefit the government so 'go ahead' and cheat the government out of all the monies a contractor cares to. I cannot fathom spending $20 billion in infrastructure to an anticipated $12 billion in revenue. I haven't seen the balance sheets, but, that also means $20 billion in new jobs, hardware and software along the way that would have its own return of income to the USA Treasury. Additionally, it would pay to the country monies owned the Treasury of which we would never see without this bill. But, what is really interesting is that Scott Brown proposes to pay for the loss of $12 billion in revenue by eliminating the need for the additional costs and WHATEVER 'uncommitted' discretionary funds are available in the budget.
There are uncommitted discretionary funds in the USA budget? Really? Why then isn't The American Jobs Act receiving those funds to initiate the return of teachers, police and emergency workers back to work?
At any rate, the sly Mr. Scott Brown is not the man he would like for us to believe he is. He is willing to gut the sincere provisions of The American Jobs Act while seeking more relief for his Wall Street cronies. Repealing the 3% Withholding may be a good idea, especially now, but what happens to the monies owned the US Treasury now and in the future by these contractors? Why are we seeking to allow hiring of contractors that don't pay their taxes? Pay into Medicare as the rest of us do? If not this bill, then what? Nothing?
Mr. Brown takes his direction from Wall Street and no more understands the needs of the citizens of this country or their national debt. It seems to me with Republicans taking only advise from Wall Street cronies there is a sincere lack of expertise to know how best to serve the citizens and the best interest of the country. Anyone, even Joe the Faux Plumber can carry out legislation from ALEC or Wall Street Bosses, but, it takes sincere talent to actually legislate and commit to the priorities of The People.
President Obama wrote the American Jobs Act as a committment to both sides of the aisle. It is all the more obvious now that Scott Brown can't and/or won't commit to cooperation and respect of other collegues. He is a divider and not a uniter. Splitting up the American Jobs Act is hostile to the citizen and shows profound disregard for all Americans so much as the wealthiest Americans. The American Jobs Act wasn't meant to be divided into pieces that can marginally reach an uncontested majority in the Senate with Republicans making up the primary votes. It was intended to bring both parties together in a spirit of cooperation for the benefit of the country. It is more than obvious Republicans don';t have the capacity to work with Democrats or even respect them. They utilize such divisive strategies to influence adverse opinion regarding President Obama and Democrats in the House and Seante. They are incapable of sincere leadership.
The 3% Contractors Withholding was just as much a burden when it was voted for in 2005 as it is today, so what exactly was the problem in realizing the final results when it was passed in the first place? There needs to be CHANGES in the law to reduce overhead to carry out the withholding tax, as well as an understanding that if contractors don't pay their taxes in a reasonable period of time they will no longer be awarded contracts in the first place. Where is the US Chamber of Commerce on that or Scott Brown for that matter? They would rather the USA government have sand kicked in its face by the contractors it hires then actually solve the problem. THAT is a problem and Scott Brown is at the heart of problem.

11/01/11 11:31 AM ET
Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) (click here) and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are pressing Senate Democrats to move quickly on a bill that would repeal a measure that requires governments to keep a share of certain payments to contractors.
Brown said Tuesday that passing a repeal of the 3 percent withholding provision would send a reassuring signal to voters amid partisan sniping over how to spark the economy....
AAA Nov. 5, 2011 9:11 AM ET
Biden warns GOP on stalling Obama jobs measure (click here)
Brown said Tuesday that passing a repeal of the 3 percent withholding provision would send a reassuring signal to voters amid partisan sniping over how to spark the economy....
AAA Nov. 5, 2011 9:11 AM ET
Biden warns GOP on stalling Obama jobs measure (click here)
WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Joe Biden says the White House will keep acting on its own to find ways to help the economy if congressional Republicans don't pass the administration's jobs bill.
Filling in for President Barack Obama in the weekly radio and Internet address, Biden asked listeners to press Republicans "to step up" and send approve the plan.
"Tell them to stop worrying about their jobs and start worrying about yours because we're all in this together, and together is the way we're going to bring America back even stronger than it was before," Biden said....