There is a tragedy here with Alito, he is grossly out of line with the USA Constitution and he needs to be impeached for his imcompetency. President and First Lady Obama are working hard to encourage voting, but, they can't deal with the corruption that is underway to suppress the vote of 2022. That has to be addresed by the Justice Department and US Attornies. I wish the Obamas would apply their genius to impeaching Sam Alito. It is going to take hearings to bring home the success of such an impeachment.
Look, Alito is causing such trauma across the USA at a time when it doesn't need it after facing an assault on the US Constitution which includes Republican members of Congress running for the safest political stance because of Trump's influence in the Republican primaries. They are cowards. Democracy is under attack and there is no other country aware of it more than Ukraine and it's neighbor NATO.
That said there is a dearly BASIC understanding of the USA Consitution completely ignored and almost desperately by Alito. He is completely incompetent. Ask oneself what allows the USA to GROW it's Constitution to come into compliance with an ever changing world. There is one aspect of the USA Constitution that makes it the strongest democratic document on Earth and Alito completely dismisses it and egregiously so.
This is basic stuff. What makes the USA Constitution a flexible document that grows with the people and it's ever expanding culture? Come on now. Put thinking caps on and get this over with.
Hint: Article V
Got it?
The Founding members of the USA society in the first thirteen colonies NEVER trapped Americans to live in the 18th Century. Never. They loved democracy so much that they provided a way to bring about a US Constitution that could live on for generations, even the centuries that is has survived.
Got it?
Article Five of the US Constitution allows for Amendments and has absolutely no limit to the content of the amendments. The only aspect of Article Five that is rigid in understanding is the 2/3 number of federal legislators and 2/3rds of states must approve it. It may be 3/4 of the states. But, that is irrelevent. Article Five provides "STRICK CONSTRUTION" to passing an amendement and not limiting it's context.
End of discussion. Incompetency has to be addressed.
Deep within the democracy the original signators of the USA Constitution provided was a method to MODIFY the it to improve the lives of Americans for millenium if the country and Earth's climate allows it. ALSO, there is a measure that allows a "Constitutional Convention" to completely rewrite it.
Got it?
The founders of the USA Constitution in love of democracy and freedom openly stated the document was delicate enough that it was up to the people to "keep it." I think that was Benjamin Franklin. Of course, the USA Constitution in it's purest sense would REQUIRE the people to embrace it, love it and protect it. The USA Constitution was never supposed to oppress and victimize Americans. Never. It was written to uphold the right of humans to live without oppression.
To completely understand the magnificence of the USA Constitution it to understand the love the founders had for self-expression. The USA Constitution takes a back seat to the citizen and their right to their own expression of their personal lives that achieve happiness. The USA Constitution codified The Declaration of Independence.
Alito is nothing but corruption and egregiously so. He is attempting to provide a big thank you to the Federalist Society for his seat and the seats of those that disregard THE CITIZEN and put religious dogma in their place along with money as a vote. There is profound incompetence in the Robert's Court and it must be addressed.
Somehow over a length of time 85 essays by Thomas Jefferson, John Jay and James Madison has displaced the USA Constitution as if it is a religion all by itself. It is time to get over it and uphold the USA Constitution and the Declaration of Independence at the heart of this democracy. John Jay was the first Chief Justice. He was also an abolitionist. But, he was never a signator to the USA Constitution. It is gross malpractice to put the Federalist Papers ahead of the essence of the USA Constitution.
I cannot conceive President and Commander and Chief George Washington rejecting any American as a citizen without clear equality under the law. Alito is in violation of the USA Constitution and he needs to go. It is time to end the political violation that is accepted as status quo coming from the Federalist Society. The USA Constitution needs a champion and I can't think of anyone more qualified and with clout as Former President Barak Obama and our lovely First Lady. They need to bring about a non-profit that will carry this revitalization of the USA Constitution forward. If the right political wing wants an originalist practice of the law, it is time we actually provide it!
May 4, 2022
By Andrew Chung
...Like abortion, (click here) other personal rights including contraception and same-sex marriage may be found by conservative justices to fall outside this framework involving rights "deeply rooted" in American history, scholars noted.
"This was considered social progress - we were changing as a society and different things became important and became part of what one cherished," said Carol Sanger, an expert in reproductive rights at Columbia Law School.
In the draft, Alito sought to distinguish abortion from other rights because it, unlike the others, destroys what the Roe ruling called "potential life."
"Nothing in this opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedents that do not concern abortion," Alito wrote.
Sepper said that Alito is "not particularly convincing because he doesn't do the work to distinguish those cases in a meaningful way." She added: "It's a really sweeping opinion. It doesn't pull any punches when it comes to the abortion right."
Alito's opinion resembles his dissent in the court's same-sex marriage ruling in which he said the 14th Amendment's due process promise protects only rights deeply rooted in America's history and tradition.
"And it is beyond dispute that the right to same-sex marriage is not among those rights," Alito wrote in his 2015 dissent.
Some conservative commentators have suggested that Alito has provided a road map for future attempts to eliminate other guaranteed liberties. Other legal scholars doubt that there is either a willingness on the court or in legislatures to eliminate other rights....