Monday, October 06, 2008

Thoughts are with the Biden family.

Joe Biden family picture during a 1987 campaign with Jill Biden and sons Beau and Hunter and daughter Ashley.

Another great economic moment for the USA and its allies. Can 'The Crash' be far away?

But, in reaction, what did Georgie say?

Bush says U.S. economy will be fine in long run (click at title. thank you.)

That's right. After Bush, Cheney, Rice and Paulson are out of office and there is finally competent leadership returned to the Executive Branch, the country WILL be okay in the long run.

Anyone like 'cleaning up' after Republicans? I don't !

Republican 'double talk' on Climate Change. They disregard science and hence disregard climate science. So, they're deceptive to avert responsibility

The statements by Palin in her debate were this...

...Alaska feels and sees impacts of climate change more so than any other state.

" are we going to get there to positively affect the impacts? come along with us with the impacts of climate change.

I was the first governor to form a climate change sub-cabinet to start dealing with the impacts... "all of the above" approach to deal with climate change impacts.

This is a satellite image of Katrina as it approached the Gulf Coast with its IMPACTS. It was a huge Cat 5 storm that resulted from a very hot planet, in a hurricane season when there was still plenty of surface humidity, when a record number of hurricanes occurred.

Below is how the Republican lead USA addressed this disasterous storm while looking the other way to the issue of Climate Change and Human Induced Global Warming.

This is how the people of New Orleans ended up under the Republican majority of Congress, where at last count 1,836 people perished.

That doesn't even begin to address the damage to the economic infrastructure of the entire Gulf Coast, the displacement of people into the interior of the country or the equally disasterous effect of Countrywide Credit in New Orleans (click here) for people that subsequently lost their homes.

Katrina dead interred at new memorial (click here)
by Laura Maggi, The Times-Picayune
Friday August 29, 2008, 10:17 AM
Seven people who died during Hurricane Katrina were interred Friday morning in one of six mausoleums created to hold the remains of those who were not identified after the storm or whose families did not claim them....

PALIN: Yes. Well, as the nation's only Arctic state and being the governor of that state, Alaska feels and sees impacts of climate change more so than any other state. And we know that it's real.

Those IMPACTS in Alaska include the loss of valuable and irreplaceable Permafrost.
Those IMPACTS in Alasks include the loss of ice supported land mass that villages were built on, resulting in loss of complete hamlets and towns to Climate Change.
Those IMPACTS in Alaska include the listing of the Polar Bear due to loss of habitat.
Those IMPACTS in Alaska include the loss of tourism areas of profound value to the state and its economy.

I'm not one to attribute every man -- activity of man to the changes in the climate. There is something to be said also for man's activities, but also for the cyclical temperature changes on our planet.

Not attributing every man in one breath while changing in mid-sentence to state there is something to be said ALSO for man's which is it?

But there are real changes going on in our climate. And I don't want to argue about the causes. What I want to argue about is, how are we going to get there to positively affect the impacts?

Treating the impacts AFTER they have occurred IS the problem with the Republicans. Either they are ready and willing and able to PROTECT this nation to prevent disaster or they aren't. In Sarah Palin's case, she is NOT willing to serve the people of this nation to protect them from Climate Change. She didn't protect those in Alaska or in Wasilla and has never spoken in advocacy for protections for people, fauna or flora in the state of Alaska. All that can be expected of Republicans is more of the same and the continued denial of reality and discrediting of 90% of scientists globally.

We have got to clean up this planet. We have got to encourage other nations also to come along with us with the impacts of climate change, what we can do about that.

The Republicans live with double standards. The USA pollutes Earth with 25% of the carbon dioxide responsible for Climate Change. The USA sets NO example to leadership in regard to curbing and stopping carbon dioxide emissions. Add to that the Republican opposition of a progressive Senate bill that will reduce substantially the carbon dioxide emissions of this country to the troposphere and you'll realize the future in regard to Earth's viability to support life. China and India aren't even close to being able to control their emissions and while it is a good idea to encourage same and provide guidance and support in technology to them, why should they comply with such measures if the USA WON'T even handle its own pollution first !

As governor, I was the first governor to form a climate change sub-cabinet to start dealing with the impacts. We've got to reduce emissions. John McCain is right there with an "all of the above" approach to deal with climate change impacts.

Sarah Palin commissioned this sub-cabinet as the Polar Bear was listed as threatened or shortly thereafter. This sub-cabinet is simply an attempt to build evidence to dispute the listing of the Polar Bear. Alaska has annual reviews called "State of the Arctic" click here. If Palin wanted to intercede effectively with Human Induced Global Warming at any time in her political career she would have had plenty of information to conduct such advocacy.

We've got to become energy independent for that reason. Also as we rely more and more on other countries that don't care as much about the climate as we do, we're allowing them to produce and to emit and even pollute more than America would ever stand for. So even in dealing with climate change, it's all the more reason that we have an "all of the above" approach, tapping into alternative sources of energy and conserving fuel, conserving our petroleum products and our hydrocarbons so that we can clean up this planet and deal with climate change.

In Palin's message is the hidden truth that drilling offshore is more than prudent in providing oil for America. I am not going to debate the FACT that any offshore drilling won't provide more fossil fuels to the American consumer for eight years.

But, there is a reality on the east coast of the USA that would result in a nightmare should any drilling be conducted in the fact that NASA discovered and NOAA confirmed in 2000, a huge fissure immediately offshore of the North American Plate beginning at Florida and extending to the north Virginia border. If there were to be offshore drilling anywhere and I do mean anywhere along that fissure, the USA would be risking deaths with the potential of coastal tsunmais with any undersea water displacement.

FACT, not fiction.

Additionally, anyone knows that in order to be completely energy independant takes reverting to alternative sources of energy at every available possibility. It is why transportation needs High Speed Elevated Magnetic Rail and electric cars and wind turbines in cooperation with our Ag Sector in places that will produce significant electricity. It is why home owners need to be given tax breaks when they use solar panels for their energy source and more tax credits when their systems produce enough to sell back to the 'grid' excess electricity.

For the Republicans to continually insist that fossil fuels are REASONABLE to use as domestic American energy sources is complete incompetency. And to allow them to bring that incompetency into government is nothing but "W"rong !

Now that the water has receded, this is the aftermath from Ike, courtesy of the members of The Weather Underground.

October 6, 2008
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of the North and West Hemisphere (click here for 12 hour loop)

TS Norbert is a Cat One storm and escalating. It is believed to be headed out into the Pacific Ocean. However, the storm is the surface manifestation of a vortex trail east of Iceland. There is also a circulation center northeast of US/British Virgin Islands.

October 6, 2008
Tropical Strom Norbert in the Pacific offshore of Mexico currently.

October 4, 2008
Photographer states :: A little tribute put together on North Padre Island from debris washed up from Hurricane Ike. Frosty survived! Folks helpin with cleanup add a piece now and again to it as cleanup is ongoing.

October 5, 2008
Crystal Beach, Texas
Photographer states :: Gulfcoast Market. A beloved store on the peninsula. They stocked almost everything one could possibly want!

October 5, 2008
Crystal Beach, Texas
Photographer states :: Typical scene after Ike. The water is a canal on the gulf side.

I guess this is legitimate. I've never heard of 'surrogates' debating on behalf of candidates. (click on title to go to site)

Most of the Jewish faith are Democratic voters. A long history of same.

We differ greatly in the USA from Neocons. Our personal values diverge greatly from that of extremist Christians.

We value women and their right to choose as well as gays.

I mean there is no turning away anyone in the Jewish faith. We don't ridicule or exhibit bias, so I don't really know what this debate is going to accomplish. There are grossly fundamental differences between Neocons and the Jewish. There just is.

The Israel Project Invites You to Join Top Official McCain and Obama Surrogates for a forum on Israel, the threat of Iran and other key issues.

Dow industrials plunge 500 amid global sell-off

"...The Dow Jones industrials skidded nearly 500 points and fell below 10,000 for the first time in four years, while the credit markets remained under strain...."

So, caving into 'special interests' saved the day, huh? Time to remove those that caused the mess from the government of the USA.

Get RID of the Republicans !

I've held my tongue long enough when it comes to the hubris of the McCain campaign in promoting war and defamation of character.

And hubris it is.

Today, Palin has a tactic to undermine confidence in others to elevate her preceived moral authority to participate in government. She did it when she victimized her former brother-in-law and then again when she acted in vengence against her former Public Safety Commissioner Walt Moneganin. She is doing it again today. To Sarah Palin, "The End Justifies The Means," no different than Bush's invasion into Iraq. A blunder costing the lives of 4,177 Americans to date (click here), and escalated terrorist networks globally due to the abandoned war within Afghanistan against al Qaeda.

7 Palin aides to testify in trooper investigation (click here)
By Matt Apuzzo, The Associated Press October 6, 2008
ANCHORAGE -- Seven aides to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin have reversed course and agreed to testify in an investigation into whether the Republican vice presidential nominee abused her power by firing a commissioner who refused to dismiss her former brother-in-law.

There is no indication, however, that Palin or her husband will testify in the legislative inquiry, which has dogged her for several months and could hurt John McCain in the final weeks of the presidential race....
...Lawmakers subpoenaed the seven state employees, but they challenged the summons. After a judge rejected the challenge last week, they decided to testify, Alaska Atty. Gen. Talis J. Colberg said Sunday.
Democratic state Sen. Hollis French, who is managing the probe, said he again asked Palin and her husband, Todd, whether they would testify."We've had no response," French said....

In her video statement below she demoralizes the patriotism of paying taxes on the heels of defaming Barak's character.

There is something wrong with paying taxes?

There is something UN-American about paying taxes?

Is Ms. Palin and John McCain proposing a tax revolt where NO ONE pays taxes?

That isn't radical? Ah, yeah, it is not only radical, it is illegal. But, hey, they are the Mavericks so proud of being Anti-Republican after all, a reality that caused a failed attempt by McCain to reconcile the bail-out in the House. But, whoever thought a Maverick would be a good mediator anyway.

The Weathermen (click here), later known as The Weather Underground, was a splinter group to SDS, Students for a Democratic Society. The 'times' when unrest in this country, when four students of Kent State were cut down by their own paranoid government under the direction of a corrupt Republican by the name of Richard Nixon, was a time of extreme social turbulence. It was a time when young people were actually better educated then most of their parents for the first time in the history of the USA and began to realize war in Vietnam was simply wrong.

Additionally, there was a draft of young men starting at the age of 19 years old that simply fueled the continuance of a war without end in Vietnam, that was killing millions of citizens. The Draft, which McCain advocates by the way and would reinstitute if elected as he openly stated he would have instated if he were President at the time of September 11, 2001; was inequitable. There needed to be a revamping of the institution of The Draft in a lottery which came underscrutiny and needed to be revisited (click here).

The Vietnam War was wrong. It was a war that allowed for economic gain by of all folks, Wall Street. Those that participated in the war were wrong. John McCain's participation in the war was wrong. He became a prisoner of war due to his own lack of ability to stand up to authority when that authority was completely incompetent (click here for McCain record by the LA Times. Thanks, Mike.). No different than in Iraq where military leadership along with Republican Neocon authority has proven over and over again to be an abject failure and incompetent, costing lives through wrongful war and subsequent anarchy of people without any security in their country; Vietnam reeked of incompetency and John McCain became a POW at the height of the USA military's incompetency in that war.

See next entry. Thank you.