The only false alarms I ever experienced in relation to school were bomb threats. They were taken seriously and the student response was basically the same as a fire drill with a greater distance of a perimeter around the school, but, there were never threats of mass shooting.
This is different. With the prevalence of easy access to guns, school officials are left with difficult decisions. Those decisions include canceling a day of classes while police follow the trail of a potential murderer. It is expensive and creates an aire of uncertainty for the police, school administrators, teachers and students. Basically, it effects learning.
Oh, there never was any bomb either.
March 7, 2018
By Christal Hayes
Breathless and whispering (click here) through the phone, a 13-year-old student called for help from her Ohio high school.
"Help," she said in between whimpers. "He's got a gun. He's got the gun in my mouth."
Anxiety was already running high: It had been only a week after the deadly shooting in Parkland, Fla. Police dispatchers then got three other calls from Withrow University High School in Cincinnati.
But it was all a hoax....
...The rise in threats after a high-profile mass killing is nothing new. But the incidents are hard to quantify because they are not tracked nationally by any government agency.
A review by USA TODAY of published accounts, however, paints a clear picture of a growing problem that is no joke.
More than 130 threats were reported and analyzed by the USA TODAY NETWORK in the nine-day span after the Valentine's Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland left 17 dead....
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Wednesday, March 07, 2018
"Stormy Danels" is the professional name of Stephanie Clifford.
First Republic Bank is stated to be the one involved with the Trump payoff of Ms. Clifford under directions of Mr. Trump. The account was opened exclusively to pay Ms. Clifford. Now, remember this was a woman admired and pursued by Donald Trump, so I don't want to hear how this was a porn star. Ms. Clifford is a lover to Mr. Trump. He was enamored with her while he was married.
Evidently, First Republic followed all the rules and reported the money transfer to the Treasury Department. The bank is not the issue here, except, it was used for illicit purposes by still yet another Trump lawyer.
5 March 2018
By Kevin Breuninger
Trump's lawyer's payment (click here) to former adult film star Stormy Daniels was reportedly flagged as suspicious and sent to the Treasury Department.
Cohen complained that the money he sent out of his own pocket had not been reimbursed, the WSJ reports, citing sources.
Daniels reportedly received the payment as part of a nondisclosure agreement regarding an alleged affair with Trump.
A $130,000 payment to a former adult film star by President Donald Trump's lawyer was flagged as suspicious and reported to the Treasury Department, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday, citing a source familiar with the matter.
Michael Cohen, Trump's longtime lawyer, sent the money through an account he created at First Republic Bank, the report says. Stephanie Clifford, known in her films as Stormy Daniels, received the money under the pseudonym Peggy Peterson, according to previous reports.
The payment, which Cohen said he paid out of his own pocket, was given to Clifford as part of an agreement not to discuss an alleged affair with Trump in 2006, people familiar with the matter told the Journal....
5 March 2018
By Kevin Breuninger
Trump's lawyer's payment (click here) to former adult film star Stormy Daniels was reportedly flagged as suspicious and sent to the Treasury Department.
Cohen complained that the money he sent out of his own pocket had not been reimbursed, the WSJ reports, citing sources.
Daniels reportedly received the payment as part of a nondisclosure agreement regarding an alleged affair with Trump.
A $130,000 payment to a former adult film star by President Donald Trump's lawyer was flagged as suspicious and reported to the Treasury Department, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday, citing a source familiar with the matter.
Michael Cohen, Trump's longtime lawyer, sent the money through an account he created at First Republic Bank, the report says. Stephanie Clifford, known in her films as Stormy Daniels, received the money under the pseudonym Peggy Peterson, according to previous reports.
The payment, which Cohen said he paid out of his own pocket, was given to Clifford as part of an agreement not to discuss an alleged affair with Trump in 2006, people familiar with the matter told the Journal....
The law was misused once again by Mr. Trump.
My understanding of non-disclosure agreements is usually linked to company business and their relationships with employees. Such as, a company engaged in research and hiring personnel of any kind that comes in contact with that research.
Now, unless Ms. Clifford was employed by Mr. Trump there really is no room for a non-disclosure agreement as far as I am concerned. See, she was involved on the emotional level with Mr. Trump and that is not really an issue of non-disclosure so much as the privacy a couple seeks with intimacy. Now, either Ms. Cifford was an employee which is highly illegal if it was for sex or the relationship with Mr. Trump was one of the heart.
I think using the law inappropriately is a pattern for Mr. Trump. He uses it to advance his wealth through bankruptcy and he uses it to shield his image from the press in imposing his personal preferences on his relationships even long after they have ended. That is a pattern. That is not a pattern the average American can undertake either.
I think it is a character issue that includes the idea of "an exclusive elite" in the USA with entitlements.
See, it is my belief that people, in general, talk to each other about the troubles in their lives. They use dialogue to cope with life. I think to inhibit that dialogue is harmful. If we are to believe that any relationship of the elite is protected by law when others aren't, it creates a barrier to understand the true character of a person.
If a man like Mr. Trump wants to put forward an image as an international playboy able to charm any women in the world, then there are consequences that go along with that. Heartbreak and heartache is real. There is no reason why a relationship of a celebrity should be secluded by legal entanglements imposed to prevent the real world from seeing the truth. This is not a contract to protect a precious invention, it is a contract to control the image known to the public. That is dishonest. There is a great deal of dishonesty in Mr. Trump's use of the law.
What concerns me more is that we are seeing a White House continually disintegrating. Not only that but, there are staffers who believe they should be whistleblowers. This is not a relationship, this is not a business, this is the Executive Branch of the United States of America.
There is also the issue most prevalent regarding the rights and abuse of women by men. This is sexual assault, folks. It is knowing that when a woman goes on a date she will be returned to home in one piece without abused or scarred emotions or body. What warning signs a woman feels on a date needs to be respected.
There is a lot here with Ms. Clifford. In a way, we are lucky she feels legally safe to come forward and bring the truth to people in what she understands about her relationship with Mr. Trump and why the need for a non-disclosure agreement and a payout to maintain her silence. She has a heavy burden. There is every reason to believe she is not alone. This is important. It is important for many reasons and not just the next best headline for the "National Inquirer." Women. Average women are counting on people like Ms. Clifford to change the reality for them. This is important on many levels and I think Ms. Clifford and those like her are very brave.
My understanding of non-disclosure agreements is usually linked to company business and their relationships with employees. Such as, a company engaged in research and hiring personnel of any kind that comes in contact with that research.
Now, unless Ms. Clifford was employed by Mr. Trump there really is no room for a non-disclosure agreement as far as I am concerned. See, she was involved on the emotional level with Mr. Trump and that is not really an issue of non-disclosure so much as the privacy a couple seeks with intimacy. Now, either Ms. Cifford was an employee which is highly illegal if it was for sex or the relationship with Mr. Trump was one of the heart.
I think using the law inappropriately is a pattern for Mr. Trump. He uses it to advance his wealth through bankruptcy and he uses it to shield his image from the press in imposing his personal preferences on his relationships even long after they have ended. That is a pattern. That is not a pattern the average American can undertake either.
I think it is a character issue that includes the idea of "an exclusive elite" in the USA with entitlements.
See, it is my belief that people, in general, talk to each other about the troubles in their lives. They use dialogue to cope with life. I think to inhibit that dialogue is harmful. If we are to believe that any relationship of the elite is protected by law when others aren't, it creates a barrier to understand the true character of a person.
If a man like Mr. Trump wants to put forward an image as an international playboy able to charm any women in the world, then there are consequences that go along with that. Heartbreak and heartache is real. There is no reason why a relationship of a celebrity should be secluded by legal entanglements imposed to prevent the real world from seeing the truth. This is not a contract to protect a precious invention, it is a contract to control the image known to the public. That is dishonest. There is a great deal of dishonesty in Mr. Trump's use of the law.
What concerns me more is that we are seeing a White House continually disintegrating. Not only that but, there are staffers who believe they should be whistleblowers. This is not a relationship, this is not a business, this is the Executive Branch of the United States of America.
There is also the issue most prevalent regarding the rights and abuse of women by men. This is sexual assault, folks. It is knowing that when a woman goes on a date she will be returned to home in one piece without abused or scarred emotions or body. What warning signs a woman feels on a date needs to be respected.
There is a lot here with Ms. Clifford. In a way, we are lucky she feels legally safe to come forward and bring the truth to people in what she understands about her relationship with Mr. Trump and why the need for a non-disclosure agreement and a payout to maintain her silence. She has a heavy burden. There is every reason to believe she is not alone. This is important. It is important for many reasons and not just the next best headline for the "National Inquirer." Women. Average women are counting on people like Ms. Clifford to change the reality for them. This is important on many levels and I think Ms. Clifford and those like her are very brave.
Russian expats need to live in a bubble.
Putin has moved on to the relatives now, huh? Maybe that is just collateral damage, right, Vladimir? Didn't really mean it.
One of these days Russia will learn what the meaning to the word "extradite" and it will be a new world in Russia.
Well, so much for sanction relief. I suppose Russia knows it is walled off from civilization for a long while.
The UK and EU need to come up with a safe network of food for these folks. They need dedicated government approved cafes as well. This is just too frequent to be any other entity than the Russian government. There are other ways of poisoning people than food, but, there certainly seems to be a demand for murderers of Russian expats.
Let me say this, Europe and Great Britain really need to scrutinize their countries better when it comes to who is let in the country. Scanning for terrorists is important, but, add to the list anyone capable of murdering Russians.
I guess Scotland Yard is looking at approximately 14 murders, including these two, that could be related to a government killing. Putin needs to put his KGB credentials away and become a man of the people rather than the hatchet man for Russia. IT ISN'T WORKING WELL FOR THE PEOPLE OF RUSSIA!
Sooner or later, these murders will find their way to The Hague, then Putin will know everyone means business.
7 March 2018
By Danny Boyle and Jack Maidment
Police (click here) are close to a breakthrough in the Russian spy poisoning case, the Home Secretary has suggested, as she revealed "more is now known about the substance" used against Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter.
But emergency services had to be called to an office in central Salisbury on Wednesday lunchtime following reports that a person had been taken seriously ill.
Three fire engines and at least two ambulance incident response arrived at offices close to Zizzi's restaurant on Castle Street, Salisbury....
One of these days Russia will learn what the meaning to the word "extradite" and it will be a new world in Russia.
Well, so much for sanction relief. I suppose Russia knows it is walled off from civilization for a long while.
The UK and EU need to come up with a safe network of food for these folks. They need dedicated government approved cafes as well. This is just too frequent to be any other entity than the Russian government. There are other ways of poisoning people than food, but, there certainly seems to be a demand for murderers of Russian expats.
Let me say this, Europe and Great Britain really need to scrutinize their countries better when it comes to who is let in the country. Scanning for terrorists is important, but, add to the list anyone capable of murdering Russians.
I guess Scotland Yard is looking at approximately 14 murders, including these two, that could be related to a government killing. Putin needs to put his KGB credentials away and become a man of the people rather than the hatchet man for Russia. IT ISN'T WORKING WELL FOR THE PEOPLE OF RUSSIA!
Sooner or later, these murders will find their way to The Hague, then Putin will know everyone means business.

By Danny Boyle and Jack Maidment
Police (click here) are close to a breakthrough in the Russian spy poisoning case, the Home Secretary has suggested, as she revealed "more is now known about the substance" used against Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter.
But emergency services had to be called to an office in central Salisbury on Wednesday lunchtime following reports that a person had been taken seriously ill.
Three fire engines and at least two ambulance incident response arrived at offices close to Zizzi's restaurant on Castle Street, Salisbury....
Gary Cohn is a Democrat? Well, they are pinning that attack on small business and the middle class otherwise known as the Trump Tax Code on him. He needs to write a book about how he screwed up so bad. He can begin with the loyalty code he learned at Goldman as a start.
Other than Bill Clinton, I don't know of anyone willing to advise Trump anymore.
Other than Bill Clinton, I don't know of anyone willing to advise Trump anymore.
More racism and over reaching by the Trump Administration.
Hey, Bubba, time for you to retire to your pretty white-pillared mansion in Alabama.
The Trump administration is the anti-Bush administration. Did anyone besides me notice that? They like to pretend it is the anti-Obama administration, but, it's far more than that.
The anti-Muslim mess is all about the opposition to the Bush doctrine of "Family of Nations." The racism of domestic Undocumented is anti-Bush immigration approach. The tariffs are an opposition of Bush Wall Street policy with cheap labor and impoverished Americans. I betcha Donald Trump doesn't even know what the Tri-Lateral Commission is.
But, as to Sessions, he brings a whole host of anti-American sentiment to the office of Attorney General. Mr. Sessions is sadly mistaken with his lawsuit against California. It has been tried before and the courts ruled in favor of California and the sanctuary cities.
Mr. Session lacks analysis of the bigger problem and how to end illegal immigration. Illegal immigration has nothing to do with "The Dreamers." The Dreamers are Americans.
I suggest Mr. Session look to an analysis of the Sanctuary City phenomena and understand his role better. Sending federal immigration authority into an American city is not the answer to the problem. Sanctuary cities are the symptom of the problem.
March 7, 2018
Marilyn Icsman
The Department of Justice (click here) is suing California over three state statutes that federal officials say interfere with their immigration authority.
The lawsuit combats California’s "sanctuary state" laws that shield immigrants from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is expected to make a formal announcement Wednesday at a California Peace Officers’ Association event in Sacramento, the California capital.
“The Department of Justice and the Trump administration are going to fight these unjust, unfair, and unconstitutional policies that have been imposed on you,” Sessions says in prepared remarks for the event. “We are fighting to make your jobs safer and to help you reduce crime in America. And I believe that we are going to win.”...
The Trump administration is the anti-Bush administration. Did anyone besides me notice that? They like to pretend it is the anti-Obama administration, but, it's far more than that.
The anti-Muslim mess is all about the opposition to the Bush doctrine of "Family of Nations." The racism of domestic Undocumented is anti-Bush immigration approach. The tariffs are an opposition of Bush Wall Street policy with cheap labor and impoverished Americans. I betcha Donald Trump doesn't even know what the Tri-Lateral Commission is.
But, as to Sessions, he brings a whole host of anti-American sentiment to the office of Attorney General. Mr. Sessions is sadly mistaken with his lawsuit against California. It has been tried before and the courts ruled in favor of California and the sanctuary cities.
Mr. Session lacks analysis of the bigger problem and how to end illegal immigration. Illegal immigration has nothing to do with "The Dreamers." The Dreamers are Americans.
I suggest Mr. Session look to an analysis of the Sanctuary City phenomena and understand his role better. Sending federal immigration authority into an American city is not the answer to the problem. Sanctuary cities are the symptom of the problem.
March 7, 2018
Marilyn Icsman
The Department of Justice (click here) is suing California over three state statutes that federal officials say interfere with their immigration authority.
The lawsuit combats California’s "sanctuary state" laws that shield immigrants from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is expected to make a formal announcement Wednesday at a California Peace Officers’ Association event in Sacramento, the California capital.
“The Department of Justice and the Trump administration are going to fight these unjust, unfair, and unconstitutional policies that have been imposed on you,” Sessions says in prepared remarks for the event. “We are fighting to make your jobs safer and to help you reduce crime in America. And I believe that we are going to win.”...
There are currently more than 2,220,300 adults incarcerated in the USA. Questions?
If it takes up to four years to learn the trade, I strongly suggest they get started. Neighborhoods are waiting. (click here)
As a matter of fact, all the professions with a need for people should be looking to the prison systems to find people looking for opportunity and a change in their future path.
I've heard of all kinds of stuff inmates do to pass the time and earn a few dollars, but, none really lead to gainful employment after they leave jail or prison. I suppose caring for animals can lead to new feelings of nurturing and patience and that is important, but, it isn't going to pay the bills and they are right back on the losing side of life.
Inmates should be leaving prison with a clear understanding and a certificate showing they are ready for work that will provide them a livelihood and not just a return to 'the hood.'
I can think of several professions like this, including obsure, past professions like becoming a shoe cobbler. Where can people go to have their wing-tips resoled? Lost professions are not a joke. It is a profound loss to society of very basic understandings of it's beginnings and innovation. Honestly, now. Where is there a good shoe cobbler in Manhattan? Or a real barber with a newsstand out front. If Americans are looking for the real country, they need to look harder.
Hint: NewsPAPERS can't be hacked by Russians.
March 6, 2018
By Quoctrung Bui and Roger Kisby
...Nearly two-thirds of bricklaying contractors (click here) say they are struggling to find workers, according to a survey by the National Association of Home Builders . And it can take three to four years before a person with no experience can become a journeyman bricklayer.
In addition, productivity — how much brick wall a laborer can complete in an hour of work — isn’t much better than it was two decades ago. Bricklaying’s most important tools — a trowel, a bucket, string and a wheelbarrow — haven’t changed much over centuries.
These factors would seem to put the trade at risk of a robot takeover....
As a matter of fact, all the professions with a need for people should be looking to the prison systems to find people looking for opportunity and a change in their future path.
I've heard of all kinds of stuff inmates do to pass the time and earn a few dollars, but, none really lead to gainful employment after they leave jail or prison. I suppose caring for animals can lead to new feelings of nurturing and patience and that is important, but, it isn't going to pay the bills and they are right back on the losing side of life.
Inmates should be leaving prison with a clear understanding and a certificate showing they are ready for work that will provide them a livelihood and not just a return to 'the hood.'
I can think of several professions like this, including obsure, past professions like becoming a shoe cobbler. Where can people go to have their wing-tips resoled? Lost professions are not a joke. It is a profound loss to society of very basic understandings of it's beginnings and innovation. Honestly, now. Where is there a good shoe cobbler in Manhattan? Or a real barber with a newsstand out front. If Americans are looking for the real country, they need to look harder.
Hint: NewsPAPERS can't be hacked by Russians.
March 6, 2018
By Quoctrung Bui and Roger Kisby
...Nearly two-thirds of bricklaying contractors (click here) say they are struggling to find workers, according to a survey by the National Association of Home Builders . And it can take three to four years before a person with no experience can become a journeyman bricklayer.
In addition, productivity — how much brick wall a laborer can complete in an hour of work — isn’t much better than it was two decades ago. Bricklaying’s most important tools — a trowel, a bucket, string and a wheelbarrow — haven’t changed much over centuries.
These factors would seem to put the trade at risk of a robot takeover....
These women are to be taken seriously. I hope Ms. Daniels runs for President of the USA and wins! At least she is a brave voice of the truth.
March 6, 2018
By Fredreka Schouten and Christal Hayes
The adult film star (click here) who allegedly had a sexual relationship with Donald Trump is suing the president, alleging the "hush" agreement that silenced the story was invalid.
Stormy Daniels filed a civil lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court, contending that the non-disclosure agreement she signed was invalid because Trump never signed it.
Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, and Trump's personal attorney, Michael Cohen, signed the agreement on Oct. 28, 2016, 11 days before the election....
By Fredreka Schouten and Christal Hayes
The adult film star (click here) who allegedly had a sexual relationship with Donald Trump is suing the president, alleging the "hush" agreement that silenced the story was invalid.
Stormy Daniels filed a civil lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court, contending that the non-disclosure agreement she signed was invalid because Trump never signed it.
Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, and Trump's personal attorney, Michael Cohen, signed the agreement on Oct. 28, 2016, 11 days before the election....
No one should be sending Roy Moore money for a lawsuit for his crimes.
Send money to Leigh Corfman so she can hire a lawyer to continue her efforts to pursue Mr. Moore for the damages he caused her all these many years.
Roy Moore will cry and carry on forever if there isn't an end put to it. It is only right the women Mr. Moore sexually assaulted from solace in knowing their name is intact and they will have peace after so many years. It is time to end the ranting of a man that is an offense to decency.
Ms. Corfman needs to lead a trust fund that will benefit her and others like her.
January 4, 2018
By Paul Gattis
Roy Moore will cry and carry on forever if there isn't an end put to it. It is only right the women Mr. Moore sexually assaulted from solace in knowing their name is intact and they will have peace after so many years. It is time to end the ranting of a man that is an offense to decency.
Ms. Corfman needs to lead a trust fund that will benefit her and others like her.

By Paul Gattis
Leigh Corfman, (click here) who claimed that former Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore molested her when she was 14 years old, has filed a defamation lawsuit against him.
The lawsuit, filed Thursday in Montgomery County Circuit Court, also names Moore's campaign as a defendant.
Moore and his campaign committee "have defamed Ms. Corfman, repeatedly and in all forms of media, calling her a liar and questioning her motivation for publicly disclosing that Mr. Moore sexually abused her in 1979 when she was a 14-year-old high school freshman and he was a 32-year-old assistant district attorney."...
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