This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman
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What choice does he have? If McCain were ever to be elected he would face a House and Senate with clear Democratic majorities and then where would we be?
A pledge of bipartisanship (click title to entry) McCain hits GOP lapses, vows end to old ways in Washington ST. PAUL - Senator John McCain, returning to the themes that saved his once flailing presidential quest, last night accepted the Republican nomination with a promise to shake up Washington with a bipartisan strategy and patriotic flair, warning political stalwarts that "change is coming."...
Forces align against Republicans in Senate races (click here) ...Democrats have solid chances of winning five seats, according to strategists in both parties and public polls, and realistic shots at picking off another three to five Republican senators. Republicans have only one good opportunity for replacing a Democrat, in Louisiana....
And that article is from USA Today, a primarily conservative paper. Across the board, most polls show a change in Democratic leadership in the Senate by anywhere from 5 seats to as many as 9 seats.
No matter which way one looks at it, a Republican in the White House is a huge mistake. It would mean four more years of Bush policies no matter what. The current RNC is hoping they will maintain control of enough seats in both houses so there lacks a 60% concensus.
And don't tell me John McCain isn't another George Bush. He is playing 'the sympathy' vote of his warrior status in order to have people believe he is telling the truth about being a Maverick.
Did he pick an extremists from the Religious Right as a Vice President?
Did he reveal a side of himself no one knew existed?
Never in my wildest imagination would I expect John McCain to be so blantantly bias in his choices when exhibiting religious preference. And in 25 years, if he wanted a true Maverick status he could have achieved it.
The speakers at the RNC convention repeatedly called for the spread of a religious 'state' making it '...truly a nation under God.' Religion is a personal preference, not a national policy. Its out of the question.
This article was back in March. The Republicans gave up then in dreaming about returning their majority. Now, today, they are not only behind by two seats, but, slipping fast.
Senate Majority No Longer Republicans' Goal (click here) With Democrats leading in polls and the national mood going against Republicans, Senator Ensign's goal has changed By Katherine Skiba Posted March 14, 2008 The battle cry of the Republican Party is "Two seats to capture the Senate." But Nevada Sen. John Ensign, who is leading the charge for the GOP, now concedes the party may not win the fight, particularly after two prospective candidates he had hoped to recruit—one in New Jersey, one in South Dakota— refused to sign up for the struggle. "Realistically, we have a very, very slim chance of getting back into the majority," says Ensign, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. "That's not even our goal anymore. Our [numeric] goal is to hold as close to where we are as possible." Democrats control the chamber by a narrow majority, 51 to 49....
And this is a poll regarding the USA House elections from February 2008, which shows a 55% majority.
Angus Reid Global Monitor : Polls & Research (click here) Democrats Lead in 2008 U.S. House Election February 16, 2008 Abstract: (Angus Reid Global Monitor) - The Democratic Party holds the upper hand in the early stages of the United States House of Representatives ballot, according to a poll by Gallup released by USA Today. 55 per cent of respondents would vote for the Democratic candidate in their congressional district, while 41 per cent would back the Republican....
Americans want change. They are reaching for it everywhere one looks. There won't be change if there is a Republican Executive Branch and Democratic Legislature. And to realize the people McCain would place in his Cabinet and in top spots in appointments of the Executive Branch considering his Veep choice is simply a nightmare. We just can't risk any chance on McCain. He isn't a Maverick, he's unpredictable.
The USA can't afford any mistakes this election cycle. We need profound change and we need it now.
Obama is the only clear choice for improving the circumstances of the USA. With a clear majority in the House and Senate and a breath of fresh air in the White House, the country can initiate the sweeping changes it has longed for since 2006 !
From Bad to Worse: Unemployment Rate Hits Working Americans Across the Spectrum (click here) Unemployed workers look for job opportunities at the California Employment Development Department Thursday, Sept. 4, 2008, in Los Angeles. The Labor Department reported today that August unemployment rate soared to a five-year high of 6.1 percent. Employers cut some 84,000 jobs, marking the eighth straight month of contraction in payrolls.