Monday, September 07, 2009

The cry first went out in 2007 - click here - Is the USA still a country of quality, small business and opportunity or simply big money?

New York will never be as charming if it is willing to give up all its legacy industries.

...It’s fair to ask why we still need a garment district. But even in the Internet era, proximity offers many advantages. Designers are able to work alongside manufacturers. We can stop by factories to inspect garments, change the fit or correct the sewing. Manufacturing locally, as opposed to overseas, allows us to quickly increase or decrease production, depending on what customers want, and is the only affordable option for young designers with limited resources working on a small scale.

More important, in close quarters a mutual respect develops across the chain of production. The people who make the clothes are as passionate as the designers. Both vision and execution benefit from this relationship, and that’s why we do 85 percent of our manufacturing within five blocks of our 35th Street office.

The city once recognized these benefits, and that’s why it passed a zoning law limiting the conversion of the area’s factory space to offices in 1987, in an effort to keep garment makers from being priced out (something that had been going on since the district’s mid-century heyday.)

But the city stopped enforcing the law in 1993, and although the Bloomberg administration devoted some new funds to enforcement in 2005, it simultaneously weakened the zoning restrictions. It’s easy to see that many landlords still get away with breaking the rules, and we’ve heard of only one landlord ever getting prosecuted. So floor by floor over the years, manufacturing space has been quietly diverted to other uses, and manufacturing jobs have moved overseas....

President Obama 'On the Job' on Labor Day in the USA, where Bush / Paulson unemployment is still significant.

Obama to make labor speech (click title to entry - thank you)
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama can expect a friendly audience when he talks about health care Monday. He'll be in Ohio to make a Labor Day speech to an organized labor group. He'll also be announcing to union members that he's named a senior counselor for manufacturing policy.

As far as September 11, 2001. Well. We all know how attentive George Walker was to detail. Now don't we. (click here)

..and if this isn't enough we can talk about Zacarias Moussaoui currently residing in the United States Penitentiary Administrative Maximum Facility (ADX) in Florence, Colorado.

First ignore the August 6, 2001 PDB (President's Daily Brief) from the CIA. And then go about the daily political rant to insure a reelection in 2004.

So, tell me that George Walker Bush and Richard Cheney aren't guilty of compromising the security of the USA. Go ahead, tell me that. I love to hear those lies !!!

They needed an 'impetus' to invade Iraq. Originally it was Saudi Arabia, but, when that wasn't possible they settled for Iraq. Go ahead. Tell me that is just folk lore after we know there was no WMD and we now have nearly 5000 dead American soldiers. Go ahead, tell me that is just folk lore !

It was Dianne Feinstein that was sincerely terrified for this country following the attacks of September 111, 2001. She 'spilled the beans' that she engaged Richard Cheney TWICE on the PDB alerting the attacks would occur within three months. Richard Cheney told Dianne it would be probably six months before any of the Bush Administration could address the issue.

Tell me the Bush Administration cared about the security of this nation. Tell me Paulson did! Go ahead.

Feinstein Releases CRS Report: Congress Did Not Have Access to Full Scope of Prewar Intelligence (click here)

December 16, 2005
Congressional Desk
Washington, DC – The nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) has produced a report that clearly rejects White House assertions that Congress had access to the same intelligence as the President in the march to war with Iraq, U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) announced today.

There have been a number of claims that Congress had access to all the same intelligence before going to war as did the Administration. The nonpartisan Congressional Research Service study released today indicates that these claims are patently false,” Senator Feinstein said. “The report demonstrates that Congress routinely is denied access to intelligence sources; intelligence collection and analysis ‘methods;’ ‘raw’ or ‘lightly evaluated’ intelligence; and the President’s Daily Brief (PDB). This report goes to show that members of Congress were not seeing the same picture as the Administration.

When the Senate voted to authorize the use of force in Iraq in 2002, it was based on a more limited scope of prewar intelligence than was available to the Administration. In light of claims of the possible use or misuse of intelligence by policymakers in the march to war with Iraq, the Senate Intelligence Committee voted unanimously on February 12, 2004 to investigate five key questions on pre-war intelligence.

I believe that Congress and the American people deserve to know what precisely was known by the President and the Administration before the use of force in Iraq. If the Senate Intelligence Committee is to produce a credible and useful report for its ongoing ‘Phase II’ investigation, it must have access to all the same intelligence as the Administration that it was previously denied, particularly the PDBs.”

Specifically, the CRS report ( lays out the following points:
  • The President has access to all national intelligence collected, analyzed and produced by the Intelligence community, and has the authority to restrict the flow of intelligence to Congress.

    By virtue of his constitutional role as commander-in-chief and head of the executive branch, the President has access to all national intelligence collected, analyzed and produced by the Intelligence Community,” the report states. “The President’s position also affords him the authority – which, at certain times, has been aggressively asserted – to restrict the flow of intelligence information to Congress and its two intelligence committees, which are charged with providing legislative oversight of the Intelligence Community.”

  • Administration officials routinely have access to more, and to more sensitive, intelligence than do Members of Congress. And through their daily routines and staff, Administration officials are inherently more capable of assessing finished intelligence products.
  • T]he President and a small number of presidentially designated Cabinet-level officials, including the Vice President – in contrast to Members of Congress – have access to a far greater overall volume of intelligence and to more sensitive intelligence information, including information regarding intelligence sources and methods,” the report states. “They, unlike Members of Congress, also have the authority to more extensively task the Intelligence Community, and its extensive cadre of analysts, for follow-up information. As a result the President and his most senior advisors arguably are better positioned to assess the quality of the Community’s intelligence more accurately than is Congress.”

  • The President has a statutory responsibility to keep Congress “fully and currently informed of all intelligence activities.”

    The President’s otherwise exclusive control over national intelligence, however, is tempered by a statutory obligation to keep Congress, through its two congressional intelligence committees, ‘fully and currently informed of all intelligence activities …’” the report states. “Current law also prevents the executive branch from withholding intelligence information from the committees on the grounds that providing the information to the congressional intelligence committees would constitute the unauthorized disclosure of classified information or information relating to intelligence sources and methods.”

  • There are four types of intelligence not routinely shared with Congress.

    • Tailored intelligence products such as the President’s Daily Brief (PDB);

    • Identities of intelligence sources;

    • Intelligence collection and analysis “methods”; and

    • “Raw” or “lightly evaluated” intelligence.

  • There is precedent for sharing source information and PDBs with Congress (and other groups)

    Although Congress generally has not had access to information pertaining to intelligence sources and methods, raw intelligence or intelligence products tailored to high-level policymakers – including PDBs – it is noteworthy that Congress occasionally has sought and obtained such intelligence information from the executive branch,” the report states. “Intelligence committee staffers, occasionally, have successfully obtained access to PDBs, and PDB articles, during the course of conducting investigations and general oversight.

    While denying Congress access to certain PDB articles, the Bush Administration has provided such access – albeit limited – to two commissions: the 9/11 Commission and the Commission of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction [or the WMD Commission].”

The full CRS report is available online at:

What does Ann Coulter have in common with Van Jones?

About a week, maybe two weeks ago, she called for the defaming of President Obama's Czars on 'talk radio.'

Reporting from Washington (click title to entry - thank you) - Responding to a firestorm that raged on conservative talk shows and websites, the White House on Sunday announced the resignation of a top environmental advisor who had made fiery remarks about Republicans and signed a petition questioning whether the U.S. government had any role in planning the Sept. 11 attacks....

Basically, Coulter didn't see any chance of defaming the Obama Cabinet so the next best attack was on his 'appointed' Czars, of which number about thrity.

The Right Wing is attempting to create the 'image' of a 'corrupt' administration that talks out of both sides of their mouths by continuing the "Palinesque "attacks on then Candidate Obama by 'invoking' the 'idea' he affiliated with people such as Bill Ayers (his days in the Weather Underground) and therefore had a faux agenda that was hidden from public view.

To bring that 'concept' up to current speed: So long as the Right Wing Extremists of the country can continue to banter 'fear mongering' within that same 'fear dynamic' by rooting through all kinds of garbage from past history, they can find SOMETHING, ANYTHING that can be used against each and every Obama Czar. It is no different than the Health Care Insurance Reform Bills and the gross distortions as well at the Veteran's Website and the 'Information booklet regarding end of life decisions.'

This is a strategy that Murdock pledges to in order to maintain his audience and monetary base. You have to remember the 'source' of these attacks, distortions and lies. Without overpaid guests and endorsement of political distortions, there would be no extremist wing to exploit for fiscal gain for Murdock. Murdock's reality in the 'real world' is a political cartoon. Basically.

The Right Wing Extremeists of the USA are the Professional Oppressors of the populous. They bask in their power in 'constant commentary' be it truth or 'DARE.'

The African Americans that have made it through 'the ranks' earning every rung of the ladder as they go, including prominent figures such as Governor Patrick, will be hardest hit by these war/hate mongering idiots.

And yes I stated, idiots.

They wouldn't know what is good for them if it bit them in the arce. All they understand are their bank accounts and the comfort that brings them through whichever means it is obtained, even scouring the American Treasury for billions in bailouts. They are indeed the greatest offenders of 'WEALTH-FARE' in the world.

The Republicans don't care if their economic 'scheme' tanks. Tanking is frequently the desired end product. Do you actually think Paulson knew what he was doing at Goldman Sachs as CEO? Hell, no. He was screwing up left and right and it took him coming into the US Treasury to 'bailout' his screw ups. Now look at where Goldman Sachs is and how much they OWN (Oh, sorry, that was OWE) the USA Treasury. Idiots, I am telling you. Idiots !

The African American political figure has reached their goals frequently by being ACTIVISTS. As Activists there are sometimes compromises to make and affiliations that aren't necessary 'Apple Pie' as the struggle to defeat oppression and strive to gain equality and recognition. Not only that but successful African American political figures are usually 'socially aware' in ways that Capitalists are not. That 'reality' of what oppression and what it takes to move through the ranks of oppression to try to achieve in the USA is one of the most distant concepts in the American Psyche. It is why most Americans believe there is 'ethnic equality' in the face of daughting statistics otherwise. The more African Americans come to the 'center' of the political rhelm and put in place policies that bring equity while removing oppression, the more they will be ridiculed by scum bags like Coulter.

There is an insidious image underlying the American political fabric in that affiliation with the poor or oppressed in every real way is not the image to exhibit. That is for Mother Theresa. The Image any political figure has to emulate is one of wealth and a greater wealth than any corporate 'anybody' to maintain the aloofness of 'above any willingness to corruption' that wins elections. There could never be a 'middle class' President in this country. And even though the Obama's continue to speak to 'the story' of those they choose to be a part of their administration and appointments and nominations there could never be a 'true' Middle Class President elelcted from the ranks of the Democrats. Never.

The Republicans don't have that issue. They have more money than is rightfully theirs.