Monday, January 05, 2009

Served with "Writ of Mandamus"

Jesse White, Illinois Secretary of State

15 Day until Inauguration - Secretary of State Clinton needs a quick 'up tick' to her nomination.

A menacing danger to the USA takes place with a transition to power. Iran being the solely Shi'ite Nation will look for any and all weaknesses in the USA Defense Department to exploit and move forward an agenda of its own.

It currently is seeking to stabilize its oil prices to 'buffer' the effects of International Sanctions. Iraq is primarily a Shi'ite nation and seeks those alliances. The provinces will split. I don't believe it can be stopped and any US Secretary of State has to be prepared to confront that reality, right Joe Biden?

Al Maliki during his meeting with Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Tehran on Saturday. (click here title to entry - thank you)
Sun Jan 4, 2009 1:09pm GMT
TEHRAN, Jan 4 (Reuters) - Iran's 2009-10 budget is expected to be based on an oil price of $37.5 per barrel, a "logical" level in view of last year's price fall, Oil Minister Gholamhossein Nozari was quoted as saying on Sunday.
An Iranian newspaper last month said the government and a parliament committee had an initial agreement to base the budget starting in March on an oil price of $45, lower than previously suggested.
"The price of oil in next year's budget has been envisaged at $37.5 (per barrel) which seems to be a logical price considering the drop in prices," Nozari was quoted as saying by the semi-official Mehr News Agency....

Iran says OPEC plans emergency meeting in February (click here)
3 hours ago
TEHRAN,Iran (AP) — Iran's state television says OPEC countries have decided to hold an extraordinary meeting on falling oil prices in Kuwait in February.
The Monday report quotes Iran's OPEC governor, Mohammad Ali Khatibi, as saying the organization planned to hold a regular meeting in March. But he says the "trend of oil prices" calls for holding a meeting a month earlier.
Khatibi says the exact date for the meeting is not fixed and members of Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries haven't received an invitation, yet.
Iran supports a reduction of oil production to increase oil prices, which provide some 80 percent of its foreign revenue.
The price of oil has plunged from $147 a barrel in July to around $40.

Everyone getting the picture yet? Governor Richardson was also President of the National Governor's Association.

It's a shame that yet another scandal has emerged involving Democrats. If the trend continues, voters may soon forget why they voted out all those Republicans. That is, until they're reminded of the war in Iraq, the gas price spike, and loss of civil rights under Bush, or so I would like to think. (click title to entry - thank you)

The Republicans are desperate and Bush/Cheney are pulling strings all over the nation with 'ANY' potential 'slighting' of Democrats. The Illinois Governor is the same exact 'motive.' Bush/Cheney and their Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff are inappropriately using their powers to play political games to cause fear and regret in the electorate. It is the only tool they have and I guarantee you IF there are any grounds for this investigation, Richardson knew nothing about it.

This is going to be a chronic problem and I have yet to see a Republican ANYWHERE be investigated to disaffect their re-election in 2008 or pending future election.

The Executive Branch currently 'occupying' the White House is scared. They talk tough and act as though they have legitimate grounds to carry out any 'nasty' agenda they want, GOING FORWARD. The 'remnants' of the Republican Party still in the House and Senate will continue to attempt to do NOTHING but derail the new administration and seek to defeat any progress the Democratic majorities put forward.

The Republicans don't care about the country, they care about their political power that leads to their money. They are scared because of what is yet to be discovered from their administration and the potential international consequences. It is why everyone needs to be careful that the current conflict between Israel and Hamas remains contained. Bush, at some level is hoping it isn't and he'll be able (under a Patriot Act Provision) continue in a third term. THAT reality has Vladimir Putin more than intrigued as his return as well.

The Republicans are also witnessing the 'self-destruction' of their party. The election in Georgia was a joke, every member of the party had to be there to 'pheonix' the election. Even the RNC Chair. Hello, America? Why continue with such hideous choices and just reclaim the country. Chambliss is an OLD world and OLD war Republican.

Speaking of money...something occurred to me while watching Tom Cruise's Valkyrie last night (click here). As a side note, Cruise gave a 'great' performance, it is a great film of men sincerely 'sick and tired' of a dictator that was leading THEIR Germany DOWN the "W"rong path, discovering the concentration camps and the continued genocide.

But, what occurred to Germany's Old Deutsche Mark after WW I (currently Euro) was its lose of value. I don't believe the USA will achieve that degree of difficulty in today's markets, but, what needs to be examined by international agencies is the 'unilateral' slide of the currencies across the globe with the 'BUSH PANIC' surrounding the collapse of the American Banking Network. By all right, the USA Dollar should have 'tanked.' The sincere sovereignty of the USA should have come into question while military armaments globally were unable to be secured in their capacity due to the lack of capacity of the US Dollar to achieve markets for supplies.

That didn't occur.

I don't buy it that the 'emergency' in the USA Banking System was a surprise so much as a 'front' to a 'plan' to sink currency globally in intricately laced 'fiscal' dependancies. What I believe occurred was corruption within the Executive Branch to cause devaluation globally and seek to 'sink' currencies while exorbitant budgets were put forward in the USA.

Strategically, the global currency and their relationship to the USA Dollar should have and in many instances, ie: Pakistan and Ukraine, challenge the sovereignty of most other governments, WHILE, primarily 'one entity' - namely Goldman Saks survived the day. IN THAT survival they now 'free handedly' serve global investors with advise as to where and how to place their investments. That advise LACKS 'trustworthiness' in realizing the source and its relationship to the US Treasury.

Bottom line is that the USA 'has to' recover its economy to prevent 'the rise' of another and riskier Right Wing Republican Neocon in any aspect of its government. By the Republicans seeking now to destroy 'Democratic Political Estates' they are attempting to weaken the resolve of the Obama Administration while destroying Democrat (LIBERALS) reputation to replace them with new faces and of course a new strategy (Contract with America Stuff).

The problem with the current and somewhat 'catering' of the Obama Transition Administration and its leaning toward Governor's agendas for an Economic Stimulus, is that the Republicans in seeking 'weakness' will exploit that and turn the Obama Economic Stimulus into the Rove Economic Stimulus. What will emerge is the Republican agenda for the USA and its lack of 'regulatory capacity' will be reigned in through 'W'rong headed direction of funds to the tune of $750 billion.

Obama cannot forget he is the President of "Change" in a country that has been held hostage to war, environmental demise and greed. He has to maintain the integrity of his country and his promise and the future of Americans at every turn.

Quite frankly, the Democratic Party is under seige!