Saturday, September 10, 2005

Katrina - What happened to my nation? What happened to my life?

(The picture above is of "The Battle of New Orleans" with a full compliment of Wetlands at the Gulf of Mexico.)

I sound like a broken record, but, it has been decades that scientists have spoken about Global Warming. The Greenhouse Effect. How the icefields have degraded and the ice caps are fading.

Decades. During that time the majority influence has been Republican. The influence was mostly in balance between the Executive Branch, Congress, Senate and the Courts. Politics was politics over that time and while one party had better ideas than another there was no chance the sovereignty of this nation was an issue as it is with the Bush White House.

The USA Dollar has never been in worse condition and while there was hope there would be a bounce back over the last half year or so, a slowing of the growing debt, a slight chance there would be a little more income; Bush could not help himself by leaping to the forefront and demanding the 'RESPENDING' of any available income to continue what he sees as a phenomina when all it is amounts to windfall profits by corporations that have had their treasuries padded with government monies and contracts. Here again, rather than preparedness, Bush sets the USA for more vulnerability and seeks to trash the dollar more with increased debit RATHER THAN "A Rainy Day Fund."

What? The USA needs a "Rainy Day Fund?" Hogwash. The USA is the wealthiest country in the world we can do as we please. It would seem to be the case when government policies are built on lies and the administration gets away with those lies with no backlash selling the USA treasury and it's taxpayers to their no bid buddies. In the case of Katrina, rather than federal dollars going to a trust for New Orleans to hire their own "BID FOR" contracts they are AGAIN going to Bush's Inner and Corrupt Circle. Where does this insanity ever end?

New Orleans is a city. It is a city in a state of this country. It has it's own laws and rules for obtaining contracts that fulfill standards of construction. The companies that come to New Orleans should be approved by the Mayor and Council and not forced down their throats by Bush's invasion and occupation into Iraq. The disrespect for a minority mayor and a female governor by the federal government is just astounding. When the state and local governments of these storm tossed areas of the USA should be looking for an infusion of income back to their treasuries with rebuilding and the hiring of displaced persons from the Parish of Orleans they are instead faced with clean up and rebuilding efforts as if occupied by the Bush/Cheney Invasion. It's unconstitutional. New Orleans will have to take those companies to court to stop the ravages of monies intended for the reconstruction that should be going to companies the City of New Orleans have long trusted and know it and how it grew. This is outrage.

But, somehow, Bush/Cheney and the money machine that is a predator for them know that people will be outraged, but so what, they are only words. And only words they are. For days we were outraged and for days were heard how help was coming and for days never did. We then witnessed Bush in a presiden't huddle in Mississippi for photo ops. What? People were still going crazy, still hungry, families still split apart and the streets of a great city are running with oil, chemicals and feces. Huddling for a photo op? What kind of insanity is that? People will actually applaud him, them? Really? They should consider themselves lucky for not facing a firing squad as far as I am concerned. I must be living my life wrong. Rather than realizing the huge disregard that exists in DC these days for citizen lives we need to live with what is and find a way to 'be a part of it' rather than standing in judgement of it.

The Democrats have never been in a better position to take a leadership role to straighten out the disaster called post Katrina USA and what do I hear from the media nearly at every turn, dissing of every Democrat who dare speak a word against an administration that has just wiped out a city of the south while killing yet an untold number of citizens. The country should be in outrage and all that is said is 'sympathy?'

Something is drastically wrong and news networks all over the country are reporting that 'girls are wearing pink and cooking meals for soldiers while boys are wearing blue and fly missions over New Orleans to find survivors." It's nuts. Cher gets on NewsNight, freshly named "Anderson Cooper Still without Disease," and pours herself into a PR blitz that sounds like Donna Reed with a new identity. The GIs were being served hot meals? Volunteer cantinas who hoped to be serving evacuees who needed someone to 'care' were replaced by National Guard troops stating "This is great, we have been eating MRE's for a week now." This is sanity? Because the next cut away of Anderson, who is starting to look as though he is from Biafra himself, is of another volunteer who states this is an MRE and this is what the evacuees will be eating for the next month in this shelter. Let me get this right. GIs eat hot meals prepared by people who want to feel good about this disaster played out over news services 24-7 and the evacuees, mostly black, are to feel good about receiving MREs for the rest of their lives.

What is wrong with this picture?

One can tell the people who have nothing more to do with their lives but watch 'feel good' TV as every expert and especially those that aren't tell how they can make a difference. Truly. They can get that 'feel good about yourself' feeling if only "Charlie, can you spare a dime? Or leave your way of life to find a homeless New Orleans person while taking their hand and finding the first news network camera you can find while saying "Hi, Mom."

The entire picture of this disaster has shifted from responsibilty to 'what gets ratings' in a way that relieves the government of any wrong doing. The man most responsible on most people's lips is that of the Bad Attitude Black Man that left those people there to drown when he knew better. The concensus is building and what is to stop the next lynch mob of news media blitz from publically hanging Democrats in the Gulf Coast States for the sake of the party. At a time in the USA when "Mississippi Burning" finds bail rather than jail it is only a quandry to realize there is no such thing as justice left in this country so much as enforcing the 'status quo' as long as the status quo looks like the bigoted south.

The people most responsible for the disaster that brought Katrina are George Walker Bush and Dick Cheney. Where is Georgie by the way? Making speeches that Jordan is laughing at as well.

And where is Iraq in all this? Gone? Forever? Are we finally pullling out of that horrid war without reason, forever?


They are once again pulling a 'Fallujah' and killing Iraqis at will.

But, alas, the USA is too frenzied once again to pay attention to the brutality of still another attempt to silence an insurgency at the cost of lives untold. Quote: Mohammad Rasheed, the mayor of Tal Afar states, "The operation is targeting Sunni neighborhoods. The problem cannot be solved with military operations. It should be done through negotiations and co-operations from Sunni and Shia tribes." I thought this was a democracy where opinons of elected officials count. I gues not.

And where is the figure head Iraqi government on all this? Receiving dignitaries who want to stop the insults leveled at Jordan and shore up an understanding of solidarity between the Arab nations. Really? It would seem the people of Tal Afar know nothing of solidarity but only of carnage.

Carnage, now there is a word. It a word to describe an administration in DC who allows it to occur at will while people dance in delight of feeling purpose in their lives as a distraction to realty sponsored by news agencies enthralled with the ratings and opportunity to bring people together under a Christian moniker to improve the voter base come 2006. It is a feed loop that the American people should be ashamed of when they should be focusing on replacing criminals with a responsible government.

The SHAME of this is that no one wants to deal with the reality their country has been destroyed by their government who has no clue to the responsibility it needs to carry out or the method to do it.

The SHAME of this country is it's unwillingness to take responsibility of the environment now called Global Warming while indulging pathetically in dumping dollars into a tragedy that could have been completely avoided. That's right completely avoided. Not just the evacation of the citizens of New Orleans. Or the shored up levees. But, Katrina itself would never have occurred if it were not fueled by an Arctic Ocean vortex with peripheral reach to the equator.

This is complete stupidity. Complete ignorance. Complete idocy in order to dismiss and live in denial of the dynamics of Earth that no one paid heed to four decades ago.

I am in complete disgust of this country.



According to Dr. Phil it must be "Philanthropic Fatigue."

It's Saturday Night. Posted by Picasa

"Centerfold" by J. Geils Band

Does she walk? Does she talk?
Does she come complete?
My homeroom homeroom angel
Always pulled me from my seat

She was pure like snowflakes
No one could ever stain
The memory of my angel
Could never cause me pain

Years go by I'm lookin' through a girly magazine
And there's my homeroom angel on the pages in-between

My blood runs cold
My memory has just been sold
My angel is the centerfold
Angel is the centerfold

Slipped me notes under the desk
While I was thinkin' about her dress
I was shy I turned away
Before she caught my eye

I was shakin' in my shoes
Whenever she flashed those baby-blues
Something had a hold on me
When angel passed close by

Those soft and fuzzy sweaters
Too magical to touch
Too see her in that negligee
Is really just too much

My blood runs cold
My memory has just been sold
My angel is the centerfold
Angel is the centerfold

It's okay I understand
This ain't no never-never land
I hope that when this issue's gone
I'll see you when your clothes are on

Take you car, Yes we will
We'll take your car and drive it
We'll take it to a motel room
And take 'em off in private

A part of me has just been ripped
The pages from my mind are stripped
Oh no, I can't deny it
Oh yea, I guess I gotta buy it!

My blood runs cold
My memory has just been sold
My angel is the centerfold
Angel is the centerfold