Sunday, December 30, 2018

I am looking forward to a new year and a new world centered on climate.

At the stroke of midnight, all of humanity will have 11 years to end climate danger.

Canada has made a commitment to end coal power by 2029. The largest coal plants in the world belong to China, South Korea, Tiawan and Poland. These countries must immediately make plans to end their dependence on coal and convert to alternative energies.

The USA, under the current administration in the White House, has lost its moral compass. That doesn't mean the rest of the world has and clarly sees the danger that greenhouse gas emissions.

We can do this.

I will continue to finish the review of the Kyoto Protocol over the next few weeks with Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America.

Peace to all.

It is time to get rid of the Electoral College.

It is so coveted by Republicans it even causes corruption with the 10-year census. The funding has been cut, the field staff positions nearly eliminated and this is what our US House of Representatives and the Electoral College is based on. Enough is enough, get rid of the Electoral College and assign a permanent citizen non-profit organization to carry out the census decade after decade.

Changing to a citizens based non-profit to conduct the census may require an amendment to the US Constitution. So, while we are cleaning up the corruption get rid of the Electoral College as well. It is time to get started. We are losing the very legitimacy of our government and the Republicans don't care.

December 23, 2018
By Dartunorro Clark

Uncertainty surrounding the Trump administration's plans (click here) to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census is just one of a number of critical issues plaguing the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. government's primary watchdog warned, and time is running out to fix them before that all-important headcount.
“The ticking clock has become the enemy of the Census Bureau. There’s no reset, no do-ever, no timeout,” Robert Goldenkoff, a director of strategic issues at the Government Accountability Office, said. “Failure is not an option, the Census Bureau has to get it right. If there is a mistake, it’s a 10-year mistake.”
In a series of reports over the past year, the GAO has sounded the alarm about budget woes, potential cyber-security weaknesses, hiring shortfalls, testing cutbacks, a bankrupt printing company, and the ongoing legal battle over whether a citizenship question can be included on the form — all problems that could impede the accuracy of the agency's critical work....

...Goldenkoff told NBC News in an interview that the overall picture of the 2020 census appears alarming because of “shortcomings” in vital areas that complicate the bureau’s ability to collect accurate data....

This is a criminal act by the Executive Branch and an assault against the USA Constitution.
To begin controlling immigrants that pose no threat to the USA and it's people have never been detained as a matter of Democratic policy. The numbers migrating to the USA have steadily decreased under President Obama. It is grossly inaccurate to blame the Democrats for an exclusive Trump policy.

The problem illustrated by the two children who died is the fact when people are detained the responsibility for their wellness falls to the US Government. Detention facilities can breed disease as well. When people are held in small areas together something like the flu can spread easily.

The Catch and Release Policy that was always the Democratic policy allows for help from non-profits that work with this population along the USA southern border.

Trump is obviously afraid of his own shadow.

December 29, 2018

President Donald Trump (click here) on Saturday tried to deny that his administration bears any blame for the deaths of children detained trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border, even as his Homeland Security secretary was traveling in Arizona to meet with medical staff.
Trump tweeted Saturday that any deaths are "strictly the fault of the Democrats and their pathetic immigration policies that allow people to make the long trek thinking they can enter our country illegally."
It marked his first public comments following the Christmas Eve death of 8-year-old Felipe Gomez Alonzo, the second Guatemalan child to die in government custody in three weeks.
Trump is claiming the "children in question were very sick before they were given over to Border Patrol."...