This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman
(I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
The Southern Pole of the planet has been noted to have a significant change in its surface, believed to be caused from the crash of a comet. It appears as though the planet literally swallowed the comet in its entirety without much trace except for the bright spot, probably the only traces of an explosion with the intense gas layer.
New NASA Images Indicate Object Hits Jupiter (click here) July 20, 2009 Scientists have found evidence that another object has bombarded Jupiter, exactly 15 years after the first impacts by the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. Following up on a tip by an amateur astronomer, Anthony Wesley of Australia, that a new dark "scar" had suddenly appeared on Jupiter, this morning between 3 and 9 a.m. PDT (6 a.m. and noon EDT) scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., using NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility at the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, gathered evidence indicating an impact. New infrared images show the likely impact point was near the south polar region, with a visibly dark "scar" and bright upwelling particles in the upper atmosphere detected in near-infrared wavelengths, and a warming of the upper troposphere with possible extra emission from ammonia gas detected at mid-infrared wavelengths. "We were extremely lucky to be seeing Jupiter at exactly the right time, the right hour, the right side of Jupiter to witness the event. We couldn't have planned it better," said Glenn Orton, a scientist at JPL.... Size comparison of Earth to Jupiter. The comet impact is a fairly significant size.
...The 58-40 vote (click title to entry - thank you) in the full Senate reversed a vote in the Armed Services Committee last month that would have added $1.75 billion to the defense budget next fiscal year to force the Air Force buy seven more of the air-to-air fighters. The Pentagon maintains it needs the money for higher priorities....
The proper name for this dysfunctional military spending is called corruption !
Economies cannot be based in 'unnecessary' spending on any item. It is a clear illustration of how change can be productive to the country and the economy.
...“I called Secretary Gates last week and yesterday we had a productive discussion in which he assured me of three key and persuasive facts: that the Pentagon’s shift in resources and priorities will have no adverse affects on Massachusetts workers whose skills are transferable from the F-22 to the F-35, that there will be no shortage of planes or equipment for the Massachusetts Air National Guard’s mission, and in fact that production of the F-35 could generate additional jobs for our experienced workforce," he added....
It is time to move on from the old rhetorical economy of the past. It is time to 'get on with it.'
West Virginia Patriots for Peace is siding with the Pentagon on this one! (click here) Let's finally pass a budget that makes CUTS in military spending! Pentagon chief Robert Gates proposed to cut the military budget by ending production of the F-22 fighter jet, a Cold War era fighter jet that epitomizes the bloated military budget. Now Congress is refusing to shut down production. Urge your senators to cut F-22 funding. In a late night vote last month, a House committee inserted funding for 12 new F-22 fighter jets into its military authorization bill, which has now been approved by the full House. Now a Senate committee has also voted to add more than $1 billion in funding for seven additional F-22s to its version of the bill. To pay for these new planes, the Senate is proposing to take money away from funds used to pay the salaries of soldiers. Protectionist votes need to be red flags. The military isn't supposed to support an economy, it should be accommodated by it.
...The F-22 (click here) was designed in the 1980s to fight presumable Soviet fighter planes that had yet to be developed, and has suffered since its inception from flaws and budget overruns. It has never been flown over Iraq or Afghanistan. There is even a lawsuit, recently reopened, alleging that Lockheed Martin, producers of the jet, has knowingly supplied defective F-22s to the Air Force since 1995....
Everything on 30 years of Republican priorities is backwards. When the USA entered WWII, the economy 'had to tool up' for the war. It did it well. Peace time economies should reflect the needs of a nation, not a nation at war. The 'problem' with dysfunctional military spending that are protected by some members of Congress is that it maintains a preferential voter base. That was faciliated by Eisenhower's desire for a USA Military Industrial Complex. It isn't necessary. It has become a bad habit.
Economies should not exist to produce unneeded military measures. The needs of the military should be accommodated by the economy. Military research that brings better methods and equipment to any 'war theater' is always a good idea, especially when it is to protect soldiers. But, to produce military equipment for the sake of politics is a sincerely bad idea. It postpones the needs of Americans, both in the military and the civilian domain, today and in the future.
I really congratulate Secretary Gates for asking for changes to help the USA reduce budgets while enhancing domestic needs and policy. That is so wonderful I can hardly stand it.
The Republican plan for health care reform is always reactionary and always a focus on preserving profits at the cost of quality care. Americans need to stop shooting themselves in the foot. The 'push' by the Republicans 'this time' is an attempt to 'revive' The Contract with America mess that lead to an uptick in Republicans elected to Congress following the election of Former President Bill Clinton and ultimately the election of 2000 and the disasterous Bush/Cheney Administration.
The Republicans haven't been able to stop their slide on the slippery slope, health care is a basic concern to every American and where their scare tactics work. Don't do this again. Stop being scared of CHANGE. It is going to go well and the nation will be better for it.
The attack on the Health Care Reform Bill is all about 'playing the odds' that are validated by 'historical data.' It isn't about whether the Health Care Reform Bill is important or not, for the Republicans it is about getting their members back into Congress. They will take ANY topic and oppose it whether or not is is important to oppose it.
The longer the Republicans prolong the Health Care Reform Bill the better 'chance' they have in having more Republicans in Congress and defeating it entirely. Get over it America, this is necessary and best for the country, no different than the Energy Bills and the Carbon Dioxide Control measures. It is time and we have a President willing and ABLE to get it done right.
Michael Steele is a liar without a plan, except, one to delay the need for reform and change.
In June (click title to entry - thank you), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee raised $7.1 million versus $3.1 million for the National Republican Congressional Committee. The NRCC had announced receipts of $7.2 million from a VIP-studded fundraising dinner last month, but much of the money was in pledges yet to be collected. Since World War II, the party in the White House has lost an average of 16 House seats in midterm elections held two years into a new presidency. The GOP would need 40 to overtake the Democrats, who now have a 256-178 majority. Getting there is improbable, but not impossible. In 1994, starting from a similar deficit, Republicans picked up 54 seats.
For the Republicans, it is all about 'playing the odds.' For nervous Democrats is it about surviving the 'odds' and dealing with 'nervous voters.'