He candidly talks about when you're famous you can do anything with women and is caught saying at one point "Grab her by the pussy".
This is sexual assault. The woman involved needs to press charges. Just that simple. If she hasn't been empowered before, then this is discovery for her and the statutes of limitations have only begun running.
Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.
Sexual assault may also involve sexual contact that is inflicted by someone who is trusted by or has authority over the victim.
Being famous does not bring with it "you can do anything with women." Famous is having power over women. But, that power does not entitle any person to seek and/or TAKE sexual gratification. "Grab her by the pussy" is taking power to the degree of criminal.
Sexual battery refers to contact with an intimate body part of another person that is unwantedby the victim and is done in order for the perpetrator to achieve sexual arousal, gratification, or abuse.
This is why military sexual assault is real.
If Donald Trump enters the oval office, he will diminish the importance of the work and dedication of women in the military.
Donald Trump has the backing of old, while men. Women have their place. In the home being barefoot, pregnant and serving her husband without question.