It is interesting to realize how one man was embraced for so long with a consistent theme in his honor. The link at the title and the video were randomly selected to illustrate the way Lennon is remembered. The choice could have been a thousand other sites and videos and the message would be the same. The very same.
The Sixties.
We lost many great leaders during that period of war and peace. John was one of them.
A simple idea of "Peace" was such a threat to the establishment of the USA.
What is it about Peace that is so threatening that some political figures don't even say the word?
Happy Birthday, John. Thank you, Yoko.
This Blog is created to stress the importance of Peace as an environmental directive. “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.” – Harry Truman (I receive no compensation from any entry on this blog.)
Friday, October 08, 2010
So where is all this Big Government the Republicans are complaining about?
Cuts in Government Led U.S. Economy to Lose 95,000 Jobs (click title to entry - thank you)
Published: October 8, 2010
The economy shed 95,000 nonfarm jobs in September, the Labor Department reported Friday, with most of the decline the result of the layoffs by local governments and of temporary decennial Census workers....
This is part of the slippery slope of neglecting the growth of Small Business in the USA. Incomes to necessary government through taxes paid by an expanding and growing private sector ARE LOST. The effectiveness of government will diminish, there will be dirty water, poor quality air, unfunded and underfunded schools and universities, loss of essential services and the list goes on and on.
The Republican 'idea' of an economy is a 'void' that continues to spin out of control and causes huge problems, not just small ones. A bridge to nowhere is only an icon to a far greater problem.
Let's put the blame where it truly belongs in the Sherrod incident. THE BECK EFFECT.
When liars such as the commentators of the Murdoch network are as successful as these are, the entire structure surrounding a heroic President is in reaction to that reality. Make no doubt about it, the lies of Murdoch that EFFECTIVELY manipulates the electorate are very real. While the issue surrounding Sherrod were sad, it did not lack immediate resolve to stand with JUSTICE. There is nothing that happened here that cannot be blamed on Murdoch. NOTHING. It is why media research is needed to identify the adverse effects of such dynamics on a democracy that is suppose to protect citizens from it.
USDA emails show rush to judgment in firing Sherrod (click title to entry - thank you)
October 08, 2010 9:30 AM
The Los Angeles Times and Associated Press both have stories today providing a detailed anatomy of the firing of Agriculture Department official Shirley Sherrod, based on hundreds of pages of emails they obtained through the Freedom of Information Act.
The emails prove both a rush to judgment on the part of the department and an earnest attempt of the part of Sherrod herself to warn her bosses that a speech she gave at an NAACP event had been misconstrued and taken out of context by conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart....
Despite the lies by BP that only 1000 gallons of oil and natural gas was spewing into the Gulf, President Obama made the right decisions.
As everyone recalls, UNLESS one wants to embrace lies, the information regarding the Deepwater Horizon was under the control of BP at the beginnings of the disaster. Why? Because the Bush/Cheney Energy policy has NO regulations in place to regulate the Petroleum Industry. The USA was completely compromised until the USA military was in place and controlling the outcomes. The preliminary information coming from the investigation of this incident is being used to blame the administration for underestimating the disaster to control the political backlash. That is NOT correct. There were eleven people dead and the Gulf Coast was in harms way, no one was playing politics, it was a matter of getting enough Executive Branch action 'in place' to begin to come to terms with the huge neglect by a multinational company that completely comprised safety.
Obama Moves Gulf Recovery Plan Forward (click title to entry - thank you)
by AFRO Staff
The Obama administration unveiled plans Sept. 28 for a large-scale Gulf Coast recovery effort, aimed at providing long-term financial assistance, to improve the regions environment, economy and health.
Work by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are at the heart of the plan of the administration to bring relief to Gulf coast residents.
The plan, unveiled by Navy Secretary Ray Mabus includes a restoration plan and a call for dedicating to the Gulf Coast Recovery Fund “significant” amounts from civil penalties gathered from those responsible for the crisis.
“I am honored to have been asked by the president to put together this plan, and am pleased to present him a plan which meets the goals he set in June,” Mabus said in a statement. “The plan is the result of listening to the people of the gulf coast. It balances the needs of the people, the environment and the economic livelihood of the region.”
Obama also named EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson to head the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force. The task force was commissioned to help create and maintain gulf coast ecosystems while providing economic support and addressing possible long-term health issues of residents.
“President Obama has said many times that our commitment to the families and environment in the gulf extends far beyond capping the well,” said Jackson in a statement. We’re sending that message loud and clear today: our work is not complete until the people and the environment they rely on are on the path to restoration and recovery.”
There’s also been a help line launched by HHS and one of its smaller agencies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The helpline will provide information, support, and counseling for families affected by the spill. The toll-free line will route callers to the nearest Gulf Coast crisis center where staff will provide assistance. The program is expected to expand its support to text messages later this fall....
It is always a shock to realize how ruthless and negligent Wall Street is to people that find all that occurred unconscionable. The Gulf Diaster has been a real awakening to the 'will' of Wall Street to put profits 'at any cost' before the decency of protecting even human life from harm.
I am confident until the final investigation is completed 'the process' will 'be gamed' to cast dought on the Obama Administration. I was knee deep in this disaster. The administration has acted in the only ways availabe to them. As far as measuring the discharge from the BP well accurately. The robots and cameras had to be put in place with a 'constant' in the way of streaming sea water to measure what the well was doing. That didn't happen overnight so what haters of President Obama will state is his administration was negligent or manipulative to information coming to the public. NOT. Operating a rescue operation of the Gulf Coast from one mile below sea level was no easy task, but, the USA military did it admirably. The cap they created was nothing short of genius.
Kindly remember...
...the longer Small Businesses are postponed from growth due to insufficient funding, the longer the recovery will take and the more contraction of the economy will occur.
We can't keep putting draconian Republicans into office. Controlling the USA deficit and debt is important, but, growing the economy will handle that better than any FURTHER CONTRACTURE of government size.
Government is NOT the enemy unless one is living off the dividends of Wall Street.
The greater the income of the treasuries of State and Federal government the less debt there is.
It is immoral to conduct the USA economy to allow exploitation of our Brain Trust without returning that investment to the people.
We can't keep putting draconian Republicans into office. Controlling the USA deficit and debt is important, but, growing the economy will handle that better than any FURTHER CONTRACTURE of government size.
Government is NOT the enemy unless one is living off the dividends of Wall Street.
The greater the income of the treasuries of State and Federal government the less debt there is.
It is immoral to conduct the USA economy to allow exploitation of our Brain Trust without returning that investment to the people.
Michigan's HandyLab is a Case Study in the draconian nature of the Wall Street Bush Republicans' Economy.

We have witnessed with Michigan's HandLaby their largest hurdle was marketing. It isn't that big of a deal. When contracts are made, the funding is forthcoming, BUT, the banks have to be WILLING to lend to a company like HandyLab with solid contracts 'On the Table.'
The Investment Banks are out of the business of lending to Small Business in the USA. We know that for a fact. They took their bailout funds and outsourced their interests without regret or without the loyalty to the people that had the ability to create a Bailout for them.
If anyone believes the job rate is artifically low going into the 2010 elections, then you are about hte most naive person in the country. The Republicans have been obstructing any movement forward of the legislation necessary to 'further' the development of Small Businesses such as HandyLab. It was only recently the legislation was passed to fund Small Business lending. THAT, my friends was solidly Pre-Meditated by the Republican Party's "No Initiatiove."
So, why did 'expanding' HandyLab becotme so difficult that it had to sell out to Wall Street? You know this answer.
There is actually two reason why HandyLab sold to Wall Street to be absorbed into the Plutocracy so HandyLab would case BD problems.
1. There was a conflict of interest being 'managed' by the CEO of the company and its financing source. Snyder was playing the 'growth' of HandyLab very close to the vest. He knew he had a Gold Mine and wanted to manage it for SHORT TERM returns for his own wealth. The people of Michigan was not on his Short List of "Important To Do" and the genius of the women that perfected the PRODUCTS of HandyLab were not important to Snyder because as far as he was concerned, they had delivered his fortune, so further R&D of HandyLab was completely absent on his agenda.
2. The Republcians were 'playing the strategy' in DC to obstruct any movement forward of legilation that would grown Small Businesses. Literally the CRONIES of the Republicans and Tea Party (same thing by 75% of known statistics) BENEFIT from depriving Small Businesses of GROWTH. We know that by the example of HandyLab alone. If Small Business is the place where Wall Street gets 'booted' out of the majority GDP of the USA then the CEOs don't get their bonuees. Small Businesses in the USA is where all the innovation and job creation is occurring. So while the American Innocation Genius is at work, BUT, constrained from GROWTH, eventually critical 'fiscal' mass will enter into the picture with a company such as HandyLab and the Wall Street wealth will take over the dynamics of THAT GROWTH.
So, the Small Business Administration has needs a great deal of vigilance in order to understand where the 'deficit' is for Small Business GROWTH. And the definiton of Small Business has to be really clarified with the Small Business Administration so our fiscal investments are sincerely going into job growth for the people of the USA and not multinational companies that will CONTINUE to deprive the USA of that job growth while outsourcing 'our genius' AFTER THE FACT.
Snyder is typical of the Republican running for office. They are business people that care little about 'the citizen' AFTER the 'genius' has delivered from the brain trust. He will go into office and remove any and all constraints on exploitation of Small Businesses to facilitate Wall Street buyouts. And Natural Resources, such as forests, are simply a 'BONUS' to the 'idea' of creating wealth.
To the public Repubicans look great because 'on paper' it looks as though things are improving, however, 'on the street' the circumstances are completely different. It is why the USA has no job growth since the Stimulus. All the Small Businesses are in limbo while Wall Street is harvesting the genius of USA innovation.
DO NOT VOTE REPUBLICANS INTO OFFICE. They won't deliver a SUSTAINABLE economy, but, only more hardship for the citizens.
The Wall Street exploitation of the USA is real. Don't deny it. HandyLab is a prime example of it. The CORRUPTION of the USA economy is highly visible when looking at the HandyLab INCIDENT.
Good luck.
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